Duty to Convert

Do you feel a duty to convert people to your beliefs?

  • Yes. It is my duty to try to convert everybody to my religion.

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • Yes, and it's more important to convert atheists than people of other religions.

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Yes, and it's more important to convert people from other religions than to convert atheists.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Although I have religious beliefs, I don't need to try to convert anybody else.

    Votes: 25 24.8%
  • Yes. I feel a duty to convert the religious to atheism/agnostism.

    Votes: 15 14.9%
  • No. Although I am an atheist/agnostic, I don't feel a duty to convert anybody.

    Votes: 51 50.5%

  • Total voters
I only wish to help create enough doubt to allow laws which are in place solely because of religious moralities to be repealed. I enjoy talking about religion because just maybe I've missed something. On rare occasion, a theist brings up something that requires some actual thought.

It's also quite a bit of fun to point out the weakness in the reasoning of many theists. I want to get them to admit that they believe what they do simply because they want to, thereby disarming them from trying to force their beliefs down my throat at gunpoint.
I know Jesus told us this:

...go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15 NASB

Notice He said "preach," not cram. We should tell people the Good News, and then it's their choice whether or not to believe.

That said, here's the Good News in a nutshell: that even though we are all fallen short of the glory of God, who created the heavens and the Earth and all that they contain, He loves us so much that gave His son to be a perfect sacrifice, redeeming us from the curse of the law (Old Testament). Now, if we accept the free gift of life by believing with our hearts and confessing with our mouths that Jesus rose from the dead, we can be joint heirs with Christ Jesus, our Lord and Risen Savior.

"...go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15 NASB"
that doesnt sound too wise, are you meant to preach to rocks, to trees, to people who are already on your side?
Or am i just being too picky
I don't know about rocks and trees, but Christians wouldn't have attended church if they didn't think they needed preaching to. :cool:
Jenyar said:
I don't know about rocks and trees, but Christians wouldn't have attended church if they didn't think they needed preaching to.
M*W: Yeah, they needed another hit of the opiate of the masses.
I put the first one as my choice b/c that one best fit my belief. I am commanded to spread seed, but the whole fruit of that isn't my responsibility.
Jenyar said:
As opposed to your own designer drugs?
M*W: Jenyar, why don't you go back to where you've been hiding? xianity is an opiate, and you are a seriously addicted user. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being? What's that you say? You're just another unwanted Black born-again xian who's prosletyzing from the deepest blackest part of Afrika? How dare you think you're saved by your white god sitting on a cloud! Go back to where you've been hiding.
Spreading your gospel of love I see. "We're all God", right, or am I now excluded from your personal pantheon?

I don't know why you would bring race into it, but you must be thinking of another South African. I'm as white as they come, and Africa is only black at night.

I need grace and am saved because I'm not God. I'm not even godly. But although I might be a pathetic excuse for a human being to you, I'm not to Him. Fortunately I'm not dependent on your love. But I'm quite dependent on His.
Jenyar said:
Spreading your gospel of love I see. "We're all God", right, or am I now excluded from your personal pantheon?
M*W: Yeah, it's really too bad that I didn't want to follow some lame brain religion, so I had to go out and create my own. And I'm the only one who believes what I do? Yeah, right. I'm not a follower, Jenyar, like you. The problem is, you believe in fairy tales. That makes you a pathetically weak fool. I guess you believe in magic beans, too?
M*W: What's race got to do with it? In Texas, 95% of inmates are Black and the majority are incarcerated for drugs or alcohol- related crimes. When they're "inside" they read their bibles and have prayer meetings. It's Jesus this, and Jesus that. But the day they walk out of prison, the first thing they do is trash their bible in a dumpster by the door. The Mel Gibson movie just out, statistics show that the majority of movie goers are Black. I cannot speak for any other locale but Texas, and every Black I know is a bible-thumping xian addict. It makes no difference to me if you're Black, White or Green. You're in the xian minority.
I don't know why you would bring race into it, but you must be thinking of another South African. I'm as white as they come, and Africa is only black at night.
I need grace and am saved because I'm not God. I'm not even godly. But although I might be a pathetic excuse for a human being to you, I'm not to Him. Fortunately I'm not dependent on your love. But I'm quite dependent on His.
M*W: How sad to be dependent on anyone or anything but your SELF! Like I said, you are a pathetically weak fool.
Yeah, it's really too bad that I didn't want to follow some lame brain religion, so I had to go out and create my own.

