Errors in the Bible ?

As an atheist, I do not accept the notion of any gods.

If forced at gunpoint to make a choice, I prefer Greek mythology to Christian mythology.

The Greeks divided up the responsibilities among a group. It seems more plausible than one entity doing it all.

I also was fond of the foibles of some of the Greek gods. Zeus having affairs with mortals & Hera punishing the mistresses because she could not punish Zeus.

It always seemed to me that she was extremely unfair.​
1 thing I always wondered is how people can think there is only 1. What else is there only 1 of. Sometimes theists say we cannot prove there is no god but they cannot prove there are not many gods.
The christian bible says there is more than 1 god.
The Hebrews once were polytheist. What could have caused them to get rid of all but 1?

I recall my cousin being asked what flavour ice cream he wanted..he said I want banana..the girl said I only have vanilla and chocolate so what would you like...banana he replied.

She repeated....
I have vanilla and chocolate ice cream which would you like...banana again came the same reply.

After yet another fruitless enquirey from the girl serving my Dad out of frustration and somewhat embarrassed said to her ... .

for goodness sake give him a vanilla he must be stupid enough not to realise the difference. ..

Dad took the ice creams and gave my cousin the vanilla one and said..and there you go a banana one for you...he seemed happy...what can you say...but is that mentality more stupid than those who say the bible is Gods word, it is inspired by God, it is what about slavery?...Yes I will have banana.

I saw a clip on TV about the "Creation Evidence Museum" and some dude showing a plaster cast of a human foot print superimposed over a dinasour foot print offering it as evidence of the errors of evolution ...all I can say is it may provide evidence of the lengths creationist will lower to in an effort to hold onto the lie that the bible is the word of God.

Are there untruths in the I will have banana. ..what about slavery...I will have banana...what about the water problem with the biblical flood...I will have banana.
The funny thing is the reply ..I will have banana... makes possibly more sence than so many of the lame unsupported answers we get when the simplest of questions are asked...
Will we ever get a straight answer ...of course not because one straight answer would bring the whole house of cards crashing down.

Was Noah 800 years old...I will have banana.

I think it is ironic that folk who profess to live honestly have obviously resorted to manipulation of evidence, a plaster cast of a human foot print over a dinasour footprint leave no conclusion other than dishonest manipulation, how sad, all this dishonesty to support their unsupportable belief what that must certainly realise is a lie...thr truth is dinasours did not co exist with humans nor did they receive accommodation on the mythical arc...would it not be better to re write the bible to exclude transparently incorrect would think God would inspire someone to correct the book...well if there were presumably he would unless he enjoys seeing just how stupid humans can act...

How those vissions of kids exposed to a talking in tounges sessions haunt me...their tears,the fear, the confusion the demonstration of how to behave stupidly and without reason...child cruelty.
And then to place all forms of guilt in their little minds is unforgivable.

I dont know how any rational human could be so cruel to their children...shame shame shame.

IF we do find that dinosaurs & humans coexisted, that would be no evidence for god. Even if we find evolution to be wrong, that would be no evidence for god.
It is DNA which causes the breakdown of aging. Perhaps DNA was different at some time. Perhaps it will be again. Still no evidence for any gods.

Again, yes, child cruelty then those children grow up & do the same to their children. It is insane that society accepts this. We persecute, fine & imprison people for things which hurt no 1 but consenting adults yet do nothing about the most prevalent & horrible child abuse.

They are not rational.

1 thing I always wondered is how people can think there is only 1. What else is there only 1 of. Sometimes theists say we cannot prove there is no god but they cannot prove there are not many gods.
The christian bible says there is more than 1 god.
The Hebrews once were polytheist. What could have caused them to get rid of all but 1?


I read the Romans ran into the problem with so many different religions it became hard to plan future events...oh we cant go to war next week the "x group" have three days of religious worship and after that the "y group" celebrate their gods birthday..oh and also dont forget the "z group" who need to go on a pilgrimage to la la land...
Solution one God and a diary of managble religious events.

I read the Romans ran into the problem with so many different religions it became hard to plan future events...oh we cant go to war next week the "x group" have three days of religious worship and after that the "y group" celebrate their gods birthday..oh and also dont forget the "z group" who need to go on a pilgrimage to la la land...
Solution one God and a diary of managble religious events.

Do you recall where you read that?

