Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything


Objective: relative to the object. That exists independently of the subject.
Subjective: relative to the subject. That only exists in the mind of the subject. From the subject's opinion.
Magnitive: relative to magnitude. Objective, but imperceptible because it is sequential.
We perceive changes, but not time. We only see the present. We know time sequentially, as a process.


Note: Scheme made in Paint.

In clocks or in the height of the Sun with respect to a point on the Earth we see a moment occurring continuously (measurement) of an imperceptible periodic interval (time). All of this is objective. Magnitive.
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In the timeline, the before is represented by the past (events that occurred) and the after is represented by the future (expectations of events). The before-after concept is a priori. A priori means regardless of experience, knowledge that is not acquired through the senses. So the a priori is innate or instinctive.

The mathematical concepts of space, quantity and eternity are a priori. In our experience through life we realize that things have a beginning, a duration, and an end (time). Also with experience we learn to differentiate distances and the size of things (space). The before-after concept is the first level of time.

In conclusion, experience provides content to the concept a priori before-after. The concept of time is a posteriori.

Now the formation of Philochrony has the influence of Aristotle, Isaac Newton and Emmanuel Kant.

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Periodic phenomena are the measure of time. Time is the interval that physically relates two sequential moments of changes. Physically because a state x of phenomena depends on the previous states. For example: A journey does not end if it does not start, passing through different places.

We do not perceive time, but we do perceive the effect of time on things, which are: aging, material deterioration and the replacement of the old by the new. Continuity is the physical quality of time and magnitivity its philochron quality.

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Philochrony has gone through the following stages since March 13, 2009:

1- Becoming, duration and time
Becoming-time duality, duration-time duality.
Becoming was defined as the continuous succession of changes that things experience. Duration was defined as the interval between two moments of becoming. Time was the measure of duration.

2- Duration and time
Change-interval duality, regular periodic duration (time), irregular duration.
Duration was defined as the continuous and sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited by a beginning and an end. Time was defined as the regular periodic duration divisible into equal intervals.

3- Just time
Interval, continuity is the physical quality of time.
Now time is defined as: a) the interval that relates physically two sequential moments of changes, b) the continuous and sequential occurrence of phenomena delimited by a beginning and an end.

Stage 1 is no longer in effect. From stage 2 the change-interval duality is in effect.

Becoming is a philosophical concept that means the process of coming to be something or of passing into a state. Duration is the measure of time (age).


According to their duration, things are classified in: Eternal, lasting, perishable, ephemeral, fleeting and non-existent.

A) Eternal things have no beginning nor end; as space. For believers, God and Paradise are eternal.

B) Lasting things last a long time. They are divided into:
- Centenarians, if they last from 100 to 999 years. For example the spruce tree and the saguaro cactus.
- Millennials, from 1000 to 999,000 years. The redwood trees.
- Millionaire, more than a million years. The geological eras, the life of planets and stars.

C) Perishable things are short-lived; they last from one day to 99 years. The life of human being.

D) Ephemeral things are short-lived, some hours.

E) The fleeting things are of very short duration, some seconds or fractions of second. The flicker, the heart rate.

F) Non-existence is lack of existence, without duration. Planet X between Mars and Jupiter. All things have existence and essence.

Asexperia, September 16, 2012
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Asexperia said: "Adjust in time reading about Philochrony".

Because Philochrony allows us:

1- To know that time relates physically two sequential moments of changes.

2- To know the nature of time: magnitive.

3- Diferentiate between the regular time (uniform rhythm and periodic) and the irregular time.
What is irregular time and how do you count duration using irregular time? Example?

1) Duration is the measure of time (regular and irregular), not the other way around.

2) Irregular time are the changes that have a variable rhythm and are not periodic.

3) With regular time (uniform rhythm and periodic) we obtain the duration (measure) of all phenomena.

4) An irregular phenomenon is not used to measure time. For example, a river. The current of a river can vary in flow and speed.

5) Examples of regular time are: clocks and the movements of the Earth.

6) They are durations: the time and age (existence of things).

7) I ask you: If time is the measure of duration, how you think, how do you define duration?
7) I ask you: If time is the measure of duration, how you think, how do you define duration?
Any measurable interval between start and finish of anything, including the gaps between events.