Why would anyone want to create another lame brain religion?

The problem is, you believe in fairy tales.

So do you - what's the difference?

How sad to be dependent on anyone or anything but your SELF!

The pot calling the kettle...
MW "xianity is an opiate"
what exactly is xianity aside from that, ie, Christianity is the worship of Christ, was there a guy called xian?
alain said:
what exactly is xianity aside from that, ie, Christianity is the worship of Christ, was there a guy called xian?
It reflects her feelings about Christianity.
Why would anyone want to create another lame brain religion?
So do you - what's the difference?
Maybe Medicine Woman should tell us what her religion is, before you judge it, hmmm?
She certainly doesn't seem like any salivating fundie that I've ever met.

How sad to be dependent on anyone or anything but your SELF!

The pot calling the kettle...
Once again, do you know exactly what Medicine Woman believes?
From what I gather, MW seems to believe that every one of us is 'God's', in a sense. In otherwords, if we look within ourselves, we will find 'God'.
Hard to explain, but I've heard the belief before, and it certainly isn't about being a sheep and blindly following some mystical man in the sky. It's about looking within ourselves to find tranquilty, strength and wisdom. Maybe MW can clarify.
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mountainhare said:
Maybe Medicine Woman should tell us what her religion is, before you judge it, hmmm? She certainly doesn't seem like any salivating fundie that I've ever met.
M*W: Thanks for posting your reply. First, let me say that I do not have a "religion." I do not belong to any religious group. My beliefs are mine and are totally independent of anyone else. However, there are people who understand my beliefs as well as share them.

I believe in the One Spirit of God. You must understand that my "God" is not the old man with a long white beard that sits upon a cloud casting lightning bolts to punish sinners down here. In fact, I don't even like the name "God." That name just doesn't do justice to the power of our creator who resides in all of humanity. I prefer to call it (Yes, "it.") God is NOT ONE PERSON. God is PURE POSITIVE SPIRIT which resides in all humanity. Therefore, God is an "it."

Why are we here? What is the purpose of our creation?

The only reason the human race was created and has evolved is to glorify our creator. We are made in the image of "God." Okay, for now, we'll call it "God." I believe, however, that the human race is still evolving and we are in the last day of creation. I believe humanity will continue to evolve until we reach Godly perfection of the image in which we were created. Humanity will achieve perfection and will reflect God's image on the face of the Earth. All humanity, regardless of race or color or ethnicity is blending. I'm sure most of you are aware of the diversity in the human race. I believe it is our creator's intent to evolve us into one race, one color, one ethnicity as well as one gender. I believe perfected humanity is already in progress, and there is nothing we can do to prevent us from evolving into the image of our creator.

Why don't we need a dying demigod savior?

Because we are created in God's image, we are created to glorify God on Earth. Every human being regardless of religious belief or faith is evolving to become God on Earth. I close my eyes and I envision the world. Every human being on Earth is standing hand-in-hand all over the globe. Every color, race, ethnicity, gender, religion are holding hands and displaying the interconnectedness of all creation. I envision this world to be happy where there are no needs, because we are One with God. When the human race blends to free us from diversity, we will then be One with God. There will be no wars, diseases, defects, opposition. There will be NO religion! After all, "we will know that we are God." All we will need to do is to love each other while the One Spirit of God grows infinitely. To give an example that maybe Christians will understand is that God, the creator, was first. God created everything, but God wanted a perfect race of people. God created Jesus as an example of the perfect human being. To connect God's creation, the Holy Spirit dwells within the body of humanity. It's the glue that brings us the interconnectedness that makes us One with God. I believe this is what the Bible teaches, although I, personally, don't see the need for the Bible. All the wisdom of the universe has already been installed within humanity. Now, through our process of evolution, new technologies will be revealed to us. In other words, we will come to know these technologies because they are already stored in our consciousness. When the time is right, we will become aware of greater things.

Why salvation is not needed.

