Does Omniscience Limit Free Will?

no valuable input.

That a atheist seemingly intent on killing faith in God has not valuable input on a God that says faith is law? Yea, he has no valuable input. He is not nearly openminded enough on the subject to have valuable theories.
If the future is locked then those "choices" are also locked. The path is fixed.

No, because despite your (my/ whoever's) personal certainty it's only a belief until the choice is made.

For something to be knowledge it must be true. If it's true then we can't make any other choice, as that would mean the knowledge wasn't in fact knowledge.
Any "choice" was an illusion (see Signal's post). We may think we had a choice whereas we didn't and couldn't have gone any other way than the one we did.

So you're answer is that if you look at the beginning (pre choice) and the ending (future/ post choice) and that if you know at the beginning what the ending is, then the path between is meaningless? I'll buy that, but I (personally) believe that the path (choice) is still the most important part here and still exists. Even if it is an illusion, it doesn't feel like one (does it to you?)/(except when it comes to ham then I have to eat it). A wise man once said if looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, moves like duck, and smells like a duck that its probably a duck.
That a atheist seemingly intent on killing faith in God has not valuable input on a God that says faith is law? Yea, he has no valuable input. He is not nearly openminded enough on the subject to have valuable theories.

being an atheist, in and of itself is not a bad thing..

but your use of the term in that statement is more of an Anti-theist, atheists have no desire to badmouth God or to convert believers into unbelief, this is the job of the Anti-theist..(notice how similar this word is to AntiChrist?)

as far as Dyw goes..
annoying as F*ck..specially when he plays the "your wrong" or "no" card..
(what makes him so special..)
but he does honor the truth.(which IMO is his saving grace)
That a atheist seemingly intent on killing faith in God has not valuable input on a God that says faith is law? Yea, he has no valuable input. He is not nearly openminded enough on the subject to have valuable theories.
Hmm, notice that deceptive little word in your post?
You're making assumptions again. What did I tell you about that?
Sorry, im right. Matthew 6:7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
6:8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

did you ever stop to think you are a babbler with your special brand of prattle
That a atheist seemingly intent on killing faith in God has not valuable input on a God that says faith is law? Yea, he has no valuable input. He is not nearly openminded enough on the subject to have valuable theories.

You kind of make other theists look bad saying stuff like this.

You realize, even if it's not what you mean, that everyone looks at your posts and thinks that YOU are saying that he has no valuable input because he doesn't agree with your position. I sincerely HOPE this is not actually what you mean.
So you're answer is that if you look at the beginning (pre choice) and the ending (future/ post choice) and that if you know at the beginning what the ending is, then the path between is meaningless?
Ohh, meaningless? That's a whole other topic and question! Don't get me started on that one.

I'll buy that, but I (personally) believe that the path (choice) is still the most important part here and still exists.
I've had arguments with Lori about this one.

Even if it is an illusion, it doesn't feel like one (does it to you?)
No, it doesn't. :(

A wise man once said if looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, moves like duck, and smells like a duck that its probably a duck.
Unfortunately in this case we're not 100% sure how a duck looks/ walks/ etc. ;)
If you knew everything, this does mean you will use all the information at the same time. I know all the letters of the alphabet, but I don't use and think about all the letters all the time. If the situation arises, I know the letter, since it is in my knowedge banks.

Free will, by departing from the linear of instinct, creates endless situations by which omniscience gets to refresh its working memory. I may know all the letters. Instinct may prefer just vowels. Free will adds the consonants thereby bringinh me in touch with more of my total knowledge. Free will and omniscience go together.

As a practical example, a professor may be brilliant in his area of expertise and knows more than anyone. A lifetime of learning, by such a smart man, can not be taught in one semester. So he tries to teach the important things. In the class, is a bright student who asks too many questions. His free will, to depart the lessons, may trigger memories in the professor, that were forgotten, but are still there. The questions expand consciousness of his omniscience. The professor may know the answer, but remembered when the question was asked.
If you knew everything, this does mean you will use all the information at the same time.
So what? You'd still know it.

Free will, by departing from the linear of instinct, creates endless situations by which omniscience gets to refresh its working memory.
Word salad.

Free will and omniscience go together.
By being mutually exclusive.

As a practical example, a professor may be brilliant in his area of expertise and knows more than anyone. A lifetime of learning, by such a smart man, can not be taught in one semester. So he tries to teach the important things. In the class, is a bright student who asks too many questions. His free will, to depart the lessons, may trigger memories in the professor, that were forgotten, but are still there. The questions expand consciousness of his omniscience. The professor may know the answer, but remembered when the question was asked.
So god forgets? Surely omniscience - knowing everything - also includes knowing that you know (and thus, not forgetting).
You kind of make other theists look bad saying stuff like this.

You realize, even if it's not what you mean, that everyone looks at your posts and thinks that YOU are saying that he has no valuable input because he doesn't agree with your position. I sincerely HOPE this is not actually what you mean.

I have met many men who disagree with me, but non more right than the first or the next. Idc what anyones opinion is I am only stating mine, and Idc if you disagree with me.