Does God have any motives ?

The world, he might say, was created by a wicked demiurge [who] created some virtuous men, in order that they might be punished by the wicked; for the punishment of the virtuous is so great an evil that it makes the world worse than if no good men existed.”

I think God is motivated by perversion, hatred, jealousy, power and maliciousness. I think God's love is truly the 'love' of these things but it needs victims to trust, naive or innocent. I also don't think it was a coincidence that this universe chose to show me who has real power here which is like rubbing salt in the wound and making sure you know your place, so to speak, and that you are not in control and can do with you as it deems.

It don't think it was a coincidence that the universe chose me to be among the victims of extremely religious and extremely perverted/immoral/cruel and extremely powerful devotees of the laws of nature. I think God is motivated by sadist/masochist or predator/prey scenarios. I think it enjoys this and those who are predators are direct and favored embodiment of his mind/character.

I also remember that there was exquisite, contrived pleasure in building up trust in goodwill, in good itself, in god etc in the victim for the sole purpose of betraying and violating it and then turning around asking it to be even more masochistic by forgiving and trusting again to redo it again. it makes the evil act that much more wicked which gives evil more pleasure. it's like a sow and harvest/reap. it's luridly fascinated by your trust in good or in life because it will totally violate it. it's extremely perverted. people would describe that as demonic, but i think that has more to do with god and the demonic is the shadow refuse of such evil. some people tend to think evil does not want you to trust and just despair but it actually does want you to trust implicitly so it can violate it. it just makes the harvest juicier but it makes you wake up eventually to where you exist in. this evil universe that allows such things.

i don't think it is the devil that came to steal, destroy and kill. I think that is the nature of God himself. Even in genesis in the garden of eden (animal nature), the tree of knowledge was to show how god is manipulating and hiding the truth. garden of eden didn't mean that the predator/prey, perverse eat or be eaten and savage nature was not present and lions ate grass with the lamb. it just means that humans were the ones to reach a point mentally to realize what it is and how it is and that God created an evil system.

This is why the devil was scapegoated when it was just trying to help possibly or a victim that realizes. I have seen this type of scenario played out many times that it is like a clue where someone in power abuses it and someone on the lower rung outs them and they are blacklisted, oppressed or slandered. I also know it's no coincidence that my ubiquitous "Godly" abusers/torturers used the same tactic on me when i tried to tell some people the truth about them. it was immediately that i was crazy, lying, imagination etc. What struck me most about it was the 'manner' in how this was done. There was not a hesitation of guilt and as if it was second nature, as if it is supposed to be this way, as if it is an entitlement to be able to decieve like it's been going on for aeons in time here and that's how this 'problem' (truth) is remedied by destroying it or pummeling it to the bottom of obscurity.
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There is long term thinking and short term thinking, with God in it for the long term. Man tends to be short sighted. For example, in nature, animals kill one another for food. If we look at this in the short term, this looks cruel. But if we look at this in the long term, it allow ecosystems to integrate for eons. It is totally neutral in the long term, but can appear immoral in the short term. This difference is time perception.

Say we have two students in college, one is wanting to go to every fraternity party and the other looking to get good grades. Their day to day lives will be different due to the time scale of they're planning. The party hound may not understand why the other does not want to live life. While the planner may not understand why the other is not studying. They will see things differently due to time scale of planning.

In Christianity, this differences in time scale , between God and man, was resolved by God becoming man in Jesus. Jesus was thinking long term, but the struggles of human life made him temporary loose this way, as his mind became short term; torture. Evil in the world comes from short term thinking. It does not consider the long term consequences. It lives in the now and appears to maximize the now. There is a certain optimization based on short term thinking.
There is long term thinking and short term thinking, with God in it for the long term. Man tends to be short sighted. For example, in nature, animals kill one another for food. If we look at this in the short term, this looks cruel. But if we look at this in the long term, it allow ecosystems to integrate for eons. It is totally neutral in the long term, but can appear immoral in the short term. This difference is time perception.

This is totally stupid as it is just stating the obvious. Everyone knows this already. People like you can't face anything as it is, you have to rationalize, excuse or spin it. The point, if you have a brain cell that's working, is life predates on life. PERIOD. Not all of this is for need (which is bad enough already) but also for gratuitous purposes which higher lifeforms have already proven.
Jesus was thinking long term, but the struggles of human life made him temporary loose this way, as his mind became short term; torture.

