Evidence of Hell.

I had advocated a religion of beer. Some aren't as predisposed as you, Jan, that we need a psychoactive drug to keep the faith.

Could you tell me how to invoke spontaneous human combustion? I fear I may not be worthy for heaven if I cannot fulfill this duty.

I'm not that clever. But if you drink a pint of parafin, and then swallow a lit match, you may get to qualify for heaven. But don't tell the heavenly denizens I told you. ;)

I didn't say that thinking it is horrendous is a personal opinion.
I meant his personal opinion of me.
Thank you for clarifying.
No it's not irrelevant, you are just in this mood because you are responding to me.
I'm "in this mood" because of what was written.
Why do you think it is about you?
It can be horrendous if you needed some change for your electric meter, but forgot, buying 4 pints instead of 2, with not enough change left.
Indeed it can, such is the subjective nature of the adjective.
Are you saying no ever chooses to die for their country?
Do you know the difference between choosing to die, and choosing to risk your life?
Who said it's for no other reason than a sense of duty?
If it is (for other reasons) you offered none.
You stated some things she might believe but the decision, per what you wrote upon clarification of why you don't think it horrendous, was made on the basis of duty.
Are there any other reasons?
I'm "in this mood" because of what was written.
Why do you think it is about you?

I don't think it is about me, as it is about you.

Do you know the difference between choosing to die, and choosing to risk your life?

Okay change them around. It makes no difference.

If it is (for other reasons) you offered none.
You stated some things she might believe but the decision, per what you wrote upon clarification of why you don't think it horrendous, was made on the basis of duty.
Are there any other reasons?

You need to go back and read what I said.

I don't think it is about me, as it is about you.
You are trying to make it about you, Jan.
Instead of responding to the points, you made the assumption that I'm "in this mood" because I am responding to you.
As such you are trying to make it about you.
Respond to the points, Jan.
Okay change them around. It makes no difference.
It makes a world of difference, Jan.
Given a choice of immediate death, or simply a risk of immediate death, which would you opt for?
You need to go back and read what I said.
So let's see, shall we:
It's quite simple. She knows the body she possesses is merely a temporary transport. She knows all life forms are essentially immortal. She knows that as a wife , she has duty, and she carries out her duty in full knowledge. What is horrendous about that?
As I said, you stated some things she believes ("the body she possesses is merely a temporary transport... all life forms are essentially immortal... she has a duty").
I said that her decision was on the basis of duty ("and she carries out her duty").
Yes, Jan, I read what you said.
Are there any other reasons other than duty, then?
Had she not had the duty she believed she had, would she do what she did?
That's your understanding of it, and if it were purely that, you would have made a good point.##

Jan what are you waiting for before you point out how your audience have this wrong.
Do you await more cries of disgust or are you trying desperately to come up with a way out.

I have stuck my head in your trap why do you wait to spring.
I suspect you have something special in store but perhaps you have yet to tire of your brain in the vat games.

Are you seeking to torment the god?

Jan what are you waiting for before you point out how your audience have this wrong.
Do you await more cries of disgust or are you trying desperately to come up with a way out.

Hi Alex, seeing as this is your thread, and you sort of request my presence, I will happily bite. Although I'm not sure what you want me to say.

It's pointless talking with Baldeee, as he has reading comprehension problems, particularly with my posts.
So what have you got to offer outside of emotional outbursts?

You've dubbed this thread "Evidence of Hell". Are you convinced that there is, or not. I may be going out on a limb here but I don't think you have.

I have an audience? Why didn't anyone tell me? I thought these posts were only visible to the persons we respond to.
Wait a minute! If I can see other posts then...

