Does the west view Islam as enemy ?

Do you view Islam as your enemy ?

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CottonMouth said:
Terrorists of all nations and creeds have their own excuses. If muslim terrorists uses Islam as their excuse, it doesn't (or shouldn't) reflect on the religion. Anyway, I don't buy Islam's preachings. IMHO Islam was invented by Mohammed to recruit followers to take over Meca (that's how it is spelled in spanish, and thats how I'll write it). I was led to believe by a Pakistani muslim that muslims believe in Jesus in a way. I just say that the whole "Gabriel going down to Mohammed and giving further instructions to this guy" sounds too fishy for me. Jesus came and gave a pretty conclusive teaching (Love god, love yourself, love others), and if muslims have the tiniest faith in Him, the should start looking at their religion and think.

u say jesus says love god love youself love others

islam says- belive in the pillers of islam then the branches of islam(hajj,fasting,jihad etc

Tawheed- belive tht there is one god
Addalah-belive in the justice of god
nabuwah-belive in the teachings of the prophets(covers everything -love god love yourself love others)
imamat-belive in the teachings of the imams
Qayamat-belive in the day of judjement
Lemming3k said:
Does this include any modern militant/hateful imams?

Well there are only 12 imams
Aga seyed sestani is a reprasentative of the 12th imam
imam in arabic mean leader
the imam u mention are scholars od ulamas (very learned in islam)
imam can never be harmful witout any reason
So all muslims will fight for that country, even though they are not from that country because an imam(or representative of an imam) tells them to?
And if you feel iraq is a reason to fight the west then next time we wish to remove a dictator that kills muslims in their own countries we shant bother.
Al hussein said:
Well there are only 12 imams
Aga seyed sestani is a reprasentative of the 12th imam
imam in arabic mean leader
the imam u mention are scholars od ulamas (very learned in islam)
imam can never be harmful witout any reason

And what about Sudan a country where right now there are arab muslims commiting genocide against black african muslims (documented by several international agencies). They are purposefully killing and raping muslims right now and not a single muslim voice has been raised against it! That isn't worth fighting for?! It is OK for muslims to commit genocide against other muslims?
Al hussein said:
we do belive in jesus he is one of our prophet mentoined in the Quran as P Isa , the Major thing that cristians and muslims differ is the cristias say jesus is son of god which is completly denyied by islam jesus is messenger of god bringing gods messege jesus bieng son of god is making god like me n u ,god is something that can not be explained and u say he has a son

So in muslims eyes gods powers are limited then? He would be incapable of creating a part of himself as man?
Lemming3k said:
So all muslims will fight for that country, even though they are not from that country because an imam(or representative of an imam) tells them to?
And if you feel iraq is a reason to fight the west then next time we wish to remove a dictator that kills muslims in their own countries we shant bother.

well the representative of imam Aga sestani hasent yet declared jihad(holy war) on the troops

U werent told to remove tht dictator.Ok so you have removed him what are the troops still doin ther just to kill and be killed

bush didnt send troops to go to free iraq he suspected WMD were there and so the question of america want to free iraq is no there
plus in the gulf war america supplied arms to iraq to fight iran at tht time didnt america know sadam was a dictator
path said:
So in muslims eyes gods powers are limited then? He would be incapable of creating a part of himself as man?

GOD created me he created you and so Jesus, so if that is the case we are all gods children because he created us all
God created us he didnt give birth to any of us

IN the holy Quran
ayah 3 : He begetteth not, nor is he begotten
ayah 4 : And none is like unto him

by saying god is has a son u are beliving in polythiesm and that god has a heir god is everliving
Al hussein said:
GOD created me he created you and so Jesus, so if that is the case we are all gods children because he created us all
God created us he didnt give birth to any of us

IN the holy Quran
ayah 3 : He begetteth not, nor is he begotten
ayah 4 : And none is like unto him

by saying god is has a son u are beliving in polythiesm and that god has a heir god is everliving

