Europe Is Sick Of Muslims

I see no evidence of any muslims using any force of anykind to stop other muslims from killing non-muslims.
Why should they? They aren't responsible for the actions of others... only their own.

I don't see the Catholics using any force of any kind to stop the IRA killing Protestants.
draqon said:
its not just Europe thats sick of muslims, its also USA thats sick of muslims. I lived in Hoboken, NJ which is 1 mile from WTC, and no I will never forget what happened on that 9-11 day and I know muslims are responsible, there is something in their religion that makes them so violent.

So are you trying to say that one billion of us are responsible for what 19 people did? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You need to get yourself educated on American history like the massacre and extermination of Native Americans, genocide and slavery against Blacks, and internment of Japanese during World War 2. Also you would do well to read on police brutality on blacks, minorities, lynchings and shooting of Mexicans, and abuse and murder of Arabs, Muslims, Indians, and brown people. America hardly has a clean slate when it comes to abuse against minorities.

Muslim and Christian Arabs, Indians, and other ethnic Muslim groups are often the target of racism and stereotyping. I can't believe you would actually blame all the victims of racism and murder that it is their fault.

If some of you guys actually knew Muslims and were friends with them I know you wouldn't have the same idea about us. Most of the bigots and racists who hate Muslims and Middle Eastern people are like this because they don't know us. If they had true knowledge about Muslims and Islam, they would gain respect of us. Must Muslims respect the Christian faith because we know it teaching kindness and mercy like Islam. There are some preachers who blind people to do evil, but the Christian religion teaching good. So, why should other people look at all Muslims for the actions of a few? You act like I bombed the WTC.

Should I be subject to illegal detention without any charge or be discriminated against because I follow Islam? Am I lower than people who aren't Muslim? Sometimes the racism on this forum is apalling.
DiamonHearts you need to get yourself educated on Muslim followers history like the invasion of Tatar-Mongols on Russia in 13th century and enslavery of Eastern Europe, support of Nazis and genocide against Jews in World War II, and internment of shiites by their own muslims in Iraq. Also you would do well to read on palestine terrorists brutality against israeli's, planning bombs in various hotels in Egypt, and murder of innocent men and women in WTC and Pentagon.

If some of you guys actually knew Christians and were friend with them I know you wouldn't have the same idea about us. Most of the bigots and racists who hate Christians and Westerners are like this because they don't know us. If they had true knowledge about Westerners and Christianity they would gain respect of us. Must Christians respect the Muslim faith because we know it teaching kindness and mercy like Christianity. There are some preachers who blind people to do evil (like Moqtada al-Sadr), but the Islam religion teaching good. So, why should other people look at all Christians for the actions of a few? You act like all the terroristes in WTC were not related to Islam.

Should I be subject to illegal detention without any charge or be discriminated against because I follow Christianity? Am I lower than people who aren't Westerners? Sometimes the racism on this forum is apalling.
DiamonHearts, it's illegal to build a Christian church or Jewish synagog in Egypt. An Egyptian Coptic Christian church was recently stormed by a Muslim mob, and burned. Muslims urinated and deficated on the alter of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Bethlehem. A Jewish synagog was blown up by Muslims in Tunisia. Muslims regularily burn Christian churches in SE Asia and the Middle East. It is illegal to sell Bibles in Saudi Arabia. As an atheist, I would be stoned in some Muslim nations.

It's up to ALL Muslims to condemn the brand of Islamic fundamentalism that breeds terrorism. But that voice is very, very weak, and seldom heard.
I think what people are forgetting is that Christianity is probably as bad as Islam. The keeping of slaves is endorsed in the bible with many other twisted and cruel morals. Hundreds of years ago Christians were probably much more violent than what Muslims are up to today.

It's more to do with the societies they are living in rather than the religion itself. Just like Christians stopped keeping slaves and killing/inprisoning non-believers, hopefully muslim society will get over itself in the same way one day...

So Christians, don't get on your high horse.
KennyJC said:
I think what people are forgetting is that Christianity is probably as bad as Islam. The keeping of slaves is endorsed in the bible with many other twisted and cruel morals. Hundreds of years ago Christians were probably much more violent than what Muslims are up to today.

It's more to do with the societies they are living in rather than the religion itself. Just like Christians stopped keeping slaves and killing/inprisoning non-believers, hopefully muslim society will get over itself in the same way one day...

So Christians, don't get on your high horse.

What an idiot! Didn't the Europeans after world war 2 say "Never again"? - commenting on the genocide committed on the Jews. You really make your self look like a tolerant "enlightened" European. When I started reading your post the anti-moron software on my PC went crazy!
KennyJC, it's interesting that you changed tense from "Christianity is probably as bad as Islam" to "Christians were probably much more violent than what Muslims are up to today".

Christianity was able to grow and mature as a religion. Muslims are taught that Islam cannot and will not change. Islam is stuck in the seventh century.
marv said:
KennyJC, it's interesting that you changed tense from "Christianity is probably as bad as Islam" to "Christians were probably much more violent than what Muslims are up to today".

