Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense!

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OK, so what is the speed of darkness? What is darkness? While someone might stumble around in the dark, in truth, there is always light. There is always a photon here or there. Black body radiation, RF waves, gamma rays, microwaves, UV. There is always light everywhere in the universe.

It has no speed, it's the absence of something. Taoism must be the truth and the Bible false. ...I mean, if that's your only argument for the Biblical God.
It has no speed, it's the absence of something. Taoism must be the truth and the Bible false. ...I mean, if that's your only argument for the Biblical God.
There are always photons everywhere in the universe. In that sense, there is always light. I am only stating a fact of nature. Now if Taoism works for you, then great! However, I am impressed that a bible passage in Genesis could be so spot on. It's called insight. It could mean that Christianity really is the one true religion, it could mean that some scientific knowledge survived from some previous advanced civilization (Atlantis?), or maybe it means that aliens were involved somehow. Personally, I am happy to let other people entertain such creative and inspiring notions. If some people want to believe in pyramid power, ESP, or the National Enquirer, I don't want to spoil their fun/joy/peace of mind.
There are always photons everywhere in the universe. In that sense, there is always light. I am only stating a fact of nature. Now if Taoism works for you, then great! However, I am impressed that a bible passage in Genesis could be so spot on. It's called insight. It could mean that Christianity really is the one true religion, it could mean that some scientific knowledge survived from some previous advanced civilization (Atlantis?), or maybe it means that aliens were involved somehow. Personally, I am happy to let other people entertain such creative and inspiring notions. If some people want to believe in pyramid power, ESP, or the National Enquirer, I don't want to spoil their fun/joy/peace of mind.

Not only don't you know anything about physics, you know nothing about cosmology. There are photons everywhere now, but before the photon decoupling, no photon could travel any distance at all without encountering a charged particle.

Didn't the Aliens tell you about that?
Not only don't you know anything about physics, you know nothing about cosmology. There are photons everywhere now, but before the photon decoupling, no photon could travel any distance at all without encountering a charged particle.

Didn't the Aliens tell you about that?
so you replace God with a Photon... doesn't matter to me what you call God.

Rememebr me? My name is Photon and I can only be experienced by my effect and not my substance


Not only don't you know anything about physics, you know nothing about cosmology. There are photons everywhere now, but before the photon decoupling, no photon could travel any distance at all without encountering a charged particle.

Didn't the Aliens tell you about that?
Is this what you do? You lie and misrepresent others. You have a problem with personal integrity. I cannot have a rational conversation with someone who lies.
QQ, you make less sense than usual. That's quite an achievement.:shrug:
well it is like this:
God can only be determined by "His" effect and not his substance. Historically people all over the world have experienced his effect and continue to experience his effect, thus leading to notions and organisations such as ancient Egyptian, Sumerian religious mythology, ancient Greek Mythology, Judaism, Chrstianity, Islam, Freemasonary and even Scientology.. so it is evident that something is causing this apparent facination with an effect that humans are trying to understand.
So along comes the notion of Atheism as a way of rationalising this effect and yep science is a about doing just that. Ever since the writings of Plato and ilk, killed off Greek Mythology, science has been attempting to understand the effect. [the effect being the existance of this universe]
Even when acting in denial of the effect the belief in mythical objects is maintained as demonstrated in the belief in a photon as the causation of energy transfer, not unlike a God, as the photon can only be experienced as an effect and not a substance.

It is up to the proposer of a theory to support it and so far the notion of a photon as "anything other than an effect has yet to be provided and like wise with the notion of a God.

The photon can not be adequately described or defined in a way that makes sense. [especially since the evdence of quantum entanglement has been so amazingly discovered] and an apology to poster Mazuku would be appropriate.

