Does God have any motives ?

Birch have you ever watch the Babylon 5 SciFi Series ?

Intellectually it is , thought provoking . It is my favorite SciFi series .

Near the end both concepts of good and bad are kicked out , and Humanity , finally has the freedom of , Humanties own destiny . On Humanties own terms .
Birch have you ever watch the Babylon 5 SciFi Series ?

Intellectually it is , thought provoking . It is my favorite SciFi series .

Near the end both concepts of good and bad are kicked out , and Humanity , finally has the freedom of , Humanties own destiny . On Humanties own terms .

the problem is not a concept but a reality. the reality being is the universe is built on a system of predation. that can never change. so in essence, the only true justice is non-existence of this universe. it's an abomination literally where life is concerned because life lives at the expense of the suffering of other life.

when i look back on this existence so far, what i've noticed is there are really not much good lessons worthwhile to learn here. it is just a series of rituals to survive and curb suffering. that's most of it. then the higher ideals we value most and are most beautiful are conceptually unrelated to the reality of this realm. this place is a form of hell and people try to make a home in hell because that is where we are at in the moment. that's my radical view.
the problem is not a concept but a reality. the reality being is the universe is built on a system of predation. that can never change. so in essence, the only true justice is non-existence of this universe. it's an abomination literally where life is concerned because life lives at the expense of the suffering of other life.

Well obviously Humanity is beyond predation .

when i look back on this existence so far, what i've noticed is there are really not much good lessons worthwhile to learn here. it is just a series of rituals to survive and curb suffering. that's most of it. then the higher ideals we value most and are most beautiful are conceptually unrelated to the reality of this realm. this place is a form of hell and people try to make a home in hell because that is where we are at in the moment. that's my radical view.


How many good lessons have you missed ?
How many good lessons have you missed ?

there aren't that many. this place has more bad things to teach you than good things. lots of negative lessons. ironicly, the more naive or look at the world with rose-colored glasses, the more danger and vulnerable you are. the more you realize the bottom line which is really low here, the safer you will be. the loftier your ideals, the more the rug can be pulled up from under you. that makes sense in a universe where the standards of existence is so low.

this is why scum don't get hurt so much, they are the problem. if you are more dangerous than those around you, it's you who will be safest because you know only you will be the one to resort to shit others wouldn't do to you. this place thrives on unethical behavior and cheating with even petty matters because it works. that's the true face of god here. even ugly things like gossip etc. people like that don't get punished. scum thrive just as well as anyone else. fuked up but that's how this place operates.

you know how murderers and rapists get to live out their lives in prison at taxpayer expense or usually released to do it again, that is if they even get caught. when others around you are more humane, the scummier ones get the better end of the deal. it's like abusers and their victims, the damage is only one way.

thank the brilliant, amazingly wonderful creator of such a system.

Well obviously Humanity is beyond predation .

of course it's not! humans predate on humans and humans still have to fight disease too.
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there aren't that many. this place has more bad things to teach you than good things. lots of negative lessons. ironicly, the more naive or look at the world with rose-colored glasses, the more danger and vulnerable you are. the more you realize the bottom line which is really low here, the safer you will be. the loftier your ideals, the more the rug can be pulled up from under you. that makes sense in a universe where the standards of existence is so low.

this is why scum don't get hurt so much, they are the problem. if you are more dangerous than those around you, it's you who will be safest because you know only you will be the one to resort to shit others wouldn't do to you. this place thrives on unethical behavior and cheating with even petty matters because it works. that's the true face of god here. even ugly things like gossip etc. people like that don't get punished. scum thrive just as well as anyone else. fuked up but that's how this place operates.

you know how murderers and rapists get to live out their lives in prison at taxpayer expense or usually released to do it again, that is if they even get caught. when others around you are more humane, the scummier ones get the better end of the deal. it's like abusers and their victims, the damage is only one way.

thank the brilliant, amazingly wonderful creator of such a system.

of course it's not! humans predate on humans and humans still have to fight disease too.

Hmmm... it seems your focus is on the negative , while my focus is on positive .

I understand the negative side but I'd rather the good side attitude .
Hmmm... it seems your focus is on the negative , while my focus is on positive .

I understand the negative side but I'd rather the good side attitude .

dummy, focus on the negative is focus on the positive when it comes to the truth. when did i tell you to focus on the negative? don't worry about what i focus on, it's none of your business. i don't try to change or dictate what you focus on. why? i frankly don't give a shit, give a rat's ass or a flying fuk what you do or think as it's none of my business. there are over seven billion people on the planet and everyone's life is different. do YOU and what works for you. not everyone is in the same situation.
dummy, focus on the negative is focus on the positive when it comes to the truth. when did i tell you to focus on the negative? don't worry about what i focus on, it's none of your business. i don't try to change or dictate what you focus on. why? i frankly don't give a shit, give a rat's ass or a flying fuk what you do or think as it's none of my business. there are over seven billion people on the planet and everyone's life is different. do YOU and what works for you. not everyone is in the same situation.

Of course not everyone is in the same situation .

How many good lessons have you missed ?