Does God use a full disclosure policy or does he hide information?

But what does knowing the "general direction of the mail" help me?
you have some criteria to work with in terms of goals, terms and reference points

I can make a good argument that the concept of "choosing a spiritual path" is illogical in itself.
then whatever path you choose (in accordance with your needs) will be something else (and hence of a different goal)
you have some criteria to work with in terms of goals, terms and reference points

In one sense yes - in the sense that I have some understanding of the various traditions.

But practically, this seems useless, no different than shooting an arrow and then running ahead with a target and place it so that the arrow would hit it.

then whatever path you choose (in accordance with your needs) will be something else (and hence of a different goal)

It is logically impossible to choose a religious/spiritual path - at least such a path that would contextualize everyone and everything (which any path worth its salt is supposed to; and those who don't aren't worth the effort).

The notion of such choice implies that there exists a neutral, objective meta-system of knowledge and values that is independent of everyone and everything, but which I can make necessary and sufficient use of.
Any path that would be chosen on the grounds of such a meta-system would be necessarily inferior to this meta-system.
(This is what, for example, those Muslims imply when they say that they accept Islam because it makes sense and because neuropsychology proves that prayer has a benficial calming effect on the mind. For them, common sense and neuropsychology have in effect the upper hand over the Islamic teachings.)
On the grounds of such a meta-system, one cannot accept a path that would contextualize the existence of everything (including the meta-system, myself and my mind) without simultaneously enduring severe cognitive dissonance.
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In one sense yes - in the sense that I have some understanding of the various traditions.

But practically, this seems useless, no different than shooting an arrow and then running ahead with a target and place it so that the arrow would hit it.
if that was really the case you would have nothing to complain about ... after all, you would hit your target, yes?

It is logically impossible to choose a religious/spiritual path - at least such a path that would contextualize everyone and everything (which any path worth its salt is supposed to; and those who don't aren't worth the effort).

The notion of such choice implies that there exists a neutral, objective meta-system of knowledge and values that is independent of everyone and everything, but which I can make necessary and sufficient use of.
Any path that would be chosen on the grounds of such a meta-system would be necessarily inferior to this meta-system.
(This is what, for example, those Muslims imply when they say that they accept Islam because it makes sense and because neuropsychology proves that prayer has a benficial calming effect on the mind. For them, common sense and neuropsychology have in effect the upper hand over the Islamic teachings.)
On the grounds of such a meta-system, one cannot accept a path that would contextualize the existence of everything (including the meta-system, myself and my mind) without simultaneously enduring severe cognitive dissonance.
even medical decisions don't cover all and everything

For instance in the treatment of cancer, one cannot expect to get the benefit of both allopathic and traditional treatments simultaneously
if that was really the case you would have nothing to complain about ... after all, you would hit your target, yes?

Except that it is a totally solipsistic action to shoot an arrow and then align the target ... this is the totally crazy part about choosing a path ...

even medical decisions don't cover all and everything

For instance in the treatment of cancer, one cannot expect to get the benefit of both allopathic and traditional treatments simultaneously

I am not sure what you mean by this comparison?

This will be a truism, but anyway - a proper spiritual path should have solutions for all the problems of life.
actually I was talking about your effort ... or do you think that disclosure should require 0 effort in a perfect world?

This lack of effort comes from quite definitively seeing God as an unattractive fellow, or knowledge of God as something that won't make any difference in one's life.
Except that it is a totally solipsistic action to shoot an arrow and then align the target ... this is the totally crazy part about choosing a path ...
so in terms of values and endeavors to them, you are not really using that arrow and that target, yes?

I am not sure what you mean by this comparison?
its the very nature of choosing a path that you are excluding another (even though there may be several to choose from)

This will be a truism, but anyway - a proper spiritual path should have solutions for all the problems of life.
Kind of like a proper medical procedure should solve illness, yet sometimes it may invoke a type of illness as a cure - or to say it another way, if the person may accept a medicine even though it is bitter, because they have a dire need to fulfill
This lack of effort comes from quite definitively seeing God as an unattractive fellow, or knowledge of God as something that won't make any difference in one's life.
well then you don't have the same problem as the self affirmed Greatest who can't even make the grade to partial disclosure
so in terms of values and endeavors to them, you are not really using that arrow and that target, yes?

It certainly feels like I am being expected to do just that.

its the very nature of choosing a path that you are excluding another (even though there may be several to choose from)

My point is that it is impossible to choose (an all-overarching) path; unless, of course, one is willingly opting for an inferior path.

Kind of like a proper medical procedure should solve illness, yet sometimes it may invoke a type of illness as a cure - or to say it another way, if the person may accept a medicine even though it is bitter, because they have a dire need to fulfill

But when accepting this this bitter medicine means that one must become a kind of a Stepford Wife??
It certainly feels like I am being expected to do just that.
well even if its an imposition, it affects one's values, as opposed to establishing them

My point is that it is impossible to choose (an all-overarching) path; unless, of course, one is willingly opting for an inferior path.
how does an inferior path grant a wider aperture?

But when accepting this this bitter medicine means that one must become a kind of a Stepford Wife??
A stepford wife?
to what end?
then why not go with the widest one on offer?

That would be the rational course of action, of course. Except that I am not so sure God is such a magnanimous fellow to allow for my notions of what makes for "the widest one on offer".

Try living with a devotee couple for a month or two to get the real picture ....

I know that they are not all Stepfordians.
But it does seem like being a Stepfordian is the ideal, the what is necessary to go back to Godhead.
I know that they are not all Stepfordians.
But it does seem like being a Stepfordian is the ideal, the what is necessary to go back to Godhead.

how does that fit in with the fact that we're all created unique?
Except that it is a totally solipsistic action to shoot an arrow and then align the target ... this is the totally crazy part about choosing a path ...

I am not sure what you mean by this comparison?

This will be a truism, but anyway - a proper spiritual path should have solutions for all the problems of life.

Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Theists will drag out such useless rhetoric in the instances when they have no logical come back and expect that non theists will just nod and accept like they, as good little sheeple, do.
