Europe Is Sick Of Muslims

Sock puppet path said:
Meanwhile outside the mosque a hindu passes by.

And in oslos' largest mosque two people are stabbed and several beaten during friday prayers.


Faithfreedom is a site devoted only for false propaganda against Islam. This picture does not prove anything.

Family Feud behind Mosque fight

Ever heard about 3,000 Muslims (mainly women and children) burnt to death in Gujurat province of India by Hindu Extermists supported by Indian Police.
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DiamondHearts said:
Faithfreedom is a site devoted only for false propaganda against Islam. This picture does not prove anything.

You wish it was false, A pic is worth a thousand words isn't it

And? You say islam is super muslims are the happiest most content people etc etc.
Ever heard about 3,000 Muslims (mainly women and children) burnt to death in Gujurat province of India by Hindu Extermists supported by Indian Police.

So are you saying that whatever muslims do is justified because hindus did it too?
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Looks like I'm not Alone

Negative perceptions of Islam increasing
Updated: 10:11 a.m. ET March 9, 2006

As the war in Iraq grinds into its fourth year, a growing proportion of Americans are expressing unfavorable views of Islam, and a majority now say that Muslims are disproportionately prone to violence, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

The poll found that nearly half of Americans -- 46 percent -- have a negative view of Islam, seven percentage points higher than in the tense months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, when Muslims were often targeted for violence.
Sock puppet path said:
You wish it was false, A pic is worth a thousand words isn't it

And? You say islam is super muslims are the happiest most content people etc etc.

So are you saying that whatever muslims do is justified because hindus did it too?[/QUOTE]

Islam is the greatest religion ever. It teaches peace, compassion, and honor. This is why Islam has appeal among the downtrodden and oppressed among the poor or lower caste of India. Islam was a way out of an oppressive caste system and abuse which still exists on the part of Hindu extremists and higher caste Hindus.

I did not, I was just responding to your one-sided portrayal that Muslims in India oppress Hindus. I am still waiting for an article for that picture.
Islam is the greatest religion ever. It teaches peace, compassion, and honor.

Oh! come on where the hell is the peace, honor and compassion in tying a fucking bomb to one's body and blowing themselves to smitherines?

there's 33000 sects to christianity, I've never ever heard anyone of them to this day condone suitside for a greater cause. Though I'm sure it happened in some time past, when idealogy was less secularist. Today however Islamic radicals taken from the Qua'ran and the teaching of Muhammed "asshole be his name" condone such actions as suitside.

Islamic terrorism is inspired by Islamic teachings. We can never get rid of Islamic terrorism unless we defeat the ideology behind it and that is Islam itself. Islam induces hate backed by lies. Muhammad was a terrorist by his own admission. All Muslims, to the extent that they follow him, are terrorists. Those Muslims who are not terrorists are ignorant of Islam and are not good Muslims. Fortunately they are the majority. We need to rescue them. If you are a good human being, you are not a Muslim. Read this site and if you can't prove me wrong, which you certainly can't, leave this deceitful cult of hate and terror and join mankind. Don't be part of the Umma. Umma is fascism. It is divisive. It induces the hatred of others. Be part of humanity instead. Your ignorance is not an excuse. Pull your head out of the sand and face the truth, like we did.

DiamondHearts said:
Islam is the greatest religion ever. It teaches peace, compassion, and honor.

The evidence on the ground contradicts you we see many people ready to use violence at the drop of a hat people who are easily whipped into a rage (not typical behaviour for contented and peaceful individuals). As far as compassion we all too often see oppression and persecution of minorities is muslim countries. Attacks on others places of worship. This and the violence after the cartoons the way women are kept on a short leash are enough to demonstrate that there is something lacking that leaves' many many muslims insecure. Honor huh, like in honor killing? It has gone over 1400 years and we see dictators and autocrats rife thoughout the muslim world (yet no one connects the dots to how autocratic islam itself is), illiteracy rates are higher than in almost any other demographic worldwide, science, and research and development are sorely neglected in general. Simply put if islam were what you keep repeating the above would not be the case, we would not have 30 million muslims living in europe most of whom came as refugees from muslim lands.

This is why Islam has appeal among the downtrodden and oppressed among the poor or lower caste of India. Islam was a way out of an oppressive caste system and abuse which still exists on the part of Hindu extremists and higher caste Hindus.

This I understand no surprise there.

I did not, I was just responding to your one-sided portrayal that Muslims in India oppress Hindus. I am still waiting for an article for that picture.
And I am just responding to your one-sided portrayal of islam. BTW that picture was from bangladesh. To be frank I really don't mind if you are or want to be muslim but I get a bit nauseous with your robotic preaching.
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As the war in Iraq grinds into its fourth year, a growing proportion of Americans are expressing unfavorable views of Islam, and a majority now say that Muslims are disproportionately prone to violence, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

What did you expect, with the American media constantly feeding the public stories of violence committed by Muslims?

I love the way you dress and beat your women.

Further stereotyping of this type will result in yet another ban for you, J.B.


