Europe Is Sick Of Muslims

Adstar said:
Enough of this talk from lying muslims. Have a read of quotes from TRUE MUSLIMS:

Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”

Bukhari:V4B52N220 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.’”

Qur’an 8:57 “If you gain mastery over them in battle, inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them, so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.”

Ishaq:326 “If you come upon them, deal so forcibly as to terrify those who would follow, that they may be warned. Make a severe example of them by terrorizing Allah’s enemies.”

Qur’an 8:67 “It is not fitting for any prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughtered in the land.”

Ishaq:588 “When the Apostle descends on your land none of your people will be left when he leaves.”

Tabari IX:42 “We have been dealt a situation from which there is no escape. You have seen what Muhammad has done. Arabs have submitted to him and we do not have the strength to fight. You know that no herd is safe from him. And no one even dares go outside for fear of being terrorized.”

Ishaq:326 “Allah said, ‘No Prophet before Muhammad took booty from his enemy nor prisoners for ransom.’ Muhammad said, ‘I was made victorious with terror. The earth was made a place for me to clean. I was given the most powerful words. Booty was made lawful for me. I was given the power to intercede. These five privileges were awarded to no prophet before me.’”

Ishaq:327 “Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”

Qur’an 7:3 “Little do you remember My warning. How many towns have We destroyed as a raid by night? Our punishment took them suddenly while they slept for their afternoon rest. Our terror came to them; Our punishment overtook them.”

Bukhari:V9B87N127 “The Prophet said, ‘I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with terror.’”

Tabari VIII:129 “After the Messenger had finished with the Khaybar Jews, Allah cast terror into the hearts of the Jews in Fadak when they received news of what Allah had brought upon Khaybar. Fadak became the exclusive property of Allah’s Messenger.”

Qur’an 33:26 “Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before.”

Tabari VII:59 “On the day of Badr I passed Umayyah as he was standing with his son Ali, holding his hand. I had with me some coats of mail which I had taken as plunder. Umayyah said, ‘Abd al-Ilah, would you like to take me as a prisoner? I will be more valuable to you as a captive to be ransomed than the coats of mail that you are carrying.’ I said, ‘Yes. Come here then.’ I flung away the armor and bound Umayyah and his son Ali, taking them with me. Muslims encircled us. Then they restrained us physically. One of the Muslims drew his sword and struck Ali in the leg, severing it so that he fell down. Umayyah gave a scream the like of which I have never heard. I said, ‘Save yourself, for there is no escape for your son. By Allah, I cannot save him from these men.’ Then the Muslims hacked Ali to pieces. Abd al-Rahman used to say, ‘May Allah have mercy on Bial [a slave turned Muslim marauder]! I lost my coats of mail, and he deprived me of my captives.’”

Qur’an 59:2 “It was Allah who drove the People of the Book from their homes and into exile. They refused to believe and imagined that their strongholds would protect them against Allah. But Allah came at them from where they did not suspect, and filled their hearts with terror. Their homes were destroyed. So learn a lesson, O men who have eyes. This is My warning…they shall taste the torment of Fire.”

Qur’an 33:60 “Truly, if the Hypocrites stir up sedition, if the agitators in the City do not desist, We shall urge you to go against them and set you over them. Then they will not be able to stay as your neighbors for any length of time. They shall have a curse on them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy—a fierce slaughter—murdered, a horrible murdering.”

Bukhari:V4B52N256 “The Prophet passed by and was asked whether it was permissible to attack infidels at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, ‘Their women and children are from them.’”

Ishaq:576 “Allah and His servant overwhelmed every coward. Allah honored us and made our religion victorious. We were glorified and destroyed them all. Allah humiliated them in the worship of Satan. By what our Apostle recites from the Book and by our swift horses, I liked the punishment the infidels received. Killing them was sweeter than drink. We galloped among them panting for the spoil. With our loud-voiced army, the Apostle’s squadron advanced into the fray.”

