Does God use a full disclosure policy or does he hide information?

You asked me to bring it on and I will but have pretty well already kissed you and Lori off as not worth my time elsewhere.


Lets talk of Eve and how God, the good parent, may not be that good.

Eve took a lot of consequences for disobeying his command to basically stay stupid and not elevate herself to Godly status.

A few things you might want to address.

God did not tell her of the great benefits of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and when she did, he gave the known consequence, sort off. She did not die. He then curse the ground and all of her offspring etc etc etc.

Was he dealing fairly with adding on all those etcs?

If you tell your child that the consequence of doing something will be A, and when your child does that something, you give A but also add on B and C and D consequences, have you dealt fairly with your child and did God deal fairly with Eve?

As a bonus question for you.
Why would God want to deny mankind the valuable information that makes man as God and thus fulfilling the biblical instruction to be as perfect as God?


Well you ask a lot. It is not easy to fully disclose . It would take books and books worth of information. Like generations and generations of information. Can your brain handle it? I know you got quite a bit already by your heritage and all , but is that enough. Well you got all the things you learned in school . I don't know if that is still enough. You got your interaction with people . Nay I don't think that is enough either. I got one get in touch with Nature. Yeah that would help a lot. The grizzle bear can teach you much about much. O.K. I will try not to be an information hoarder anymore
Well you ask a lot. It is not easy to fully disclose . It would take books and books worth of information. Like generations and generations of information. Can your brain handle it? I know you got quite a bit already by your heritage and all , but is that enough. Well you got all the things you learned in school . I don't know if that is still enough. You got your interaction with people . Nay I don't think that is enough either. I got one get in touch with Nature. Yeah that would help a lot. The grizzle bear can teach you much about much. O.K. I will try not to be an information hoarder anymore

Duh. Msg 139.

I will not do your homework again.

Get with it and off the meds or get lost.

Well you ask a lot. It is not easy to fully disclose . It would take books and books worth of information. Like generations and generations of information. Can your brain handle it? I know you got quite a bit already by your heritage and all , but is that enough. Well you got all the things you learned in school . I don't know if that is still enough. You got your interaction with people . Nay I don't think that is enough either. I got one get in touch with Nature. Yeah that would help a lot. The grizzle bear can teach you much about much. O.K. I will try not to be an information hoarder anymore

This type of non response to the question is why you and Lori are on my list of people not worth my time.

You could have kept it short and just told the truth. god is a piss poor parent and he allowed the snake to be more forthcoming than himself.

and nothing anyone says will change your mind about this..


Who has even attempted to refute my claim in any meaningful way.

No one has denied that God hid information.

The stupid----God is God and he can do anything B S argument does not refute. It justifies immorality only and shows that God is a God sized A hole.


You could have kept it short and just told the truth. god is a piss poor parent and he allowed the snake to be more forthcoming than himself.

this is how i read it..

"the truth is god is"

like you will not believe anything else..

maybe it was a conditioned response..(i know..i conditioned myself..)
Does God use a full disclosure policy or does he hide information?

Very obviously god hides information.

You seriously think if Abel knew he would be killed that he would have entered the 4-H contest against Ka'in at the local county fair?

God knew that if he had a contest between Ka'in and Abel to see which was best, vegetables or goats, that Abel would win and that Ka'in would kill Abel.

What kind of god would hold a silly contest like that anyway?

What kind of god would engage in a course of action knowing that the outcome would be the needless death of an innocent?
The Cain and Abel story is partly a representation of the conflict between farmers and shepherds, groups that we might not now think were all that different, but they were back then.
True to a point. What is has always been here to contemplate and the wise men of old did and put what they saw in what I call the books of wisdom. Those are mostly what we call Bibles and Words.

My apotheosis has shown that the creationist thinking is silly and that evolution is what has brought us to this point in time.

Look at nature through evolutions eyes for just a moment in stop time and if bright, you will see perfection with nature doing the best it can with the DNA and conditions at hand.

If you cannot see perfection, then I see further than you and am your better in these things. accept it or reject it. I do not care.