1, So you do believe that god has limited powers
2, God didn't create me my parents did ;)
3, No comment from you about what is happening in the Sudan now, only kill the kaffir?
path said:
And what about Sudan a country where right now there are arab muslims commiting genocide against black african muslims (documented by several international agencies). They are purposefully killing and raping muslims right now and not a single muslim voice has been raised against it! That isn't worth fighting for?! It is OK for muslims to commit genocide against other muslims?

in the Sudan conflict the thing u are mistaken is its not muslims against muslim who are fighting its muslims against christian
For Sudan, the Muslim population mostly exist in the North side, and the Christian population mostly exist in the South side of the country
The Christians in the South were pursuing the separation from the North, and wanted to declare their own country.muslims opposed tht and civil war broke out.
Get it
path said:
1, So you do believe that god has limited powers
2, God didn't create me my parents did ;)
3, No comment from you about what is happening in the Sudan now, only kill the kaffir?

i didnt get u in no 1 how do i think god has limited powers

ur parents gave birth to u ,ur body was formed because of them
but who created ur soul that aint ur parents without the soul the body is just a piece of meat
U werent told to remove tht dictator.
In future i shall march against a war on a dictator in a muslim country. And why do we need to be 'told' to do something before we can? Many iraqi's wanted saddam out of power.
Ok so you have removed him what are the troops still doin ther just to kill and be killed
They are there to help stabalise the country, which clearly isnt happening, also if they go in remove the dictator and leave everyone would moan because they now have no leader and a civil war might start, so we cant win either way can we? I still vote to leave iraq to it, they can sort themselves out now we've done them a favour, and its what they want.
bush didnt send troops to go to free iraq he suspected WMD were there
No that was the excuse for the war, he knew the reports were faked, so how did he suspect WMD when he knew there wasnt any? Its family and american pride, they buggered it up the first time round supporting the wrong people and wanted to get it right, and of course the oil helped aswel.
Al hussein said:
in the Sudan conflict the thing u are mistaken is its not muslims against muslim who are fighting its muslims against christian
For Sudan, the Muslim population mostly exist in the North side, and the Christian population mostly exist in the South side of the country
The Christians in the South were pursuing the separation from the North, and wanted to declare their own country.muslims opposed tht and civil war broke out.
Get it

No you are wrong sudans central govt has concluded peace with the christians in the south what I am referring to is the arab muslim genocide against the black african muslims in the Darfur region in the north west of the sudan

Some one million people have fled Darfur, where pro-government militias are accused of "ethnic cleansing".

Black Africans in the region say the Arab "janjaweed" militias are chasing them from their homes and are working with government forces.

Since the conflict in Darfur began in February 2003, some 130,000 people have fled to neighbouring Chad, while an estimated 900,000 are displaced within Sudan.

From here

IN A SPEECH on the 10th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan pleaded that, in the face of the genocide that now appears to be occurring in the western Sudanese province of Darfur, "the international community cannot stand idle." Five weeks later, Mr. Annan's plea has been underlined by reports from the region. On Friday, Human Rights Watch published a detailed account of the systematic destruction of villages and the killing "in cold blood" of thousands of civilians, whose bodies have been shoveled into mass graves or simply left out in the sun. The killings were perpetrated by Sudan's government, in concert with its allies in the Janjaweed militia. They constitute a grotesquely exaggerated response to a regional rebellion that started a year ago to protest the neglect of Darfur's ethnically African population by the Arab government in Khartoum.


This just shows what biased news you get if a non-muslim does something wrong to a muslim it is all over the media in muslim countries if a muslim does something wrong to a muslim there is no reporting.
Al hussein said:
i didnt get u in no 1 how do i think god has limited powers

ur parents gave birth to u ,ur body was formed because of them
but who created ur soul that aint ur parents without the soul the body is just a piece of meat

Because you are saying that god couldn't have a son or make a part of himself human (interpreted as a son by our limited understanding). Christians don't believe jesus is a separate deity he is an aspect of god not an heir or competitor. Jesus is the aspect of god to which humans can communicate directly.

