
You are trying to make a case for reasonable faith. Ask yourself, would you consider that your faith is misplaced when confronted with information that contradicts it? If the answer is no, then you aren't being reasonable.
If religious faith is unswerving and does not admit an ounce of doubt, then it cannot be called reasonable. If it fails to recognize the inherent flaws in certain kinds of evidence, then it's not reasonable.
"Would you consider that your faith is misplaced when confronted with information that contradicts it?"

is the kind of question as

"If you saw a heap of shit on the pavement, would you step into it?"

You answered the question for me. If you were theoretically confronted with contradictory information you would ignore it like a pile of poop.
You are trying to make a case for reasonable faith. Ask yourself, would you consider that your faith is misplaced when confronted with information that contradicts it? If the answer is no, then you aren't being reasonable.

I'm not ''trying'' to make a case of anything, I've given, what I consider to be ''the'' full definition of faith (probably the reason for your accusation).

You ask this question because despite what I've said, you still maintain your (narrow) definition. Most probably because it suits you. Is that reasonable?
I doubt it.

Had you read what I said, you would know not to ask that question. If you still maintain that your definition is correct and mine incorrect, then please state your reasons, otherwise you're not being reasonable.

You are conflating several definitions of the word that should not be lumped together in an attempt to take the absolutism out of religious faith. Faith is absolute belief in the absence of evidence. That's not at all the same as having faith that the sun will come up tomorrow based on the fact that it always has.
"Would you consider that your faith is misplaced when confronted with information that contradicts it?"

is the kind of question as

"If you saw a heap of shit on the pavement, would you step into it?"


Always look out for #1, but be really careful about #2.
You answered the question for me. If you were theoretically confronted with contradictory information you would ignore it like a pile of poop.

No I wouldnt, thats a trait of humans, not the faithful. Faithful are wise. There is no contradictory evidence to the existance of God, or Faith.
@Knowledge --

There is no contradictory evidence to the existance of God

Absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence when the evidence should be there in the first place. And since a gallon of milk displays exactly the same traits as your god, I wouldn't get so smug if I were you.
@Knowledge --

Absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence when the evidence should be there in the first place. And since a gallon of milk displays exactly the same traits as your god, I wouldn't get so smug if I were you.

Is that a threat, pal? Who said the evidence is absent? Im here am I not? The faithful are evidence of God. I claim to know God.
@Knowledge --

But the faithful are humans too.

If you see contradictory evidence and you believe still then you are a fool, and faithful can not be a fool fore to keep faith while being a good man is to be invincible.
@Knowledge --

Is that a threat, pal?

What's the point of threatening a nameless, faceless, internet persona when I have absolutely no idea where to find the person? Oh, and what in my post could possibly be misconstrued as a threat? You really do like pulling shit out of your ass don't you?

Who said the evidence is absent? Im here am I not?

Parsimony fail. Not only do we already have an explanation for that, but it doesn't make about fifty unnecessary assumptions that aren't in evidence. You are not evidence for any deity.

The faithful are evidence of God.

I know a guy, poor bloke really, who has absolute faith(of the religious sort) that his wife isn't cheating on him. Of course she is, with about five different guys and one girl. Should his faith be evidence that she's not cheating? Or should we perhaps go with the physical evidence that says otherwise.

I have another question for you. Do people who have faith in other gods constitute evidence that they're right and you're wrong?

I claim to know God.

Well then you're either lying or mentally ill.

Of course, you could always prove me wrong by demonstrating your knolwedge of god in a falsifiable manner....but you'd never do that because you can't.
@Signal --

Simple, he can't demonstrate his knowledge. Therefore any knowledge of god he may have is indistinguishable in all respects from knowledge that he doesn't have.