Ishaq:580 “Our strong warriors obey his orders to the letter. By us Allah’s religion is undeniably strong. You would think when our horses gallop with bits in their mouths that the sounds of demons are among them. The day we trod down the unbelievers there was no deviation or turning from the Apostle’s order. During the battle the people heard our exhortations to fight and the smashing of skulls by swords that sent heads flying. We severed necks with a warrior’s blow. Often we have left the slain cut to pieces and a widow crying alas over her mutilated husband.

Tabari IX:69 “He who believes in Allah and His Messenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for those who disbelieve, we will fight them forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing them is a small matter to us.”

Ishaq:281 “The Raid on Waddan was the first Maghazi [invasion]. The Expedition of Harith was second. They encountered a large number of Quraysh in the Hijaz. Abu Bakr composed a poem about the raid: ‘When we called them to the truth they turned their backs and howled like bitches. Allah’s punishment on them will not tarry. I swear by the Lord of Camels [Allah?] that I am no perjurer. A valiant band will descend upon the Quraysh which will leave women husbandless. It will leave men dead, with vultures wheeling round. It will not spare the infidels.’”

Bukhari:V5B59N401 “Allah’s Wrath became severe on anyone the Prophet killed in Allah’s Cause.”

Bukhari:V5B59N440 “Allah’s Apostle used to say, ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah Alone because He honored His Warriors and made His Messenger victorious. He defeated the clans; so there is nothing left.’”

Tabari VII:19 “They hesitated and were afraid to advance, but then they plucked up courage and agreed to kill as many as they could and to seize what they had with them. Waqid shot an arrow at Amr and killed him. Uthman and al-Hakam surrendered. Then Waqid and his companions took the caravan and the captives back to Allah’s Apostle in Medina. This was the first booty taken by the Companions of Muhammad.”

Qur’an 8:39 “Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah.”

Ishaq:587 “Our onslaught will not be a weak faltering affair. We shall fight as long as we live. We will fight until you turn to Islam, humbly seeking refuge. We will fight not caring whom we meet. We will fight whether we destroy ancient holdings or newly gotten gains. We have mutilated every opponent. We have driven them violently before us at the command of Allah and Islam. We will fight until our religion is established. And we will plunder them, for they must suffer disgrace.”

Bukhari:V4B53N386 “Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah alone or pay us the Jizyah tribute tax in submission. Our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says: ‘Whoever amongst us is killed as a martyr shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever survives shall become your master.’”

Qur’an 9:123 “Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you.”

Ishaq:530 “Get out of his way, you infidel unbelievers. Every good thing goes with the Apostle. Lord, I believe in his word. We will fight you about its interpretations as we have fought you about its revelation with strokes that will remove heads from shoulders and make enemies of friends.”

So no more of these lies about islam being a religion of peace. It is a bloody religion with a bloody past and a bloody present. The head hacking savages of the past are still with us today loyaly following the call of muhammed to terrorise the unbelievers.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The response to your word-for-word copied and pasted verses from a Anti-Islamic, Zionist lying website can be found here:

The Quran says the believers strike fear into the hearts of their enemies on the battlefield. In today's age, Fear is not the same as terror for the exact reason that you are advocating.

"And seek not occasions for mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief" (28:77)

"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: That is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the hereafter" (5:33)

Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever kills a person under the contract of protection (Alliance) shall never smell the scent of Paradise" (Ibn Majah)

"Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for your faith, nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: For Allah loves those who are just" (60:8)

"And let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do" (5:8)
spidergoat said:
Why do you believe in Islam?

I believe in Islam because I have studied and learned it. The more I read Quran, Sunnah, Sirah, the more I love and appreciate the Quran. It is the epitome of social justice and equality, the highest elevation of knowledge and wisdom, the supreme truth. I do not simply say it because I was taught it. I was also taught many religions, and have seeked knowledge of other religions, though I have been turned away by all but Islam. Islam is perfection.
DiamondHearts said:
If America was more peaceful, their would be no problem with Muslims and America. Also, many Muslims in America keep to themselves, but are still the subject of aggression and abuse by the American government and its services.

By answering the questions, you proved yourself a bigot.

