Duty to Convert

Do you feel a duty to convert people to your beliefs?

  • Yes. It is my duty to try to convert everybody to my religion.

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • Yes, and it's more important to convert atheists than people of other religions.

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • Yes, and it's more important to convert people from other religions than to convert atheists.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Although I have religious beliefs, I don't need to try to convert anybody else.

    Votes: 25 24.8%
  • Yes. I feel a duty to convert the religious to atheism/agnostism.

    Votes: 15 14.9%
  • No. Although I am an atheist/agnostic, I don't feel a duty to convert anybody.

    Votes: 51 50.5%

  • Total voters
Al hussein said:
atheist are afraid to admit that there is god to burn in fire of hell
i ask u a ques
how did u come earth(dont say parents) who created your soul
whe u die where do u go? if u are wiped off what was te reason of your comin to earth
You speak as if an athiest is completely wrong in there beliefs, why ? because the bible says so?!?! :bugeye: I'm a christian I dont even belive that. They have very valid points to there beliefs, if anything we are the ones with the "illogical" beliefs but according to our beliefs we will be rewarded for having these illogical beliefs. Dont condem them for there beliefs because its far easier to condem us for ours. :D
Greywolf: As you seem to speak with so much authority, I must ask, since when is it out of order to ask questions on this forum? :) Come on! Apparently, Al feels a he has a duty to convert.

AL HUSSEIN: I am not an athiest, so I cannot tell you what athiests think, but I can tell you this: To ask someone who created his soul, when he does not believe he has a soul, will probably not get you the answer or answers you would like. Okay?
i dont speak with authority i just say whats on my mind and also i never said anything about him not having a right to ask a question(did u read my post ? :bugeye: ) u say that Al just felt the duty to convert but it looked more like condeming to me.
To ask someone who created his soul, when he does not believe he has a soul, will probably not get you the answer or answers you would like. Okay?
cant argue with that. :D
-gw- Yes, it did. You right about that, big wolf, and yes, I read your post. At least you responded in a civil manner...to him, and to me. I was a bit confused by your response to him, but what we write and what we mean do not fill the same sized basket. Much can be assumed. Anyway, have a great day. It is time for me to get up from here, so to speak.........
P. M. Thorne said:
To Thersites: What kinds of answers are those?
Questions. And just as valid as the ones before.
What purpose can they serve.
To demonstrate that there is no point asking damnfool questions like that.
I, of course, do not know you, but your question and statements brought something to mind. Durant made a comment about Nietzsche barely escaping being a believer, or something like that. I just have to wonder, when you do not believe in God, are you afraid that you might change your mind and have to deal with people like you? :) I am kind of kidding, and then I may not be, because so many who tag themselves as being athiestic seem to need constant reinforcement, "lest they slip?" Could this be? Because you surely have a religion which you expound, and protect, with every bit as much vigor as any Bible-thumping evangelical I have ever met. Yeah, you do.

Regards, pmt
You assume- wrongly- that I "tag" myself atheist. I do not. I merely think that as we don't have a clue about it there's very little point holdong any religious views, let alone trying to persuade others of their truth.
"atheist are afraid to admit that there is god to burn in fire of hell
i ask u a ques
how did u come earth(dont say parents) who created your soul
whe u die where do u go? if u are wiped off what was te reason of your comin to earth"

ive never heard a more silly argument, i do believe in a God, but ill pretend i dont and answer these

its much easier to argue that thesists are more afraid of death, so they create heaven
im not going to answer the question about who created my soul, i dont have one, nobody does, could you take it out, dissect it, do expirements about it? prove something before you use it as evidence

yes, when i die, i will rot in a coffin, im not afraid of that, are you???
why do you assume life has a point besides the succesful passing on of helpful genes to a new generation??
Thersites: You assume- wrongly- that I "tag" myself atheist. I do not. I merely think that as we don't have a clue about it there's very little point holdong any religious views, let alone trying to persuade others of their truth.

Not trying to pursuade you, my friend. I do not look to man for my answers, so why would I expect one to look to me for his? :)
Al hussein said:
atheist are afraid to admit that there is god to burn in fire of hell
i ask u a ques
how did u come earth(dont say parents) who created your soul
whe u die where do u go? if u are wiped off what was te reason of your comin to earth

Ok, first, work on your spelling, sonny
Using the letter "u" instead of the word "You" just pisses me off.

Second, I believe that this world was created all as some giant cosmic coincidence. Call it nearly impossible, but so is a giant dude sitting on a white cloud watching every single person every day.
When you die, you just die. Everything stops. Thats it. Nothing more. Sad, I know, but its better than burning in hell 'cause you forgot to ask some god you don't believe in for forgiveness.

I would answer that last part, but I can't fucking tell what it says. :confused:
Icarus Wings;

I wanted to respond to this when first I read it, but now that I have ran across it again, I would like to try, for whatever reason.

I'm an atheist simply because I have no real purpose for a god of any kind.

Okay, got that! So, how about I skip to this: "And to a lesser extent, I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my own life. It makes me feel strange that there is something somewhere governing my fate without my consent."

"Control," hmm. "...something somewhere!" Uh, like tornados, floods, fire, earthquakes; or, were you speaking more to the medical possibilities, which are too innumerable to list; or, maybe you meant death. Perhaps, I am jumping to conclusions, after all it is possible that you meant nothing so grand, but more like your height, and predispositions. Am I close at all? If not, we have burgulary, murder, rape, incest, locusts and sandstorms. Yeah, those things can all be annoying, but to some extent controlled, or at least part of the time, to some extent, or something like that.

Belief in a religion is fine by me, Hell, you might even be right. But beleif that all other religions are completely wrong is just plain ignorant.

Ah, you do have a sense of fairness, and an inkling of sincerity. No! Quite a bit sincere, I would say. You know what I think? I think you are probably a really okay person, and just felt like writing down your thoughts. This forum is good for that. I just start writing, as anyone can tell. The exceptions are the really long ones, I sometimes cut and paste what I receive, because I figure I must be straight and honest about serious questions, but I do enjoy some humor and spontaneity.

I'm sorry, but it is. Vienna, Islam (from what i've gleaned from various Muslims) Is not an inherently violent religion. Just as you, aparently, do not believe in every single part of your Holy Book of choice (Love thy neighbor, anyone?) A Muslim does not nessicerily have to believe in every tennet of his/her faith. For instance, the parts about killing people. Plus, just as those who commit atrocities in the name of Christianity are not 'true Christians,' Muslims who commit like attrocities are not 'true Muslims."

Good point, ~important and serious.

Anyone who is a member of these faiths correct me if I'm wrong here.
After all, I'm just an atheist and philosopher.

No corrections, just thoughts. I am no atheist. I am just a person, much like you, except maybe in this: I believe that you and I share the same God.

See, I could tell right away that you want to think some more about this. It became evident when you wrote all that about being in control. ;)
