Errors in the Bible ?

I wonder what path would result if a person walked toward the apparent position of some star other than Polaris or the Southern Cross.
The Polynesians used to navigate by following different stars to different islands.
Thank you for your post.
I can understand there are things in the bible one can use to guide one to good behaviour.
This does not cause the mistakes to go away however. I find the pick and choose approach to the bible the only way to salvage anything reallyhowever again such an approach does not cause the mistakes to go away.
I started a thread asking should the bible be edited and I think and edit would be a good thing to do in order to present something credible.
Again thank you for your input I like the way you are prepared to comment.
It has been edited.

This is a 3rd post of this newspaper clipping since it appears to pertain to each of the religious threads

Maybe the people are getting smarter

Agree 100%

However without religion what do we have to hallelujah about? :)

Without God everybody does it's own thing, including murdering , let say there is a fraction of people that have the fear of God , that would say that fraction will safer to live among them .
Without God everybody does it's own thing, including murdering , let say there is a fraction of people that have the fear of God , that would say that fraction will safer to live among them .
Balderdash, poppycock and any other term indicating rubbish

Why rubbish ? if 10 % of God fearing, would I not feel more safer, than among 90% selfish people
You might but your trust would be miss placed

If you mean you would be safer percentage wise in a group of 10 than a group of 90 I grant you yes

If you are saying a group of 90 god fearing people is safer than a group of 90 normal people you are mistaken. Go into any large population and pick out two groups of 90 people. How do you distinguish god fearing from the normal?

You can't. So to feel safer you would need to cherry pick your groups

Without God everybody does it's own thing, including murdering
Conversely: WITH "god" people go on militant rampages (the Crusade, jihads etc), try to push their own beliefs onto everyone (no gay marriage, no abortions etc) whereas those without "god" are free to say "I'm not doing that/ it's their choice if they want to get married".
It's a sad fact (for theism) that atheists are - by your argument above - actually more moral than believers. According to you believers don't murder because "god" tells them not to (with the obvious inference that, without that instruction, they'd be out slaughtering left, right and centre). Atheists, on the other hand generally don't murder because they think it's not a good thing to kill people and they don't particularly want to start.
Without God everybody does it's own thing, including murdering

Is there a quota atheist should comply with regarding murder? Or any, literally ANY aspect of life I am required to meet for a seat on a cloud?

I feel I must either on target for murder, 0 for 0, but I'm wonky about sex having had sex using a condom so the girl and I could have pleasure without possibility of a child

Please let me know where The Memorandum of Understanding Life resides


Without God everybody does it's own thing, including murdering ...

This is one of the things many atheists have never understood about theists. From many atheist's points of view, theists all think of themselves as children - wishing for parental supervision.

Theist: If we didn't fear God, we would run around murdering everything in sight! (see Timojin's quote above)
Atheist: I cant speak for you, but, as a grown up, I know right from wrong. I don't murder, because murder is wrong, not because some guy with a staff says he'll smite me.

OK, I'm being a bit flippant with your theism - but can you see the atheist's point of view? We wonder why you theists seem to believe you have your own moral compass.

As far as I know theists murder at least as many people per capita as atheists, so not believing in God is certainly not a direct route being a serial killer.

In direct response to Timojin's comment:
Even with God, everyone does their own thing, including murdering...
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The Polynesians used to navigate by following different stars to different islands.
Waaaaah? Are you suggesting that wise men 2000 years ago might have been smart enough to know that the stars wheel about the sky, and that - if they unerringly tried to literally follow the same star the entire time it was in the sky - it would lead them in circles?

That's crazy talk. Everybody knows people in Roman Times were one step above banana-eating primates.

I'm reasonably sure that the OP is a parody...or at least I hope it is. Classic example of Poe's law.

You are correct. The OP is a parody. However, the tactic of "Positive Interpretation" is often by apologists who want the Bible to be true.
Sometimes, there different versions of events in the Bible and apologists feel obliged to reconcile the differences. Why they do this is a puzzle in itself.

Below is a really example of PI. It's about the death of Judas. I haven't changed anything.

The relevant passages are:

Matthew 27:5
Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself.

Acts 1:18
Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out.

Some people have wrongly assumed that Matthew and Luke (the author of Acts) are contradictory in their account of Judas’ death. Since the Bible is inerrant Judas cannot have died by hanging and died by falling and bursting open. Rather they are two different viewpoints of the same event. For example, if I saw a car hit a pedestrian, I might simply say that the pedestrian died because they were hit by the car. The coroner who came on the scene later but did not actually see the accident might give a graphic description of the injuries to the pedestrian. Both the coroner and I are describing the same event just different aspects of it.

There is no contradiction surrounding Judas’ death; rather, merely two descriptions given by two different authors.

Matthew tells us that Judas died by hanging (death is inferred from the passage). Luke, being a doctor, gives us a graphic description of what occurred following the hanging. The reason for ordering the events as such is twofold. First, if someone has fallen and their internal organs spilled out they would die and so could not subsequently die from hanging. Secondly, even when people suffer bad falls they do not usually burst open and have their internal organs spill out. The skin is very tough and even when cut in the abdominal area their internals do not usually spill out. Thus, it is unlikely that Judas could die in this manner merely from falling.

Gruesome as it is, Judas’ dead body hung in the hot sun of Jerusalem, and the bacteria inside his body would have been actively breaking down tissues and cells. A byproduct of bacterial metabolism is often gas. The pressure created by the gas forces fluid out of the cells and tissues and into the body cavities. The body becomes bloated as a result. In addition, tissue decomposition occurs compromising the integrity of the skin. Judas’ body was similar to an overinflated balloon, and as he hit the ground (due to the branch he hung on or the rope itself breaking) the skin easily broke and he burst open with his internal organs spilling out.

There is no contradiction surrounding Judas’ death; rather, merely two descriptions given by two different authors of the same event.
[QUOTE="Ted Grant II, post: 3454049, member: 285383"... ]we have improved a lot since Biblical times.
If you grant that our morality is better than Biblical morality, why do you care whether there are errors in the Bible?[/QUOTE]
Because millions of people think the Bible is true and it affects their behavior. If our law makers believe nonsense then they will make bad laws that affect me and my family. I don't want a law that says women can't teach. My wife is a teacher.