equal rights to being punched in the face

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Bells, thanks for the support. I'm probably going to reply to your post about the Stolen Generation in a day or so. I still have to research the benefits Abbos get that whites don't.

I find it strange that James R doesn't think that domestic violence against men is a 'big deal'. It makes me wonder how much contact he has had with women.

James R:
As far as I can tell, it is very difficult to gather reliable statistics on this. It has been estimated that more than 4 out of 5 of all cases of domestic assault against women go unreported, and the proportion of such assaults against men that go unreported is probably even higher.

I've posted scientific articles which state that surveys demonstrate physical abuse is perpetrated equally by both genders in domestic situations. You may be able to quote studies to the contrary.

In otherwords, we can't draw a clear conclusion from the data at the present point in time. The wikipedia article you posted stated that the jury is still out on the prevalence of domestic abuse against males and females. So why do you (and the Australian govt.) ASSUME that only domestic violence against women is a big deal? Why can't the campaign against domestic abuse encompass both males and females?

The problem here is that women are stereotyped as helpless victims in some aspects of life. In the past, this was often a handicap for women. They were barred from the more intensive jobs, weren't allowed to participate in contact sports, weren't allow to vote or hold political office. There were also benefits. Not having to fight in wars, the 'women and children' principle, less harsh sanctions in a court of law.
In fact, under the rule of Cromwell, women often could not be punished under English law, as they were believed to lack the ability to exercise self control. This meant that while men would get executed for protesting against the King's rule, the women could get away with it.
I'd still say it's not such a fantastic deal. I'd rather have independence than being coddled like a 4 year old.

Today, a lot of those handicaps have been removed. Women can vote, work in any job that they wish, play sports, yada yada. They have their independence. But they still retain some advantages from ye olde code of chivalry, and some are more than willing to exploit it to 'take revenge' against men (or 'smash the patriachy', as the real rabid feminists would call it), or simply because they are vindictive.

In custody issues, domestic abuse issues, alimony issues and sexual harassment issues, the system is inherently biased against men. The majority of prisoners are male, the majority of school dropouts are male, the majority of victims of violence are male. Assault and rape against males is either treated with indifference, or even laughter.

Men are often stereotyped to be poor fathers, unable to emotionally satisify their spouse, aggressive animals, or potential rapists just waiting to happen. Any man who dares complains about these injustices is often told to 'act like a real man, stop whining, and soak it up.' It's almost like the males of this generation (and many future generatons) have to pay for the sins of males in the past.

IMHO, the law, and society, should be gender blind. Except when an individual is choosing a partner, of course.
Men who are continually humiliated make poor providers, become addicted to drugs, beat their women, and so on.
o you think we need a "violence against men: Australia says no!" campaign, too? Do we need to tell girlfriends who think it is ok to hit their boyfriend that it is not? Is it that big a problem? My gut feeling is that such advertisements are not needed. How about you?

I'm just curious James, but how would you react to an ad campaign with the slogan "Violence against whites: Australia says no!"
James do you realise that in some westen counties a man cant actually make a criminal or civil case of rape? Acording to the law its impossable for a woman to comit rape or sexual assult, if a woman holds a knife to a mans throat and forces him to have sex with her that is common asult. If a female doctor missuses her authority they MIGHT get fired but cant be charged. For instance what about a man being treated for sexsomnia (a recognised medical condition) and a female doctor, nurse ect has sex with him thats not rape.

Look at the responce when Angalina's exhusband (cant think of his name) was being treated for sex adiction, his theropist had sex with him. What was the reaction. "He is such a basted that he even screwed his theropist, poor Angalina". Now lets look at what it would have been if it had been the other way around. It would have been a charge of sexual assult, as well as a few other charges involving taking advantage of there patient. What would the media reaction have been? Hell he would have been torn to pieces by the media. What actually happened? I THINK she was fired, the media spent all there time talking about what a bad man he was and i had trouble finding out what happened to her. For a clear breach of medical ethics?????
they are outdated laws that no one has bothered changing (at least they hadnt bothered when i herd about them)

To be fair though i cant rember the country or how long ago i herd about it. I also dont have any idea if they have been changed or not
Asguard, as you pointed out, emotional violence and I put psychological violence in this category are major problems too.

I have seen this being perpetrated at close quarters and it is particularly nasty; there is no physical scarring or evidence to point to so the pepetrator gets off time and time again.

Also, when challenged on this issue, the perpetrator can turn on the sweet, swarmy, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth routine and the victim, who is quite likely fraying at the edges by this point, can look quite insane. Scary, scary shit.
Asguard, as you pointed out, emotional violence and I put psychological violence in this category are major problems too.

I have seen this being perpetrated at close quarters and it is particularly nasty; there is no physical scarring or evidence to point to so the pepetrator gets off time and time again.

Also, when challenged on this issue, the perpetrator can turn on the sweet, swarmy, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth routine and the victim, who is quite likely fraying at the edges by this point, can look quite insane. Scary, scary shit.

This is so true, Potato King. It's been done to me.

If a girl grabs my butt, can I turn around and slap her? If a girl calls me a foul name (such as that 'small cocked faggot satire'), can I slap her?

The simple fact of the matter is 'No'. That's assault under the law, and if reported, I'd be thrown in the slammer so fast my head would spin.

If a guy grabs your butt, you report him to the police. If he calls you a foul name, you walk away. That's what men are expected to do....

Grabbing my butt is sexual assault. And I'd push for verbal assault on teh other one.

If you want equal rights with men, then you must also share the burden of acting like a rational adult, and not resorting to violence at every perceived slight.

Lots of women who are victims of domestic assault 'know why they got hit', and 'took it'.

no, those women 'pushed his buttons' :p

And I'm for equal rights, but do we really want women to be just like men? I don't.
And how in hell can men become irrelevant to society? I don't know three women where I work who can lift boxes weighing about 40 pounds all day. Men invented and engineered a lot of things, and maybe when they didn't let women in it was because they didn't want to do most of their work for them, put up with passive-aggressive nonsense, or be accused of sexual harassment just because it was that time of the month or the woman actually wanted to have sex with him and he didn't.

1. Just being pedantic, but 40 pounds is actually quite light.

2. I don't know what bubble you were kept in all your life or how many human women you've actually met, but incredibly enough, women are human beings, not some kind of hyper-emotional mutant. Now, how would you feel if I had a go at men saying 'maybe women don't want to put up with over testosteroned Neanderthals' or some equivalent stupid stereotype. You'd call me a man-hating feminist, wouldn't you? So what made you think a comment like that was okay?
Sexists are strongly opposed to equal rights, especially the equal right to being punched in the face.

It would be nice to see women go to jail anytime they call someone an asshole or prick, wouldn't it?
No one has the "right" to punch someone in the face to begin with so there cannot be an equal right...
"And I'm for equal rights, but do we really want women to be just like men? I don't."
"nope not me!"

So your both sexists?
"And I'm for equal rights, but do we really want women to be just like men? I don't."
"nope not me!"

So your both sexists?

Giving men and women equal rights under the law, especially equal rights to being punched in the face, is not the same thing as making men and women exactly the same.

I oppose the attempt to pretend that men and women are the same, but that doesn't mean that I'll stop pushing to make them equal.
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