
@Signal --

Well I am something of a sadomasochist(so is a surprisingly large percentage of the rest of humanity), is it really surprising that some of that would extend into my debating as well?
Well I am something of a sadomasochist(so is a surprisingly large percentage of the rest of humanity), is it really surprising that some of that would extend into my debating as well?

It's not surprising that the s-m would extend to various areas of your life.

Do you believe that s-m (in various forms) is an evolutionary advantage?
If yes, in what ways?
@Signal --

Do you believe that s-m (in various forms) is an evolutionary advantage?
If yes, in what ways?

To be honest I haven't the faintest clue whether it was an evolutionary advantage or not. I suspect that a gaining a certain amount of joy from harming others wold have helped the rapists spread their genes more, thus it could have been advantageous, but so far as I am aware there haven't been any really good studies on the subject, we just don't know much about it.

Im here to tell the truth. It has to be written somewhere.
So it's kind of random?
I understand why a lot of you don't accept me, but remember things are never as they seem...
If things are never as they seem...well, you can see the problems.

but then again dont say I didnt tell you so.
I won't. I wouldn't even know what would happen that would make me think 'Oh, I should have listened to 91'.
To be honest I haven't the faintest clue whether it was an evolutionary advantage or not. I suspect that a gaining a certain amount of joy from harming others wold have helped the rapists spread their genes more, thus it could have been advantageous, but so far as I am aware there haven't been any really good studies on the subject, we just don't know much about it.

Since such studies on the evolutionary advantages of s-m are not present, should you therefore not rethink whether it is justified that you entertain yourself with debates in which you aim to destroy another person's arguments?
@Signal --

Nope, something doesn't have to be evolutionarily advantageous to engage in it. Skydiving isn't evolutionarily beneficial, but it sure is fun.

Can you show me that it's harmful?
@Signal --

Nope, something doesn't have to be evolutionarily advantageous to engage in it. Skydiving isn't evolutionarily beneficial, but it sure is fun.

Can you show me that it's harmful?
The S/M world works very clearly around boundaries and voluntary participation. People often set up safe words, limits on what will happen, preferences, time limits, etc. Responsible sadists do not take people home from bars and just assume they can start whipping them on the ass. That is how most of the S/M community evolved its culture.
Nope, something doesn't have to be evolutionarily advantageous to engage in it. Skydiving isn't evolutionarily beneficial, but it sure is fun.

Can you show me that it's harmful?

Well, generally, becoming a human pancake after the chute hasn't opened is not particularly evolutionary advantageous as far as spreading your genes goes (and spreading your genes is evolutionary advantageous) ...

That said, that which is fun should also be evolutionary advantageous, no?
Being in a good mood should be evolutionary advantageous, shouldn't it?
@Signal --

That said, that which is fun should also be evolutionary advantageous, no?

Well no, not necessarily. Something being fun could be causing a misfire of a mechanism which was evolutionarily beneficial at some point in the past. Take the example of skydiving used above, while jumping from a height that would allow you to hit terminal velocity is always fatal(and thus couldn't be a behavior which was selected for), jumping from a hight that would allow a second or less of free fall could very well have been advantageous in our remote past when we still lived in trees and jumping from tree to tree was the best way for us to avoid predators.

Skydiving would be a great example of a trigger that causes a preexisting mechanism to falsely trigger.

Being in a good mood should be evolutionary advantageous, shouldn't it?

So would being in a bad mood, such as when you or a family member(someone who shares upwards of fifty percent of your genes) are in danger. Feeling good isn't always the physically appropriate response from an evolutionary perspective.


And when I was asking if you could show that it did harm I wasn't exactly being clear. I was speaking of my tendency to let my sadomasochistic tendencies bleed through into my posting. So long as it doesn't do any harm what's the problem with it?
And when I was asking if you could show that it did harm I wasn't exactly being clear. I was speaking of my tendency to let my sadomasochistic tendencies bleed through into my posting. So long as it doesn't do any harm what's the problem with it?

If it is

it does harm,
by definition so.
@Signal --

Does it? Have my actions here harmed anyone in a way other than perhaps a slightly bruised ego? I didn't think that a bruised ego would qualify as harm on a site like this.
Have your actions harmed you?

You previously noted that you have masochistic tendencies, the manner of your posting here being part of them.
So you are harming yourself, by posting here the way you do, engaging in discussion the way you do.