" If America was more peaceful, their would be no problem with Muslims "

Funny i thought the WTC attack happened before america invaded iraq, you do follow history dont you, or do you really mean if america did not bankroll jews muslims would not hate america.

If you referring to the first iraq invasion, what do you expect when sadaam invaded 2 countries, thats how hitler started off in europe.

Muslims hate america for 2 reasons, there support of israel & there religous beliefs.

Its funny how hamas & iran suck russia's cock yet the russians have killed thousands of muslims in checnya, it is all about americas support of israel, muslims are obsessed with jews.
DiamondHearts said:
I love and appreciate the Quran. It is the epitome of social justice and equality, the highest elevation of knowledge and wisdom, the supreme truth. I do not simply say it because I was taught it. I was also taught many religions, and have seeked knowledge of other religions, though I have been turned away by all but Islam. Islam is perfection.

Is this a joke,

"the highest elevation of knowledge and wisdom"

That would explain all the non existing muslim inventors, or scientists who have come up with cures for diseases.

1 billion population, what are muslims contribution to our world, have they invented anything,

surley someone with wisdom knows terroism is never the answer, have you guys ever heard of diplomats or talking.
vincent28uk said:
" If America was more peaceful, their would be no problem with Muslims "

Funny i thought the WTC attack happened before america invaded iraq, you do follow history dont you, or do you really mean if america did not bankroll jews muslims would not hate america.

If you referring to the first iraq invasion, what do you expect when sadaam invaded 2 countries, thats how hitler started off in europe.

Muslims hate america for 2 reasons, there support of israel & there religous beliefs.

Its funny how hamas & iran suck russia's cock yet the russians have killed thousands of muslims in checnya, it is all about americas support of israel, muslims are obsessed with jews.

9/11 was made by America to initiate a war of aggression against weaker Muslim states.

America attacked and invaded Afghanistan and Iraq with massive civilian deaths and torture chambers. Bush is the Hitler in today's world, that is evident.

Muslims hate American policies against Muslims, this has nothing to do with American people's religion.

Muslim governments are sad and helpless, they don't want to lose support of Russia as a counterweight to America, so they don't say anything about Chechnya. It's a sign of weakness, not obsession with jews.
9/11 was made by America to initiate a war of aggression against weaker Muslim states.
America attacked and invaded Afghanistan and Iraq with massive civilian deaths and torture chambers.
Actually, afghanistan was attacked with relatively few civilian deaths, anyway, it was self defense. In Iraq, however, there were deaths, maybe 30K or more. Please get your facts straight.
DiamondHearts said:
Bush is the Hitler in today's world, that is evident.
Oh, please, that's giving Bush too much credit. He's far too stupid to be a hitler-esque person.
KennyJC said:
DiamondHearts: How can you call an atheists beliefs wrong when you yourself believe that Adam and Eve is a factual story?

More pots and kettles by nutjobs on here...

We have driven them violently before us at the command of Allah and Islam. We will fight until our religion is established

As for those who disbelieve, we will fight them forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing them is a small matter to us


What a peacefull, loving, religion.....NOT!
The only thing you can do is put them down, like a rabid dog.
There is no cure.
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DiamondHearts said:
9/11 was made by America to initiate a war of aggression against weaker Muslim states.
And i am the one who gets called a idiot, after numerous worldwide polls over the years, muslims are still convinced either the jews or america is behind the WTC attack, including diamond hearts.

How on earth can you communicate with people who deny reality, all these admissions of guilt from bin laden are fantasy, no doubt all made in hollywood by america to victimise muslims.

You guys are so far gone its unreal....
vincent28uk said:
You guys are so far gone its unreal....
"Free governments are coming to understand that one cannot dialogue with Muslims. They have their way or else. If it does not agree with Allah, then it is non existent. Treaties, United Nations sessions, trips from Washington to the Palestinian Authority—all this is a waste of time and energy. Muslims honor none of this. They only honor guns that praise Allah.

