Extreme Atheism - leads to a Proxy God by default.

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So what would be different if there are one or numerous deterministic processes, with zero scope of anything being beyond one or all of them?
It would help to begin with the most fundamental definition of determinism.
Determinism often is taken to mean causal determinism, which in physics is known as cause-and-effect. It is the concept that events within a given paradigm are bound by causality in such a way that any state (of an object or event) is completely determined by prior states.
After reviewing the recent incident reported at St. Patrick' Cathedral involving an alleged arson attempt by a disturbed philosophy student & Professor's adjunct, it is tempting to consider Extreme Atheism was involved.


...The native New Jersey man who was busted after he waltzed into Midtown’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral carrying two canisters filled with gas and lighter fluid was hit Thursday with a slew of charges including attempted arson, police said.
...Lamparello is a PhD student in philosophy at CUNY’s Graduate Center and recently taught as an adjunct professor at Lehman College in The Bronx.
src: https://nypost.com/2019/04/18/st-patricks-cathedral-gasoline-suspect-charged-with-attempted-arson/
...any thoughts?
After reviewing the recent incident reported at St. Patrick' Cathedral involving an alleged arson attempt by a disturbed philosophy student & Professor's adjunct, it is tempting to consider Extreme Atheism was involved.
...any thoughts?

I wont speek for Tiassa... but that does sound like somptin that woud spawn from Extreme Atheism... good catch QQ.!!!
I wont speek for Tiassa... but that does sound like somptin that woud spawn from Extreme Atheism... good catch QQ.!!!
based on timing , perhaps co-incidence perhaps not, the inferno in Paris may have also been started by some one wanting to make a statement.

  • Western Christianity is celebrating Easter. ( currently it is Good Friday here)
  • Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris suffers catastrophic fire starting (as reported on some media) right in the middle of the roof under the timber spire. ( a place of maximum damage potential) Holy relics threatened etc...
  • St. Patrick's of NewYork has an attempted arson attack.

But if I was investigating the fire in Paris I would be looking very closely at the possibility of a deliberate arson and if there was any net connection with the guy in New York.

Extremism wears many disguises....
I wont speek for Tiassa... but that does sound like somptin that woud spawn from Extreme Atheism... good catch QQ.!!!
And where does it say this madman was an atheist? Or is this just a wild accusation of convenience, because he was a philosopher.
After all a theist could never have done such a thing, right? God forbid theism to be considered a philosophy.......:eek:
And where does it say this madman was an atheist? Or is this just a wild accusation of convenience, because he was a philosopher.


Nah my post wasnt based on any of that.!!!

Sinse QQ directed his post at Tiassa i figered he must thank that him an Tiassa was like-minded about it... an i didnt want to go aganst Tiassa for fear of windin up wit points so i just went along wit the Bull-sht bein flung around :O
And where does it say this madman was an atheist? Or is this just a wild accusation of convenience, because he was a philosopher.
After all a theist could never have done such a thing, right? God forbid theism to be considered a philosophy.......:eek:
I can't speak for CH but, take a look at the picture of our perp:

the chance of him being:
  • A Christian extremist are low - est 30%
  • A Muslim extremist are low - est 10% ( because if there was even a wiff of Islam involved it would be all over the media and Trump would be screaming about immigration policy....)
  • A Buddhist extremist are very low - est 5% ( Because extreme Buddhist normally follow a pacifistic path)
  • A Jewish extremist are very low -est 10% (would target other religious facilities, no history of attacks on Christians)
  • A extreme Atheist is possible - est 60% (has been visiting other churches and has been thrown out or arrested for doing so. All other major religions have been ruled out or considered low chance and the Vatican was in the news recently soft peddling about it's pedophile priests. ie. An earlier Popes comments about sexual abuse in the clergy.
  • Both Paris and St. Patrick's are Catholic Churches if I am not mistaken.
  • Easter Celebrations under way.
  • Possible collusion with others similar on the net...Chances are actually quite high 80 %

The possibility of not only being an extreme atheist but a victim of Catholic child abuse as well is relatively high. The abuse fueling his extreme atheism perhaps.

