Does God use a full disclosure policy or does he hide information?

your rebuttal doesn't make much sense because it has nothing to do with religious issues, it would belong in a strictly technical subforum. it is no different than pointing to the sun and saying 'there is the sun' or gravity exists. really? tell us something we don't already know. religion's primary reason for existing deals with issues of morality.

also, your idea of evolving 'perfection' is conjecture. it's really just about survival.

and? so? if a car with passengers rams into a tree, it will have a reaction and may even result in body parts flying around. if you fall off a cliff, you go splat. it's called cause and effect. if you acquire a disease and there is no cure, most likely you will die. people and lifeforms don't consider these things 'perfection' either. why? because they are trying to avoid it. and if that is supposed to be the case, then it's still imperfect because they don't see it or accept it as perfection probably because they are sane. perhaps not to you.

the issue that i brought up is that i see a difference between lifeforms and inanimate reality. i don't see that as a perfect relationship, some may.

also, there is a difference in how arguments go depending on how god is defined and what responsiblities are attributed to it.

it may be that what is inherently life may have nothing to do with the creation of this universe. perhaps the creation of the universe (big bang) is an accident. perhaps, there are other universes with different laws.

as for what one considers 'perfection', that would vary on people's opinion. you seem to place a lot of adulation on existing laws of nature. you think they are 'perfect' just because it exists or something is constant. human stupidity is also a constant. it is what it is but that doesn't mean they are perfect like that deserves some type of worship or high esteem. rapists, murderers and retards exist too and along this logic, it is perfect. maybe to you.

furthermore, if you have no conceptual issues with how the universe or life systems work here, then there really is no reason for you to be posing the question you do. even most theists view it just as you do, perfection.

so do you know why you pose these questions when according to your answer there is no reason or is this your way of coming to conclusions?

who's best end? what is defined as "best"? who defines it? it's all conjecture. everything we discuss on religious issues is conjecture except for what we can strictly observe. some arguments lean more to realistic than others but it's all mostly conjecture based on defined premise.

like i said, if a creator consciously is responsible for this system then it is predatorial at root. that goes against the supposed morality of a creator. that doesn't mean it did, that's the point. that is only if you attribute that responsibility.

why most theists arguments are weak is because they forget that the bible even makes distinctions between good and evil and that this creation is identified as being compromised by the "devil". these are are all metaphors but still a way to understand the universe in a certain fashion. they have a hard time viewing god as being responsible for immorality which has to be the case if it created it or allowed it. again, that all depends on how god is defined. how most theists define god, it is immoral. because they use poor logic, they can't or won't understand that. to theists, they can make up anything and it doesn't have to add up at all as long as their beliefs have no real consequence.

what's the point of this? a lesson on evolution? do you really think i don't know how evolution works? this is the religion subform. this statement has really no tie-in with evolution and morality. i pretty much think that most people are aware that dna is working the best it can under the conditions. there is also indication in nature that it's rather downright stupid at times, there goes your belief it is perfection. i really doubt this is an "undeniable truth most cannot get their heads around."

Yet all you did here was bitch that it is in the wrong forum instead of refuting the premise because all you can see is imperfection. Oh well. Perhaps you are one that was born less than what nature and your DNA could produce.

All living entities are provided with all necessities

Even babies that are about to be aborted?

yes and even the parents who are about to abort their child, or the ants that are about to eat your chocolate bar

Conditioned life and the material world is simply about conflict of needs : I win and you lose (or vice versa). The awarding of a victor in certain circumstances (whether its the parents or the ants) and a loser in others (the unborn child or so-called chocolate bar owner) is a consequence of karma - or what we deserve and what we desire

There seems to be a conflict between these two notions; namely, between "All living entities are provided with all necessities" and "Living entities get what they deserve and desire."

What is a necessity? The opportunity to receive according to one's deserving and desiring?
And if so, why is it called a "necessity"?
Oh well. Perhaps you are one that was born less than what nature and your DNA could produce.


i'm sure i was in some way, which would negate your idea that creation is perfect, wouldn't it? what i found contradictory was your belief that creation is perfect yet you have issues with religious points of morality and religion. it should be a non-issue if everything in nature works for the best and how it should be. even those who have religious beliefs that differ from you, after all creation is perfect and they are part of it. but it seems you really don't believe that or you are confused.

instead of refuting the premise because all you can see is imperfection

sorry, your reply doesn't make sense. your topic is all about issues with imperfection. again, confusion.
it's not true that all living entities are provided for all their needs.
there is air to breathe, food to eat, etc etc

True, but one still has to put in effort (sometimes great amounts of effort) to get these things, and often enough, they are impossible to get.
In the light of this difficulty, it is hard and sometimes impossible to say that "All living entities are provided with all necessities".
in genesis, the story of adam and eve has so much symbolism it's really up to interpretation if not taken word for word.