So one could conclude in a form of twisted irony that the God of Science is called Photon... so by all means worship away as I am sure God [the effector] doesn't really mind what you call him. [chuckle]
* maybe we should start a religion based on the said Photon in a way similar to Scientology etc. [hang on a minnie... we already have one!]
to the Quack, and so cannot be.
I have many friends who would also like to see a complete and sensible description and definition of what exactly science believes regarding the photon because so far in this forum and others like it there hasn't been.
Possibly you would like to start a thread supporting your belief in the photons existance and it's definition etc... but I would strongly recommend you do so in the pseudo science section until it deserves being moved to Physics and Math... [chuckle]
see this thread as an example of part of the issues facing YOUR photon challenge
God promised that he would never flood the earth again.
but he did not promise to keep my cat out from behind the toilet resulting in him knocking the water supply off my toilet and flooding my bathroom....
Wow! Great video. So where are the aliens?
Don't honestly know, all I know for certain is the extent of my own ignorance. I find the concept of creation for only one planet to have life while in a vast unexplored universe full of possibilities to be a self-centered, wasteful, conceited and a overall egoistical thought process/ paradigm for any sentient species.
Is this what you do? You lie and misrepresent others. You have a problem with personal integrity. I cannot have a rational conversation with someone who lies.

Mazulu, I really don't see any lies in AlexG's post. He did say you know nothing about physics and cosmology which is a slight exaggeration. You do know a few things. I think what he was saying is that you know far less that you think or claim. And definitely less that a person with a physics degree should know. And you do "talk" to aliens (well you have non-verbal telepathic communication with space aliens by your own admission). I can tell when you get backed into a corner. You lash out. And that gets you nowhere. What you should do is take what AlexG said and investigate it. To step out of the corner all you need to do is calm down and think. Defending a falsehood gets you nowhere.

As far as having a rational conversation with anyone, I am not sure you understand what rational means. All you arguments seem to originate with creation myths and space aliens. Neither of those is rational.
I have proof about God. God talks to me sometimes if I try to talk to him. Try praying God will hear. Ask something small in prayer and God will give plentifully. It might not allways be the exact thing you asked, it might be something better. You can also ask your Guardian Angel to give you a sign. Ask from he/she (he can change sex appropiately) that you find a feather or someone gives you a flower. You can also sit still and ask your guardian angel to touch your hand. After awhile you will feel a touch I promise. When you ask God or angels to do something they can start acting right there and then.
I have proof about God. God talks to me sometimes if I try to talk to him. Try praying God will hear. Ask something small in prayer and God will give plentifully. It might not allways be the exact thing you asked, it might be something better. You can also ask your Guardian Angel to give you a sign. Ask from he/she (he can change sex appropiately) that you find a feather or someone gives you a flower. You can also sit still and ask your guardian angel to touch your hand. After awhile you will feel a touch I promise. When you ask God or angels to do something they can start acting right there and then.

Next time an angel taps your shoulder be sure to ask him/her/them how the finches got to Galapagos, so you can bring us some information relevant to this thread. ;)
Mazulu, I really don't see any lies in AlexG's post. He did say you know nothing about physics and cosmology which is a slight exaggeration. You do know a few things. I think what he was saying is that you know far less that you think or claim. And definitely less that a person with a physics degree should know. And you do "talk" to aliens (well you have non-verbal telepathic communication with space aliens by your own admission). I can tell when you get backed into a corner. You lash out. And that gets you nowhere. What you should do is take what AlexG said and investigate it. To step out of the corner all you need to do is calm down and think. Defending a falsehood gets you nowhere.

As far as having a rational conversation with anyone, I am not sure you understand what rational means. All you arguments seem to originate with creation myths and space aliens. Neither of those is rational.
Cheezle, of couse you will find it irrational. You are blind to the spirit of God. It is impossible for you to see the divine.

To everyone else, God created the universe. God is spirit. As primordial ooze accumulated on each planet in the universe, God would create life (living cells). Man's lower nature (as the flesh) comes together with man's higher nature (spirit). God exists in every one of us, and in the aliens too. What could be simpler?
Don't honestly know, all I know for certain is the extent of my own ignorance. I find the concept of creation for only one planet to have life while in a vast unexplored universe full of possibilities to be a self-centered, wasteful, conceited and a overall egoistical thought process/ paradigm for any sentient species.
Not for one planet. There are probably dozens of species like ours in the Milky Way, and probably countless other forms of life, some of which is beyond our understanding.
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