equal rights to being punched in the face

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And then I'd bail my husband out of jail after he kicked the crap outta you for calling me fat.

Getting a man to do your dirty work? Is that an admission on your behalf that women aren't capable of taking care of themselves?
oh just out of intrest that would actually breach the bars duty of care, so the bar would be up for ALOT of damages if something happened

I am loving this, i am watching (doctor phil), this woman is bitching because her husband spends as long as she does getting ready. She seariously came on doctor phil to winge that this guy uses foundation. Seriously:p (sorry slighly off topic)

Getting a man to do your dirty work? Is that an admission on your behalf that women aren't capable of taking care of themselves?

I wouldn't have to say a word. He thinks its called chivalry. :rolleyes: Some women like that. I don't, but, its just how he is.
He washes dishes, does the laundry and sets the yard on fire. I find that more charming that 'defending my honor', but again, its how he is.
I would think you were an ass. (I wouldn't scream about discrimination.) And then I'd bail my husband out of jail after he kicked the crap outta you for calling me fat. Is that discrimination?? Him beating you up instead of me beating you up?

So the next time a woman calls me a foul name I should just beat her head into the curb?
So the next time a woman calls me a foul name I should just beat her head into the curb?

oh lord love a duck. What are you talking about?

Yes, I think you should. In fact, I double dog dare you. Go stand naked on the street corner, let your brilliant personality shine through, and as soon as you get called a name, go at it.
I'm sure someone somewhere will miss you when they lock you up.
Go on now, I dare you. :p
You seem to justify violence against men for calling you a foul name, so I'm just going to guess that you believe that you should be kicked in the face many times for calling a man a foul name.
sets the lawn on fire?
you married a pyromaniac????
well it takes all types i guess

Im sorry but you dont get to pick and chose whats descrimination and whats not, either you say im happy to go back to keeping the house ect OR you stand up and say equality MEANS equality. The law bans descrimination based on sex PERIOD not descrimination against women. I know of 4 excemptions that have been granted by the anti descrimination tribunal.

One the ADF got an excemption to stop women from front line combat positions
Two Fenwood gym got an exception to stop men from using it
Three the Hotel owners association sort the exemption to stop "to many men" from coming into a club
Four single sex schools sort an exception to keep them single sex,

Im also not sure what happened about the feminsts case against the Melbourne club
Get rid of the girl?

Asguard said:

When a bar goes to the antidescrimination tribunal to get an exemption to the act so that they can lawfully turn men away if they judge there wernt enough women in the bar.

What huh? There's an antidiscrimination tribunal that argues over "ladies night" at the bar?

Really ... I seriously don't know what to say to that.

Yes that happened to me, took my partner out on a date to a nightclub for her birthday and what happens oh sorry your GF can come in but not you.

Again, this might be a cultural difference between Australians and Americans, but my response would be twofold:

(1) Find another bar. If the girlfriend insists on this bar without you ...

(2) ... find another girlfriend. Better yet, don't°. Just dump her and move on with life.​

Seriously, I may have gotten a wonderful daughter out of my last relationship, but that's all I got out of it. And I will continue to pay a toll for that for the rest of my life. For instance, her mother wants to send her to a religious preschool. ("They don't preach Jesus. Well, only on Fridays." Do you know what else she said? "Better now than to send her to the high school you went to, when she won't be able to defend herself." Really! Seriously!)

So get out of those relationships now, while you still have a chance. My daughter is a blessing, indeed. And her mother is a curse. And you know what? I'm one of the lucky ones.

So if your girlfriend thinks so little of you that she would enter the bar and leave you behind, leave her behind. If she's cool with finding another place to drink because you're important to her birthday happiness, great. Good luck. I hope the relationship works out better than most. Just find another place to drink and start crossing certain bars off your list of places to go.

That's my personal advice. There are bars in town I can't get into. Because I'm not wearing latex, for instance. I generally don't worry about it. And there's a dyke bar in town that I wouldn't be welcome in even if I was a tranny. I generally don't worry about it. And my lesbian friends would never ask me to go there.

Notes on edit:

What do you think would happen if for instance Orleander came to a bar i was the bouncer at and i said sorry your to fat to come in but if you fuck off your partner can come in"????