It's pointless talking with Baldeee, as he has reading comprehension problems, particularly with my posts.
Please indicate where I have miscomprehended what you have written?
Or is it simply that you don't like what I have to say and have no adequate response that withdrawal is your only option?
Hi Jan I was curious about the wifes role in the funeral.
On the face of it seems terrible yet you seem to have information that others do not so I ask if you could explain the matter.
Hi Jan I was curious about the wifes role in the funeral.
On the face of it seems terrible yet you seem to have information that others do not so I ask if you could explain the matter.
I don't believe this is anything specific, just some flighty feeling of 'faith'.
When memory is created, aspects of the limbic system add an emotional tag during the writing process. This is useful to animal instinct, since a similar experience that triggers an existing memory, will induce the same feeling. For example, if an animal sees a strange food item and he feels good, he will eat. If the item induces the feeling of nausea, he will pass.

That being said, the symbolism of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, is implicit of a unique type of human memory; law. Law is unique in that it has two conflicting emotional tags, at the same time, to reflect the positive feeling of conformity and the negative feeling associated with violation. If we pay our taxes we are a good citizen, but if we don't pay our taxes, you will feel fear since the man is looking for you. Implicit in thou shall pay taxes, is both good and evil feeling tags attached to the law memory.

The animal brain will unconsciously separate law into two memories, based on the two emotional tags, even though we will consciously learn law as one thing. Or we may repress the dark side and try to do good. The net result is the dark side of law gathers together in one location in memory; hell. While the good sides of law gather in a different location in the brain; heaven.

If you look at historical descriptions of hell, everyone in hell epitomizes the dark side of law; murderers, thieves, rapists, etc. There is also all types of pain, torture and scary things to haunt you. In heaven, all is peaceful and there is no violation or fear.

Hell is a projection of how the brain deals with the dark side of law memories. The concept of original sin implies that even if we are good, consciously, there is still an internal hell created by how memory will write law, that can have an unconscious impact; sin and violation.

Paul in Romans said;

What then shall we say? Is the Law sin? By no means! Indeed, I would not have been mindful of sin if not for the Law. For I would not have been aware of coveting if the Law had not said, “Do not covet.” But sin, seizing its opportunity through the commandment,produced in me every kind of covetous desire. For apart from the Law, sin is dead.

One way to look at this is to consider the feeling of hunger. When we are hungry, the feeling causes the brain to dial in a layer of the memory associated with food and eating. We start to think along the lines of memories with hunger tags; pizza or subs. It becomes harder to work, unless you can shut off the hunger feeling. Any emotion can expose a layer of memory with similar emotional tags.

In the case of hunger, a basic layer of known food items can induce some to be creative, allowing the chef to creates a new food.

Heaven and Hell have unique emotional tags, which when triggered, can cause a heaven or hell layer to appear. This layer can activate the imagination, project and even induce actions and compulsive reactions; But sin,seizing its opportunity through the commandment, produced in me every kind covetous desire. New violations are created, which is often attributed to Satan or the Devil; acting creative principle geared around the law.
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Hi Jan I was curious about the wifes role in the funeral.
On the face of it seems terrible yet you seem to have information that others do not so I ask if you could explain the matter.

Terrible you say?

These events are purported to have happened in a previous age. The pious King finished his duty as King, enthroned his son, wrapped up his affair, and journeyed to the mountains with the queen. He meditated, along with his wife, on the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, for the remainder of his days.
At the appropriate, auspicious time, he used the power he had developed through meditation and shed his body by spontaneously combusting, so he could go back to his Lord.

His wife also entered into the fire, sacrificing her body,
to be with the Lord. They were both received lovingly by the Lord, and the denizens of heaven.

It has got nothing to do with religion or faith. It was a social evil, more of failure of society in protecting and giving dignified life to a widow.
Since I'm not drunk, I'm not so easily provoked by, Jan's, overwhelmingly stupid statements. What's the point?
It has got nothing to do with religion or faith. It was a social evil, more of failure of society in protecting and giving dignified life to a widow.

I understand you. If it is done without full knowledge of self, and real devotion to God.

The Caste system could also be rated as an evil. But it wasn't always the way it is now.
