Extreme Atheism - leads to a Proxy God by default.

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Once one gives God specific properties and abilities it ceases to be divine and becomes just part of the natural universe and its deterministic functions. And we end up with a complicated redundancy.
"God is just a metaphor for all that is unknown" ~ anon
You are quite right if I read your message correctly.

It is not advisable to share your thoughts in a hostile environment such as this one....even if you qualify them as merely thoughts or opinions.

I'll take note ... thank you...
Just to be clear...
Why did I use the term Extreme in the context of Extreme Atheism?

An average atheist typically accepts the notion of freewill and self determination as being real but as yet to be discovered means.
An extreme Atheist does not accept freewill and self determination as being anything other than illusion. A self deception. Due to his beliefs in secular fatalism and predetermination.
I don't know... you will have to ask Anon:D
If only he could be found. People have been looking for him for ages.
ust to be clear...
Why did I use the term Extreme in the context of Extreme Atheism?
An average atheist typically accepts the notion of freewill and self determination as being real but as yet to be discovered means.
An extreme Atheist does not accept freewill and self determination as being anything other than illusion. A self deception. Due to his beliefs in secular fatalism and predetermination
No, you have this backwards.
Determinism means that every current state is the result of prior causality. It has nothing to do with predetermination. The future is probabilistic as per chaos theory. The present is a deterministic result of an immediate prior causality.... difference.
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I believe he is somewhere living in a Soma cave up in the Himalayas.
You could try there...
I was there and asked him if he had the secret to life.

After an long period of reflection he uttered this profundity; "Life is like a dark, deep well"

This answer took me by surprise and in astonishment I asked him "Life is like a dark, deep well??"

It seemed it was his turn to be surprised and with quivering voice he posed this question to me: "It isn't?"

I strapped on my glider, flew down the mountain, and returned to civilization as fast as I could.......:cool:
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An extreme atheist is a person who denounces freewill and self determination as being illusionary due to their belief in the deterministic doctrine of secular Fatalism combined with Pre-determinism as a way to justify their belief in the non-existence of God ( as per their definition of the word God)
Sure. It's as credible as an extreme a-unicornist. That's a person who denounces unicorns and goes to great lengths to deny their existence. (And it certainly goes without saying that unicorns actually do exist, and EaUs are simpy in-denial).

O yeah... you'r egge in a circle that explains nuthin :)

Just to be clear...
An extreme Atheist does not accept freewill and self determination as being anything other than illusion. A self deception. Due to his beliefs in secular fatalism and predetermination.

"Who do you know of at Sciforums that fits that descritpion.???"
You're advancing Compatibilism.
I advancing the autonomy of the human being in a universal paradigm with out compromising deterministic principles of Cause and Effect.I am providing a solution to a 3000 year philosophical conundrum. A debate that has been going on endlessly chasing it's tail.
It is really that simple. Co-determination.

The Buddhist and the Taosts almost had it....( as I discovered when researching)

In Buddhism, there is a theory called Dependent Origination (or Dependent Arising), which is similar to the Western concept of Determinism. Roughly speaking, it states that phenomena arise together in a mutually interdependent web of cause and effect, and that every phenomenon is conditioned by, and depends on, every other phenomena.

According to the ancient Chinese "Yi Jing" (or "I Ching", the "Book of Changes"), a kind of divine will sets the fundamental rules for the working out of the probabilities on which the universe operates, although human wills are also a factor in the ways in which we can deal with the real world situations we encounter.

src: https://www.philosophybasics.com/branch_determinism.html
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O yeah... you'r egge in a circle that explains nuthin :)

"Who do you know of at Sciforums that fits that descritpion.???"
I don't, but they do... ask them...

Of course they will plead objectivity but "objectivity" is the main thing missing from the discussion.
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