Evidence of Hell.

bear in mind that any finite length of time is infinitely shorter than eternity.
I.e. "Time-limited" would be anything from 0 to... well... a very long time indeed. ;)
Still begs the question (I hope you are taking this seriously)
First I have heard of a time-limited fire and brimstone hell.
It was from a believer who has at least half a brain an tryin to put his monster God in a beter light.!!!

It might be worth it you know. What comes after ?

Heaven comes after a few thousand years of burnin hell (his beliefs)... does that seem worth it to you... or the plan of a lovin father.???
Which may then go some way to helping me understand the relevance of your one-word answer.

Dualism s what it is.
You have a concept of Hell. Use dualism
to work out it's counterpart.

Hadn't been aware of NDEs and hell.
Learn something new etc.

Glad to be of assistance.

but you don't think your belief or not in the truth of the interpretations in what you are linking to is relevant?

Not in the slightest.
Why do you think it does?

I would think you'd find a link on Google if you looked, and if what I was taught is commonly enough understood.
Otherwise I guess it'll just be me saying so, based on what I was told when younger.

Thanks for that. It's really helpful.

Christians are delusional. Heaven and Hell is a complete fantasy, as well as God.

There is no evidence that any God exists or that there is life after death. God simply doesn't exist, it's simple as that.

Even if some God exists and that is highly unlikely, there is no shred of proof that he cares about human life.

The vast amount of evidence that I have seen points that there is no life after death. Death is the end of human existence, it's simple as that.
Christians are delusional. Heaven and Hell is a complete fantasy, as well as God.

There is no evidence that any God exists or that there is life after death. God simply doesn't exist, it's simple as that.

Even if some God exists and that is highly unlikely, there is no shred of proof that he cares about human life.

The vast amount of evidence that I have seen points that there is no life after death. Death is the end of human existence, it's simple as that.

Thank you very much Pluto, your honesty is refreshing.

It will be interesting to read what you write, from here on. If you write anything at all.

It was from a believer who has at least half a brain an tryin to put his monster God in a beter light.!!!

Heaven comes after a few thousand years of burnin hell (his beliefs)... does that seem worth it to you... or the plan of a lovin father.???
The lovin father would only be punishing the wicked . The virtuous need not worry;)

Some people would surely trade a time-limited punishment for present advancement. What is more ,they could cash in a few favours at the end of their punishment if their "sins" were to also the benefit of third parties.

As an example ,Sculptor has informed us that Saddam Hussein did a lot of good to "his people" so he would presumably be in line for a large dividend at the end of his time in the fire.

Hitler was kind to animals, I have heard....
The lovin father would only be punishing the wicked . The virtuous need not worry;)

Some people would surely trade a time-limited punishment for present advancement. What is more ,they could cash in a few favours at the end of their punishment if their "sins" were to also the benefit of third parties.

As an example ,Sculptor has informed us that Saddam Hussein did a lot of good to "his people" so he would presumably be in line for a large dividend at the end of his time in the fire.

Hitler was kind to animals, I have heard....

Out of fear that people like Sculptor is right... i will continue to fight tooth an nail to make it to hell so i can be around good people like me insted of the Hitlers of the world who will be in heaven ;)
Dualism s what it is.
You have a concept of Hell. Use dualism
to work out it's counterpart.
Your definition mentioned no counterpart, merely two different concepts, or aspects, of something.
I threw in the notion of counterpart to try to understand how your answer of "duality" answered the question of "where does our concept of hell come from?"
I'm still struggling to comprehend what you mean.
Please enlighten?
Not in the slightest.
Why do you think it does?
The question asked was whether someone has come back from hell.
You gave a link to lists of youtube videos reporting to be about that, but if you don't actually believe what is in those videos, all you're saying is that some people have claimed that they have, not that you actually believe they have, not that you actually think it possible.
I.e. you are not answering the question that was asked.
Knowing whether you believe those videos or not at least enables one to understand your view on the matter.
And given that you posted the response, your view is relevant.

But I see you're not in the mood to discuss but instead resort to your usual nonsense.
Still begs the question (I hope you are taking this seriously)
You dare suggest I wouldn't be?! :eek:
It's actually the first time I've also heard of time-limited punishment.
I'm aware of the doctrine of limbo, God's waiting-room (or is that a retirement-home?), where Catholics, for example, would go while waiting to be cleansed of all sin so that they can enter heaven, assuming they aren't bound for pits of hell.
And on the basis that you eventually get to heaven, this limbo would be time-limited.
Not sure how much suffering goes on there, though, or whether you just get to haunt your tormentors still on earth, ghostly shroud and all etc.
God simply doesn't exist, it's simple as that.
That is an opinion. There is also no evidence that God doesn't exist.

Many atheists prefer a more moderate stance, such as 'I see insufficient evidence to back such an extraordinary claim, and so will proceed with the most plausible explanation. Though I acknowledge that it is impossible to prove a negative.'

For my part, my belief in the existence or non-existence of God is but a shadow to my belief in well-formed arguments.