IF we do find that dinosaurs & humans coexisted, that would be no evidence for god. Even if we find evolution to be wrong, that would be no evidence for god.
Yes of course.
But these folk are not rational.
If they were rational there would be no problem.
They see evolution as going against their belief..for goodness sake if they can manipulate the truth with ease and steal pagan celebrations to incorporate in their religious program why could they not manage to include evolution...well in this case for whatever stupid reasoning they make their indefensible stand using their stupidity as some sort of quality that should be respected...there is no hope for them...and sadly whilst these folk can scare children the problem will take time to sort it self out.
Do you recall where you read that?


No not that I can reference as authority.

But the logic appeals.
I believe rulers embrace religion as a secondary method to manage a society and it would make sense to have only one religion so you can plan your month more easy than say having various groups each of which must be respected.

I wonder how our multi cultural approach to modern societies will manage the problem that must arise as we start to respect the various religions we will find in a multi cultural society.

Already we have christians, jews, muslims, hindi presenting as part of our society and no doubt each have different days of importance. ...I guess someone will provide an app. which will make planning easy.

No not that I can reference as authority.

But the logic appeals.
I believe rulers embrace religion as a secondary method to manage a society and it would make sense to have only one religion so you can plan your month more easy than say having various groups each of whim must be respected.

I wonder how our multi cultural approach to modern societies will manage the problem that must arise as we start to respect the various religions we will find in a multi cultural society.

Already we have christians, jews, muslims, hindi ptese timg as part of our society and no doubt each have different days of importance. ...I guess someone will provide an app. which will make planning easy.
Were the rulers rational enough for that? Were the people?
What about the huge problems in forcing such a change?

I was not checking your claim. I just want to read it.

. It is insane that society accepts this
And hopefully the future will judge this era harshly.
It amuses me how modern folk look at civilizations in the past and laugh at their strange customs and yet show no ability to look at themselves and realise they will be judged as stupid by a future hopefully more enlightened race of humans.

How will those in the future laugh when they read so many believed a mythical God supposedly sent his only son to live and die as a human to support some convoluted notion that man needed relief from original folk can think any of it makes sense will be the question that will occupy the minds of future historians.
And how they will laugh when they look at the clips of religious folk talking in tounges or being healed by miracle workers...
Just as sexual harassment becomes exposed so must the cruelty of subjecting inoccent children to fear and distress in the name of a belief in an unevidenced God.
Even if there is a God no one could possibly know its thoughts or purpose so the game is a hidious unsupported lie. ..I wish there was a God who would appear and punish these crazy stupid folk for cruelty to children.
That would be nice.
Were the rulers rational enough for that? Were the people?
What about the huge problems in forcing such a change?

I was not checking your claim. I just want to read it.

Sure I understand.
Try a search if you dont find something I will be surprised.

I am casual about offerring authority as believers dont look at it and that is obvious.

I would say if you searched..reasons why Rome adopted christianity you could turn up something to read...if not that try..why societies prefer one religion...If you find nothing maybe I should write a book based on the idea.
Good luck.
Sure I understand.
Try a search if you dont find something I will be surprised.

I am casual about offerring authority as believers dont look at it and that is obvious.

I would say if you searched..reasons why Rome adopted christianity you could turn up something to read...if not that try..why societies prefer one religion...If you find nothing maybe I should write a book based on the idea.
Good luck.
I have read much on the Romans but I think I now forget more than I remember.
I just rechecked the Wiki page on Constantine.

Mark 16:15 : And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Was there anything in there about how to talk ant? Or dinosaur?

And anything about putting a saddle on the big ones to ride them?

How effective do you think those reins would be?

Seen news items for bless animals day
Not seen animals preached to afterwards unless they stayed behind with their owners

This is New Testament for those who claim some Old Testament commands no longer apply.
I have never heard of anyone doing it. I have asked many whether they do it & they do not answer.

You are right to question slavery. It has largely disappeared but was supported by many religious organisations, especially in the New World. It has nothing to do with religion properly and was a mistake of mankind. Even in the Bible we see that slavery was a common feature of tribal cultures. It was never a part of God's truth. Moses was supposed to support it, but those stories were composed many centuries after Moses lived. They were thought to be the sort of thing that Moses preached in order to justify the contemporary practice.
As Moses very likely never lived part of your excuse for Hebrew slavery is invalid.