Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything

This is off topic but, do you know who created Psychoanalysis?
I am not sure why you would ask that. Presumably you know the answer. My response cannot tell you whether or not I knew, a since simple Google search would provide me with the answer if I were in fact ignorant of the field. So, what did you hope to gain from asking the question?

For the record, psychoanalysis was introduced and developed by Sigmund Freud based upon simplistic and generally faulty appreciations of the humand mind and human behaviour.
Don't make me waste time.
I politely replied to your question. Frankly, I saw little need to do so, since I found it unlikely that anyone resident in the West and competent in English would not be familiar with the use of "Confucious he say, ......." to soften (or strenthen) a point with some humour. Still, I took the time. Now you accuse me of wasting your time. I'm moderately affronted since each of your posts represents a substantial waste of time for those of us foolish enough to read them.

And, I recall, I this began when I took the time to answer your off-topic post regarding the developer of psychoanalysis. Now you have the temerity to accuse me of going off-topic when I am simply following your lead.

We have that:

1- The time at low speed is TLS or abbreviated l.
2- The time at high speed is THS or abbreviated h.
3- An observer in TLS (A) and an observer in THS (B).

Relativity is equal to l - h. R = l - h
If l = 20 s and h = 8 s, R = 20 s - 8 s = 12 s.
If l = h then R = 0.

Relativity for observer A is the same as for observer B.

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Some people don't understand why time is MAGNITIVE. Here I explain in other words.

Time is the continuous and sequential occurrence of phenomena "delimited by a beginning and an end".

The beginning and the end of phenomena are sequential (before-after), they can't be perceived simultaneously.
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Some people don't understand why time is MAGNITIVE. Here I explain in other words.

Time is the continuous and sequential occurrence of phenomena "delimited by a beginning and an end".

The beginning and the end of phenomena are sequential (before-after), they can't be perceived simultaneously.
Magnitive, a word you claim as a neologism of your own, is decribed on an inaccessible internet site as "a uniquely stackable board game designed to help dyslexic children learn to read, write and spell". There's irony for you!
Magnitive, a word you claim as a neologism of your own, is decribed on an inaccessible internet site as "a uniquely stackable board game designed to help dyslexic children learn to read, write and spell". There's irony for you!

No, you are wrong again.
Magnitive (from magnitude) is an analogy with objective (from object) and subjective (from subject).

Magnitive or magnitivo in Spanish, was created in September 6, 2017.

Go to thread "Does time exist ?", Pseudoscience, page #47, post #927 and #928.
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No, you are wrong again.
Magnitive (from magnitude) is an analogy with objective (from object) and subjective (from subject).

Magnitive or magnitivo in Spanish, was created in September 6, 2017.

Go to thread "Does time exist ?", Pseudoscience, page #47, post #927 and #928.
What is wrong with you?
Go to this link. There you will read that Magnitive is "a uniquely stackable board game designed to help dyslexic children learn to read, write and spell". You will also note the date: 2o10, giving that usage precedence in English.
You may assign the word any meaning you wish. You may also say that porpoise means elegant Edwardian gown, or to run means to cook vegetables, but know one will pay much attention to those re-definitions.
What's the problem with the word MAGNITIVE ?
I use it to describe the nature of time and PERIOD.
This is not rocket science. This is a simple discussion about word meaning that you are making complex by a refusal to acknowledge reality.

This simple discussion began thus:
  • I noted that you claimed magnitive was your neolgism. (A neologism is a new word. )
  • I noted that magnitive was used with a completely different meaning
Subsequently, I demonstrated that the alternative use of magnitive predated your definition by several years. That's it. It's simple. You use it one way, someone else, much earlier, uses it in a separate way. But your reaction is to tell me that I am wrong. In what way Asexperia am I wrong?

And what is the significance of this? I suggest it illustrates the danger of using words wholly unfamiliar to your audience when your audience is not intrinsically sympathetic to your argument. I suggest it displays hubris on your part.
This is not rocket science. This is a simple discussion about word meaning that you are making complex by a refusal to acknowledge reality.

Do you have something to contribute to the topic of time?

What's your opinion about time?

Does time exist?
Yes, Hipp is contributing, by helping you communicate with others.

If you use existing worms but make up your own defenestrations for them, purple will have a lot of difficulty understating you.

Don't shirt on Hipp for tribing to whelp blue.
Something Write4U could also profit from by reading. :biggrin:
Hipparchia said:
This is not rocket science. This is a simple discussion about word meaning that you are making complex by a refusal to acknowledge reality.

Do you have something to contribute to the topic of time?

What's your opinion about time?

Does time exist?

What is Hipparchia your view , your perspective , philosophy , upon time in and of its self ?