Does the west view Islam as enemy ?

Do you view Islam as your enemy ?

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Fraggle Rocker
Want to stop this scenario from happening? There may still be just barely enough time to prevent it. Get off your butts in November and vote for "Whoever Is Running Against Bush."

If it was only that simple? Kerry belongs to the same very small and very rich eleite that bush belongs to. They are both members of the masonic skulls and bones society. Masons are in control of the USA. One of their puppets always sits in the white house.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
okinrus said:
Do you have any reference for the Knight's templar doing this? All that I've heard was that the Pope condemned them because their initiation ritual of testing someone under pain of death to spit on a cross.

Yes I have several references but I will have to dig them out of the bookshelf.

Your reference for Europeans not allowing infidel's to worship is?

Actually I was trying to say that they were allowed to worship but I don't know if any documentation exists that specifically says this.
Path, I believe a letter was just uncovered exonerating the Knights Templar. I also believe that the Pope at the time was a puppet ... I think of France, but I can't remember. I'll try and find all this.
Yes Phillip the fair had lots of issues with the templars and records show that the few confessions that were acquired were done so under extreme conditions(torture). Finished a good account not too long ago called "the templars" the authors name escapes me now but it sheds alot of light on their history.
Islam is the dynamite religion.. lol
no, just kidding

many Arabs think that the umma is one - that there are no divisions..
that an attack on one Muslim is an attack on the entire Umma

that's a wrong way of thinking

there are 1.1 billion Muslims, and some of them are fanatics who turn Islam into the dynomite religion
they present danger not only to the kufrs but to the Umma itself

they have to be confronted and rooted out to save Islam and the west
Adstar said:
Fraggle Rocker

If it was only that simple? Kerry belongs to the same very small and very rich eleite that bush belongs to. They are both members of the masonic skulls and bones society. Masons are in control of the USA. One of their puppets always sits in the white house.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Your conspiracy theory is way out of date. The Freemasons are old news. It's the Bilderbergs who are in control, and they're so sure of themselves that they don't even make it much of a secret. They're easily spotted going to those meetings in heavily secured, out of the way places, and they freely admit to being members of the society.

Nonetheless, the Bilderbergs' avowed goal is to accelerate globalization, because that will increase the planet's aggregate GDP, thereby increasing their own wealth and power. They don't give a damn about civil liberties and most of the other issues that concern us, their peons, but they do claim to have a desire for peace. And that comes across as genuine, because the days when "war is good for business" are long over. This particular war is good for the Halliburton Company, but turning the world into one giant Belfast, using old-fashioned low-yield weapons carried by individual terrorists, is not going to profit the upper class as a whole.

Bush is not a Bilderberg and as far as I know Kerry isn't either. But Bush does seem to be a member of a rival mob that's making money off of the Iraq war, and he's also a (perhaps self-appointed) member of the Christian fringe element, which is anathema to anyone with an agenda of globalization or just plain peace on earth.

Kerry sincerely wants to avoid the holy war that Bush is so eager to foment. I think that's enough for him to get the support of the Bilderbergs, and that's enough for him to get my support.

I have no delusions that Kerry is a statesman of classic proportions, he's not going to make a few speeches and get everyone to put down their weapons and start building schools and water treatment plants. But at least he won't deliberately make it worse, which is exactly what Bush does every chance he gets. If we can get someone in the White House soon who will do nothing more than stop accelerating this death spiral of Christian versus Jew versus Muslim versus Buddhist versus Hindu, cooler heads in key positions elsewhere may be able to dismantle the war engine.

Again I say that's the only chance we've got, because Bush will NEVER do that. He wants a holy war.

If you don't want a holy war, you really have to vote against Bush.

Kerry is not a Bilderberg, (and being a Freemason really is irrelevant, you've got to start reading some newer magazines ^_^ ) but at least he doesn't have a competing agenda that will destroy America (and perhaps all of civilization) the way Bush's will.
Adstar said:
A true Christian not only believes that Jesus is the Messiah But also believes in the teachings of Jesus.

Millions of people want Jesus as their savor but very few accept Jesus as their Lord.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

No such thing as a pretend Christian - because:-

a) You believe in Jesus Christ therefore you are Christian


b) You don't believe in Jesus Christ therefore you are NOT Christian

No such thing as a good Christian or a bad Christian either, all Christians have faults - why else do they ask for forgiveness?
Vienna said:
No such thing as a pretend Christian - because:-

a) You believe in Jesus Christ therefore you are Christian


b) You don't believe in Jesus Christ therefore you are NOT Christian

No such thing as a good Christian or a bad Christian either, all Christians have faults - why else do they ask for forgiveness?

a) You believe in Jesus Christ therefore you are Christian

To believe in Jesus is to believe in His message. If you do not believe in His Message then you believe (as the bible says) in another Jesus. One cannot say they Believe in The Messiah Jesus and disagree with what He said.

