equal rights to being punched in the face

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Bells, thanks for the support. I'm probably going to reply to your post about the Stolen Generation in a day or so. I still have to research the benefits Abbos get that whites don't.

Why don't you get yourself an aboriginal girlfriend, and go and live in one of the paradise aboriginal communities that all get these "special privileges" you're so upset about?

I find it strange that James R doesn't think that domestic violence against men is a 'big deal'. It makes me wonder how much contact he has had with women.

I've been wondering for some time how much contact you have had with women. There must be some reason for your misogyny. I'm guessing you've been rejected too much for your liking. It fits with your need to be the victim, though.

I've posted scientific articles which state that surveys demonstrate physical abuse is perpetrated equally by both genders in domestic situations. You may be able to quote studies to the contrary.

You've parroted off some studies hosted by "men's rights" groups, in the same way that you parrot off studies hosted on white supremacist websites. Part of growing as a person is being able to look at both sides of an argument dispassionately, rather than ignoring any evidence that goes against your preconceptions and prejudices.

In otherwords, we can't draw a clear conclusion from the data at the present point in time. The wikipedia article you posted stated that the jury is still out on the prevalence of domestic abuse against males and females. So why do you (and the Australian govt.) ASSUME that only domestic violence against women is a big deal?

I don't.

Today, a lot of those handicaps have been removed. Women can vote, work in any job that they wish, play sports, yada yada. They have their independence. But they still retain some advantages from ye olde code of chivalry, and some are more than willing to exploit it to 'take revenge' against men (or 'smash the patriachy', as the real rabid feminists would call it), or simply because they are vindictive.

You and ABS don't seem to be worried by any ancient code of chivalry. You're arguing, after all, that you ought to be able to hit a woman in the face, are you not?

In custody issues, domestic abuse issues, alimony issues and sexual harassment issues, the system is inherently biased against men. The majority of prisoners are male, the majority of school dropouts are male, the majority of victims of violence are male.

And the majority of perpetrators of violence are male. Your attempt to dishonestly conflate separate issues is transparent.

Assault and rape against males is either treated with indifference, or even laughter.

And yet, strangely, every night on the news I see stories of arrests and prosecutions for assaults committed on men.

Men are often stereotyped to be poor fathers, unable to emotionally satisify their spouse, aggressive animals, or potential rapists just waiting to happen. Any man who dares complains about these injustices is often told to 'act like a real man, stop whining, and soak it up.' It's almost like the males of this generation (and many future generatons) have to pay for the sins of males in the past.

You seem to want a return to the past, where white males had unquestioned authority and dominance in society. Why would that be, I wonder. Could it be because you consider yourself a victim and you feel you deserve more power and prestige? Is that why you're so keen to join the racists and sexists?

I'm just curious James, but how would you react to an ad campaign with the slogan "Violence against whites: Australia says no!"

I'd want to know why whites are being singled out.

James do you realise that in some westen counties a man cant actually make a criminal or civil case of rape? Acording to the law its impossable for a woman to comit rape or sexual assult, if a woman holds a knife to a mans throat and forces him to have sex with her that is common asult.

Which western countries?

Personally, I think the campaigns should not be gender based to the extent it has been. It should simply be "domestic violence: Australia says no!".

Many people don't understand what domestic violence is. An ad campaign needs to be as specific as possible, within its 30 second timeslot, or the message risks getting lost.

Men in Australia, at least, need to understand that if they are the victims of domestic violence, they need to report it to the police and the police should not laugh at them or treat them as though they have done something wrong. I'll put it this way, if a woman walks into a police station with 3 broken teeth and bruised and tells them she has been physically abused by her husband, and the police laughed at her, there would be a public uproar and rightly so. But that does happen to a lot of men. The result is they feel helpless and completely unsupported by those who are meant to be there to help them.

It sounds like what is needed here is not an ad campaign or news laws, but better police training.

I found the campain timing to be highly contrevertial. You dont think the whole thing couldnt have just been the howard goverment trying to get the feminist vote?

No, I don't think the campaign was a political ploy. And I don't think it would have swung any votes at all.

why is it when someone says they are antifeminisum that is a bad thing?

Because almost invariably, those who say that are either misogynists, or else have no real understanding of what feminism is.

Being pro-women, by the way, need not mean being anti-men. It isn't a question of arguing about which sex is "better".

I compleatly surport an END to male shovinisium but i ALSO surport the end of feminisum. People should be pushing for EQUAL rights not one or the other, it shouldnt be wrong to push for needed money for either men or women.

