Empirical Evidence of God

There is plenty of evidence that offer God as the best explanation.
Sure there is Jan.

Toast with the image of JC.

Talking in tounges clear evidence of the holy spirit.

And lets not forget Bowsers arguement ending observation that we find God in a pile of bricks.

Then we have the scriptures...magnificent works by folk from the bronze age who, although they could not work out where the Sun went at night, were able to inform us upon the way the uniniverse was created and how humans appeared...that wisdom simply blows our modern science out of the water.

And of course we know the Earth is flat given that angles stood upon each corner as recorded in Revelations.

I took your advice to look on the net but so far all the information contained so many lies I find I am unable to accept the authors are anything more than liars.
Perhaps you could suggest something that is honest and free from lies.
I hate lies..maybe that is why I reject scripture.
You have to change yourself.

I wont become a liar Jan.

I find it so hard to accept that you align with liars but that is all you do.

You miss the point.

For me to deny something it must first be presented as a reasonable proposition and as no God has been presented I find it hard to find something specific to reject.

If you could present a God there would be something to reject.

You are a human, you are well educated, you are capable of reason so U wonder when it will be that you reject this non existent God.
You're not interested in finding evidence.
How can you say that Jan?
I look and I look and although you refuse to offer evidence I still look.
You are not really being honest Jan and I am disappointed that although your views are different your morals are also opposite.
Does not being truthful mean anything to you...are you just another Ham!
You have no idea of what evidence would be, because you know that we're not talking about some being who is separate to His creation.
You prefer to view God as Santa Claus, Big Foot, or whatever you care to name, because it helps you to remain ignorant of what you know in your heart to be true.
That is why you can't let it go. You need to have to last word so you can feel satisfied.
Horse feathers.
I know you have nothing, you know you have nothing.
If you had anything it would be on the table.
Your claims are less than smoke in the wind.
You need to begin with belief in God, not stories about God.
Sure ... so how do you know anything if all you have is an unsupported belief...so you reject the stories I gather?
First you have to determine who, and what God is. But you daren't.
Jan I think you are full of it ..and I dont mean the holy spirit.
God is a delussional mental problem can you show otherwise?
Needs to be ignored or his post placed in a thread called


Yes but when presented with someone who will swallow anything I simply cant help myself.
Jan is probably an atheist presenting as a typical theist to stir the pot...in any event an assett to this site presenting all that is terrible about theists.

Feeding is a trivial pastime for me.
If Jan really is Jan and not just another sock from the draw well he has a role here.
If nothing else he causs us to realise how stupid the god story is...or at least remind us just how stupid the god story is...Jan is a punching bag for old men who finally can come out and reject the bullshit that is religion.
Jan is not real he is a mere representation of all we see as bad about religion.
Its a game, its about site traffic, its about entertainment...Jan is someone you argue with when you feel bored.
As is Bowser and as is...
The key is not to take them seriously they are good because they generate site traffic and that is good because we can rattle on here...imaginary people is what it is all about.

Has anyone looked at something like evolution and tracking it back to a part where they can plant a little flag reading

"Anything past this marker cannot be explained by science can show how god caused it to happen"

Note the we can show how god caused it to happen

There is a lot of stuff which cannot be explained by science BUT at least they are trying

Thought bubble - I wonder if the collective worth of religions is more or less than the cost of CERN

There is a lot of stuff which cannot be explained by science BUT at least they are trying
And what science does not know I can fill in always with some sort of speculation☺over a coffee but science is doing rather well ...it basically backs up all its claims ... all claims are backed up in science not one claim is not backed up...
Has anyone looked at something like evolution and tracking it back to a part where they can plant a little flag reading

"Anything past this marker cannot be explained by science can show how god caused it to happen"

Note the we can show how god caused it to happen

There is a lot of stuff which cannot be explained by science BUT at least they are trying

Thought bubble - I wonder if the collective worth of religions is more or less than the cost of CERN

Whatever science cannot explain, just say Stranger did it.

q; what is the secret of life?
a; life is like a dark deep well.
q; life is like a dark deep well?
a; well, isn't it?

Salvation may be getting closer

Just saw news item on TV about a 11 year old graduate from University

Wants to do a Master's in Astrophysics to "prove there is a god"

Any thoughts if Astrophysics good choice?
How about Anatomy to look for the soul?
Evolution to tease out the great plan?

Any other suggestions for his opinions?

Toast with the image of JC.

Talking in tounges clear evidence of the holy spirit.

If that's what you gather from looking up evidence for God, then you've no need to bother yourself with God, or theism anymore.

Good luck with that.

For me to deny something it must first be presented as a reasonable proposition and as no God has been presented I find it hard to find something specific to reject.

Nope. You simply have to not accept. Overtime you will fool yourself into believing it.

The fool has said in his heart, there is no God"

If you could present a God there would be something to reject.

God has already presented evidence to you, but you deny, and reject it. Seemingly for anything that helps maintain your ignorance.

U wonder when it will be that you reject this non existent God.

When I'm foolish enough to say in my heart, there is no God.

I know you have nothing, you know you have nothing.
If you had anything it would be on the table.
Your claims are less than smoke in the wind.

I get it now. You're clinging to the idea of God not existing unless someone can show God to exist, so that you can simply say, that is not evidence for God, therefore God does not exist.
You're in a loop Alex.

Theist don't rely on people to believe in God. That's not how theism works.

Sure ... so how do you know anything if all you have is an unsupported belief...so you reject the stories I gather?

The question is, why have you chosen denial and rejection. It is the atheist that objects without any coherent reason.

Jan I think you are full of it ..and I dont mean the holy spirit.
God is a delussional mental problem can you show otherwise?

If God was a delusional, mental problem, you wouldn't be so desperate in your attempt to get closure. You wouldn't waste your time, repeating the same old nonsense that you've been doing.

You would be like those atheists who have no interest in the religion forum.
Like I said before, you wouldn't be so desperate for closure.

You need to be convinced there is no God, because you cannot, like some other atheists, truly accept deep down, that is your position.
That alone should give some meaning of what is meant by God Is, as opposed to an atheist understanding of God exists, or not.

All of Jan's arguments apply to God just as well as they apply to unicorns and leprechauns and pixies.
They're all real, we're just in denial.

I guess that applies to Jan as well, unless he's willing to assert that, in his hearty-heart, unicorns, leprechauns and pixies are real.
All of Jan's arguments apply to God just as well as they apply to unicorns and leprechauns and pixies.
They're all real, we're just in denial.

I guess that applies to Jan as well, unless he's willing to assert that, in his hearty-heart, unicorns, leprechauns and pixies are real.
It's the new Trumpian reality. And he is the smartest man on earth! He went to a top notch university, don't you know.