"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they must necessarily be created for the best end.”


if you can see the perfection, then why the hell are you even bringing up these topics? again, you are confused.

your arguments don't make any sense in light of your topics. i know exactly what you mean by perfection but i don't agree with that definition. it's not unusual as many see it that way, theists and even many atheists do. you didn't know that? it's not that you see further which you believe. sure, anyone can use whatever means to make things work to some degree but people's definition of perfection may not be that. even a person can cheat to get what they want but some may not even consider that whole scenario perfection either. one can also rob paul to pay peter too.

it really does not matter what some creationists believe if you believe that the system is in perfect order regardless. you don't seem to get that point as well as the contradiction in your arguments and your stated position. also, it has been stated already that not all creationists believe in the seven day/24 hour definition of creation anyways. they may believe in the intelligent design theory that you seem to agree with. i don't see the universe as necessarily a concious act. it may be an accident. i also don't believe that the laws have to be this way for life to exist, that is just what we observe here. this is the distinction you are not getting, just because nature or whatever is doing the supposed best it can with the conditions it can doesn't mean that is defined as perfection especially if that's a conscious and conceptual design. to you, it may be. i don't have that issue to resolve because i don't see the universe, again, as necessarily a one and only or emphatic creation or that it's necessarily perfection. again, i told you that even nature is rather stupid many times in how it reacts to it's environment as well.

you keep quoting someone which you believe to be some fact but is rather one's opinion. so? if that's what you believe, good for you. you don't seem to understand that we see the universe as well as life differently.

what's really enlightening and also funny about your position is you point fingers at the immorality of a supposed creator in regards to the story of adam/eve but your position that nature and the universe is perfect anyways in light of the fact it's inherently predatorial makes utterly no sense at all since your argument is based on the issue of a moral or immoral creator. you just basically canceled out your argument from the getgo with your own position on the matter, yet you don't see it. obviously, in the story god had the power and he did what he decided to do to them and decide what kind of life and punishments would be. simple as that, just as we live with and deal with what our conditions are, which varies from person to situation. life is a pyramid scheme where a species tries to reach for the top of the food chain while it feeds off those on the bottom. it seems to be working but inherently it's really an issue of who gets there first and maintains it just as the concept and definition of GOD has more power than people so can dictate. he doesn't have to be fair. if YOU don't have a problem or issue with it, why are you arguing about it? lmfao

anyone can observe a system for what it is, whether they agree with it on a moral level is another matter.
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Very obviously god hides information.

You seriously think if Abel knew he would be killed that he would have entered the 4-H contest against Ka'in at the local county fair?

God knew that if he had a contest between Ka'in and Abel to see which was best, vegetables or goats, that Abel would win and that Ka'in would kill Abel.

What kind of god would hold a silly contest like that anyway?

What kind of god would engage in a course of action knowing that the outcome would be the needless death of an innocent?

Good point and it brings to mind a question.

What does God need with a sacrifice in the first place.

What does God need with a sacrifice in the first place.

A real god wouldn't.

Yahweh did a back-up and re-group, too. In Deuteronomy, he changes all the sacrifice laws and the way sacrifices are performed. He also bans the use of altars and temples out of the sole Temple at Jerusalem.

So like Abrahm and others who would build a make-shift altar where ever they were to do whatever, that was banned after Deuteronomy.

SciWriter said:
I'm not hep on him either.

I'm glad he's dead. Unfortunately his stupid nonsense is still floating around.
A real god wouldn't.

Yahweh did a back-up and re-group, too. In Deuteronomy, he changes all the sacrifice laws and the way sacrifices are performed. He also bans the use of altars and temples out of the sole Temple at Jerusalem.

So like Abrahm and others who would build a make-shift altar where ever they were to do whatever, that was banned after Deuteronomy.

I'm glad he's dead. Unfortunately his stupid nonsense is still floating around.

Sounds like you do not know his work.

Try this one.

If that is not the way we should view god then what is the way?

I'm not hep on him either.

I got the theme from an asterisked footnote in a Philippine Bible, page 1, Genesis, that I happened to open just because I saw it sitting there, as I don't read Bibles.

I wrote that badly. I like his work. I just do not know why that clip on ancient peoples is included in an anti-science clip.
Then again, I think all religions are myth based.

Based on the old family unit, the one with a strict father figure, a conception from our world, yet, a Being cannot be the fundamental and first.