Evidence of Hell.

There's no need. Use your idea of Hell and the counterpart will follow.
There is a need, Jan.
Your definition did not mention counterpart... I did.
Per your definition of duality, please can you explain what you meant?
See above.
It doesn't answer my question, nor provide any clarity as to what you meant.
Please can you do so, per the definition of duality you provided?
...not, do you believe that anyone has.
Then let me ask you: do you believe that they have?
Start a thread, and if it is sincere I will participate.
Given the question you think you answered, it seems perfectly legitimate to explore it here.
Please can you answer it?
So you're not going to provide a link as requested. That's fine. If you can refuse, so can I. Something to remember.
Try to pay attention, Jan.
You had already responded to that comment of mine, and in response to that comment of yours I provided a link.
#post 30.
Try reading it.
Why do you think so?
It would not be the only place-name that has leant itself to our vocabulary by conjuring up the image/stories of the place: Soddom, Bedlam, Armageddon, Chinese Wall, Vaudeville etc.
Lots of ideas can appear to be plausible. Why do think this one is?
See above.
At least you accept there is such a thing as sin.
Do I?
We all have to start somewhere.
Do we?
Do you really believe the actuality of such a condition to be dependent on whether you believe it or not?
Should I?
Sorry for the questions, but you really haven't thought this through.
Haven't I?
One man's rehabilitation is another man's punishment, regardless of the civilised world.
Is it?
So Hell, isn't a concept, as you implied in your op, not if you can propose a new one.
Why not?
Think about it.
I have.

I am a theist, I believe in God.
But I do not believe in this hell-heaven thingie after death.

The pain or physical torture can only be experienced by body, not by soul.

On a lighter vein, after death hell and heaven are only two abodes for earthly mortals..

As per religion those who violate Godly rules and laws are sinners and will go to hell. As per Godly rules, killing innocent animals is sin, benefitting out of sinful act is also sin, so all non vegetarians are sinners. Assuming 50% of population is nonvegans, they are allotted a birth each in hell.

Secondly as per Godly rules ogling or lusting for other females is also sin, forget about action even thinking about it is sin, so out of left over 50% all the male folks ( can anyone claim himself to be such sin free?) are also standing at the hell gate after death. None so far at heaven gate. But there is a huge population of 25% all females, they are the prospective candidates for heaven.

No wonder all straight males want to go to heaven, but they cannot.
I am a theist, I believe in God.
But I do not believe in this hell-heaven thingie after death.

The pain or physical torture can only be experienced by body, not by soul.

On a lighter vein, after death hell and heaven are only two abodes for earthly mortals..

As per religion those who violate Godly rules and laws are sinners and will go to hell. As per Godly rules, killing innocent animals is sin, benefitting out of sinful act is also sin, so all non vegetarians are sinners. Assuming 50% of population is nonvegans, they are allotted a birth each in hell.

Secondly as per Godly rules ogling or lusting for other females is also sin, forget about action even thinking about it is sin, so out of left over 50% all the male folks ( can anyone claim himself to be such sin free?) are also standing at the hell gate after death. None so far at heaven gate. But there is a huge population of 25% all females, they are the prospective candidates for heaven.

No wonder all straight males want to go to heaven, but they cannot.
Um... No one respects your intellect now. Perhaps you should say something different.
Where did you get this?
What Godly rule asserts that killing an animal - even for food - is a sin?
I recall something to the effect that God gave man dominion over the animals maybe that does not include killing...
But I don't know how we are going to get around the animal sacrifices in the old testament...
Is it a sin to point out the bible is inconsistent and full of obvious errors.

I am a theist, I believe in God.
But I do not believe in this hell-heaven thingie after death.

May I ask what is the foundation of your belief?

Is it the bible?

If so may I ask have you read the bible " cover to cover" or do you select only the parts that you feel make sence.

I am genuinely curious and as you seem to like your science I would like to know how you deal with the bible given it is so wrong in many parts.

I think it would be strange to expect a human breeding program and then make lust a sin.

I recall something to the effect that God gave man dominion over the animals maybe that does not include killing...
I'm pretty sure that, if God intended us not to eat flesh, he would have made it pretty clear.

Telling us what he wants is pretty important to him, if the lore is any guide.
I'm pretty sure that, if God intended us not to eat flesh, he would have made it pretty clear.
He did not mention human flesh either does that mean cannibalism is OK...now that could solve the overpopulation problem.

Getting your big Mac could take on a whole new meaning.

In any event I think God needs to get some TV time and do like an address to the nation type talk, well to the world er maybe just to the believers ..he could do a utube video .

Gee things have moved on since he dictated notes that were taken down on stone.

I have had a little voice in my head saying write the brand new testament...should I?? or stop eating food past its use by date.

I know I am asking for evidence of something I already reject so that may put off true believers participating.

However I am interested to know where the concept of hell comes from.

Also who can look forward to hell?
Only believers who are guilty of sin?
If you don't believe and presumable don't have guilt in your heart (mind) can you be guilty of any sin and therefore escape judgement?

Has anyone gone to hell and come back like we hear of folk going down the tunnel and seeing the light.

Could the light be the fires of hell?


Hell is psychological manipulation by religion
May I ask what is the foundation of your belief?

Is it the bible?

If so may I ask have you read the bible " cover to cover" or do you select only the parts that you feel make sence.

I am genuinely curious and as you seem to like your science I would like to know how you deal with the bible given it is so wrong in many parts.

I think it would be strange to expect a human breeding program and then make lust a sin.


For me having faith in God does not come in contradiction with my rationalistic self. I can manage both like millions others.

I do not think that the structured concept of hell or heaven or religion came the day human beings first came in, after all these concepts are all in scriptures, and such scripting could have taken place only after human race acquired some civility, some knowledge, means only after we started living in atleast a primitive social set up. That sums up your questions.

Elaboratung further, you see lust must be exercised with restrain in a civilized society but certainly it was not applicable to primitive human beings like animals of today. So acting on lust may lead you to criminal offense, that is the outcome of civil society, but in Godly rule book this soils your inner self and straight road to sin.

Yes you are right bible has issues, Hindu scriptures have issues, Islam has issues..why? Because they are scriptures, written or conceived by so called saintly people with whatever they knew at that time. These are wonderful literary works and with no disrespect I must say there is no harm in occasionally applying rationalistic approach while handling them.

For example in Hindu scriptures, there is a concept of 'sati', wife in most of the case forced or brainwashed to immolate herself along with funeral of her deceased husband. How horrendous! But now these things are changed and completely curbed.

Thats why I said, having faith in God is fine but as the society evolves there are many things associated with religion that too must change. The biggest crisis which Islam is facing today is, the complete resistance to change. The change probably will not come from those who claims to be the preachers of God or religion. The change will come from state's involvement. What is civil and what is not from religious point of view and rationalistic point of view is different. Ultimately there has to be a fine balance but rationalistic approach must prevail in most cases.
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For me having faith in God does not come in contradiction with my rationalistic self. I can manage both like millions others.
Thank you for your well considered reply.
Do you think the bible should be edited to leave only what is correct and appropriate for our era.