Most feminists support equal rights.

bell it goes further than just the law. For instance equality on health spending would be nice too. Equality to walk into a bar would also be nice rather than being told "sorry there are to many men, but your partner can go in" Equality in PRICING at bars (you know when i told a girl it was against the sexual discrimination act for a woman to be given free entry and free or discounted drinks her responce to me was it shouldnt be women have to be beautiful to get into a bar so they should pay me to go in). Hell even the equality to wear whatever you want (a dress or skirt or long hair) as women can do now.

Bars are businesses. Obviously, some have decided that they get too many men and not enough women if they accept everybody in. They decide what mix of men and women they want. And the customers agree to that. If they did not, they would not frequent those bars any more and the bars would go out of business.

It's just sour grapes to complain about being rejected by a bar. If they reject you, and you think you're better than that, do you beg and scrape to them to let you in, or do you just never go to that bar again and tell all your friends not to go there either? I know what I do. If you disagree with the way they run their establishment, don't go there. Enough people make the same decision and they go out of business. Simple.

Wow, way to stereotype. During my stay in university, I've observed that many women are quite happy to attend bars along with men. Including bars that were notorious for people getting drunk and puking all over the floor. That includes males and females. I've also seen males barred from entering social events (which they paid to attend) simply because they weren't being escorted by a band of females.

If they paid for a service which was then denied, they are legally entitled to a full refund. That is very different from being rejected by the door chick at that trendy bar you're desperate to get into.
actually james it seems that you have no idea what australian law means

You do realise that feminist groups brought an action against the Melbourne club because it catered exculisvly to men dont you?

Bussness, clubs, sociaties ect No group is above the anti descrimination laws. Even the fedral goverment had problems with the antidescrimination act when it passed its intervention laws (it had to make them excempt from the racial descrimiation act)

Everyone is intiltled to be free from discrimination based on race, GENDER, ect ect
I have no problem with most feminsts as people, i have a problem with the organisation. As i said some goverment sponsored womens groups were quite surportive of similar groups looking at the issues from a mens perspective. This is very good

As for Howard i will have to dissagree with you, everything he did was for political advantage. Not saying that all members of his goverment were the same as him but even when he was tresure he was the same. just look at the argument he had with fraser on the vetnamise boat people.

oh and i dont even concider myself pro-women or pro-man, i dont concider myself pro-white or pro-black, or pro-straight or pro-gay

I am PRO human rights. Thats it, and END to ALL discrimination no matter what. is that so horrible?

Oh and james as for what bell said it goes much futher than retraining police although i agree with you there. Whats the point if no one will report it?

I cant even give you figures on the number of cases of domestic vilonce and abuse aginst men. Not because it doesnt happen but because its not reported. Same thing goes for sexual assult

how would you suggest the goverment tackle that issue?
by making a vilonce against men?
no the orgional campain should NEVER have been gender biased at all

As to the countries as i said i cant rember where it was (was quite honest about that and im sure the laws MUST have been changed, at least i hope so)

Oh and i know you havent ONCE mentioned the fact that the drug to treat prostate cancer has only being on the PBS for breast cancer
Angrybellsprout said:

By injustice I guess you mean the right of women to use violence against men, oh wait 'real men' just accept violence from women

You really should stop guessing. It doesn't seem to be doing you—or your argument—any good.
I am the one talking about equal rights, while your posts have been nothing but attempts to promote sexism. Thus what else am I supposed to guess other than you seem to think that women have a right to use violence against men while that men are held to a double standard?

Why don't you go and stand up against double standards that apply to violence in society?

Why don't you go out and stand up against discrimination faced by males in the teaching profession, especially at the elementry school level?

Why don't you go out and stand up against women who view marriage and/or children as nothing more than a way to steal money from a man?

Liberals in general hate the concept of equal rights.
ABS have you ever lernt how to debate?

You need to stop posting flipant repies and start concidering what you want to say
Passion is great but people arnt going to bother fencing with you if you cant temper your passion with logic.

Sit down and write your first passionate reply but DONT hit the send button.
Then think for a second and retype it into a form that people can understand

And try backing up your argument with examples every so often. The web is a great sorce for infomation to defend ANYTHING

Try to use unbias sorces because they will be harder for the otherside to disregard. If you find something mentioned like the study from melb uni copy it into google and try and find the origional sorce. Universities are great, so are orgnisations like the CSIRO, WHO, Red cross, Amnesty International, the UN, International comission on human rights. Even some of the law sociaties have great infomation on ethics, for example the Queensland Law Council. Parlimentry Papers are GREAT and so are ABS statistics.
You don't need sources to back up common knowledge, which is what I've been sticking to.

Though you could look into the VAWA that I brought up on the first page for some good eaxmples of sexism in the US Congress.
Evolve or get left behind

Angrybellsprout said:

I am the one talking about equal rights, while your posts have been nothing but attempts to promote sexism.

Interesting assertion. You ought to try to make a real argument out of it.

