Does the west view Islam as enemy ?

Do you view Islam as your enemy ?

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How does the west view islam

What i want to know what do the american see abt islam do u support G.W Bush decissions
How does the west view islam

What i want to know what do the american think abt islam?
Do u support G.W Bush decissions?
would u like the war in iraq to end or to continue?
What i want to know what do the american see abt islam do u support G.W Bush decissions
No, President Bush obviously made a mistake going into Iraq, but with the evidence given, Bush's decision was not wrong. Besides, Saddam Hussein murdered thousands of his own people.

As for Islam, I just see another religion. I will judge whether it is evil or just misguided by the actions of its practitioners without carrying this judgement to each individual muslim.
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What i want to know what do the american think abt islam?
Do u support G.W Bush decissions?
would u like the war in iraq to end or to continue?
1. The questions dont fit with each other, do you wish to know what people think of iraq or islam, they are not the same thing.
2. what 'decissions' exactly? Im sure he's made quite a few.
3. why would anyone want a war to continue? We want a solution and we wanted the removal of a dictator, freedom of choice etc for the iraqi people, but some of them are ungreatful bastards and we should just leave them to it.
Islam is just another one of the religions we have in our civilization on this planet. I see it as a religion, like all others, that is determined to make people happy and to find the truth, if it actually exists.
By the way, Personally, based on my own past experience (and I do not mean to stereotype), most Islam-believers I KNOW have a strong sense of duty to convert others to Islam, they apparantly hate western religions and faiths, esp. Christianity (some Muslim friends of mine like to make jokes about Christianity...unfunny and offensive ones, certainly I am not a Christian).
Anyhoo, I will have to say I do not support G.W. Bush's decisions to go to Iraq, but I mean, well there are different perspectives to view this issue. Bush thought there were bombs in Iraq, but we have not found any yet, and thereotically a country should not interfere with other nation's business, the UN should have the responsibility and right to, but Bush ignored the UN's decision and went right to war.However, morally speaking, if you see so many people being tortured, mistreated and killed in Iraq by Saddam, you should go over there and stop them.
I don't hate islam neccessarily but there is much in quran, sunnah and hadith which can be interpreted as directly hostile to non-muslims. I too try and judge people as individuals I know most muslims are people just like me. I also know some muslims want me converted or dead and some simply think I am going to burn in hell because I am not muslim (just like come christians think I am going to hell for not being christian). I do not support George Bush's foreign policy now.
Al hussein said:
Arab countries dont kill the infants of their citizens , the dont keep tanks that patrol the cities , they dont send military helicopters to attack residential areas

Right ... the prevalence of authoritatrian regimes within the Arab and Muslim world is a coincidence. Says nothing about the religion. To repeat ... there's nothing inherently wrong with Islam, IMNPHO, and most Muslims are decent people, I'm sure. Unfortunately, the fundamentalists have the decent people by the balls.

Oh, and another thing ... when Israel does kill a Palestinian kid, that's basically the Make-A-Wish foundation. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but there are intifada trading cards circulating among the Palestinians. When a people has such a hard-on for glorious death, they can hardly complain about being obliged.
Al hussein said:
What i want to know what do the american think abt islam?
Do u support G.W Bush decissions?
would u like the war in iraq to end or to continue?

I am a white ethnic Brit and I'll tell you what I think.

1) Islam is not only a religion, it has its own politics and law. It is a world movement which wishes to otherthrow any country and make it an Islamic state. Islam is neither tolerant or peaceful, it is a backward and arrogant movement.

There are many muslims who are good and friendly on a personal level - but the same could be said for German soldiers of the Nazi regime - they both follow orders from the leaders and the militants and aim for the goal. I hate Islam and everything it stands for, it is the cancer of the world and the sooner it is eradicated from this planet - the better.

2) No I do not support Bush or Blair in their decisions to attack Iraq.

3) I would like to see all allied troops move out of Iraq immediately. Too many lives of these good troops have been lost in playing the part of pawns in a world political game to control the Middle East and its oil.
spidergoat said:
So, does the west view Islam as the enemy? No, I think it is seen with suspicion, but there are American muslims, too, and we can't be enemies with them. If Islam separated its religious nature from its political nature, you would see that it's the politics the west objects to.

The Qu'ran speaks the same message to American Muslims as it does to any other Muslim in the world - a Muslim is a Muslim. And whats all this "American" Muslim about - I've never heard of the term "American Christian" used - so why the seperation in nationality? Is it a Muslim thing or what?? Does Islam deem that muslims should be treat differently with nationality - Its bullshit. A Muslim is a Muslim - end of story.

I always see Islam as a threat - Islam painted it's picture to the world on 9/11 and its there for good. It isn't just Islamic politics that the west objects to - Terrorism is high on the agenda.
I think maybe it's time the world looked at terrorism as 'terrorism' and not try to classify it through religious dogma. Fundamentalism is not synonamous with Islam. All religious groups have their own fundamentalist aspects and sides. Non-religious groups also have their own ultra right fundamentalist sides. So maybe it is time that instead of looking at terrorism as a religious phenomenon, we looked at it as a phenomenon in its own right.

