equal rights to being punched in the face

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Originally Posted by mountainhare

If a girl grabs my butt, can I turn around and slap her? If a girl calls me a foul name (such as that 'small cocked faggot satire'), can I slap her?

The simple fact of the matter is 'No'. That's assault under the law, and if reported, I'd be thrown in the slammer so fast my head would spin.

If a guy grabs your butt, you report him to the police. If he calls you a foul name, you walk away. That's what men are expected to do....

Grabbing my butt is sexual assault. And I'd push for verbal assault on teh other one.

If you want equal rights with men, then you must also share the burden of acting like a rational adult, and not resorting to violence at every perceived slight.

Lots of women who are victims of domestic assault 'know why they got hit', and 'took it'.

no, those women 'pushed his buttons'

And I'm for equal rights, but do we really want women to be just like men? I don't.

I looked at the link (above) and did not find my answer. Are men being sent to jail for saying those things to women? Or saying bitch or whore? Perhaps I misunderstood your point. I thought you meant that women got to do things men can't? And that this was an example.
I looked at the link (above) and did not find my answer. Are men being sent to jail for saying those things to women? Or saying bitch or whore? Perhaps I misunderstood your point. I thought you meant that women got to do things men can't? And that this was an example.

If a guy grabs your butt, you report him to the police. If he calls you a foul name, you walk away. That's what men are expected to do....

Grabbing my butt is sexual assault. And I'd push for verbal assault on teh other one.

So as a man I can push for verbal assault or harassment charges because some woman called me a foul name, and it would be seen as a legit charge?
If someone was constantly harassing you, like turning up at your house or following you around, that really is harassment. Calling you an asshole on the other hand is hardly an infringement of your civil liberties.
If a guy grabs your butt, you report him to the police. If he calls you a foul name, you walk away. That's what men are expected to do....

Grabbing my butt is sexual assault. And I'd push for verbal assault on teh other one.

So as a man I can push for verbal assault or harassment charges because some woman called me a foul name, and it would be seen as a legit charge?

What you wrote above is pretty unclear.
1) if some guy grabs your ass and you slap him, I do not think you will end up charged with a crime.
2) If you call a woman a bitch and she slaps you, I think you have some chance of getting her charged with a crime. But slaps alone will probably not make it to court, whoever does the slapping. Unless the slapper is a powerhouse or a boss or a cop or a doctor with a patient and so on.
3) This really seems childish to me. I don't think you have any idea what it is like to be a women in this society or you would keep your whining to a minimum.
And I'm for equal rights, but do we really want women to be just like men? I don't.

This isn't about women becoming just like men. It is about men and women being treated and viewed equally when it comes to the law, primarily laws that concern assault and domestic violence.
bell it goes further than just the law. For instance equality on health spending would be nice too. Equality to walk into a bar would also be nice rather than being told "sorry there are to many men, but your partner can go in" Equality in PRICING at bars (you know when i told a girl it was against the sexual discrimination act for a woman to be given free entry and free or discounted drinks her responce to me was it shouldnt be women have to be beautiful to get into a bar so they should pay me to go in). Hell even the equality to wear whatever you want (a dress or skirt or long hair) as women can do now.
bell it goes further than just the law. For instance equality on health spending would be nice too. Equality to walk into a bar would also be nice rather than being told "sorry there are to many men, but your partner can go in" Equality in PRICING at bars (you know when i told a girl it was against the sexual discrimination act for a woman to be given free entry and free or discounted drinks her responce to me was it shouldnt be women have to be beautiful to get into a bar so they should pay me to go in). Hell even the equality to wear whatever you want (a dress or skirt or long hair) as women can do now.

yeah, around here they would tell you to man up. I would tell you that.
It actually bothers you that bars have ladies night??? How else do you think bars would get us in there in droves? How attractive do you think a bar full of drunk men is? Drunk men in dresses no less. :rolleyes:
Orleander what makes you think i care? Do you have any idea what its like to go out and have some dick bouncer tell you that you cant come in but your partner is welcome to??

Do you really?

try going out on a date and having that happen to you and see how you would feel about "semi equality"
How attractive do you think a bar full of drunk men is?