Christianity was able to grow and mature as a religion.

You missed my point. The root of Christianity is still pretty sickening at times, the fact that modern Christians gloss over the twisted parts of the Bible doesn't really change anything about the religion.

Christians 'matured' due to what is called a modern society. If modern society took place in the Middle East the same would happen there hopefully.

Muslims are taught that Islam cannot and will not change. Islam is stuck in the seventh century

Christians don't? These days Christians look stupid rather than be violent. It's hard not to laugh when they still largely say that the Earth is created in 6 days and Adam and Eve etc. I was taught this shit at school so you can not tell me that Christianity allows itself to change.

If Christians change in terms of violence and tolerance then it's because parts of the religion are now against the law which is another society thing. Christians had no choice to change their ways other wise they'd be locked up in the 21st century. You can thank secularism for that.
Also Islam is 500 years behind Christianity, Christan's were doing much worse. Christianity when through this, once religion is separated from state most of the problems will be solved for Muslims. Islam is going through a change.
the issues and solutions

Since last year, they've been beseeching Coach Farida Abusafa, a 26-year-old English teacher who also coaches sports, to ask public schools and non-Muslim private schools if their girls teams would be willing to compete against girls from the Universal School.The problem is that the schools would have to agree to bar men and boys past the age of puberty from watching the games. the americans

Chirac said the wearing of religious symbols threatened the cohesion of the French people and France's separation of church and state."Secularity is one of the republic's great achievements," said Chirac. "It plays a crucial role in social harmony and national cohesion. We must not allow it to be weakened." the europeans

you reap what you sow
The benifits or removing muslims, far out weights the benifits of letting them stay.
it isnt anyone's place to say who should be removed and who should stay.
to make such a statement is a support of dictators throughout history.
try to stop posting idiocy, and study some philosophy, jb.
or better yet: just stop posting on religious subforums.
OK, enuff ranting, back to reality.

Here is today's news:

Two Resign From Ill. Hate Crimes Panel

Associated Press Writer

March 3, 2006, 11:55 AM EST

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. -- Two Jewish members of a state hate crimes panel resigned in disgust, saying it was impossible to serve with a Nation of Islam member appointed to the group.

Richard Hirschhaut, executive director of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, and Lonnie Nasatir, a regional director for the Anti-Defamation League, resigned Thursday. They said the commission's work has been compromised.

"The work of this commission is far too important to have been hijacked by one polarizing and divisive figure," Hirschhaut said.

Sister Claudette Marie Muhammad, director of community outreach for the Nation of Islam, was named to the Governor's Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes in August. Her presence was unknown to most people -- including Gov. Rod Blagojevich -- until last month, when she invited members of the commission to attend a speech by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.

In the speech, Farrakhan accused "Hollywood Jews" of "promoting lesbianism, homosexuality" and other "filth." That angered some commission members who publicly complained Muhammad's work for Farrakhan clashed with the panel's goals.

Blagojevich said he did not know he had appointed Muhammad and wished his staff had discussed it with him. His office would not comment on the controversy except to say the governor had accepted Nasatir's resignation. He quickly filled the vacancy with Rep. Lou Lang, but did not return repeated calls seeking comment on the resignations.

Lang, a Democrat and leader in the Jewish caucus, was among some lawmakers who called for Muhammad to denounce Farrakhan's comments, but he said he will give her the benefit of the doubt.

"I'm going to assume for the moment that this person is not espousing hate," he said.

Muhammad issued a statement Wednesday supporting "fairness to all people regardless of race, creed, color, national origin or religious beliefs." She did not return a message left at Nation of Islam headquarters seeking comment.,0,224678.story?coll=sns-ap-nation-headlines
draqon said:
DiamonHearts you need to get yourself educated on Muslim followers history like the invasion of Tatar-Mongols on Russia in 13th century and enslavery of Eastern Europe, support of Nazis and genocide against Jews in World War II, and internment of shiites by their own muslims in Iraq. Also you would do well to read on palestine terrorists brutality against israeli's, planning bombs in various hotels in Egypt, and murder of innocent men and women in WTC and Pentagon.

Actually, The Mongols did not accept Islam until after the 14 century, after the Pagan Mongol armies had destroyed the Islamic capital of Baghdad, but were driven back by the Mamluks and Imam Ibn Taymiyah. After recking havoc in the Islamic world, they began to rebuild it as well as their other territories. Islam spread throughout the world due to their rule. After this, starting from the 15th century it was the Russians who were responsible for genocide and massacre of the Tartar inhabitants of Central Asia and other tribes of the region. Who was it that threatened the livehood of the Tartar pupulation of mainland Russia? Why are they second-class citizens to this day? It was Russians who expanded into Muslim territories and enslaved these people under the czars and communists which is seen even today with the war on the Chechnyan population. Russia has no right to talk about victimhood, it was Russia which expelled the native Chechen people from their lands in 1940s to the cold of Siberia and as refugees in other regions. This killed a third of the Chechen population, mostly the children and elderly.