He did the water into wine much often I presume and his grades started to slip as alcoholism took hold?

Jesus! Maybe he had father issues :confused:
i shouldn't be surprised anymore but it is still head-scratching how religious conservatives like wellwisher are trump supporters when jesus christ was a flaming liberal. it was not even a case of maybe. lmfao.

they are hypocritical, opposed and annoyingly piss in the pot of what they claim to be. they are the most deceitful. i think this is a instinct that has been passed down to always be the most deceptive to take control of it all.
God lets galaxies collide. Planets and stars also collide with each almost all the time. Fact is God could give a **** less about us.

In fact all life on Earth could be wiped out at any given moment.

It is incredibly naïve to think that in a Universe where such cataclysms and destruction happen all the time, humanity really has any sort of significance or influence.

Humanity really is insignificant in the big scheme of things and we can be wiped out at almost any moment by an giant asteroid or by cosmic radiation or by something else going on in space.
God lets galaxies collide. Planets and stars also collide with each almost all the time. Fact is God could give a **** less about us.

In fact all life on Earth could be wiped out at any given moment.

It is incredibly naïve to think that in a Universe where such cataclysms and destruction happen all the time, humanity really has any sort of significance or influence.

Humanity really is insignificant in the big scheme of things and we can be wiped out at almost any moment by an giant asteroid or by cosmic radiation or by something else going on in space.

agreed but i see god as a consciousness derived from lifeforms. i notice how the hive mind (manifestation of god/consciousness) works and i notice also that the most secretly depraved and callous always seem to have some extra luck, besides society in lock/step with them which isn't luck at all. nature favors scum period as a majority. it's also the way they think, and they are very, very, very low/unevolved and amoral types of people but it works, beside the outward mask and mainstream status.

just the very fact society as a whole does not pick up on or target such people even for ridicule or bullying but rather a better human being or soul is a testament to what that hive mind is and it's agenda, therefore it's 'maker', aka god, creator, consciousness. any decent human being could pick up on or read these types of people but since they flourish unpeturbed and given respect, what does that say about society and it's members? either there aren't that many good people actually or they are as scummy as they are. it's one or the other.

the most eerie part that i learned from them besides this is they 'know' somehow that nature favors them and that is why they feel so entitled front and center. it's like knowing you are the real natural offspring of this universe's creator/god.

as i see it, is like the minority souls (which are more evolved are not from here) wandered in, got trafficked, smuggled, abducted, tricked, took the wrong turn etc and ended up here. it's an analogy but it works. there is an inherent pecking order on the primordial level and it's the exact opposite of what convention we are brainwashed to believe. it is scum who god loves the most because a closer resemblance/understanding, anyone else can be exploited. why? they are too innocent. good is not from here, in the true original sense. i think it's merely trapped here and becomes food.

it was no coincidence that those who i grew up around were favored and felt that my natural place was to be on the bottom to serve them, but not only that but it was backed up by the universe itself. that i was nobody here, that i didn't even belong here to exist so i am to be used and exploited. there was a hostility behind it too and that 'you are not one of us' on a very deep primordial level which clued me in to how different i was to them.

i am totally serious in that it was literally that i had no inherent rights on this planet like they were convinced of it which i kind of find fascinating. i think what people reveal unconsciously is more true than the conscious and reveals more about the true nature of god/consiousness and ultimately it's nature.

not only did they treat me like i was an alien from outer space but they also believed and assured that the entire human race was against or would be against me too just like them. that they felt even more empowered that the 'real' god/creator himself of this universe (not the idealized public advertisment) and the entire world was against me too inherently somehow but favored them. and they were right too. i really find what people really reveal and think fascinatingly insightful about the secrets of nature because they would never reveal such un-pc things in public, of course.

i realized this was implicitly instinctive and visceral on their part so i attribute that to an unspoken knowing god/nature/consciousness. the only reason i say god is 'evil' is that these people are absolute shit and for all that is right or decent or true are, no way are they better than me! so therefore if they are favored, then their god must be what they are as they are the personification.

