Does God have any motives ?

And yet unable to produce evidence to substantiate

The discussion would if allowed to run the same course as the yes god / no god

So I bail out at disagree


From the evidence of past lives , death is no more than the death of the body , the Soul moves on .
From the evidence of past lives , death is no more than the death of the body , the Soul moves on .

What word of







are you having trouble with?

Or is it just when the words are strung together?

Dead huh... will i can live wit that :D

Is there a choice?

Someone remarked they had not been alive at Big Bang

Seems like conditions were not quite right

Then all of a sudden he came about

He will be alive for less than a cosmic eye blink

Then for some reason conditions are not good again and death will come

He expects to remain dead for the reminder of the life of the Universe

During this period he expects it to be like the period before he was alive

He will not alive / alive / not alive live with this one time special offer

Which makes no sense .

What is a Gnostic christian exactly ?

A religion of perpetual seekers who wrote scriptures, myths and an ideology to go against the Christian version after they reversed much of the Jewish tradition. Our creed includes seeking knowledge and wisdom instead of being idol worshipers like Christianity and Islam.

We are esoteric ecumenists who seek the best laws and rules to live fife by as well as criticizing those rules we find immoral. In the case of speaking out against Christianity, for instance, we think it immoral to dore a genocidal son murdering God like Yahweh.

Here is a bit of our history and how Christianity tried to annihilate us when Constantine bought the church and sent it out to impose it's first of many Inquisitions.

We were hated by both Christianity and the government because we try to create free thinkers instead of sheeple.

God sent a Gost to hold Kittas hand an lead him out of the woods when he was lost... kinda scary but impressive.!!!
God saved Kittas life by makin a 357 revolver in perfect workin order malfuncton... an i must admit... thats very impressive.!!!

God ant never done sht for me;;; i guess he dont help atheists :frown:

That is not surprised as Christians need more moral chastising than atheists. You Godless hoard already have better morals as compared to the homophobic and misogynous mainstream religions.

A religion of perpetual seekers who wrote scriptures, myths and an ideology to go against the Christian version after they reversed much of the Jewish tradition. Our creed includes seeking knowledge and wisdom instead of being idol worshipers like Christianity and Islam.

We are esoteric ecumenists who seek the best laws and rules to live fife by as well as criticizing those rules we find immoral. In the case of speaking out against Christianity, for instance, we think it immoral to dore a genocidal son murdering God like Yahweh.

Here is a bit of our history and how Christianity tried to annihilate us when Constantine bought the church and sent it out to impose it's first of many Inquisitions.

We were hated by both Christianity and the government because we try to create free thinkers instead of sheeple.


Yes I know .

I have John Lash's book ; Not In HIS Image .
Yes I know .

I have John Lash's book ; Not In HIS Image .

I like that he does not mind stating that we are not so much an early branch of Christianity but are an anti-Christian religion who do not mind showing Christians that it i9s not a good moral position to worship a genocidal son murdering God.

Even some Gnostic Christians forget that we were decimated for a reason and that reason is that we denounce corrupt governments and religion.

I like that he does not mind stating that we are not so much an early branch of Christianity but are an anti-Christian religion who do not mind showing Christians that it i9s not a good moral position to worship a genocidal son murdering God.

Even some Gnostic Christians forget that we were decimated for a reason and that reason is that we denounce corrupt governments and religion.


What is " i9s " ?

To your last statement , I think it was more about knowledge .
What is " i9s " ?

To your last statement , I think it was more about knowledge .

Take the 9 out and end with is.

Lash gives a lot of good information but also gives much speculation. Knowledge, to me, is something know and some of the things he says he cannot know as a fact. I guess I would chalk some of it to artistic liberty.

I have not read him well enough to know all of what he says but he seems to talk like he has supernatural beliefs and no one can know anything of that realm. But again, I have not read enough of him to know that he does that in anything other than putting our myths against the Christian one.

If you know whether he does or not, let me know.

Take the 9 out and end with is.

Lash gives a lot of good information but also gives much speculation. Knowledge, to me, is something know and some of the things he says he cannot know as a fact. I guess I would chalk some of it to artistic liberty.

I have not read him well enough to know all of what he says but he seems to talk like he has supernatural beliefs and no one can know anything of that realm. But again, I have not read enough of him to know that he does that in anything other than putting our myths against the Christian one.

If you know whether he does or not, let me know.