Wow, way to stereotype. During my stay in university, I've observed that many women are quite happy to attend bars along with men. Including bars that were notorious for people getting drunk and puking all over the floor. That includes males and females. I've also seen males barred from entering social events (which they paid to attend) simply because they weren't being escorted by a band of females.

You're just being your typical sexist self. It's good when females get special privileges, but you'll no doubt shout and holler if males were given special treatment.

Yeah, around here they would tell you to man up. I would tell you that.

And I'd tell you to 'woman up' and get back to the kitchen, instead of getting pissed at the bar.

Sexist remarks aren't funny when they are directed at you, are they?
Why would I care? I'd be more pissed if my partner said 'see ya!'
man up already. :p

There's never been a female president or a woman on the moon but you're upset when you get turned away from a bar. a bar!!!
Must be different Down Under

Asguard said:

Equality to walk into a bar would also be nice rather than being told "sorry there are to many men, but your partner can go in" Equality in PRICING at bars (you know when i told a girl it was against the sexual discrimination act for a woman to be given free entry and free or discounted drinks her responce to me was it shouldnt be women have to be beautiful to get into a bar so they should pay me to go in). Hell even the equality to wear whatever you want (a dress or skirt or long hair) as women can do now.

I don't know how it works in Australia, but the problem with this isn't that men are getting shafted, but that the pandering to women is a misogynistic act in its own. The whole point of giving women free admission to a bar, or giving women better drink prices, is to get them drunk so that they're easier to lay. And the reason they let women dress like skanks is because men will buy them lots of drinks, which helps the bar, but that whole point is that the men are trying to get the women drunk so that they are easier to lay.

And yet men should complain about the "discrimination" in this process? At least compared to how it works in the U.S., that seems just a bit perverse. And really, really whiny.

But maybe it's different elsewhere.
....Sexist remarks aren't funny when they are directed at you, are they?

Say what you want, it doesn't bother me. Why would it? :shrug:
Women belong barefoot and pregnant? I don't care. Women are dumber than men? I don't care. Women are crappy drivers? I don't care.
We women know better and just smile at men, pat them on the head, say "yes dear" and roll our eyes. :rolleyes:
tiassa, that may well be there reasoning which just shows why "feminists" should be against the idea. When a bar goes to the antidescrimination tribunal to get an exemption to the act so that they can lawfully turn men away if they judge there wernt enough women in the bar. Yes that happened to me, took my partner out on a date to a nightclub for her birthday and what happens oh sorry your GF can come in but not you. Now lets think about this what if the exemption was to stop ugly women from going in? What would the reaction be? or pregnant women? or fat women?

I dont think people especially women would just "get over" that. What do you think would happen if for instance Orleander came to a bar i was the bouncer at and i said sorry your to fat to come in but if you fuck off your partner can come in"???? what would her stance be then
I don't know how it works in Australia, but the problem with this isn't that men are getting shafted, but that the pandering to women is a misogynistic act in its own. The whole point of giving women free admission to a bar, or giving women better drink prices, is to get them drunk so that they're easier to lay. And the reason they let women dress like skanks is because men will buy them lots of drinks, which helps the bar, but that whole point is that the men are trying to get the women drunk so that they are easier to lay.

And yet men should complain about the "discrimination" in this process? At least compared to how it works in the U.S., that seems just a bit perverse. And really, really whiny.

But maybe it's different elsewhere.

What a load of fucking sexist bullshit. Perhaps you and MattMarr should form a team and invent conspiracy theories together.
We women know better and just smile at men, pat them on the head, say "yes dear" and roll our eyes.

More like, you smack them in the face for a knockout. And as they fall to the ground and grab at you in an attempt to steady themselves, you call the cops and scream 'Domestic abuse'. LOL!
....I dont think people especially women would just "get over" that. What do you think would happen if for instance Orleander came to a bar i was the bouncer at and i said sorry your to fat to come in but if you fuck off your partner can come in"???? what would her stance be then

I would think you were an ass. (I wouldn't scream about discrimination.) And then I'd bail my husband out of jail after he kicked the crap outta you for calling me fat. Is that discrimination?? Him beating you up instead of me beating you up?

More like, you smack them in the face for a knockout. And as they fall to the ground and grab at you in an attempt to steady themselves, you call the cops and scream 'Domestic abuse'. LOL!

I've never done anything like that. Maybe you need to hang around a better class of women. ;)
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