I disparage poorly-formed atheistic arguments as much as I disparage poorly-formed theistic arguments.
The answw to the question....
What is sin?
A sin is any behaviour I consider to be bad and does not fit my notion of good behaviour.
Using your fork in your right hand is of course a sin.
And I guess the up shot of this thread is the proposition of a fiery hell is like many other things in the world of religion a damn fact and you had better believe it or else.
Fortunately the civilized world has moved from the notion of punishment to that of rehabilitation.

I propose a new hell where folk can receive counseling and help with anger management.
There is no evidence that any God exists
Even if some God exists and that is highly unlikely, there is no shred of proof that he cares about human life.

Well that depends on what one's definition of "God" is. The word "God" is an extremely loaded word with a lot of baggage and religious dogma attached to it, so that when someone even mentions the word "God" it brings up preconceived notions and emotional feelings based upon the perceptions one has obtained through deeply embedded beliefs programmed since birth.

The vast amount of evidence that I have seen points that there is no life after death. Death is the end of human existence, it's simple as that.

But I'm alive Now.

However I am interested to know where the concept of hell comes from.

I saw an interesting documentary on T.V. once where they explained how the concept of hell became part of the religious belief system, but that was years ago, so I don't remember the name of the documentary.

Also who can look forward to hell?
Only believers who are guilty of sin?

Pretty much, yep. Reserved for those who choose to believe.

If you don't believe and presumable don't have guilt in your heart (mind) can you be guilty of any sin and therefore escape judgement?

If one doesn't believe, there is no judgement to escape from. The only judgement is what one places upon their self.

A sin is any behaviour I consider to be bad and does not fit my notion of good behaviour.

Yeah, "sin" is a relative concept.
The only judgement is what one places upon their self.
I call your observation wisdom.

And the irony in personal judgement is it is most likely formed upon what others consider acceptable.

Many folk appear to be prone to feeling of guilt because they, in their view of themselves, have not met up to expectation of either their family, friends or partner.
And I have heard others say of their condition...."they live in their own personal hell".
Of course its not a hell lined with eternal fire but it may as well be given how it is apparent to onlookers that they suffer without let up.
Perfectionism can be hell.
Once I was a perfectionist and although I can't say I was suffering the condition took something out of enjoyment of achievement.
If building something the smallest error would see me lose faith and pride in what I was building.
Fortunately these days I have escaped the hell that is perfectionism.
I regard anything I build which has a flaw as a proto type of the perfect unit that will one day replace my original effort.
That hints that the condition is still with me but as they say ( the group authority on all wisdom) if you can not solve a problem manage it well such that it is no longer of annoyance.
Thank you for your input I did enjoy reading your post.
Your definition mentioned no counterpart, merely two different concepts, or aspects, of something.

There's no need. Use your idea of Hell and the counterpart will follow.

I'm still struggling to comprehend what you mean.
Please enlighten?

See above.

The question asked was whether someone has come back from hell.
You gave a link to lists of youtube videos reporting to be about that, but if you don't actually believe what is in those videos, all you're saying is that some people have claimed that they have, not that you actually believe they have, not that you actually think it possible.

The question asked was...

...Has anyone gone to hell and come back like we hear of folk going down the tunnel and seeing the light...

...not, do you believe that anyone has.

You should pay more attention Baldeee .

I'm not going to prejudge that, thanks.


But I am curious why you doubt it: is it because you doubt NDEs genuinely being as interpreted, or just that the light they see is the fires of hell because you think it is the light of heaven or some such?

Start a thread, and if it is sincere I will participate.

I would think you'd find a link on Google if you looked, and if what I was taught is commonly enough understood.
Otherwise I guess it'll just be me saying so, based on what I was told when younger.

So you're not going to provide a link as requested. That's fine. If you can refuse, so can I. Something to remember.

As to whether I believe it, I certainly think it plausible that the image we have of hell as a fiery pit might have stemmed from the original /Greek word used that linked it to such things.

Why do you think so?

Clever use of a name to conjure up the images desired by the writer, etc.
It's plausible.

Lots of ideas can appear to be plausible. Why do think this one is?

Hi Jan
Thank you for participating in my thread.
As usual you have more questions than answers...why is that?
No don't answer.

Hi Alex.
Don't mention it.

I think you're under the impression that I take your post a s a serious attempt to gain understanding about the topic you raise.

A sin is any behaviour I consider to be bad and does not fit my notion of good behaviour.

At least you accept there is such a thing as sin.
We all have to start somewhere.

And I guess the up shot of this thread is the proposition of a fiery hell is like many other things in the world of religion a damn fact and you had better believe it or else.

Do you really believe the actuality of such a condition to be dependent on whether you believe it or not?

Sorry for the questions, but you really haven't thought this through.

Fortunately the civilized world has moved from the notion of punishment to that of rehabilitation.

One man's rehabilitation is another man's punishment, regardless of the civilised world.

I propose a new hell where folk can receive counseling and help with anger management.

So Hell, isn't a concept, as you implied in your op, not if you can propose a new one.
Think about it. ;)