Thus what else am I supposed to guess other than you seem to think that women have a right to use violence against men while that men are held to a double standard?

Oh, I don't know. Maybe something connected to reality?

Why don't you go and stand up against double standards that apply to violence in society?

Because I don't view them as being so severely problematic. Nothing in this world is perfect, and if my standards should reflect the most simplistic assertions of self-interest, very little will ever get better.

There are issues that take priority, such as the violence itself. Whatever histrionic assertions of imbalance you might come up with would better be addressed when the larger, real problem is better understood.

Why don't you go out and stand up against discrimination faced by males in the teaching profession, especially at the elementry school level?

Because I don't view it as being so important compared to other issues. Normally I would simply point out that those issues of "discrimination" pertain to—are, in fact, symptomatic of—other problems in society, and rather than simply rushing to salve the symptoms in order to assuage your feelings of inadequacy, it would be better to attempt a broader address of the larger malady. Perhaps this hasn't occurred to you. Or perhaps it seems too difficult a proposition to comprehend. Whatever the case, I'm rarely surprised by the coincidence of petty solutions and the prominence of simplistic self-interest.

Why don't you go out and stand up against women who view marriage and/or children as nothing more than a way to steal money from a man?

Wow. You're really fixated on that, aren't you?

If it's so important to you, give history some consideration. See if you can figure out something about where those attitudes you perceive actually come from.

In the meantime, I can only feel so much sympathy toward those stupid prigs who actually marry those women.

Shallow, self-centered, manipulative bullshit is a human malady. It's not restricted to one sex or the other. Dealing with the disease—e.g. fundamental dishonesty among people and its causes—is a far more promising route than complaining about symptoms described under the influence of the disease.

Liberals in general hate the concept of equal rights

As long as that concept of "equal rights" involves the preservation of traditional bigotry and injustice, yes, liberals will scoff at such ludicrous propositions.

I'm not especially inclined to consider credible erroneous assertions that reflect immediate and puerile self-interest. You should give that point some thought. Any two-bit moron can propose an idiotic conundrum tailored to reflect his vanity. Rise above savage greed and barbaric lust.
Mod Hat - Intellectual sloth

Mod Hat - Intellectual sloth

Angrybellsprout said:

You don't need sources to back up common knowledge, which is what I've been sticking to.

This is Sciforums. You might be amazed to find out what people have expected to pass for "common knowledge" over time. And if you're not amazed, then you really ought to know better that to keep up with the slovenly excuse for argument you've been pushing lately.

Certain common knowledge is obvious. However, you're not operating within that range. Intellectual sloth is not well-received here. Get on the trolley.

Easy enough?

You don't need sources to back up common knowledge, which is what I've been sticking to.

It is common sense that two wrongs do not make a right. You cannot justify the violation of someone else's rights just because they violated your rights.

If someone slaps you for example, it does not mean you have a right to slap them back. You have a right to bring charges against them, nothing more, nothing less. They have a right to have their side heard by a jury of their peers, nothing more, nothing less. There is no double standard here.
Ah but of course, the punishment for a man striking a women is exactly the same as the punishment for a woman striking a man...
So you say its unfair, yet you have no personal experience that it was unfair? You have never been hit by a woman, called the law, and nothing was done?
Anything to defend sexism right?

Afterall, it was you that suggested that violence be used against men because they called you a foul name, so if you cared at all for equality, then you'd be glad to be kicked in the face a few times anytime you call a man a foul name.
so then you haven't been discriminated against, you're just getting ready in case you ever are???:shrug:
Anything to defend sexism right?

Afterall, it was you that suggested that violence be used against men because they called you a foul name, so if you cared at all for equality, then you'd be glad to be kicked in the face a few times anytime you call a man a foul name.

Um...I think she was messing. Try not being so ASD.
Um...I think she was messing. Try not being so ASD.

There are plenty of sexists who do take the position that violence against men shouldn't just be tolerated, but encouraged. They will laugh and talk about how you should kick men in the groin, but if you dare suggest that they should get a cunt punch in return, you're sexist.

They revel in the fact that the law isn't applied equally in the courts or by the police, and hide behind this to justify their violence.
There are plenty of sexists who do take the position that violence against men shouldn't just be tolerated, but encouraged. They will laugh and talk about how you should kick men in the groin, but if you dare suggest that they should get a cunt punch in return, you're sexist.

They revel in the fact that the law isn't applied equally in the courts or by the police, and hide behind this to justify their violence.

who is 'they'? Have you had run-ins with them? Or are you just getting riled up in preparation for run-ins with them?

And do you have a link to a web site or an article where 'they' advocate and encourage violence against men?

And when was the last time you were close enough to a women to give her a 'cunt punch'?
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