but there is a silver lining as in what they are is considered better by nature, then i don't want to be one of them anyways. that would be hideous. what i find absolutely contemptible is they are not only physically ugly but ugly and bad people on the inside as well. they were extremely jealous of me because i am more attractive than they are and had a more evolved light/consciousness than they do. absolute jealous garbage will always want to attack and degrade what is good or molest it. they are knuckledraggers wallowing in money and mainstream status now.

they are the majority because nature favored them.
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heh. also, all the underbelly or dark side of that "hive mind" is where all those demons originate from. it's power is not separate from people/lifeforms as in pre-existing. it is created by harnessing energy and then directing it either for good or ill with the mind and will. it is the refuse and secret filth and depravity of humanity like poison or disease that spreads or hurts others, intentionally and sometimes the victims who do not deserve it. it is all the bad/ill/perverse hidden thoughts, wishes, fantasies etc that are put out there. what people hide or not reveal. sometimes it's revealed in certain company. this 'blame the devil' is a misnomer and erroneous. all evil intentions just as good originate from someone. it is created from lifeforms and through consciousness. if there is a god, there is nothing innocent about it.

that is why i was seeing in spiritual form as demonic apparitions growing up with them. one took the form of a religious figure of jesus christ (their religion) but it was pitch black. this figure was seen in the exact same spot the person was praying before in a kneeling position. thier prayer was not of good intentions either.

the symbolism of that was a perversion of and blasphemy of good, that even though they prayed to 'jesus christ' in name, in essence and because thier intentions and since they were spiritually evil, that is what they were calling on or their source of power, evil, but disguised as something known as the opposite in form. just as their mode of life was deceitful form/appearance (religion as a cover) but underneath in their heart and behind closed doors it was the opposite. they were actually evil, hence the outline of the religious figure but the content was actually something malevolent as well as giving off malevolent energy. how could someone who has spiteful, malicious and jealous intentions toward you, pray for something good for you? it was essentially a form of cursing. that is why when i saw her praying wildly at 3am, rocking back and forth just seething with terrible jealousy using the name of 'jesus christ' at the foot of my bed, i winced almost in pain as if it hit my core. they were praying against me to be hurt not for me! it's been a long road to piece together the unbelievable things i've witnessed that most do not believe or believe is even possible. that is why when upon chance a girl later on in years did a reading for me, the black mass symbolism came up over and over again. she said she has rarely seen such types of satanic ritual abuse in a reading. she said it was scaring her too. she literally asked me if i was part of some ritual when i was a baby. now i know what that meant after piecing all the strange events together..

a name and religion is an abstract concept, the real deal is in the actual type of energy/soul you are. since they attacked me, those entities also attacked me because i was their target. it's because it was a direct extension of my abusers on a spiritual level. their agenda was to inflict harm as well as feed on the innocence. it gave them power. there is more than just one type of food/sustenance. there is physical and spiritual/emotional just as mental.

the universe is stranger than some people realize and the impossible or out of the ordinary happens more often than some realize. life is not just the superficial flimsy veil of what you see in society and the mundane physical routine of seeming normalcy. there is a lot of other stuff going on underneath, consciously and unconsciously.

what i have found out is that if i had not experienced this side of things, i would be one of those people who would be highly skeptical or totally think this was unbelievable. why? because i am one of those 'logical' knock on wood types by nature. well, the universe revealed otherwise, for good or ill. another's ill wish or ego fulfillment and my ill, in this case. so where is god? i am not a bad person, so why me? these are the questions people ask existentially and i asked before but no longer.
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God lets galaxies collide. Planets and stars also collide with each almost all the time. Fact is God could give a **** less about us.

In fact all life on Earth could be wiped out at any given moment.

It is incredibly naïve to think that in a Universe where such cataclysms and destruction happen all the time, humanity really has any sort of significance or influence.

Humanity really is insignificant in the big scheme of things and we can be wiped out at almost any moment by an giant asteroid or by cosmic radiation or by something else going on in space.

That's what keeps agnostics like me awake at night

No daddy god to stop the nasty nasties

Oh he doesn't anyway

Naughty daddy god

I should report you to Child Welfare


What's the difference between Child Welfare and a Rottweiler having your child?

