Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense!

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Um. Even a blind hen finds a grain of corn every now and then. These are the same people that talk about a global flood, a giant pillar of fire and cloud, man eating fish, Lot's wife turning to salt, angels climbing ladders to heaven and other such nonsense. That they happened to strike on a distant similarity to the Big Bang is, well, it's not all that accurate to begin with, but the few areas that it does seem to resemble the Big Bang are blind luck.~String
God promised that he would never flood the earth like that again because, it's actually impossible; that struck me as kind of clever. Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt; blood is an important topic in the bible; remove water and hemoglobin from blood and it leaves you with salt, very nice A lot of this is symbolism. But look here at this --- Genesis:Let there be light::Beginning of the universe:big bang. It was very nicely done. At the first instant of the big bang, you could say that matter was filled with light or that light and matter were unified.
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If you have no idea what I am talking about (photon decoupling) then on what basis do you assert that you have any authority to comment upon the Big Bang, especially in relation to light? That is equivalent to someone making assertions about cooking methods, then revealing they did not know grilling increases the temperature of the food.By this statement alone you reveal your remarks to be wholly unfounded. Oh, a reversal! So if you do understand it, then clarify - provide us with the undistorted view. Explain how light was the first thing according to BB theory.
I was simply trying to be polite; but anyone who thinks there was no light during the big bang has serious mental problems. The fact that there were stages of the big bang like baryo-genesis, plasma and coupling between light and matter does not mean that the big bang had no light. If you think that, than you are a very insane person who should be avoided by others. Why don't you go introduce yourself to blackbody radiation and combine that with "According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. (wiki)"
I was simply trying to be polite; but anyone who thinks there was no light during the big bang has serious mental problems. The fact that there were stages of the big bang like baryo-genesis, plasma and coupling between light and matter does not mean that the big bang had no light. If you think that, than you are a very insane person who should be avoided by others. Why don't you go introduce yourself to blackbody radiation and combine that with "According to the Big Bang theory, the Universe was once in an extremely hot and dense state which expanded rapidly. (wiki)"

Except you haven't answered the question. Go ask the Aliens, maybe they know. (speaking of insane)
You obviously don't know anything about the big bang. It's ok. Physics is not for everyone.

Peering ever deeper into space and further back in time, the powerful devices will be able to show what the universe was like when it was just a few hundred million years old and emerging from a period of total darkness after the Big Bang.

"[We'll be] looking at the first generation of stars forming in the universe, which is kind of a cool idea: The time when the lights went on in the universe. There was no light before that time," said Daniel Fabricant, associate director of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.​

Oh, a reversal! So if you do understand it, then clarify - provide us with the undistorted view. Explain how light was the first thing according to BB theory.
It wouldn't make any difference if light was the first mechanism or not. God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light. In fact, the laws of physics are built upon the properties of light. The speed of light shows up in SR and GR, $$E=mc^2$$ is probably the most well known and recognized equation ever written. That letter c means speed of God's Holy Light. The photon is a quanta of light and is the fastest particle in the Standard model. Now if God had said, "Let there be superstrings!", well, nobody has ever seen a superstring...:shrug:
The $$c$$ in $$E=mc^2$$ is an arbitrary number, set by your choice of physical units. It is a conversion factor between units of energy and mass.

There's nothing in there about God's Holy Light, believe me.
It wouldn't make any difference if light was the first mechanism or not. God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light.

You made the following statement:
God said, "Let the be light!" And there was this gigantic explosion called the big bang. And the universe was born. How did the writers of the bible know this?

That statement very clearly indicates that, in your opinion, the introduction of light by God preceded the Big Bang. Those are your words. Now you tell me that the order does not matter, yet you got upset with spidergoat (?) when he disagreed with your assertion. You claimed he did not understand the Big Bang. That claim reaffirmed your belief that light preceded or initiated the Big Bang.

We are now forced to conclude that not only do you not understand the physics of the Big Bang, but you have trouble with English comprehension. That's fine, just don't get uppity about it.
That statement very clearly indicates that, in your opinion, the introduction of light by God preceded the Big Bang. Those are your words. Now you tell me that the order does not matter, yet you got upset with spidergoat (?) when he disagreed with your assertion. You claimed he did not understand the Big Bang. That claim reaffirmed your belief that light preceded or initiated the Big Bang. We are now forced to conclude that not only do you not understand the physics of the Big Bang, but you have trouble with English comprehension. That's fine, just don't get uppity about it.
God said, "Let there be light!" And there was light in the form of a big bang explosion. What do you mean by "the introduction of light"... For all I know, God said, "Let there be light" and then he threw a switch that resulted in the big band.

I will make it point to be less uppity. :D
But the Big Bang was an explosion in darkness. This points to another conclusion, that Lao Tzu is superior to the author of the Bible, since he wrote:

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.

Two can play at this game.
To quote Dr. Kirtley Mather (Christian Geologist) expert witness at the John Scopes (aka 'Monkey'trial) trial ca. 1928:

"Creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive . . . . .Creation is a FACT . . . and Evolution is a process."
No because evolution doesn't have a direction. If God created life, that implies he didn't plan for any specific outcome, therefore people are not central to His concerns.
To quote Dr. Kirtley Mather (Christian Geologist) expert witness at the John Scopes (aka 'Monkey'trial) trial ca. 1928:

"Creation and evolution are not mutually exclusive . . . . .Creation is a FACT . . . and Evolution is a process."

Kirtley Mather was serving as the Chairman of the Department of Geology of Harvard University at the time of the Scopes trial. He offered extensive testimony on how geologists are able to accurately tell the history of various animal and plant life by discovering and researching fossil remains. He testified that in many of the rocks they find, there are fossil remains of both plant and animals that are as old as the rocks from which they are found. Mr. Mather then traced out a chronological time line of the oldest rocks and the fossils found.

Mather argued that evolution is not trying to replace religion, but merely serves as another approach to finding out how mankind and the rest of the living world came about.

It's doubtful Mather was strongly advocating creationism, or that he mean "fact" in anything but a legal sense (like "allegation"). Here he explains how they threw the trial in order to force an appeal, which is where the constitutionality would be tested:

Evolution is a naturally occurring process that can be tinkered with via quantum randomness. Tinkered with by God. See! How smart is that? The primordial ooze was filled with nucleic acids, amino acids, all of the ingredients of life. God comes along and ... <a miracle!> ...the first cell is born. Was it luck or was it design? Evolution progresses as a series of random changes cause by blind luck (and a few cleverly placed miracles). Earth is now a thriving bio-system in the barren wasteland of the universe.
But the Big Bang was an explosion in darkness. This points to another conclusion, that Lao Tzu is superior to the author of the Bible, since he wrote:

Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.

Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.

Two can play at this game.

OK, so what is the speed of darkness? What is darkness? While someone might stumble around in the dark, in truth, there is always light. There is always a photon here or there. Black body radiation, RF waves, gamma rays, microwaves, UV. There is always light everywhere in the universe.
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