Evidence of Hell.

I know that would be difficult but it seems so obvious to me.
Even a tidy up to remove the really out of touch stuff.
I don't have my bible before me but I think I could find stuff no one could disagree should go.
I know that would be difficult but it seems so obvious to me.
Even a tidy up to remove the really out of touch stuff.
I don't have my bible before me but I think I could find stuff no one could disagree should go.

The bible has been edited more than enough . the Ezekiel writings have been eliminated . lets not have more of this " redacted " nonsense .

The bible should be increased in its stories not less .
lets not have more of this " redacted " nonsense .
Get it back to stone tablets.
So much could go.
Add more if you wish as well but at least present it as somewhat credible and relevant to the current era.

No one is getting royalties if their story is in there.
Less paper less waste.
Even though I don't believe it would be nice to know those who do at least were using a book that was somewhat reasonable factual and relevant.

When memory is added to the cerebral matter, an emotional tag is added to the memory. This emotional tag integrates the cerebral matter with core regions of the brain, via the limbic system. From the POV of an animal, this allows similar stimulus, to what has already been learned or experienced, to induce the same feeling, allowing them to react to the core, without having to experiment with the stimulus, each time. For example, if the animal found a strange new food item, and cautiously ate it and it tasted good, the created memory will have a positive emotional tag. The next time they see the same food, they would feel a positive feeling and eat. In terms of humans, our strongest memories have the strongest emotional tags, showing how important brain core induction is to storage and recall; arousal and instinct.

Humans are unique and that civilization and language has added a wild card to this natural animal brain memory schema. This wild card is connected to law. A law memory has both good and evil elements. It tells us how we need to behave to feel socially acceptable; good feeling. It also tells us how not to behave if we wish to avoid feelings of pain. Since these are two opposite and separate emotional tags; happy versus fear, although law is singular, the animal brain treats law as two separate data storage, one for each conflicting emotion. As an analogous example, say after the animal finds and eats the delightful food, he gets sick. The next time he smells that same food, two conflicting emotions will appear; delight and nausea. He will need to weight the two, based on how strong the brain weighed each emotion.

Memories with similar emotional valence will tend to cluster. In terms of law, all the good side of law; positive valence tend to cluster and all the bad sides tend to cluster. In the bible, the good memories of law are connected to heaven and the bad memory cluster is connected to hell. In other words, if you consider who is going to hell, by traditions, it is those who break laws; negative feeling side of law. Hell is full of fear and pain. Heaven is populated by those who practiced the good side of law. You will not find anything with a fear tag in the heaven cluster. Heaven and Hell are projections of how the brain deals with the binary of law. In the bible Satan who is the binarius is associates with knowledge of good and evil.

This is why Jesus did away with the law. This broke that binary memory connection that when back to tree of knowledge of good and evil; law and originals sin. Law, although useful, sets up binary storage. The only way to return to natural, was to do away with law; faith.
Thank you for your well considered reply.
Do you think the bible should be edited to leave only what is correct and appropriate for our era.

No, you cannot edit Bible or Gita or Quran or for that matter any religious scripture. What the state can do is to frame criminal laws in such a way that uncomfortable and barbaric aspect is covered under these laws.

For example triple Talak in Muslim community, what a perverted nonsense. This must go with a statute.
No, you cannot edit Bible or Gita or Quran or for that matter any religious scripture. What the state can do is to frame criminal laws in such a way that uncomfortable and barbaric aspect is covered under these laws.

For example triple Talak in Muslim community, what a perverted nonsense. This must go with a statute.
Well I could do a re write leaving out anything that does not fit modern values and say that I was inspired to do so, call it something tastful, and put it out there.
There would be folk who would say it should be banned etc but it would possibly find a following.
People are always looking for something new, different and even controversial.
It could be the basis of a new religion, saving souls making money helping folk to accept their existence.. Embrace those who are rejected by religion... I think it could work.
Has anyone gone to hell and come back like we hear of folk going down the tunnel and seeing the light.
I think this guy may have considered the attempt.

An Oregon man who died and “dissolved” after falling into a boiling, acidic hot spring at Yellowstone national park last June had been looking for a place to swim, officials investigating the incident have concluded.

For example in Hindu scriptures, there is a concept of 'sati', wife in most of the case forced or brainwashed to immolate herself along with funeral of her deceased husband. How horrendous! But now these things are changed and completely curbed.

If she knows she is not her body, why is it horrendous?

Can you elaborate?

It's quite simple. She knows the body she possesses is merely a temporary transport. She knows all life forms are essentially immortal. She knows that as a wife , she has duty, and she carries out her duty in full knowledge. What is horrendous about that?

It's quite simple. She knows the body she possesses is merely a temporary transport. She knows all life forms are essentially immortal. She knows that as a wife , she has duty, and she carries out her duty in full knowledge. What is horrendous about that?