You stand a chance to get your child back from a Rottweiler

God has nothing to with any religious concepts .

God is an energy being .

Woo in this last but you are correct in your first comment.

No self respecting God would lead any of the mainstream religions.

He would leave those as is, in Satan's control.

Woo in this last but you are correct in your first comment.

No self respecting God would lead any of the mainstream religions.

He would leave those as is, in Satan's control.


That would seem to make them a rather evil "god" at that point, to not even make a token attempt... given the source of this idea, it makes sense I guess.
That would seem to make them a rather evil "god" at that point, to not even make a token attempt... given the source of this idea, it makes sense I guess.

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”―Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

What does that make Jesus if you believe in the Trinity?

“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”―Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

What does that make Jesus if you believe in the Trinity?


1) Your links are broken
2) We are not talking about the god of the Old Testament - we are talking about your hypothetical God that would refuse to lead any mainstream religion and leave people to their fate without intervention, per your own comment:

No self respecting God would lead any of the mainstream religions.
He would leave those as is, in Satan's control.

Starting to feel like I'm talking to a windshield now, with how much you are deflecting.
1) Your links are broken
2) We are not talking about the god of the Old Testament - we are talking about your hypothetical God that would refuse to lead any mainstream religion and leave people to their fate without intervention, per your own comment:

Starting to feel like I'm talking to a windshield now, with how much you are deflecting.

That from you. Wow.

Only fools think that God intervenes.

When was the last time you saw God do anything?

I feel another deflection coming.

That from you. Wow.

Only fools think that God intervenes.

When was the last time you saw God do anything?

I feel another deflection coming.


So you are saying that no god intervenes? Interesting... so then you are atheist, not Gnostic Christian as you originally claimed?

When was the last time I saw God do anything? I would say that God, in some form, is in everything around us all, be it the idea of "God" as a singular entity that literally shaped the universe, or "God" as the idea of the essence of life. Thus, God is doing things every day, in some way or another.

When was the last time a programmer literally executed a piece of code he wrote, rather than relying on a computer to interpret and execute it for them?

PS - you are still deflecting... but given that you are physically INCAPABLE of responding to the challenge provided, I am not surprised. Thank you for conceding the point.
Theologians have designed God with a variety of properties.

Deus Ex Machina? Stating that the theologians designed a god is one thing, but to say they designed God is quite another. As Marylyn Manson put it "I never really hated the one true god. But the god of the people I hated." I personally will ignore the alleged manufactured gods and concentrate on God, namely, Jehovah.

God is just.
God loves us.
God has always existed.


God is perfect

Perfect? Perfection is subjective. According to whom is God perfect? According to me and theologians? What do we know.

God is three persons in one

No he isn't. That's ridiculous. The trinity is a pagan concept from ancient Babylon. It was introduced to the church through the influence of Plato, probably around the time of Alexander The Great's conquest in the summer of 332 BCE. When, according to Josephus Alexander was shown the prophecy of Daniel when the Jews peacefully welcomed him.

God has infinite power

What does that mean, exactly?

God knows everything

That doesn't appear to be the case. God doesn't know what it feels like to sin. He hasn't experienced it. He had to ask what Cain had done, what Adam and Eve had done, he had to send angels to ascertain whether or not the people of Sodom were as bad as people were indicating through prayer to him.

God is outside of space and time

That sounds like nonsense to me. Explain exactly what it means, please.

God created the Heavens and the Earth

He did creat the heavens and earth.

From the Bible, we can also discover that God sometimes
has regrets (about the flood)
gets angry (with the Israelites)
likes a contest (with Satan)

The latter properties are not usually included in the theologian's list.

Just taking the theologians favorite properties, it seems that for a very long time, God did nothing, then suddenly burst into action and created the Universe with all it's beauty and dirt.

But given that God is perfect and therefore has no need to get anything, such as food, fun, medicine, warmth etc. it seems that he cannot have any desires, needs, objectives. In short, he cannot have any motives.

If he has no motives, then it explains why he did nothing before the Big Bang.
After all, if one is timeless, then one cannot spend time !

I can see why Superman needs to fight the Joker and rescue Lois Lane
but I can't see why a perfect Superior Being needs to do anything.