the usual christian interpretation is that god is creator of all things good and the devil represented by the serpent was the bringer of evil through temptation.

but this can be interpreted in any number of ways. if god really was an all powerful being, why would it allow the serpent in the garden of eden? christians believe because god wants humans to have free-will. it is inevitable that just by the nature of curiosity that adam and eve also possessed had not eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, one of their descendents eventually would anyways. the tree of knowledge and the serpent could be signified as the knowledge of evil and therefore how to use evil means to live or gain.

this symbolism would signify either that god really is not as powerful or the creator of all but creator of good which would absolve it of responsibility for the existence of evil or that he is the creator of all and therefore evil. the devil could be a symbol for a dual or parallel reality or force that is co-existing or in conflict. defined as the creator of the setup as well as the serpent would indicate an immoral god. did evil actually exist and adam and eve were just not aware of it or did evil start with their awareness of it, thus the ability to utilize it? this is where it gets tricky because ignorance does not necessarily equate to innocence or goodness. after all, the interpretation is that even god has the knowledge of both good and evil yet he rejects evil. even with knowledge of evil, one can actually reject or be repulsed by it. the idea proposed in the bible that they were automatically tainted after attaining this knowledge of evil symbolizes a dual nature or that god really did not have control over this opposing force. ironically, when christian doctrine defines that it does but somehow god allows it, is defining a god that condones evil. so again, what god's nature is can be defined by what one thinks it is responsible for. it would seem the garden of eden was heaven and earth where they were cast down which would really signify this universe as well as it's laws. the toiling and death that would be their life. under this premise, this negates the idea that creation is perfect in the moral sense. after all, it has all been tainted according to this story. even with this duality, perhaps why good is given the distinction of eventually overpowering evil in the end is probably based on the idea that evil is based on deception and lies (the serpent was a liar and deceiver) but unfortunately that can continue to work and constantly be a thorn in the side of existence until the system is broken or no longer in existence, thus the separation and concept of heaven and hell. i don't think the catholic interpretation makes much sense. this universe would be likened to purgatory with the duality and conflict and heaven and hell the components whereby all eventually disperse according to it's nature in the end.

this whole metaphor could totally be flipped to where god is represented as the deciever keeping adam and eve ignorant and enslaved to it's will and the serpent the knowledge or clarity to be aware of deception, that is if the garden of eden really wasn't and was just an illusion.

really, either one of these would work with regard to the duality, it's just replacing different actors in the role though the first story works the best as it's more fleshed out already.
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There seems to be a conflict between these two notions; namely, between "All living entities are provided with all necessities" and "Living entities get what they deserve and desire."
even in a worst case scenario, if the living entity leaves its body, it is awarded another body to inhabit

What is a necessity? The opportunity to receive according to one's deserving and desiring?
And if so, why is it called a "necessity"?
What is necessary,as far as conditioned existence is concerned, is to have a body to express one's desires and to have certain requirements to sustain one's material mind and body.

That said, its the nature of material desire to be conflicted (as in the case of parents vs the unwanted child, or ants envious of your chocolate bar), but given that the living entities aren't committing suicide in droves, it seems to be working ok (and even if one does throw in the towel in the human form of life, being awarded an animal body seems to be satisfactory, as exemplified by mr. Pig in the picture posted earlier in the thread)
True, but one still has to put in effort (sometimes great amounts of effort) to get these things, and often enough, they are impossible to get.
In the light of this difficulty, it is hard and sometimes impossible to say that "All living entities are provided with all necessities".
on an ultimate level, we have no control over the base requirements for existence

IOW no matter how much you know or how much money you have, you can't tamper with the base conditions that provide us with air to breathe and food to eat (or even the ability to transform these things into a vital force that we can sustain ourselves.

In short, we are dependent
i'm sure i was in some way, which would negate your idea that creation is perfect, wouldn't it? what i found contradictory was your belief that creation is perfect yet you have issues with religious points of morality and religion. it should be a non-issue if everything in nature works for the best and how it should be. even those who have religious beliefs that differ from you, after all creation is perfect and they are part of it. but it seems you really don't believe that or you are confused.

sorry, your reply doesn't make sense. your topic is all about issues with imperfection. again, confusion.

And you will remain confused if you do not understand this------and the logic it shows.


"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

Or think that you where less than you could be when born.---With the conditions at hand.

You cannot see the forest for the trees.

in genesis, the story of adam and eve has so much symbolism it's really up to interpretation if not taken word for word.

garden of eden really wasn't and was just an illusion.

really, either one of these would work with regard to the duality, it's just replacing different actors in the role though the first story works the best as it's more fleshed out already.


The Gnostics and others have many views. Literalist are of course way off base as usual.

on an ultimate level, we have no control over the base requirements for existence

IOW no matter how much you know or how much money you have, you can't tamper with the base conditions that provide us with air to breathe and food to eat (or even the ability to transform these things into a vital force that we can sustain ourselves.