Gnostics were well above any abrahamic religion .
i have a much more drastic outlook and conclusion now. i think this universe and life within will never be right. it is just a series of band-aids and never a cure, figuratively and literally. it's because it's all predicated on a corrupt system innately. i think this whole place should not have existed. how can any decent being be innately okay with a predatory universe? yes, we have to do the best we can within it but that doesn't mean it should be condoned.

the gnostics understood that only a corrupt creator would be responsible for such a sadistic system. they were also the ones to view women as equals and to try and educate them. unfortunately, their ideals were too high for such a place. that's the thing, when the ideals and ethics do not match the laws of nature of where you reside, then you know something is off. i believe the demiurge produces it's own soul progeny here and they are the ones who revel in corruption. this is their home. it can't be a coincidence that my abusers and those like them are so enamored of this god literally like it's a parent cut from the same cloth. they were very powerful but evil people.

if those near death experiences were true, i wouldn't recommend any good souls to incarnate here. i remember reading one where he met the demiurge (god of this domain) and this god's real mission was trying to prove that the evil was as good or better than the light! that about makes sense from what i've witnessed in life, even metaphorically. so much fake light, trash values, immorality, obscene materialism but ultimately pretty empty etc. but it shows he often fails and he fails because he is a liar and of course it would fail because it's untrue. that's why all the smoke and mirrors, deception and deceit and moving pieces around to cover shit up! it should all come unraveling and end this hellhole of souls trapped here!

he said he came here because of a moral mission but that's the trick, my earliest memories of wanting to be here was to fix a particular type of injustice but the trick was i was never going to be allowed to do that! it was just a trick to get me into here and the only people i ended up empowering were the ones who were oppressing the very ones i was out to help! TRICKERY! what i've learned about this place is just when you think you are improving one area, nature makes sure it's creating the same problem elsewhere with someone else so it's never-ending. it works against you secretly. i suspect, that it's the god of this domain who is even more corrupt than often the good souls who come here to try and make things better but he takes the credit for it stroking his ego. i think this demiurge is really responsible for all the murder, rape, pedophilia, human trafficking, corruption, lies, deceit and all forms of immorality. i think it's a power-hungry, malignant, deceitful, perverted, jealous, covetous and manipulative god. i think the secret is it is the one who we are fighting against most and those like it. i don't think it's the true god but satan/devil himself who has declared himself god. it's not a coincidence that the most evil people seem to feel most comfortable here and even flaunt that sense of protection and approval no matter what they do.

i think the only true justice is when it all ends.
i have a much more drastic outlook and conclusion now. i think this universe and life within will never be right. it is just a series of band-aids and never a cure, figuratively and literally. it's because it's all predicated on a corrupt system innately. i think this whole place should not have existed. how can any decent being be innately okay with a predatory universe? yes, we have to do the best we can within it but that doesn't mean it should be condoned.

the gnostics understood that only a corrupt creator would be responsible for such a sadistic system. they were also the ones to view women as equals and to try and educate them. unfortunately, their ideals were too high for such a place. that's the thing, when the ideals and ethics do not match the laws of nature of where you reside, then you know something is off. i believe the demiurge produces it's own soul progeny here and they are the ones who revel in corruption. this is their home. it can't be a coincidence that my abusers and those like them are so enamored of this god literally like it's a parent cut from the same cloth. they were very powerful but evil people.

if those near death experiences were true, i wouldn't recommend any good souls to incarnate here. i remember reading one where he met the demiurge (god of this domain) and this god's real mission was trying to prove that the evil was as good or better than the light! that about makes sense from what i've witnessed in life, even metaphorically. so much fake light, trash values, immorality, obscene materialism but ultimately pretty empty etc. but it shows he often fails and he fails because he is a liar and of course it would fail because it's untrue. that's why all the smoke and mirrors, deception and deceit and moving pieces around to cover shit up! it should all come unraveling and end this hellhole of souls trapped here!

he said he came here because of a moral mission but that's the trick, my earliest memories of wanting to be here was to fix a particular type of injustice but the trick was i was never going to be allowed to do that! it was just a trick to get me into here and the only people i ended up empowering were the ones who were oppressing the very ones i was out to help! TRICKERY! what i've learned about this place is just when you think you are improving one area, nature makes sure it's creating the same problem elsewhere with someone else so it's never-ending. it works against you secretly. i suspect, that it's the god of this domain who is even more corrupt than often the good souls who come here to try and make things better but he takes the credit for it stroking his ego. i think this demiurge is really responsible for all the murder, rape, pedophilia, human trafficking, corruption, lies, deceit and all forms of immorality. i think it's a power-hungry, malignant, deceitful, perverted, jealous, covetous and manipulative god. i think the secret is it is the one who we are fighting against most and those like it. i don't think it's the true god but satan/devil himself who has declared himself god. it's not a coincidence that the most evil people seem to feel most comfortable here and even flaunt that sense of protection and approval no matter what they do.

i think the only true justice is when it all ends.

So your Soul is growing .

The devil/satan concept has the lack of reason .