Definitely ditch the girlfriend if she goes into the bar at that point. But it doesn't sound like a particularly sexist standard. It sounds like a stupid aesthetic standard. And there are bars like that in Seattle. We tend to leave them for the retards who prefer that sort of setting. Look, there are some places that want to present themselves as some sort of mecca for the young and beautiful. They'll find any reason to turn people away at the door. There's a psychological disorder at play when it goes so far. Seriously, think about how one explains that: "I started a business just so I could discriminate against people I think are ugly." What the hell is wrong with those people? And their patrons?

I am loving this, i am watching (doctor phil), this woman is bitching because her husband spends as long as she does getting ready. She seariously came on doctor phil to winge that this guy uses foundation. Seriously (sorry slighly off topic)

Um ... it is Doctor Phil. He's almost as messed up as the people on his show.

And, yes, think about how one explains that: "I started a television show so I could pretend to be a therapist while violating every rule of the practice. Mostly I think it'll get me rich."


° Better yet, don't — I just saw, a few minutes ago, the topic about legalizing prostitution. While perusing that discussion, I came across Jozen-Bo's hilarious line, "Despite the temptation I haven't done any business, I'm married...so why pay anything?" Seriously, there's no honest response that doesn't sound just awful. But when people are confused that I have a child and am not married, I usually respond that "I was smart enough to not marry her." Sure, it sounds like a slam against the woman, and in this case, it is. But it's also a commentary on marriage in general. What, if anything, are these relationships working toward? I was happy when it was a friend I could hang out with and bang on a fairly regular basis and smoke pot with. If she'd been honest, years ago, about her expectations—that she wanted someone to treat like a husband—I would have stepped aside and let her go find that poor bastard.
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Im sorry i gave the wrong imprression there, my GF never went in. She got pissed insted actually.

Oh i keep forgeting the difference between Australian and american law
here there are laws banning descrimination on the based of race, GENDER, sexual oriantation, disability, pregnancy (including brest feeding), marital staice, religion or age (excepting minors of corse)

That is for EVERYTHING, if a gay walks into a club and gets thrown out because of there sexual oriantation THATS against the law and the club can be fined for that

If you go to a restraunt and they wont serve you because you your pregnant or brestfeeding in the restraunt THATS descrimination and is against the law


If you feel that you have justification for getting out of one of these laws then you can apply to the antidescrimination board and they will make a ruling either granting or refusing the exeption

For instance a night club recently got an exemption to keep all women and straight men out so that gay men had a safe enviroment to enjoy themselves
Mountainhare said:

What a load of fucking sexist bullshit. Perhaps you and MattMarr should form a team and invent conspiracy theories together.

Which hat would you like me to wear for my response to you?
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Which hat would you like me to wear for my response to you?

The tinfoil one. Ya know, the one you usually wear when banging on about conspiracy theories such 'male privilege' and 'white privilege'. :)

The tinfoil one. Ya know, the one you usually wear when banging on about conspiracy theories such 'male privilege' and 'white privilege'. :)

Do you live under a rock? Of course men (and in particular, white men) have an advantage over others in almost all aspects of society. Don't play the victim here, bud.
The privilege to pay alimony to a woman who refuses to work, while she dangles your kids in front of you?

Then again, maybe things are different in your Islamic homeland.

Edit: And yes, I'm quite aware that Turkey's government is supposedly 'secular'. Which doesn't change the fact that almost the entire civilian population as Muslim. Just incase anybody tries to bust my chops...
Are you a masculist?

Nope. I'm a champion of true equality, not this discriminatory liberal bullshit used in a half-assed attempt to supposedly 'even the scales'.

Since when did Canada become an Islamic homeland?

Sorry. I assume that since you had Turkey's flag in your avatar, you were Turkish. Duhh.
Mountainhare said:

I'm a champion of true equality

And when that phrase comes to actually mean "true equality" and not "preservation of traditional injustice", it will be with no thanks to you.
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And when that phrase comes to actually mean "true equality" and not "preservation of traditional injustice", it will be with no thanks to you.

By injustice I guess you mean the right of women to use violence against men, oh wait 'real men' just accept violence from women...
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