Free countries must deport all Muslims to Muslim countries. Free counties must see that no Muslims ever enter again. Free countries must teach the next generation the killing cultic truth about Islam. Free countries must stand together, for instance, regarding Hamas and snuff it out economically by not providing it with any funds".
J.B said:
"Free governments are coming to understand that one cannot dialogue with Muslims. They have their way or else. If it does not agree with Allah, then it is non existent. Treaties, United Nations sessions, trips from Washington to the Palestinian Authority—all this is a waste of time and energy. Muslims honor none of this. They only honor guns that praise Allah.

Free countries must deport all Muslims to Muslim countries. Free counties must see that no Muslims ever enter again. Free countries must teach the next generation the killing cultic truth about Islam. Free countries must stand together, for instance, regarding Hamas and snuff it out economically by not providing it with any funds".

I agree, but the sad fact is our governments are crazy, the european union or european idiots, are going to give a 125 million dollars to hamas, for what explosives, guns, to pay more suicide bombers families compensation, after all sadam is no longer around to pay the families off, somebody has to pay them to kill themselves in israel why not the idiots in europe.

Even after the world has admitted hamas is a terroist organization, we still give money to them, im thinking of going to palestine to start up a terroist cell, for my share of 125 million, european politicians are complete space cadets & airheads, who are so out of step on public feelings on muslims, its unreal, its a good job hitler was not around anymore or else they would finance him to.
J.B said:
"Free governments are coming to understand that one cannot dialogue with Muslims. They have their way or else. If it does not agree with Allah, then it is non existent. Treaties, United Nations sessions, trips from Washington to the Palestinian Authority—all this is a waste of time and energy. Muslims honor none of this. They only honor guns that praise Allah.

Free countries must deport all Muslims to Muslim countries. Free counties must see that no Muslims ever enter again. Free countries must teach the next generation the killing cultic truth about Islam. Free countries must stand together, for instance, regarding Hamas and snuff it out economically by not providing it with any funds".

This coming from a person who says people of Jewish ancestry are superior to other races. What else should we expect from a Jewish supremacist. Your arguments are not based on credible counter-arguments but pure racism.

vincent28uk said:
I agree, but the sad fact is our governments are crazy, the european union or european idiots, are going to give a 125 million dollars to hamas, for what explosives, guns, to pay more suicide bombers families compensation, after all sadam is no longer around to pay the families off, somebody has to pay them to kill themselves in israel why not the idiots in europe.

Even after the world has admitted hamas is a terroist organization, we still give money to them, im thinking of going to palestine to start up a terroist cell, for my share of 125 million, european politicians are complete space cadets & airheads, who are so out of step on public feelings on muslims, its unreal, its a good job hitler was not around anymore or else they would finance him to.

Ofcourse you would agree. You share the same kind of thinking. You said racist remarks about Pakistanis being harder to take money from and comparing it to drawing water from a rock. That and the racist remarks against Palestinians. You two share the same level of thinking.

It seemed you some how believe that Muslim people in the world have it easy. You think that Muslims are controlling EU and American policy. Perhaps that's why some Western countries invaded and supported the occupation and subjugation of the two sovereign nations of Afghanistan and Iraq. The US is a rogue state, and it fully supports Israel and its apartheid structure. If Muslims really had a voice, support for israel would be the first thing to feel the pressure. Bush is more like Hitler than any other leader, infact, not only Muslim nations but the government of Venezuela, China, South Africa, and Russia have attacked the US for its policies.

"The last time Europe asked an ethnic population, from amongst it’s own midst, that it most conform that is must ‘do’ and it must ‘obey’ - 6 million Jews died." - J. F. Baksh

"Why were there no blowing up of mosques, beheadings and suicide bombings in Iraq before the US invasion and occupation? Were not Iraqi reeling under Saddam’s tyranny as we are told by the US? Was not Islam there to make Iraqis radical? Why didn’t they mis-interpret Islam then? Whey did these radical not radicalized others then? Was life more dear to Iraqis then and not now? The answer to these questions shows that the forces of radicalization lie in Washington—in the double standards and unjust foreign policies of the Western countries—and not in Mecca, the Qur’an or Islam." - AbidUllah Jan