Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense!

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I was born into one Christian denomination but I now call myself an agnostic.
I do believe in God but not in the same way that the church does. In any case, I am still searching.

My view of what we call 'God', is the Energy that makes up this Universe. We, us humans, & every living & non living thing that merely exists, is part & parcel of this one big universal energy we have come to know as 'God'. We are all tapped into it & without thinking, we use it & manipulate it anyway we want to.

Churches insist on describing God as something outside of ourselves, something beyond & detatched, like a man up there looking down, watching & judging us. This is the way the Church has held its power over its citizens; rendering us mere fearful & powerless lambs.

What or who made God is something mere humans will have to draw the line & say we will never really know or understand.

But God IS the one big whole & includes everything from the energy that form warps in the tiniest of atoms to the largest of galaxies; & the whole universe... !

The fact that we are here, we exist, Earth exists, the universe exists... then God exists.

That's my opinion.
I was born into one Christian denomination but I now call myself an agnostic.
I do believe in God but not in the same way that the church does. In any case, I am still searching.

My view of what we call 'God', is the Energy that makes up this Universe. We, us humans, & every living & non living thing that merely exists, is part & parcel of this one big universal energy we have come to know as 'God'. We are all tapped into it & without thinking, we use it & manipulate it anyway we want to.

Churches insist on describing God as something outside of ourselves, something beyond & detatched, like a man up there looking down, watching & judging us. This is the way the Church has held its power over its citizens; rendering us mere fearful & powerless lambs.

What or who made God is something mere humans will have to draw the line & say we will never really know or understand.

But God IS the one big whole & includes everything from the energy that form warps in the tiniest of atoms to the largest of galaxies; & the whole universe... !

The fact that we are here, we exist, Earth exists, the universe exists... then God exists.

That's my opinion.

If you believe in God, then you aren't an agnostic.

And the whole "We exist, therefore God must exist" chestnut has no logical merit. You have to show what about the nature of existence necessitates a creator before anyone accepts that there is one. And while we're on that subject, ask yourself: Why only one? Why not ten?
If one doesn't believe in anything, then one is called an Athiest.|
I believe in something. Therefore I'm an agnostic.
A bit of disagreement

Im sorry but I do not believe you would be correct. I am athiest so of course i dont believe in god but i should tell you that when you were a kid you probobly pretended to be invisible and have other super powers with your friends. Then you came to the reality that invisibility does not exist. Take God for example. If invisibility existed then why cant we be invisible?:confused:
I was born into one Christian denomination but I now call myself an agnostic.
I do believe in God but not in the same way that the church does. In any case, I am still searching.

My view of what we call 'God', is the Energy that makes up this Universe. We, us humans, & every living & non living thing that merely exists, is part & parcel of this one big universal energy we have come to know as 'God'. We are all tapped into it & without thinking, we use it & manipulate it anyway we want to.

Churches insist on describing God as something outside of ourselves, something beyond & detatched, like a man up there looking down, watching & judging us. This is the way the Church has held its power over its citizens; rendering us mere fearful & powerless lambs.

What or who made God is something mere humans will have to draw the line & say we will never really know or understand.

But God IS the one big whole & includes everything from the energy that form warps in the tiniest of atoms to the largest of galaxies; & the whole universe... !

The fact that we are here, we exist, Earth exists, the universe exists... then God exists.

That's my opinion.

You aren't an agnostic, you sound like a pantheist.
God said, "Let the be light!" And there was this gigantic explosion called the big bang. And the universe was born. How did the writers of the bible know this?
Im sorry but I do not believe you would be correct. I am athiest so of course i dont believe in god but i should tell you that when you were a kid you probobly pretended to be invisible and have other super powers with your friends. Then you came to the reality that invisibility does not exist. Take God for example. If invisibility existed then why cant we be invisible?:confused:
I can't see you. You're invisible to me. :shrug:
Personally, I think God is an advanced alien being that knows all the laws of genetic engineering, he/it seeded all life on Earth. Many of God's creations have evolved somewhat over the millions of years they've been on Earth, however, evolution is something God put into motion.

Evolution is the exception and not the rule, the biodiversity on Earth is just so damned diverse there is no way it could have evolved from a few organisms into millions of species.
God said, "Let the be light!" And there was this gigantic explosion called the big bang. And the universe was born. How did the writers of the bible know this?

They didn't. There was no light in the beginning of the Big Bang.
the thing is , is that Darwin thought that evolution was a slow process

thats where the problem lies with evolution

sometimes is was a slow process but sometimes it was quick
God said, "Let the be light!" And there was this gigantic explosion called the big bang. And the universe was born. How did the writers of the bible know this?

Um. Even a blind hen finds a grain of corn every now and then.

These are the same people that talk about a global flood, a giant pillar of fire and cloud, man eating fish, Lot's wife turning to salt, angels climbing ladders to heaven and other such nonsense. That they happened to strike on a distant similarity to the Big Bang is, well, it's not all that accurate to begin with, but the few areas that it does seem to resemble the Big Bang are blind luck.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
If you have no idea what I am talking about (photon decoupling) then on what basis do you assert that you have any authority to comment upon the Big Bang, especially in relation to light? That is equivalent to someone making assertions about cooking methods, then revealing they did not know grilling increases the temperature of the food.By this statement alone you reveal your remarks to be wholly unfounded.

Actually I do understand what you're trying to distort. .
Oh, a reversal! So if you do understand it, then clarify - provide us with the undistorted view. Explain how light was the first thing according to BB theory.
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