In short, we are dependent

Tell me about it!

Our whole family has been down with a bad cold, myself for the third week now!
Bad cough, sleepless nights, headaches, feverish outbursts, congested lungs, and oodles of nasty snot. Uh! And no medication seems to help. And my sense of smell is gone!

I have ample opportunity to think about my dependence ...
And you will remain confused if you do not understand this------and the logic it shows.


"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

Or think that you where less than you could be when born.---With the conditions at hand.

You cannot see the forest for the trees.


i said there is no reason for you to pose the question you do if you believe what you claim. also, your beliefs are no different than most creationists in that it is perfect, you are just squabbling over nitpicky details. therefore, you are confused because you are on the same side.


The Gnostics and others have many views. Literalist are of course way off base as usual.


so? if creation is perfect, can't really fault them, can you?

also, most do accept evolution (or at least creation story is symbolism) and that the universe was created by god( therefore a purpose) or believe it's it's an intelligent design.

you are no different than a theist except for some minor inconsequential details but you don't realize it.
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in genesis, the story of adam and eve has so much symbolism it's really up to interpretation if not taken word for word.

the usual christian interpretation is that god is creator of all things good and the devil represented by the serpent was the bringer of evil through temptation.

what is the one motivator that encourage you to disobey your parents and do something that they say would harm you?

would you have followed your parents rules if you did not have friends to temp you to go against them?

would you break the law if there was no motivation to?
Hurry and let the experts know how to read scripture. After all, they have only been debating most of them for 3000 years.

Quite a swollen head you have there.

As to the hidden information, I was not speaking of the delusions most literalists have. I was speaking of what God is shown to have not told A & E.


What do you mean by "Quite a swollen head you have there."

Please explain what you mean by "I was speaking of what God is shown to have not told A & E."

i said there is no reason for you to pose the question you do if you believe what you claim. also, your beliefs are no different than most creationists in that it is perfect, you are just squabbling over nitpicky details. therefore, you are confused because you are on the same side.

so? if creation is perfect, can't really fault them, can you?

also, most do accept evolution (or at least creation story is symbolism) and that the universe was created by god( therefore a purpose) or believe it's it's an intelligent design.

you are no different than a theist except for some minor inconsequential details but you don't realize it.

True to a point. What is has always been here to contemplate and the wise men of old did and put what they saw in what I call the books of wisdom. Those are mostly what we call Bibles and Words.

My apotheosis has shown that the creationist thinking is silly and that evolution is what has brought us to this point in time.

Look at nature through evolutions eyes for just a moment in stop time and if bright, you will see perfection with nature doing the best it can with the DNA and conditions at hand.

If you cannot see perfection, then I see further than you and am your better in these things. accept it or reject it. I do not care.

"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”

What do you mean by "Quite a swollen head you have there."

Apply that to your claim of knowing how to read scripture better than all the experts.

Please explain what you mean by "I was speaking of what God is shown to have not told A & E."


Did God tell A & E that there eyes would be opened? No.
Did he tell them they would become as Gods? No.
Did he tell them about all the consequences to them and us that he was going to arbitrarily impose? No.

His just threw a huge sissy fit.

Please do not think of naked people.

Well, that's OK, for we had to, just as when we see something, especially some new thing, we think of what we can do with it, even if its just to throw it in the trash.

Children, especially, may find it hard not to touch something that say 'Do not touch."

The concept of 'God' fails once again.
Greatest I am,

Did God tell A & E that there eyes would be opened? No.

Open to what?
The damnation of a proportion of their generations?

Did he tell them they would become as Gods? No.

They were better than gods.
They had God as a personal companion.
They lived in a heavenly place.
They were immortal.

Did he tell them about all the consequences to them and us that he was going to arbitrarily impose?

What was that?

His just threw a huge sissy fit.

God doesn't do sissy fits. :)

It's just that all this Eden stuff didn't really happen. The Philippine Catholic Bible even has an asterisk on it, saying so at the bottom of the page; so, even theism has moved on, although it is running out of room everywhere.
Greatest I am,

Open to what?
The damnation of a proportion of their generations?

Do you not know?
It is clearly written in Genesis. Look it up.

They were better than gods.

So much for the you and the first commandment that you just broke.

They had God as a personal companion.

Not a good one. A good one would not have allowed Satan/talking snake access to a companion. Would you?

They lived in a heavenly place.

God will be pleased that you think your physical domain is as good as his non-physical one. He does not agree or he would of course live in the best place.

They were immortal.

Really? Show where they ate of the tree of life.

What was that?

I stated most above. Pay attention.
Just for you. Open eyes, curse the earth, be as Gods, etc.

God doesn't do sissy fits. :)


Look again for the first time. take your head out of his God sized A hole first. The view is then possible to see.
