Errors in the Bible ?

Is "skies" a reference to a multiverse? Of course not.

It's a reference to the firmament. You know, that bowl where you separate the waters above from the waters below. Embedded in the bowl are the sun, stars and planets of course, all spinning around Earth.

Yeah, that Firmament idea is a joke and embarrassing for Bible freaks.

Some say it is the atmosphere and claim that God was clever and kind to provide us with an atmosphere.

Once again they underestimate their God.

Apparently, all things are possible with God.

God could have made us live in a vacuum if he wished.

Is there an atmosphere in Heaven ?
I'm saying that opinions are not the same as errors. If the Bible says that women are inferior, that's not an "error in the Bible". It's an opinion that is not as popular as it used to be.

Are you saying that God has opinions that have changed ?
That sounds like a big old error to me !
Are you saying that God has opinions that have changed ?
That sounds like a big old error to me !
Well, no, I didn't say anything like that. I said what you quoted.

I didn't say anything about "God's opinions". Do you think the opinions in the Bible are God's opinions?

Of course the God in the Bible stories does change his mind pretty often. Why would that be an error?
Well, no, I didn't say anything like that. I said what you quoted.

I didn't say anything about "God's opinions". Do you think the opinions in the Bible are God's opinions?

Of course the God in the Bible stories does change his mind pretty often. Why would that be an error?
The bible claims it is the word of god. The bible claims god does not change.

A scientist might not change his routine at all, yet his routine might involve wiping out an experiment and resetting it.

Thus, 'doing something different' and 'not changing' are not mutually exclusive.

For the sake of argument:

The act of giving mankind free will is a deliberate attempt to set things in motion that are not directly in God's control.
And if the experiment goes awry, there's no reason why he wouldn't wipe it out and start again.
Is slavery moral?
You are right to question slavery. It has largely disappeared but was supported by many religious organisations, especially in the New World. It has nothing to do with religion properly and was a mistake of mankind. Even in the Bible we see that slavery was a common feature of tribal cultures. It was never a part of God's truth. Moses was supposed to support it, but those stories were composed many centuries after Moses lived. They were thought to be the sort of thing that Moses preached in order to justify the contemporary practice.
You are right to question slavery.
No brown stuff Sherlock?
It has largely disappeared but was supported by many religious organisations,
Very many
t has nothing to do with religion properly and was a mistake of mankind
No of course not religion properly would never do bad things. All the fault of pesky mankind
Even in the Bible we see that slavery was a common feature of tribal cultures
Yes yes I know naughty naughty mankind
Moses was supposed to support it, but those stories were composed many centuries after Moses lived.
Noooo, do tell. Some old writings are made up? Who would have thought. And about religious people no less. What is the world coming to
They were thought to be the sort of thing that Moses preached in order to justify the contemporary practice.
I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. I don't think I can ever believe another thing I read. That's how shocked I am

Was Noah really 800 years old?
Is that possible?

If the bible is Gods word why are there countless errors?

Who of faith can answer that simple question?

Also to anyone who presents the bible as the word of God ...
Why do you believe some parts of the bible and not slavery is ok in the bible but now you see it as not ok...does that not mean you find your values not consistent with Gods values?
And finally how can you believe anything that is so very wrong ...what part of the brain is turned off?
Does anyone know what medically is wrong where the brain refuses to process and take into account certain information.

Is it like colour blindness for example?

How do believers select what is a lie and what is the flood a lie or not...was Noah 800 years old or not...
Can stars really fall upon the ground as objects so small to be unrelated to being suns.

Was Noah really 800 years old?
Is that possible?

If the bible is Gods word why are there countless errors?

Who of faith can answer that simple question?

Also to anyone who presents the bible as the word of God ...
Why do you believe some parts of the bible and not slavery is ok in the bible but now you see it as not ok...does that not mean you find your values not consistent with Gods values?
And finally how can you believe anything that is so very wrong ...what part of the brain is turned off?
Does anyone know what medically is wrong where the brain refuses to process and take into account certain information.

Is it like colour blindness for example?

How do believers select what is a lie and what is the flood a lie or not...was Noah 800 years old or not...
Can stars really fall upon the ground as objects so small to be unrelated to being suns.

Cognitive Dissonance. Peer pressure. Heavy influence at an age at which the undeveloped brain is unable to properly process it then it is imprinted to stay. Inability to handle one's ignorance & impotence.

As an atheist, I do not accept the notion of any gods.

If forced at gunpoint to make a choice, I prefer Greek mythology to Christian mythology.

The Greeks divided up the responsibilities among a group. It seems more plausible than one entity doing it all.

I also was fond of the foibles of some of the Greek gods. Zeus having affairs with mortals & Hera punishing the mistresses because she could not punish Zeus.

It always seemed to me that she was extremely unfair.​
I recall my cousin being asked what flavour ice cream he wanted..he said I want banana..the girl said I only have vanilla and chocolate so what would you like...banana he replied.

She repeated....
I have vanilla and chocolate ice cream which would you like...banana again came the same reply.

After yet another fruitless enquirey from the girl serving my Dad out of frustration and somewhat embarrassed said to her ... .

for goodness sake give him a vanilla he must be stupid enough not to realise the difference. ..

Dad took the ice creams and gave my cousin the vanilla one and said..and there you go a banana one for you...he seemed happy...what can you say...but is that mentality more stupid or different... than those who say the bible is Gods word, that on the one hand it is inspired by God, it is right but if its wrong...oh they had diffetent standards back then...are they serious...yes unfortunately and yet blind to the problem they exihibit...but dont dare call them what about slavery?...Yes I will have banana.

I saw a clip on TV about the "Creation Evidence Museum" note the inclusion of "evidence" in the title... and some dude showing a plaster cast of a human foot print superimposed over a dinasour foot print offering it as evidence of the errors of evolution ...all I can say is it may provide evidence of the lengths creationist will lower themselve to ... in an effort to hold onto the lie that the bible is the word of God ..its not get over it face reality and stop being so tiretsomely stupid...
Oh forget it go have a banana...

Are there untruths in the I will have banana....what about slavery...I will have banana...what about the water problem with the biblical flood...I will have banana.

The funny thing is the reply ..I will have banana... makes possibly more sence than so many of the lame unsupported answers we get when the simplest of questions are asked...

Why does God not appear, or act or at least show he has something in mind?...

Will we ever get a straight answer ...of course not because one straight answer would bring the whole house of cards crashing down...

Was Noah 800 years old...I will have banana.

I think it is ironic that folk who profess to live honestly have obviously resorted to manipulation of evidence, a plaster cast of a human foot print over a dinasour footprint, so as to leave no conclusion other than dishonest manipulation, how sad, all this dishonesty to support their unsupportable belief what that must certainly realise is a lie...the truth is dinasours did not co exist with humans nor did they receive accommodation on the mythical arc...would it not be better to re write the bible to exclude transparently incorrect would think God would inspire someone to correct the book...well if there were presumably a God one could think he would unless he enjoys seeing just how stupid humans can act...

How those visions of kids exposed to a "talking in tounges" sessions haunt me...their tears,the fear, the confusion the demonstration of how to behave stupidly and without reason...child cruelty.

How must such exposure damage children.

And then to place all forms of guilt in their little minds is unforgivable what sort of nut job sees such behaviour as acceptable...

I dont know how any rational human could be so cruel to their children...shame shame shame.

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