Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything

What is Hipparchia your view , your perspective , philosophy , upon time in and of its self ?
I consider meaningful contemplation of time to be well above my pay grade.

I consider correcting egregious abuse of the English language and commenting upon presentation style to be nicely located within both my capacity and my duty.

I find your refusal to acknowledge your errors, but instead to attempt to divert attention, shows your character in a bad light. It would be transformational for you personally and for how you are regarded on the forum if you were to make a genuine acknowledgment of those errors and seek to correct them.

The concept of space-time originates from the multiplication of time times the speed of light (c), converting time into distance. Time is a dimension of space in the Theory of Relativity. This conversion was carried out by Albert Einstein to adapt his theory and make it appear credible.

Time has a sequential dimension: duration.

In the equation S = d / t the speed of light denatures space and time. This is like a chemical phenomenon. Space and time react creating space-time. Some ideas of Relativity are out of Physics. Something similar happens with Quantum mechanics.
If time can be measured it is necessarily perceptible.
You say time has duration, but you only know this because time is perceived to have passed.

Hipparchia is talking about memory. In memory we evoke a previous state of things and compare it with a current state.
Hipparchia said:
If time can be measured it is necessarily perceptible.
You say time has duration, but you only know this because time is perceived to have passed.


Hipparchia is talking about memory. In memory we evoke a previous state of things and compare it with a current state.

As well

Memory is also about the Reality of Where Things are in space . With movement .
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What is Hipparchia your view , your perspective , philosophy , upon time in and of its self ?

I consider meaningful contemplation of time to be well above my pay grade.

I consider correcting egregious abuse of the English language and commenting upon presentation style to be nicely located within both my capacity and my duty.

I find your refusal to acknowledge your errors, but instead to attempt to divert attention, shows your character in a bad light. It would be transformational for you personally and for how you are regarded on the forum if you were to make a genuine acknowledgment of those errors and seek to correct them.
Bingo, bingo, bingo, on all levels.
In fact I am taking a leaf out of your book and ignoring the nutty ratbags and consequential trolling that inevitably follows..
Bingo, bingo, bingo, on all levels.
In fact I am taking a leaf out of your book and ignoring the nutty ratbags and consequential trolling that inevitably follows..

Of course you do pad ; all new thinking , at the time , seems so , but its actually not .

My thinking , theory , is based on Real Physical Things .
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Sure, but my names not Frank. I'm just about to give you a "like" on another thread because you said "to whom", not "to who". Only owls should say "to who".


frank as in ; definition ; tell it as you see it . You Understand . Without doubt . And say so . Directly . Your Truth about anything , in this case me .
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Something Write4U could also profit from by reading. :biggrin:
Heed your own advice where it comes to my posts on a subject........

Out of respect to Asexperia this will be my only response to your obnoxious persistence in "off topic" ad hominem, when and where you can squeeze it in without regard to the author or the subject under discussion.
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From post#173
Enjoy . It seems both of you feel more comfortable , there .​
I don't feel any comfort in another's ignorance...only an urge to help them overcome that scourge.
Sometimes though, some will chose to live in that ignorance.
With memory we know that time passes and with clocks and calendars we know how long has passed. Changes (perceptible) are the material basis of time (interval).

Evolution is the gradual development, growth or advancement of things or organisms.

The philochron evolution (PE) is the principle that reduces all changes to evolution (perceptible) and duration (imperceptible). The PE is present in all sectors of reality, natural and social.

There are two classes of PE: outer and inner. The outer PE can be monotonous and variable. The inner PE are the changes that matter undergoes at the atomic and subatomic level.

Examples of monotonous PE are: heartbeat, river current, etc. Examples of variable PE are: bird flight, human behavior, cloud formation, etc.

Let's think about a movie. The movie has an evolution and a duration (time). We perceive the evolution, but not the duration.

The measurement of time or duration is purely mathematical. Different from time are, for example, length (we see one meter) and mass (we feel one kg).


Time is the physical quantity that separates two sequential events or moments. The past is invariable and the future is inevitable. These qualities inherent in time confirm its existence. Between two simultaneous events there is no time. The events can be independent or belong to the evolution of the same change.

For example, since the discovery of America (1492) to the independence of the United States (1776), "there is" an independent time. Since sunrise to sunset "there is" a time of evolution (day). Notice that I use the expression there be because time is an objective, but imperceptible physical quantity (magnitive).

With the measurement of time (duration) a space (1D) is represented that is occupied by the evolution of changes. Changes, as they evolve, fill that space (time).

The material basis of the measurement of time are periodic changes.