McVeigh was a terrorist and he was an ultra right Christian fundamentalist. Doesn't mean that he represented the views of all Christians around the world. To classify the whole religion on the actions of that one person or persons is fundamentally wrong. To view the religion as such is the easy way out and that is exactly what the fundamentalists want.
Al hussein said:
What i want to know what do the american think abt islam?
Do u support G.W Bush decissions?
would u like the war in iraq to end or to continue?

Although I am not an american i talk to many of them and this is the message that i am getting.

1)what do the american think abt islam?
They think it is just another religion. with some good people in it and some bad people in it. This is what their government is promoting the idea that islam has a few adherents who are bad. The question that is on their minds is this. Can the "good" mulsims control the bad? or will the "Bad" muslims control the good. In the answer to that question lies great danger for the world. If the people of America come to the belief that "bad" muslims have gained power in the islamic world then a great war will start.

2)Do u support G.W Bush decissions?
Many Americans do not have much faith in the leadership ability of George Bush many feel He has led them into a disaster in Iraq but many out of loyalty to their country will not express this openly. Many will not protest because they feel it will cause their solders in Iraq to feel betrayed by their people. Many Americans know their country has got itself into a mess but they feel they must tough it out and pay the price for george bush,s bad decision.

3)would u like the war in iraq to end or to continue?
All the Americans i have talked to want their soldiers out of iraq as soon as possible. None want their soldiers to be there.
Umm why are there 3 threads with exactly the same theme running at the same time?

And while I'm not an American but an Australian, I disagree with the war in Iraq and like Vienna (I agree with what he said in response to your question 3), I only want us to pull out of Iraq to save the lives of not only the soldiers there but also the lives of the Iraqi people who are not only at risk of bombings from the allied forces, but also from the terrorist bombings from the outside forces now fighting their own war in Iraq. I watched this interview last week on TV here of an Iraqi born Australian who'd just come back from Iraq and he was saying how disgusting it was that fundamentalists from outside of Iraq had come into Iraq to fight againt the Americans for their own reasons. And he is right. The Iraqi people aren't just suffering the presence of the Allied troops over there, but they are also at the merci of the terrorist organisations such as Al Qaeda who have sent people from neighbouring countries to fight their own wars against the US. So in reality, the Iraqi people are caught in the middle of another war.
I am a middleaged Southern born American and I can agree with Adstar about how most Americans feel, even down to not voicing our opinions too loudly for fear of our troops becoming disenchanted with their jobs regardless of how distasteful they may seem. Many Americans are Patriotic yet hate this war. We do feel that it is neccessary to eradicate the Enemies of freedom where they breed, and not in our own neighborhoods. I feel that the Radical Islamic terrorists call the shots for the passive Islamic people. Until the passive stand up and reclaim power and say No More, We will be cursed with the product of nutty clerics.
McVeigh's Christianity is open to debate:
(And yes, I'm aware the source is a sanctimonious cunt.)

"The agnostic McVeigh had one final quip to the media: "If I am going to hell, I'm gonna have a lot of company." His last message was a line from the poem Invictus: "I am the master of my own fate, the captain of my own soul." He was pronounced dead at 5:14 AM, PDT." (

Text of Invictus:

McVeigh's hand-written version:

However, he did recieve Last Rites:

Point of all those links ... outside of semantic nonsense, I've yet to hear anyone claim that the 9/11 hijackers weren't Muslim.
Terrorists of all nations and creeds have their own excuses. If muslim terrorists uses Islam as their excuse, it doesn't (or shouldn't) reflect on the religion. Anyway, I don't buy Islam's preachings. IMHO Islam was invented by Mohammed to recruit followers to take over Meca (that's how it is spelled in spanish, and thats how I'll write it). I was led to believe by a Pakistani muslim that muslims believe in Jesus in a way. I just say that the whole "Gabriel going down to Mohammed and giving further instructions to this guy" sounds too fishy for me. Jesus came and gave a pretty conclusive teaching (Love god, love yourself, love others), and if muslims have the tiniest faith in Him, the should start looking at their religion and think.
CottonMouth said:
Terrorists of all nations and creeds have their own excuses. If muslim terrorists uses Islam as their excuse, it doesn't (or shouldn't) reflect on the religion. Anyway, I don't buy Islam's preachings. IMHO Islam was invented by Mohammed to recruit followers to take over Meca (that's how it is spelled in spanish, and thats how I'll write it). I was led to believe by a Pakistani muslim that muslims believe in Jesus in a way. I just say that the whole "Gabriel going down to Mohammed and giving further instructions to this guy" sounds too fishy for me. Jesus came and gave a pretty conclusive teaching (Love god, love yourself, love others), and if muslims have the tiniest faith in Him, the should start looking at their religion and thin

we do belive in jesus he is one of our prophet mentoined in the Quran as P Isa , the Major thing that cristians and muslims differ is the cristias say jesus is son of god which is completly denyied by islam jesus is messenger of god bringing gods messege jesus bieng son of god is making god like me n u ,god is something that can not be explained and u say he has a son