Extreme Atheism - leads to a Proxy God by default.

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Atheism is not a belief system.
of course it is...
It is the belief that there are no Gods or God...
You can argue semantics as much as you like, it is still a belief... whether disbelief or belief....
so does your criteria apply to other belief systems...?
of course it is...
It is the belief that there are no Gods or God...
You can argue semantics as much as you like, it is still a belief... whether disbelief or belief....
so does your criteria apply to other belief systems...?
No, you are not correct in this specific instance. Your problem lies in the definitions of the term "atheism" .
Atheism is, in the broadest sense, the absence of belief in the existence of deities. Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Atheism is contrasted with Theism, which, in its most general form, is the belief that at least one deity exists.
According to your use of logic, what is responsible for all of human suffering, past present and future?
So you've given up all pretence of answering questions asked of you?
If you want to ask other questions, have the decency to first answer those posed of you, okay.
That's how discussions work.
No, you are not correct in this specific instance. Your problem lies in the strict definition of the term "atheism" .
and you believe you are right yes?
so what do you believe about atheism again.......

Also notice the use of the words "in the broadest sense"
"Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities"

why would you reject something with out a belief to support that rejection...?

I understand why you would think as you do... surely though if you look deeper you will find that it is still a belief.


an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.

"his belief in extraterrestrial life"
  • something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion.
    "we're prepared to fight for our beliefs"
    synonyms:eek:pinion, view, viewpoint, point of view, attitude, stance, stand, standpoint, position, perspective, contention, conviction, judgement, thinking, way of thinking, thought, idea, theory, hypothesis, thesis, interpretation, assumption, presumption, supposition, surmise, postulation, conclusion, deduction, inference, notion, impression, sense, feeling, fancy, hunch
    "she clung to the belief that Diane was innocent"
  • a religious conviction.
    "Christian beliefs"
    synonyms:ideology, principle, ideal, ethic, conviction;More
    doctrine, teaching, dogma, tenet, canon, article of faith, credence, creed, credo, code of belief
    "he opposed traditional religious beliefs"
trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something).
"a belief in democratic politics"
of course it is...
It is the belief that there are no Gods or God...
You can argue semantics as much as you like, it is still a belief... whether disbelief or belief....
so does your criteria apply to other belief systems...?
Atheism, in its broadest sense, is simply the lack of belief.
Disbelief of something is not the same as belief in the opposite.
So you've given up all pretence of answering questions asked of you?
If you want to ask other questions, have the decency to first answer those posed of you, okay.
That's how discussions work.
If you answer the question honestly you will find out whether you are or not....
Also notice the use of the words "in the broadest sense"
"Less broadly, atheism is the rejection of belief that any deities exist. In an even narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities"

why would you reject something with out a belief to support that rejection...?
One rejects something when there is no good reason to believe it.
One does not need to have support for the opposite in order to reject it.
I understand why you would think as you do... surely though if you look deeper you will find that it is still a belief.
For some, sure, they hold the belief that no god(s) exist.
Most, though, do not.
Your assertion that atheism is a belief that there is no God is simply wrong.
If you answer the question honestly you will find out whether you are or not....
How does me answering your question answer my question of you: who is they, who is them?
Whether I consider myself one of them or not is irrelevant to the question of who YOU think they are.
Please answer the questions I asked: who is they, who is them?
So you've given up all pretence of answering questions asked of you?
If you want to ask other questions, have the decency to first answer those posed of you, okay.
That's how discussions work.
Do you wish for me to post an opinion?
An opinion I am entitled to?
I don't think I shall for now... sorry about that...
This fora is objectively hostile enough as it is...
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Belief: an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.
Note that is does NOT say belief is the acceptance that something does not exist or is not true. You are changing the definition and falsely substituting a state of non-belief for a state of belief.....:)
Note that is does NOT say belief is the acceptance that something does not excist or is not true. You are changing the definition and falsely substituting a state of non-belief to a state of belief.....:)
belief: "it is true that no God exists"

trust, faith, or confidence in (someone or something).