When did the Islamic governments support the Nazis? What an outrageous allegation. Maybe you are thinking of World War 1, where the Uthmania (Ottoman) Khalifah sided with Germany and Austria against the Allies. This was a war for influence and colonies, and was not the same as World War 2. The Islamic world was under European and Russian occupation following WW1 and the breakdown of the Khalifah, so could not have done anything to help any nation the Allies or the Axis. Saddam Hussein did jail his dissidents, but I thought by now you would have realized that he not only jailed Shiat opposition leaders, but also Sunni Kurdistanis, and even Sunni opposition parties. Saddam was also supported by America against the Post-Revolution Iran.

You tell me of Palestinian resistance of Israeli occupation as proof that Muslims oppress others. You cannot use this excuse because Israel is guilty of the biggest crimes in this field. Genocide and massacre is the Israeli government's specialty. How else do you think they forced the majority of the Palestinian population to leave their homes? How else do you think they still repress and undermine Palestinian self-rule?

You explain to me seperate terrorist attacks against Western targets as proof that Muslims oppress others. Is it not in your capacity to even think that these attacks have political motivations? Or do you rather believe like many idiots that Muslims are inherently evil so they kill people for no reason. NO ONE KILLS FOR NO REASON, ESPECIALLY TERRORISTS. I do not support terrorist actions, but I don't believe they represent anything but political motives. Even the most hated terrorists by American people have only the main demands which are political in nature: No US bases in Saudi Arabia, no interference in the policies of Islamic States, and no undermining Muslim people's wills in their countries. All these goals are political in nature and defensive as well. Invading other countries on lies (Iraq, Afghanistan) is hardly defensive or even ever justified.

draqon said:
If some of you guys actually knew Christians and were friend with them I know you wouldn't have the same idea about us. Most of the bigots and racists who hate Christians and Westerners are like this because they don't know us. If they had true knowledge about Westerners and Christianity they would gain respect of us. Must Christians respect the Muslim faith because we know it teaching kindness and mercy like Christianity. There are some preachers who blind people to do evil (like Moqtada al-Sadr), but the Islam religion teaching good. So, why should other people look at all Christians for the actions of a few? You act like all the terroristes in WTC were not related to Islam.

Should I be subject to illegal detention without any charge or be discriminated against because I follow Christianity? Am I lower than people who aren't Westerners? Sometimes the racism on this forum is apalling.

Nice way of avoiding my questions. I don't have anything against Christians, and my only problem with the West is occupation of Muslim countries. The Westerners are welcome in the Islamic world as long as they don't try to control the inner affairs and undermine the will of the Muslim people. We have many foreign businesses and in many countries Christians are well respected, many holding postions in parliament. There are many churches in Islamic countries, and Muslim-Christian violence is not common place.

marv said:
DiamonHearts, it's illegal to build a Christian church or Jewish synagog in Egypt. An Egyptian Coptic Christian church was recently stormed by a Muslim mob, and burned. Muslims urinated and deficated on the alter of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Bethlehem. A Jewish synagog was blown up by Muslims in Tunisia. Muslims regularily burn Christian churches in SE Asia and the Middle East. It is illegal to sell Bibles in Saudi Arabia. As an atheist, I would be stoned in some Muslim nations.

It's up to ALL Muslims to condemn the brand of Islamic fundamentalism that breeds terrorism. But that voice is very, very weak, and seldom heard.

Give me articles, and then I'll believe you. I don't believe Muslims defiled the Holy Seculcher. However when the Israelis laid seige to Bethlehem, the Muslim and Christian defenders of the city hid inside churches and mosques because they were highly fortified. The Israelis also broke some of the ornaments from the shrines and ripped holy books to provoke them. Indonesia has some problems with Muslim and Christians in the north, but I'm sure each side has their political reasons as well. It is illegal because Saudi Arabi's population is 100% Muslim. Stoning is no longer practiced, you might be discriminated against by the people and asked to leave by the government for your own protection. That is more likely. No one would kill you, that's ridiculous. Furthermore, it's a waste of good bullets. :)

J.B said:
The benifits or removing muslims, far out weights the benifits of letting them stay.

I think the benefits of removing J.B from this forum far outweighs the benefits of letting him stay.
if we do that to all zealots, the forum would become boring, I say let him stay,
infact are'nt you a zealot for islam?, any person with a faith is a zealot, because they have to justify there idocy.
JB said:

In short order, what is happening in Europe will happen in America. America will come to its senses to realize that it has within it a killing cult, not a religion among religions. It is a killing cult with the chief aim of slaying all infidels. There is no middle ground.

Arabs are this way whether they believe in Islam or not. The bible indicates they (arabs/ishmaelites) will always be against everyone else:

Gen 16

11 And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction. 12 And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him.

Gen 17:20

And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.