No such thing as a good Christian or a bad Christian either, all Christians have faults - why else do they ask for forgiveness?

True Good and bad are not good words to describe what i am saying. True Christian and false Christian are better descriptions and a false Christian is not a Christian at all.

Yes True Christians have faults and they sin and they know it.

False Christians have faults and they sin but the do not know it

Let me try to explain.

A man walks down a country path as he is walking he notices a loose stone on the pathway just the right type to cause a man to go over on his ankle and fall down onto the rocky hard path way. So he takes care to avoid the loose stone and walks past in safety.

Now two days later another man walks down the same path he is not observant and does not see the stone. Sure enough he steps on the loose stone and goes over on his ankle falls to the ground hard and breaks his hip.

Now to the first man it was a stone but to the second man it was a stumbling stone. What’s the difference between a stone and a stumbling stone? the stone is one you see the stumbling stone is the one you did not see.

Sin is like that stone in the path. If one does not see an action as sin then one will not repent of that sin because to that one the action is not sin at all. You see the sin that causes one to stumble on the way to God is the sin that one never saw as a sin.

I have posted before and given the Word Of Jesus about how we are to love our enemies and not to fight with carnal weapons against men. It is clear to anyone who reads these things that Jesus is telling us not to kill our enemies but to reach out to them in love with the truth of His Word. We are to be ambassadors of God not warriors of God. God can win any battle with His own power and He will at the battle of Armageddon when He returns to earth.

Now there are millions of people who have looked upon themselves as believers in Jesus, who have thought of themselves as Christians, who have supported or taken part in war thinking that they have done the will of God.
Oh many of them know that war is a terrible thing and that many innocents do suffer greatly because of war but in the end they believe they are justified in doing what they did. These People do not see that their act of fighting in war as a sin, as going against the instructions of the one whom they claim is their savor. They shall not repent of their involvement in war and it shall not be forgiven them.

satan does not have a victory over men when they sin, for all sins can be forgiven through the Messiah Jesus no satan has a victory over those who sin and call their sin good.

Matthew 7
13 "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Fraggle Rocker

What does it matter by what name the foot soldiers of the beast call themselves? illuminati, masons, bilderbergs, though the name changes the spirit behind them remains the same, They are just a part of the great deception that is being spread throughout the world. They go about their business preparing the way of their God the Anti-Christ. satan is in control of the kingdoms of this world all the mighty men are under his control. satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would worship him but Jesus refused. Many men do not refuse and to them he gives position and prestige to massage their pride and greed. But their delusions are a great vanity. satan must be laughing his head of at them. They think that they will have victory over the God of Abraham YAHWEH they think lucifer is the true God. They will know different one day when they are shaking in fear in their underground bunkers in the mountains.

Revelation 6
15And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, 16and said to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! 17For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?"

James 5
1 Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! 2Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. 3Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire. You have heaped up treasure in the last days. 4Indeed the wages of the laborers who mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth. 5You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. 6You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
To believe in Jesus is to believe in His message. If you do not believe in His Message then you believe (as the bible says) in another Jesus. One cannot say they Believe in The Messiah Jesus and disagree with what He said.

That was my point, I didn't realise I had to spell it out.

True Good and bad are not good words to describe what i am saying. True Christian and false Christian are better descriptions and a false Christian is not a Christian at all.

OK - So if thats the case any reference to Christianty is wrong - you might as well call the people in this group false muslims or false jews, its wrong.

Yes True Christians have faults and they sin and they know it.

False Christians have faults and they sin but the do not know it

So you're saying a Christian (who believes in Christ and his message) :rolleyes: , who unknowingly sins is not forgiven - sheesh!

You have a strange outlook - how can someone repent if he does not know it is wrong - you might as well condemn all the children in the world - YOU'RE CRAZY MAN.

But then again you're a Christian - are'nt you?????? :D

Crazy Christian ideas LOL!
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Adstar said:
Now there are millions of people who have looked upon themselves as believers in Jesus, who have thought of themselves as Christians, who have supported or taken part in war thinking that they have done the will of God.

No different to muslims then

Oh many of them know that war is a terrible thing and that many innocents do suffer greatly because of war but in the end they believe they are justified in doing what they did. These People do not see that their act of fighting in war as a sin, as going against the instructions of the one whom they claim is their savor.

They shall not repent of their involvement in war and it shall not be forgiven them.

Oh - and what gives you the great authority to know that people don't repent and feel guilty at killing another human - even if it is done in war.

Get down of your high horse - you haven't a clue what its like in war.
Lets have a look at what your great saviour says about killing eh?

EX 17:13 With the Lord's approval, Joshua mows down Amalek and his people.