You have trust faith and confidence in your disbelief of a God.
Do you wish for me to post an opinion?
An opinion I am entitled to?
I don't think I shall for now... sorry about that...
Noone has suggested you are not entitled to your opinion.
I am simply asking you to post who you think "they" and "them" are, as in who you think at Sciforums fits your description of an "Extreme Atheist"?
But you won't, because you are a coward, preferring to hide behind your pathetic insinuations and attempts at guilt by association.
One can make a case that events within any given paradigm are bound by causality in such a way that any state (of an object or event) is completely determined by prior states.

Which IMO, means that each individual timeline has its own deterministic evolution.

However the same law of deterministic cause and effect holds for all individual timelines.
If two systems do not interact then they in essence do not exist to each other, and to talk of them is meaningless. We can only talk meaningfully about that which we can possibly interact with, and if we can interact with them then they are the same system.
There is this interesting definition,

Would such a inherent indeterministic nature include a "tendency", such as a "tendency for movement in the direction of greatest satisfaction"?
Not that I can see, or at least no more or less than the vanilla deterministic system. The inherent nature would need to be random - so still no freedom to select from the possibilities. If it is not random then one is simply talking about hidden variables, which would then be deterministic but the mechanism / inputs hidden such that it appears indeterministic with regard the inputs we are aware of.
Noone has suggested you are not entitled to your opinion.
I am simply asking you to post who you think "they" and "them" are, as in who you think at Sciforums fits your description of an "Extreme Atheist"?
But you won't, because you are a coward, preferring to hide behind your pathetic insinuations and attempts at guilt by association.
People post all sorts of nonsense some of it honest some of it not, so how am I supposed to know what you or they believe. However based on recent forum postings it is indeed possible that there are a few members who actually post what they believe.

I know I am not the coward.
I can answer the question easy like but you have avoided it 6 times now I think... dodged, ducked and raised countless straw men.
try again ( take 7) and find out the answer your self...
Using your logic what is responsible for all human suffering past , present and future?
It is your logic not mine...

Find the courage to tell the forum...how committed you are to your logic...

Are you familiar with the Latin term:
Qui audet adipiscitur?
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If two systems do not interact then they in essence do not exist to each other
I agree, but that does not necessarily mean there can be no unrelated systems which follow their own deterministic timeline. I don't think this is special pleading.
People post all sorts of nonsense some of it honest some of it not, so how am I supposed to know what you or they believe. However based on recent forum postings it is indeed possible that there are a few members who actually post what they believe.
Based on what they have written, not on whether you think they believe what they write or not, who do you think falls into your description of "Extreme Atheist"?
It's a simple question.
I know I am not the coward.
Then answer the question.
I can answer the question easy like...
Then please do so.
...but you have avoided it 6 times now I think... dodged, ducked and raised countless straw men.
try again ( take 7) and find out the answer your self...
Me answering your question will not answer the one I asked of you.
That much is patently obvious.
No matter how many times you ask.
Once you have answered the question asked of you, and answered it honestly, I will give you an honest answer to your question, okay?
Using your logic what is responsible for all human suffering past , present and future?
It is your logic not mine...
It's valid, which probably explains why you don't think it's yours.
Find the courage to tell the forum...how committed you are to your logic...
Very, thanks.
Valid logic is valid logic.
Which part do you disagree with?
What do you see in it that is invalid?
Are you familiar with the Latin term:
Qui audet adipiscitur?
I am.
What of it?
Based on what they have written, not on whether you think they believe what they write or not, who do you think falls into your description of "Extreme Atheist"?
It's a simple question.
Then answer the question.
Then please do so.
Me answering your question will not answer the one I asked of you.
That much is patently obvious.
No matter how many times you ask.
Once you have answered the question asked of you, and answered it honestly, I will give you an honest answer to your question, okay?
It's valid, which probably explains why you don't think it's yours.
Very, thanks.
Valid logic is valid logic.
Which part do you disagree with?
What do you see in it that is invalid?
I am.
What of it?
And are you interested in the consequences of your valid logic?
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