However I am troubled by your assumption of "regular time". Regular in relation to what? Time is by definition a variable measurement and its "emergent duration" is governed by gravity and speed, which in turn are relative measurements.

The only regular time is associated with the existence of the universe as a whole. Newton's time

But afaik, there is no separate dimension of "regular" time which is used to measure events. As with all expressions in nature, time is a relative commodity. There are as many individual relative timelines as there are measurable objects and each is measurable only in relation to some extant "frame of reference".
The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time. The stronger the gravity, the more spacetime curves, and the slower time itself proceeds. ... Time itself is slowing down and speeding up because of the relativistic way in which mass warps space and time.Jun 24, 2013
Gravitational time dilation occurs because objects with a lot of mass create a strong gravitational field. The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time. The stronger the gravity, the more spacetime curves, and the slower time itself proceeds.

Special relativity
The concepts of space and time were separate in physical theory prior to the advent of special relativity theory, which connected the two and showed both to be dependent upon the reference frame's motion. In Einstein's theories, the ideas of absolute time and space were superseded by the notion of spacetime in special relativity, and curved spacetime in general relativity.
Absolute simultaneity refers to the concurrence of events in time at different locations in space in a manner agreed upon in all frames of reference.
The theory of relativity does not have a concept of absolute time because there is a relativity of simultaneity. An event that is simultaneous with another event in one frame of reference may be in the past or future of that event in a different frame of reference,[6]:59 which negates absolute simultaneity.
Any measurable interval between start and finish of anything, including the gaps between events.

However I am troubled by your assumption of "regular time". Regular in relation to what? Time is by definition a variable measurement and its "emergent duration" is governed by gravity and speed, which in turn are relative measurements.

The only regular time is associated with the existence of the universe as a whole. Newton's time

But afaik, there is no separate dimension of "regular" time which is used to measure events. As with all expressions in nature, time is a relative commodity. There are as many individual relative timelines as there are measurable objects and each is measurable only in relation to some extant "frame of reference".

Time is regular within an inertial frame of reference. The relative time is an irregular time and the duration of phenomena that have a beginning and an end cannot be obtained.

Now we have regular and irregular time.
The Philocrony predicts that:

1- With no change no time.

2- Change is present in all areas of reality, from the macrocosm to the microcosm.

3- Time flows continuously from the past to the future. Continuity is the physical quality of time.

4- All beings (objects and phenomena) have a beginning and an end.

5- The duration of beings is measured by the regular time, which has an uniform rhythm and is periodic.

6- Time is magnitive, that is, objective, imperceptible and measurable.

7- There will always be people who doubt the existence of time.

8- Travel in time is impossible. We have had no visitors from the future.

9- No living being would survive traveling at a speed close to that of light (c).

10- The life of living beings ends with death. There is no life after death.

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The Philocrony predicts that:

1- With no change no time.

2- Change is present in all areas of reality, from the macrocosm to the microcosm.

3- Time flows continuously from the past to the future. Continuity is the physical quality of time.

4- All beings (objects and phenomena) have a beginning and an end.

5- The duration of beings is measured by the regular time, which has an uniform rhythm and is periodic.

6- Time is magnitive, that is, objective, imperceptible and measurable.

7- There will always be people who doubt the existence of time.

8- Travel in time is impossible. We have had no visitors from the future.

9- No living being would survive traveling at a speed close to that of light (c).

10- The life of living beings ends with death. There is no life after death.


A bunch of nonsense to me . Other than 7 . Time exists , ordering of society for the better , since before any region had its own " time " , which caused havoc for train time lines between one city from another . Hence time Zones , standardized time world wide ; time just nothing to do with the existence of the Universe and time has no efficacy on any physical movements by any objects micro and macro .
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A bunch of nonsense to me . Other than 7 . Time exists , ordering of society for the better , since before any region had its own " time " , which caused havoc for train time lines between one city from another . Hence time Zones , standardized time world wide ; time just nothing to do with the existence of the Universe and time has no efficacy on any physical movements by any objects micro and macro .

Question: If Time is measurable at all, it cannot have smaller increments than some relationship to the speed of light.

Note that for an object travelling @SOL, time "stands still" in relation to ?........o_O