Wow. Then why have any laws to abide by or even scriptures to abide by or morals to abide by?

Thats cruelty especially to be forced or brainwashed or even coerced to harm yourself just for the sake of her husband to follow him. And immolation in particular is just a sadistic gratuitous way to go.

What this implies to me is that she is somehow deserving of inhumane level of punishment because her husband passed and she is still breathing. This manipulative scripture to harm herself through guilt trips using a higher authority (god) when its really man's idea is to skirt the people's moral responsibility or wash their hands of their own agendas when it clearly is. Its just another indication of patriarchal and sexist mores.
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It's quite simple. She knows the body she possesses is merely a temporary transport. She knows all life forms are essentially immortal. She knows that as a wife , she has duty, and she carries out her duty in full knowledge. What is horrendous about that?

Imma start my own religion: make beer not war.

The body is merely a vessel to taste the spiritual *hic*
It's quite simple. She knows the body she possesses is merely a temporary transport. She knows all life forms are essentially immortal. She knows that as a wife , she has duty, and she carries out her duty in full knowledge. What is horrendous about that?


This is where the 'ignore' button must come handy.

You need treatment and social restrictions if you have such views.

As a wife it is her duty to offer herself to his dead husband pyre.....what a bloody shame you are!! I would recommend your ban.
This is where the 'ignore' button must come handy.

You need treatment and social restrictions if you have such views.

As a wife it is her duty to offer herself to his dead husband pyre.....what a bloody shame you are!! I would recommend your ban.

Personal opinions aside, what is horrendous about what I said?

Is it it horrendous to die for ones country, or to sacrifice ones life to save another life?

Thats cruelty especially to be forced or brainwashed or even coerced to harm yourself just for the sake of her husband to follow him. And immolation in particular is just a sadistic gratuitous way to go.

Based on what I wrote, how is it cruel.
How was she forced?
How is it that she is brainwashed?

What this implies to me is that she is somehow deserving of inhumane level of punishment because her husband passed and she is still breathing.

I can understand that, but if you look closer, it may not be what you think.

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Personal opinions aside, what is horrendous about what I said?
Finding something horrendous or not IS a matter of personal opinion.
Horror is a subjective matter.
One can not answer your question by putting personal opinion aside.
One can merely detail why they find it horrendous, which may differ from person to person.
Many people find the idea of dying simply for a sense of duty and with no tangible benefit to be rather horrendous.
Is it it horrendous to die for ones country, or to sacrifice ones life to save another life?
And just as irrelevant, is it horrendous to buy 4 pints of milk when you only need 2?
Dying for ones country is not by choice; I wouldn't be surprised if 100% of servicemen would prefer to come back alive.
"The object of war is not to die for one's country but to make the other b*****d die for his." Gen. George S. Patton.

Sacrificing one's life to save another is also rather different than simply dying with someone for no reason other than a sense of duty.
It's quite simple. She knows the body she possesses is merely a temporary transport. She knows all life forms are essentially immortal. She knows that as a wife , she has duty, and she carries out her duty in full knowledge. What is horrendous about that?

Such a pity that superstitious bunkum is tolerated.
She knows what she knows because presumably has been taught such nonsence since a young child.
Brainwashing is the only explaination.
Sexist crap.
Finding something horrendous or not IS a matter of personal opinion.
Horror is a subjective matter.
One can not answer your question by putting personal opinion aside.
One can merely detail why they find it horrendous, which may differ from person to person.
Many people find the idea of dying simply for a sense of duty and with no tangible benefit to be rather horrendous.

I didn't say that thinking it is horrendous is a personal opinion.
I meant his personal opinion of me.

And just as irrelevant, is it horrendous to buy 4 pints of milk when you only need 2?

No it's not irrelevant, you are just in this mood because you are responding to me.

It can be horrendous if you needed some change for your electric meter, but forgot, buying 4 pints instead of 2, with not enough change left.

Dying for ones country is not by choice; I wouldn't be surprised if 100% of servicemen would prefer to come back alive.

Are you saying no ever chooses to die for their country?

Sacrificing one's life to save another is also rather different than simply dying with someone for no reason other than a sense of duty.

Who said it's for no other reason than a sense of duty?

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Such a pity that superstitious bunkum is tolerated.
She knows what she knows because presumably has been taught such nonsence since a young child.
Brainwashing is the only explaination.
Sexist crap.

That's your understanding of it, and if it were purely that, you would have made a good point.##

I had advocated a religion of beer. Some aren't as predisposed as you, Jan, that we need a psychoactive drug to keep the faith.

Could you tell me how to invoke spontaneous human combustion? I fear I may not be worthy for heaven if I cannot fulfill this duty.