any how just speculative profiling....
Is a philosophy student and teachers adjunct. So would be very familiar with Fatalistic doctrine.
Also he is obviously not very well, and mentally disturbed.
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The fact that he walked into St. Patrick's carrying all that fuel openly with no real plan indicates he possibly intended to commit suicide and possibly murder suicide. est 80%
  • Possible collusion with others similar on the net...Chances are actually quite high 80 %
How about a southern Babtist snake-charmer or a Jehovah's witness, who wants to start Armageddon?
I'd give that a 95% chance, between those two.
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Chances zero
Armageddon has already started:(
No, armageddon hasn't started yet. That comes later, when the sixth extinction event (recently started) is in full force and the laws of "survival" spur religious zealotry and religious "cleansing" begins.

It is remarkable that the sixth global extinction event should be called the Holocene extinction.
The Holocene extinction, otherwise referred to as the Sixth extinction or Anthropocene extinction, is a current event, and is one of the most significant extinction events in the history of the Earth. This ongoing extinction of species coincides with the present Holocene epoch (approx. 11,700 years), and is a result of human activity.
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It's already started when that butterfly flapped it's wings and predetermined everything... ask any good fatalist, they'll tell ya...
It's already started when that butterfly flapped it's wings and predetermined everything... ask any good fatalist, they'll tell ya...
No, this was no butterfly. This extinction event is the result of humans flapping their wings without knowing how to fly straight. Metaphor!
So what would be different if there are one or numerous deterministic processes, with zero scope of anything being beyond one or all of them?
Are you proposing isolated deterministic processes? If so, how is that represented in our apparent reality?
So what would be different if there are one or numerous deterministic processes, with zero scope of anything being beyond one or all of them?
There are not one or numerous deterministic processes. There are only deterministic processes.
There are not one or numerous deterministic processes. There are only deterministic processes.
and what happens when you ...uhm... flatten a battery 12 v0lts + (-)12volts = end of causation and no more effect....

entropy of a system both large and small in time and size...
What happens at the end of a causality chain?
Are you proposing isolated deterministic processes? If so, how is that represented in our apparent reality?

So let's try the same question again.
If you vouch that nothing can exist outside of deterministic processes, regardless whether YOU identify them as singular, numerous, isolated or inter-related, what difference does it make?

so are you saying humans have free-will and self determination or not?
Cap's you can't have it both ways, either humans have freedom to choose or they don't.

No, I'm saying that the universe and everything in it are all subject to the same deterministic process. The universal process of deterministic interaction is what motivate everything. Nothing acts freely in a deterministic reality.

Unless you can explain how particular nuances of determinism help your case, you are just offering red herrings.
and what happens when you ...uhm... flatten a battery 12 v0lts + (-)12volts = end of causation and no more effect....

entropy of a system both large and small in time and size...
What happens at the end of a causality chain?
Determinism does not always result in an caused effect. Take the empty battery I just replaced in my electric clock
The clock had stopped because the battery charge did no longer posess sufficient deterministic force to produce a useable effect.

The Second law of thermodynamics predicts and is exemplary of a universal deterministic process.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. The second law also states that the changes in the entropy in the universe can never be negative.

And at the same time proves that before the BB, there had to be sufficient energetic potential already present to account for the immediate instantaneous negative entropy and the emergence of the various spacetime fields, where there was nothing before.
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So let's try the same question again.
If you vouch that nothing can exist outside of deterministic processes, regardless whether YOU identify them as singular, numerous, isolated or inter-related, what difference does it make?
Difference to what?
Unless you can explain how particular nuances of determinism help your case, you are just offering red herrings.
Au contraire. It's the other way round: unless you can explain how there being more than one deterministic process involved helps your position, then it is you who is offering up a red herring. You bought up the matter, so you need to show why it's not a red-herring.
As Capracus asked: are you proposing isolated deterministic processes? If so, how is that represented in our apparent reality?
If you're not, or if you think that it's represented, then of what relevance is the issue? If you are proposing different deterministic processes, please feel free to elaborate.
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