How do you know you have a soul?(don't tell me because you read it in the quran) I hope I have a soul and that I will live on after death but I just don't know. What I do know for certain is that if I do have a soul and there is life after death then it isn't the christian, jewish or muslim god who is waiting for us.
More on darfur, spread the word to your fellow muslims get organized and stop this.

Here is a very good page by Human Rights Watch with detailed information
Human Rights Watch

Human-rights groups claim that around a million people from Darfur have been displaced from their homes, with over 100,000 fleeing across the western border into Chad. By one estimate, over 10,000 have been killed, and refugees report frequent mass rape. Mounted militias known as janjaweed have committed the worst atrocities, but the UN accuses government forces of aerial bombardment of villages, arming and co-ordinating the militias, and a “strategy of systematic and deliberate starvation”. In one camp housing some 1,700 displaced Darfurians, eight or nine children are dying each day, according to UN monitors who visited in late April. If the crisis continues through the rainy season, which begins in May, the resulting meagre harvest could lead to famine among Darfur's 6m people. The UN's humanitarian co-ordinator, Mukesh Kapila, has described the situation in the region as "the worst humanitarian and human-rights catastrophe in the world".

more from the economist here
What I can never figure out is that Muslims being killed by non-Muslims is a reason to fight but Muslims being killed by other Muslims is just fine.

A few thousand Palestinians killed by Israelis over the course of four years while Palestinians pursue separation from Israel is enough to render the entire Muslim world impotent with rage but thousands upon thousands of Sudanese Christians killed by the Sudanese Muslim government while Christians pursue separation is perfectly acceptable. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy here?
Al hussein said:
GOD created me he created you and so Jesus, so if that is the case we are all gods children because he created us all
God created us he didnt give birth to any of us

IN the holy Quran
ayah 3 : He begetteth not, nor is he begotten
ayah 4 : And none is like unto him

by saying god is has a son u are beliving in polythiesm and that god has a heir god is everliving

Quoting the Qu'ran as a proof is a bullshit argument, since you haven't established the legitimacy of the Qu'ran.
Paula said:
What I can never figure out is that Muslims being killed by non-Muslims is a reason to fight but Muslims being killed by other Muslims is just fine.

A few thousand Palestinians killed by Israelis over the course of four years while Palestinians pursue separation from Israel is enough to render the entire Muslim world impotent with rage but thousands upon thousands of Sudanese Christians killed by the Sudanese Muslim government while Christians pursue separation is perfectly acceptable. Does anyone else see the hypocrisy here?

That's not hypocrisy. That's religion. To quote George Carlin, "Thou shalt not kill ... unless he prays to a different invisible man in the sky." See, if you believe in Sinbad, and he believes in Santa, it's not murder. It's a holy obligation.
I am a muslim and i read these boards everyday but i never post because i would rather read what people think without my personal influences or opinions influencing everyones opinion of muslims.I must say however that there are 1.5 billion muslims in the world and yet everytime someone whats to critizize islam they use Al Queda or Osama as examples countries like turkey or India or Indonesia that have massive muslim populations are always overlooked yet they dont sponser or encourage terrorism Of course there are bad muslims in the world just as there are bad christians jews etc..... i mean the holocoust crusades slavery indian massacres kkk etc.... where all done in the name of christianity werent they? How about what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians now? I know that neither of these examples are what the religion or those who practice it are suppose to be about. Islam does give specific examples of when to fight (land ,self-defense, defending religion) and how to fight (no killing of innocents, clergy, no "scorched earth" etc..) so anyone that does any of these things is not living the life they are supposed to. The problem with Islam is education. When the Koran speaks of fighting "infidels" it is speaking of the time in which those passages were revelaed to the prophet Muhamaad (saws) not of anything going on now, but if a radical muslim with his own agenda whats to mis-interpete that message then if one isnt educated they will go and blow themselves up and kill innocent people(2 things that are serious sins in islam) I read alot of things that PM writes on these boards some i agree with alot that i dont but he isnt a represenitive of all muslims on these boards let alone on these boards.