EX 21:20-21 With the Lord's approval, a slave may be beaten to death with no punishment for the perpetrator as long as the slave doesn't die too quickly.

EX 32:27 "Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor.

EX 32:27-29 With the Lord's approval, the Israelites slay 3000 men.

Hmmmmm, guess he approves of killing eh?

Whatever happened to that commandment - what was it now?

Ah yes "Thou shall not kill" -

Bloody hypocrites.
Nobody is my enemy. I do not hate anyone. Should the world hate me because I follow Jesus, I would love you just the same.

Don't believe everything you read, PM.

Yours in Christ,

So you're saying a Christian (who believes in Christ and his message) , who unknowingly sins is not forgiven - sheesh!

You have a strange outlook - how can someone repent if he does not know it is wrong - you might as well condemn all the children in the world - YOU'RE CRAZY MAN.

But then again you're a Christian - are'nt you??????

Crazy Christian ideas LOL!

Listen to what you just wrote:

"So you're saying a Christian (who believes in Christ and his message) , who unknowingly sins is not forgiven - sheesh!"

If a person believes in His Message then they would know what sin is. If they don't know what His message is then they are not followers of Jesus are they? Is that not logic?

You have a strange outlook - how can someone repent if he does not know it is wrong - you might as well condemn all the children in the world - YOU'RE CRAZY MAN.

There is an age of innocence for little ones when they do not know good or evil. little ones cannot be condemned. For others God has provided a conscience so no one is without excuse.

Oh - and what gives you the great authority to know that people don't repent and feel guilty at killing another human - even if it is done in war.

Get down of your high horse - you haven't a clue what its like in war.

That’s true many do repent. They come back from war and they know they have been lead into doing something wrong. They are convicted by their conscience and seek Jesus and they will be forgiven. My last post was not directed at them it was directed at those who claim to be Christians who do not look upon what they have done or what they are doing as being against the teachings of Jesus. And i have a good idea what war is like its mass murder.

Lets have a look at what your great saviour says about killing eh?

EX 17:13 With the Lord's approval, Joshua mows down Amalek and his people.

EX 21:20-21 With the Lord's approval, a slave may be beaten to death with no punishment for the perpetrator as long as the slave doesn't die too quickly.

EX 32:27 "Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbor.

EX 32:27-29 With the Lord's approval, the Israelites slay 3000 men.

Hmmmmm, guess he approves of killing eh?

Whatever happened to that commandment - what was it now?

Ah yes "Thou shall not kill" -

Bloody hypocrites.

God used the Jews as an implement of His wrath upon the peoples of Canaan So Be It. God ordered them to attack and kill them and as long as they followed His commands they always had victory. It is telling that all your quotes are derived from the OT and not one of them is an order or teaching from Jesus to his followers :) There is no hypocrisy, There is only obedience to the directions of the Messiah. Those OT people followed the directions of God to fulfill His will and Jesus came to us to give to us Gods will. He does not want to use us as implements of his wrath.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:

Listen to what you just wrote:

"So you're saying a Christian (who believes in Christ and his message) , who unknowingly sins is not forgiven - sheesh!"

If a person believes in His Message then they would know what sin is. If they don't know what His message is then they are not followers of Jesus are they? Is that not logic?

I was being sarcastic, you wanted me to spell evrything out - so I did.

If they are not followers of Jesus - then they are NOT Christian, period.

God ordered them to attack and kill them and as long as they followed His commands they always had victory.

God says kill, then up pops a commandment which says don't kill - GOSH!
God says kill, then up pops a commandment which says don't kill - GOSH!

Look at it this way. God sets up a default setting "Don't kill" But He has the option of ordering people to kill. So in fact when the Jews killed the peoples of Canaan it was not from their own initiative it was from the command of God. So if you want to think of it like this. The Jews did not kill the people of Canaan God killed the people of canan through the jews who where being obedient to His command.

So "don't kill" means don't take it upon yourself to kill anyone without my expressed command to do so.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: sarcasm often fails over the net. :)
Adstar said:
The Jews did not kill the people of Canaan God killed the people of canan through the jews who where being obedient to His command.

So "don't kill" means don't take it upon yourself to kill anyone without my expressed command to do so.

Sorry Adstar, I like you and all that, but I don't fall for all this "God told them/us/me to do it rubbish.

Something that you can't hear, feel, touch or see instructs you to kill someone - It's bullshit. You're welcome to your "voices in the head" business, but I don't fall for that.

Zero said:
Myth: Christians aren't violent or crazy fanatics, unlike the Muslim "enemy".


Random post being over, I now return you to your daily dose of Bush propaganda.

That MINOR incident was over FIVE YEARS ago...If you insist on pissing in the wind - aim properly.

Got anything more recent, and which equals the Islamic horrors of 9/11 Bali Spain etc etc.