Evolution is wack;God is the only way that makes sense!

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You talk about such things as if you know what you are talking about, when you make most of it up as you go.
How can you say we are limited; that the limits we have express a purpose- When it is you that chooses to limit yourself by seeking what cannot be found; asking what cannot be known; resting yourself in reassurance of an assumed dream.
If you know of this designer- show him.
If you know of our purpose- reveal it.

But the problem you face, Wynn, is your own limitations. You cannot reveal a purpose or show a designer. You take comfort in that you cannot- because it gives you the comfort of not having to face being shown that you are wrong.
You limit yourself in your imagination- your ideas about the divine and about spirituality, denying yourself the ability to learn or expand potential or find answers that can be knowable, ask questions that can be answered. Denying yourself the right to be shown you are wrong, sometimes and to learn how to be right. You deny yourself the right to find or choose a purpose of your own. One not limited to hunting for that which simply does not exist.

Oh. Psychology 101!

Perhaps you are one of the very few then whose hair grows at your command, and who can rule countries by your own will ...

Don't be pedantically foolish. We can decide what we wish to do as individuals and as a species within the physical constraints that exist. And we can decide to test those constraints at every opportunity.

I may not be able to grow hair at my command, but I can support gene research that will enable my children to do so in the near future.

I can rule my own country as a voting citizen in a democracy.

I can decide if either or both of these actions are desirable and act accordingly.

I decide purpose.

This is simply not true.

Can you choose to be a king? Can you even choose to be the president of a country?

Can you choose to marry whom you please? No.

Instead, what your role is going to be is to a large extent decided by other people, other factors and circumstances.

It is simply not true that "the role of an indiviual human or of humanity is what we choose it to be."

You confuse purpose and outcome. Purpose is what we strive for, outcome is what we are able to accheive. If my purpose(chosen only by myself)is to become President that does not garauntee that I will accheive my self-chosen purpose. And if I am laboring under the illusion that god has given me the purpose I need psychiatric help, plus it is not garaunteed I will acheive my purpose(ask Sanitorium).

And what is the role of an individual human in all this?

To try to survive long enough to reproduce. It is the only thing that can be called an objective purpose for any lifeform. All else is self chosen, of no consequence whatsoever to the Universe.

To try to survive long enough to reproduce. It is the only thing that can be called an objective purpose for any lifeform. All else is self chosen, of no consequence whatsoever to the Universe.

hmm..so reproducing produces consequences for the universe..

sad really..

Originally Posted by Grumpy
To try to survive long enough to reproduce. It is the only thing that can be called an objective purpose for any lifeform. All else is self chosen, of no consequence whatsoever to the Universe.

hmm..so reproducing produces consequences for the universe..

sad really..

Reproducing has consequences for the lifeform, the Universe beyond our Earth will not experience any consequences from that. It won't notice or care one way or the other. But if we fail to reproduce, neither will we.

You guys say trying to fit the idea of God doesn’t really work out? Are you kidding me?

And trying to fit an idea of everything just happened from nothing works out?

If you really think our body, brain, internal organs, nature, animals, insects, scientific laws and so on is not the evidence of an intelligent design then you’re not an engineer.

Only reason why scientists don’t believe in creation is because most of religious creationists believe and teach literal 24 hours a day 6 day creation 6000 years ago.*

If they just come to sense that bibles ‘6 day’ creation is actually 4.5billion BC – 6000 BC divided into 6 phases, there will be a lot more scientist backing creation because everything in nature is just phenomenal.*

Scientists have tried for years to create life out of nothing but failed.
What makes you think if technology advances further that you can actually create life out of nothing?

And If we’re talking about biology why would you need technology to do that?*

It’s either you can or can’t.

Do you really believe this beautiful planet earth, that includes nature, eco system,* law of physics, gravity,* even wavelength so you can enjoy wireless and on and on and on just came out nowhere after some asteroid collision?

Then where did that asteroid come from? [I have this covered. Where did God come from? Of course. No need to state the obvious. Thanks. =D]

You’ll probably say “well the study is still going on and we haven’t found an answer yet”.

You can say that all you want but unless you put God into that equation it’s just an absurd non-sense and they’ll never find that answer.*

It takes bigger leap of faith NOT to believe in God.*

Do you think other scientists, physicist, chemists, biologists whose way way way* more smarter than you and more educated, also doctors, engineers, even the president of U.S believe in God and creation because they’ve never heard of some hominid fossils and seen other ‘supposed’ evidence presented by evolutionists?

If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?* Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?* Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?* Why are humans profoundly distressed by death? Where is scientific answer to that?

These are the things science can't answer but bible can.

But you know what?* It’s your life and you can believe in whatever you want.* That’s whats great about being human, that we have freewill unlike animals with instinct.

Holy mother of god garbonzo there is so much wrong with that post lets starr with yout 2nd sentence.

Firstly if u think the human bodt is perfect answer me this
1 why do we have organs that are useless?
2 why can the human eye only see a very narrow band of the light spectrum
3 why can thr human ear only hear a limited hz range?
Dont forget the older you get the worse your eyesight and hearing gets
4 why doesnt our immuse system kill all diseases in the body..
Now if humans were created. By a grand enginner called god.. knows all and everything he failed out of Almighty college.