Today however Islamic radicals taken from the Qua'ran and the teaching of Muhammed "asshole be his name" condone such actions as suitside.

There is no need to be offensive. It weakens your argument, and makes you look like a bigot.
Islam is a religion which teaches peace and compassion to all human beings, except those who do evil in the land, kill others unjustly, and occupy their lands. Islamic teachings state that if anyone pulls their hand on you, you have every right to defend yourself, and killing someone who is trying to kill you is not a sin but your right. Islamic teachings are based on the laws of the Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (s) which is based on both reason and faith. Islam as a religion regrets the taking of life, except in justice.

In the Quran, it says “Whoever kills one soul unjustly, it is as if he has killed all of humanity and if anyone saved one soul, its as if he saved all of humanity” (5:32)

Can such a religion teach injustice?

Not all Muslims follow Islam properly, Islam has more than a billion followers and like Christianity, not all of them are good human beings, let alone being good Muslims.

Killing of civilians is illegal in Islamic law. However, some Iraqi resistance fighters do target civilians and that is regrettable, but in no way does it reflect the will of the rest of the Muslim people.

America has also killed scores of Muslim civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, but why doesn't America come under attack as well? America invaded these countries on pure lies and without the support of the world consensus. Many resistance fighters kill out of anger for their deceased loved ones, and this is understandable, but it doesn't make it right. Also, oil profiteers and other pro-occupation unarmed groups are hardly civilians because they help and further the cause of US hegemony in Iraq so they are enemies of the Iraqi people as well. Journalists and aid workers however are wrongly targeted, and this is forbidden in Islam.

Also women are treated very well in Islamic countries, being someone who grew up in there I will testify that the West often uses baseless accusations and false propaganda to dehumanize us. This is a very big part of US tactics to erase the pity people have for Iraqi, Afghani, and other Muslim resistance groups in the world. So its not very hard to fall into this trap in the West, but someone from the Middle East can testify that Muslim women are quite happy and would rather live according to Islam than another culture out of their own free will. As a matter of fact, most children are raised following Islamic principles from their mothers, and this is encouraged by female members of the society. It's not the other way around as many Western Orientalists would like to believe. Islam is strong in Muslim countries because the family structure is strong and faith starts from both parents and influences the rest of the family.

If you don't want to believe in Islam, this is your decision and I acknowledge that. However, spreading false propaganda and lies is no way to debate Islam on an fair intellectual level.
James R said:

What did you expect, with the American media constantly feeding the public stories of violence committed by Muslims?

James it is the job of any news media organisation to report the news, are you saying they should not report muslims marching and killing over cartoons, are you saying they should not report about suicide bombers.

Are you saying americans are thick & unable to see that muslim militants are behind these attacks, not all muslims.

On the news the correct world used is islamic militants, not muslims as you pointed it out.

America is well educated as the british are, we are quite able to draw our own conclusions, on violent religons & peaceful ones.

"What did you expect, with the American media constantly feeding the public stories of violence committed by Muslims?"

If there were no murders, then there will be no news stories on it, would there?

News organisations dont make the news, people do.

If jewish or catholic militants, were running around killing people every day worldwide, this would be reported too, but they are not, or are you saying news stations should make up stories of jewish & catholic suicide bombers, to sort alike balance things out?

When 5000 christians storm a mosque in egypt that will be reported by the news, but the fact was it was 5000 muslims who stormed a church in egypt, that is unatural it was reported & rightly so.

Islamic militancy is rampant around the world, & that is a reality, it is not catholic miltancy e.g. the IRA, the IRA bombings were all reported, & so should all islamic miltant bombings be reported, as well as attacks on other faiths.

The ill treatment of women, in what ever country should be reported to, the news station should not sweep it all under the carpet, to avoid upsetting muslims.

Or are you saying news stations need to be moderated by a moderator, that way we can sweep it all under the carpet.
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Are you saying americans are thick & unable to see that muslim militants are behind these attacks, not all muslims.

That is certainly true for some. Many Americans have all kinds of false beliefs about Islam, since they know almost nothing about the religion except for the fact that some terrorists profess to believe in it.

America is well educated as the british are, we are quite able to draw our own conclusions, on violent religons & peaceful ones.

No all Americans or Britons are well educated, and in particular not all are well educated about Islam. To many Americans and Britons, Islam is a religion of violence.

You have access to the internet and many international news sources, vincent. Many people, believe it or not, do not.

If there were no murders, then there will be no news stories on it, would there?

News organisations dont make the news, people do.

That is only half true. News sources make decisions all the time as to which events to emphasize and which to downplay. Moreover, the same news story can be reported in many different ways. Then there are the many "analysts" and commentors on news events, who all add their own spin to the news.

If jewish or catholic militants, were running around killing people every day worldwide, this would be reported too, but they are not, or are you saying news stations should make up stories of jewish & catholic suicide bombers, to sort alike balance things out?

Only a few years ago, in Northern Ireland, Catholics and Protestants were constantly in the news, blowing each other up.