Europe Is Sick Of Muslims


In short order, what is happening in Europe will happen in America. America will come to its senses to realize that it has within it a killing cult, not a religion among religions. It is a killing cult with the chief aim of slaying all infidels. There is no middle ground.

America has never tolerated killing cults. They are put down immediately. They simply don’t fit. They cannot assimilate. Muslims are just that. They cannot assimilate. They will not integrate. They cannot mesh with our culture for they live according to a killing "ethic."

The most obvious world threat is Iran. Its president is a fanatic, insane cultist who believes that when the world is on fire his messiah will return for universal peace. Therefore he will set the world on fire to welcome his messiah. It does not bother him that Muslims will be burnt alive in the fire for males will go to heaven and females to hell. The chief result will be that infidels will go to hell as the messiah sets up Islam world rule when the cinders have died out.

Iran presently holds the planet hostage. Hamas holds the Middle East hostage.

Free governments are coming to understand that one cannot dialogue with Muslims. They have their way or else. If it does not agree with Allah, then it is non existent. Treaties, United Nations sessions, trips from Washington to the Palestinian Authority—all this is a waste of time and energy. Muslims honor none of this. They only honor guns that praise Allah.

Free countries must deport all Muslims to Muslim countries. Free counties must see that no Muslims ever enter again. Free countries must teach the next generation the killing cultic truth about Islam. Free countries must stand together, for instance, regarding Hamas and snuff it out economically by not providing it with any funds.

I believe that America should follow through with the Pentagon plans to bomb Iranian nuclear sites. If we don’t, we are done.
I don't know i which world you are living in. who is kill who
here are some facts
in afgnistan who killled the innocent afganis.
in iraq who agian killed innocent people.
what happened in abu garib jail.
who bombared the pakistan and killed innocent people there.

let see who is right, according to the human right convention aritcle 10 no one is allowed to hurt anyone feeling using this freedom of expression, so do the danish constitution artlicle 77. any one found guilty, can be send to prison for minimum 2 years.
there is a ban on holocaust, no one can talk aganist it in eroupe and america. who put this ban and why this i don't know, i think you should. with it..........................

J.B said:
In short order, what is happening in Europe will happen in America. America will come to its senses to realize that it has within it a killing cult, not a religion among religions. It is a killing cult with the chief aim of slaying all infidels. There is no middle ground.

America has never tolerated killing cults. They are put down immediately. They simply don’t fit. They cannot assimilate. Muslims are just that. They cannot assimilate. They will not integrate. They cannot mesh with our culture for they live according to a killing "ethic."

The most obvious world threat is Iran. Its president is a fanatic, insane cultist who believes that when the world is on fire his messiah will return for universal peace. Therefore he will set the world on fire to welcome his messiah. It does not bother him that Muslims will be burnt alive in the fire for males will go to heaven and females to hell. The chief result will be that infidels will go to hell as the messiah sets up Islam world rule when the cinders have died out.

Iran presently holds the planet hostage. Hamas holds the Middle East hostage.

Free governments are coming to understand that one cannot dialogue with Muslims. They have their way or else. If it does not agree with Allah, then it is non existent. Treaties, United Nations sessions, trips from Washington to the Palestinian Authority—all this is a waste of time and energy. Muslims honor none of this. They only honor guns that praise Allah.

Free countries must deport all Muslims to Muslim countries. Free counties must see that no Muslims ever enter again. Free countries must teach the next generation the killing cultic truth about Islam. Free countries must stand together, for instance, regarding Hamas and snuff it out economically by not providing it with any funds.

I believe that America should follow through with the Pentagon plans to bomb Iranian nuclear sites. If we don’t, we are done.
evolution said:
I don't know i which world you are living in. who is kill who
here are some facts
in afgnistan who killled the innocent afganis.
the taliban.
evolution said:
in iraq who agian killed innocent people.
saddam hussain, shi'tes, sunnies.
evolution said:
what happened in abu garib jail.
before the americans held people there, saddam hussain tortured and executed dissidents.
evolution said:
who bombared the pakistan and killed innocent people there.
not heard of this, could you post a link, thank you.
or do you mean the tribal troubles.
evolution said:
let see who is right, according to the human right convention aritcle 10 no one is allowed to hurt anyone feeling using this freedom of expression,
where does it say that,
article 10 human rights said:
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. this right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
2. The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or the rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
evolution said:
so do the danish constitution artlicle 77. any one found guilty, can be send to prison for minimum 2 years.
guilty of what, your point is not clear.
danish constitution Section 77 Freedom of Speech said:
Any person shall be entitled to publish his thoughts in printing, in writing, and in speech, provided that he may be held answerable in a court of justice. Censorship and other preventive measures shall never again be introduced.
evolution said:
there is a ban on holocaust, no one can talk aganist it in eroupe and america.
it is against the law to say the holocaust never happened in Austria, with a possible prison sentence, but I've never heard of anywhere else.
evolution said:
who put this ban
the Austrian govenment.
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J.B said:
I believe that America should follow through with the Pentagon plans to bomb Iranian nuclear sites. If we don’t, we are done.