We were created in the image of God, yet, we're still evolving toward perfection. Salvation is not needed, because we were not lost in the first place! We are God's greatest creation, and we are evolving toward sinlessness. To say one needs salvation is to say one is unworthy to be a member of the human race! I just don't see God creating a bad race. After all, we are co-creators with God. It's up to us when (not if) we allow ourselves to totally submit to our creator. Confusion in life comes when a person's will tries to fight God's will. Yes, there is free will, and that's where all the 30-some thousand religions are from. They are ego-based. We are evolving toward perfection and unity. This process, if anything, is our salvation. We are our own savior. Humanity doesn't need an individual to die for it. God only knows, we've been dying for millenia to perfect the body of our humanity. As we grow toward perfection, our senses will become more acutely developed. We will have a greater understanding of dimensions, gravity and time. When the human race reaches perfections, there will be no more need for reproduction. And you might as well enjoy it while you can--there will be no more sexual intercourse. It won't be needed, and the human race will no longer have that kind of desire. (I hope I'm wrong about this!).

I will stop here. I think I have given you the basics of my beliefs. If you have any questions that you would like answered, send me a PM or email me at medwoman@swbell.net. I'd love to hear from you whether you agree with me or not. I appreciate all comments.
Maybe Medicine Woman should tell us what her religion is, before you judge it, hmmm?

As you can see from MW post, she has created her own lame brain religion, so ridiculously far-fetched, one might assume her to be completely wacky. And although she doesn’t want to call it a religion, by definition it is a religion.

You be the judge, hmmm.
(Q) said:
Maybe Medicine Woman should tell us what her religion is, before you judge it, hmmm?

As you can see from MW post, she has created her own lame brain religion, so ridiculously far-fetched, one might assume her to be completely wacky. And although she doesn’t want to call it a religion, by definition it is a religion.

You be the judge, hmmm.
M*W: Q, a religion would be organized and have members. What I believe is more of a philosophy or theosophy. I prefer to spell it "theasophy" to include the feminine aspect of the Mother-Creator. I just don't see males as being truly creative. They are destructive. This is not my personal philosophy, but it has been written about over the years from different aspects.

I'm not sure I would want my philosophy to end up being an organized religion. When a philosophy becomes organized, it suffers from in-fighting and branches off much like Christianity did. I think Judaism did the same thing as well as Islam. They branched off, too. Organizing a belief would subject it to destruction from egos. It just wouldn't work.

If my philosophy doesn't suit your beliefs, so be it. I do admit that my philosophy is as far-fetched from Christianity as one could get, so I certainly don't mind the criticism. My aim is NOT to try to convert everyone else to what I believe. My only aim is to speak the truth as I see it. It's up to the individual to understand this concept and accept it. There's no hell, fire and brimstone in my faith.

If you must know, when I hear criticism to my philosophy, it confirms what I am teaching. One must realize the truth before one commits to any faith. All faiths have good points, but unfortunately somewhere along the line of all the major faiths out there, someone's ego got involved.

What I believe supercedes the ego, because humanity will be One with God. No ego can interfere.

I may be wacky, and that's okay. I follow a different drummer. One day in the future more people will understand their purpose in life. I just happened to realize it as soon as I left Christianity. As long as one believes in a mind controlled religion, they are not free.
Q, a religion would be organized and have members.

Not necessarily - by definition a religion can simply be a strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny. Your so-called 'theasophy' fits that definition, so there is no need to label that which already has a label.

If you think that your religion once organized will not lead to the same problems as Christianity or any other organized religion, you're deluding yourself.

As long as one believes in a mind controlled religion, they are not free.

You are therefore a prisoner to your religion and are far from being free. Freedom comes from having faith in yourself, not imaginary gods.
No one will accept a philosophy that they do not already believe. Is this a true statement? Naw, I do not bother to try to prove God, or my beliefs. Shoot, I am still in process, and suppose that others are too. I think when we interrupt a process to try to force-feed, we can cause damage. I prefer to encourage others to think for themselves; this I respect. I will admit that sometimes the hostility bothers me a bit, but I still enjoy reading what you folks think. Keep thinking! I mean, if you want to. Pmt