To have an engineer make a product that puts in shit that if removed does nothing but if fails kills the prodect is a fail of an engineer

Now if i were god and created perfection.
1 there visual spectrum woud range from ir to uv. Distance of an eagle gteat vision at night.. immune to disease. Thoes are just starters
If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?* Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?* Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?* Why are humans profoundly distressed by death?

Garb something for you to think about

And my favorite.. cuz you and others think evolution could not happen anywhere else. That humans are special

If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?* Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?* Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?* Why are humans profoundly distressed by death?

Who says chimps don't have free will?Do you believe their life is predetermined?
I tend to believe all animals adhere to some manner of morals or conscience.Even if it is the de-standardized model.
Not all humans emphasize in the meaning of life.And who's to say animals don't.As I look out in my back yard and see my old hound dog,I often wonder if he's wondering what's next for him.maybe so.maybe not.

As for being distressed by death.I'm a theist,so I believe that I may go on to a better place.But rationally I understand that I could just dry up and blow away.
Either way the future is inevitable.Death.The unknown.
So, as a human,I of course fear death,but I don't fear the path that leads to it.
No distress here
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If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?
If you understand evolution then you would understand that each organism has evolved a suite of characteristics that fit it for life in its environment. Now I don't know how you concluded that chimps lack free will - perhaps you chose to make a mistake - but even if they did this would tend to confirm evolution, rather than contradict it.
If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?* Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?* Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?* Why are humans profoundly distressed by death?

And my favorite.. cuz you and others think evolution could not happen anywhere else. That humans are special

Why do birds have wings and people don't? Why do Dolphins have sonar but people don't?
You guys say trying to fit the idea of God doesn’t really work out? Are you kidding me?

And trying to fit an idea of everything just happened from nothing works out?

If you really think our body, brain, internal organs, nature, animals, insects, scientific laws and so on is not the evidence of an intelligent design then you’re not an engineer.

Only reason why scientists don’t believe in creation is because most of religious creationists believe and teach literal 24 hours a day 6 day creation 6000 years ago.*

If they just come to sense that bibles ‘6 day’ creation is actually 4.5billion BC – 6000 BC divided into 6 phases, there will be a lot more scientist backing creation because everything in nature is just phenomenal.*

Scientists have tried for years to create life out of nothing but failed.
What makes you think if technology advances further that you can actually create life out of nothing?

And If we’re talking about biology why would you need technology to do that?*

It’s either you can or can’t.

Do you really believe this beautiful planet earth, that includes nature, eco system,* law of physics, gravity,* even wavelength so you can enjoy wireless and on and on and on just came out nowhere after some asteroid collision?

Then where did that asteroid come from? [I have this covered. Where did God come from? Of course. No need to state the obvious. Thanks. =D]

You’ll probably say “well the study is still going on and we haven’t found an answer yet”.

You can say that all you want but unless you put God into that equation it’s just an absurd non-sense and they’ll never find that answer.*

It takes bigger leap of faith NOT to believe in God.*

Do you think other scientists, physicist, chemists, biologists whose way way way* more smarter than you and more educated, also doctors, engineers, even the president of U.S believe in God and creation because they’ve never heard of some hominid fossils and seen other ‘supposed’ evidence presented by evolutionists?

If human evolution is true, why do humans have freewill but chimps dont?* Why do humans have morals and conscience but they don’t?* Why do humans emphasize so much in meaning of life but animals can’t?* Why are humans profoundly distressed by death? Where is scientific answer to that?

These are the things science can't answer but bible can.

But you know what?* It’s your life and you can believe in whatever you want.* That’s whats great about being human, that we have freewill unlike animals with instinct.

What the hell happened Gar!!!!! Last I saw you, you have just become a sensible agnostic. And now, you have *sob* become, become a *gasp* CREATIONIST?
I asked a relatively simple question which was ''why don't you think we are a product of Intelligent design. All the answer requires is a response from THE INDIVIDUAL. I didn't ask what you think the evidence is, and so no links are necessary.

This is the religion forum, so thinking for yourselves as individuals is a requirement.

So again. Why do YOU think we're not a product of intelligent design?


Because there is no damn evidence for it being correct, demonstrably provable and being the most parsimonious answer to the question of our origins!
I always wondered why God included the DNA for Vitamin C production in our genome but just turned it off!

Or why he included the genes for a prehensile tale? (as has been in births in the Mideast--mostly in the "Children of God" funny to say)

Or why he included the DNA for feet in cetaceans . . . and we're talking, five toes and five fingers with nails type "feet". Not flippers, but feet. 1 in every thousand or so cetaceans is born with the atavistic feet because the old junk DNA just turns back on. They die quickly, but we find their corpses.

Or why he included the DNA for teeth in birds? (a tiny fraction of Chickens get born with teeth, we've actually intentionally turn the gene on to see how it works)

Or the circuitous route that our laryngeal nerve takes (efficient if you're a fish, but really unorganized as we crept onto land and grew longer and longer necks).

Was god just stupid and lazy? Did he lack the genetic capabilities to be just a bit more creative when he crafted the terrestrial genome? Huh.


Now that was 6 sentances of epic!
Exactly. Humans are unique because most adaptations are unique. In fact, however, animals do show the beginnings of all those human traits. Elephants are fascinated by death, and apes and dogs have an innate sense of fairness. We happened to get enough of a brain to manipulate abstract symbols, but animals can accomplish this to a lesser degree.
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