Israelis won't wait for the Americans.
I dislike Islam, I dislike all organized religion. FUCK MAN! This is 2006 MAN! We are a society of broadband phones and shit....and yet we still bow down to the stars and sun. GEEZ!
PsychoticEpisode said:
Israelis won't wait for the Americans.
The Israelis realize that this is a "kill or be killed" situation, Americans will die for their political correctness.
The Devil Inside said:
thats right. 3 weeks from today, TOPS. then we will see what the president of iran is made of, or if he is full of hot air.
Ahhh! Another chance for easy money!! :D

What do you say, Devil, willing to bet $5,000 on it? If so, you've got a taker right here! Who do suggest we let hold the cash for three weeks?
geeser said:
where does it say that,guilty of what, your point is not clear. it is against the law to say the holocaust never happened in Austria, with a possible prison sentence, but I've never heard of anywhere else.
Austria, Germany, and I think Poland, it's illegal. But it's not anywhere else, methinks. It is definently looked down upon everywhere else, yeah, but sadly, it's not illegal.

I'm uncertain where you stand. You quote somebody else's words, but I'm not sure how far your agreement with them goes. I hope you can clarify this for me.

Do you believe that all Muslims are part of a "killing cult"?
Do you agree that one of the main aims of Islam is to "slay all infidels"?
Do you believe that Muslims have no place in America?
Do you agree that Muslims in general live by a "killing ethic"?
Do you agree that the Iranian president is a "fanatic, insane cultist"?
Do believe that "Hamas holds the Middle East hostage"?
Do you believe that "one cannot have a dialogue with Muslims"?
Do you agree that all Muslims ought to be deported from the United States?
James R said:

I'm uncertain where you stand. You quote somebody else's words, but I'm not sure how far your agreement with them goes. I hope you can clarify this for me.

Do you believe that all Muslims are part of a "killing cult"?
Yes I believe too, I see no evidence of any muslims using any force of anykind to stop other muslims from killing non-muslims.
James R said:
Do you agree that one of the main aims of Islam is to "slay all infidels"?
YES, I agree.
James R said:
Do you believe that Muslims have no place in America?
At this time in history, YES I believe too. This could change when or if the muslims as a people show a more peaceful way of life.
James R said:
Do you agree that Muslims in general live by a "killing ethic"?
Yes, I agree.
James R said:
Do you agree that the Iranian president is a "fanatic, insane cultist"?
Yes, I agree.
James R said:
Do believe that "Hamas holds the Middle East hostage"?
Yes, I believe too.
James R said:
Do you believe that "one cannot have a dialogue with Muslims"?
No, I do not believe this. We must always have dialogue so we can maybe workout these issue's.
James R said:
Do you agree that all Muslims ought to be deported from the United States?
YES I agree, Muslims as a whole hate America and are a threat to our peaceful way of life.
I believe that America should follow through with the Pentagon plans to bomb Iranian nuclear sites. If we don’t, we are done.

There it is then.
America is done, has been for about 40 years.
Ever since she rejected her "day of visitation"
She won't turn back.
I love my country....she used to be "In god we trust"....thats all history now.
The smartest thing America can do now is protect Israel.
That may bring a reprive from God's wrath for a little while longer.
In the vision, she was nothing but smoke and craters....
It will come to pass, it's only a question of when.

How can you hope to have a dialogue when you start off with such an extreme position? You seem quite unwilling to listen to the Muslim point of view.

Can you blame a Muslim for feeling threatened when you say that all Muslims should be deported from the United States and have no place there?
J.B said:
YES I agree, Muslims as a whole hate America and are a threat to our peaceful way of life.

All the Americans that support the innocent killing of Muslim civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, repression of Islamic countries and sexual abuse of detainees. However, reality isn't always black and white, many Americans are against these things, they just don't have much support with the media and powerful political organizations who are funded by war-mongers. We saw what happened in Vietnam war, the same can happen now if the anti-aggression movement gains more momentum.

America's war of life is hardly peaceful. America unilaterally invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, both on baseless lies with no dialogue, and then subjugated the peopel of the region. This way of life is hardly peaceful. If America was more peaceful, their would be no problem with Muslims and America. Also, many Muslims in America keep to themselves, but are still the subject of aggression and abuse by the American government and its services.

By answering the questions, you proved yourself a bigot.
Yeah, J.B is a pitiful excuse for a human being, you may ignore him with few detrimental consequences.

However, what was wrong with invading Afghanistan? The Taliban were hiding an international criminal, and they would often execute people in public for questionable reasons. If you were living under their rule, you couldn't use the internet. We aren't pacifists, but neither are you. What about an eye for an eye?

Saddam often killed muslims, mostly Shia, and was a murderous dictator.
its not just Europe thats sick of muslims, its also USA thats sick of muslims. I lived in Hoboken, NJ which is 1 mile from WTC, and no I will never forget what happened on that 9-11 day and I know muslims are responsible, there is something in their religion that makes them so violent.
The problem with Islam is that it inherited the inherent age-old violence of Arab tribalism. Islam has no unifying or moderating structure, just a book of "rules" and some old writings to be interpreted any way some imman wants to - just like some local tribal chief.

The greatest single flaw in Islam is that it cannot allow change because that would destroy its very foundation. It is locked into a medieval, adolescent existence.

Ultimately, Islam will destroy itself.
The problem is far deeper than Islam, militants, or suicidal spastards. The problem is the thought process people are using to understand reality... i.e. 'belief'.