does evolution exsist

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There are too many to list.

"This guy on Sciforums calls himself Billy T"

We can also look at your example?

not even that the sun will rise tomorrow

Already proven, if not we can wait till tomorrow.
There are too many to list. ...
Prove anything exists and you will make philosophical history - I.e. prove Bishop Berkeley's POV is wrong (you will be the first in 300+ years)

Math is a tautology closed unto itself with ASSUMED axioms and permitted operations - it make no statement that anything exist and is not about anything material. That is why, within this assumed frame work, relationships can be proven.
Well Billy i already gave you 2 satisfactory examples. What kind of proof are you looking for?
You are not intellectually or educationally advanced enough to understand what Bishop Berkeley demonstrated 300+ years ago, so I will not try to educate you to point where you understand the point he was making.
You are not intellectually or educationally advanced enough (personal attack?) to understand what Bishop Berkeley demonstrated 300+ years ago, so I will not try to educate you to point where you understand the point he was making.

I am not debating Bishop Berkeley.
There is a poster on sciforums named Billy T.
Can you prove it?

There is a sentence at the top of this page that contains the word "Reply".
The ONLY occurrences of the word "reply" on this page in a sentence is in your posts. And now, of course, in my post.

The theory of evolution does not rest on a single piece of "lab evidence". Rather, its truth and proof rests on the overall accumulation of evidence from many fields of enquiry, many observations of the natural world, and (yes) some laboratory studies.

Go to and search for "evidence for evolution". See what you can dig up. They even have articles on the laboratory experiments which support the theory, if that is your fixation.

even when you are asked directly a question about macroevolution you come off with the above. astounding.

There's no difference between macroevolution and microevolution. Macroevolution is simple microevolution over a long time period.

If you believe in microevolution, then logically you must also believe in macroevolution.

Do you believe in microevolution, leo?

you heard it here first folks, the origins of life have nothing to do with evolution.

Correct. Is this really the first time you've heard this? You really aren't reading widely, are you?

i suppose asexual reproduction doesn't have anything to do with evolution either.

No, it doesn't. Asexual reproduction, in and of itself, does not result in any changes to a genome.

everything that contradicts evolution is creationist propaganda, even the fossil record.

The fossil record supports evolution.

i gave you an answer james, what more do you want?
i told you "i don't know" then you come off with the above comments.

Why? Because you're incapable of thinking about post #225 at the level of, say, an 8 year old child? Or because it's inconvenient for you to take an honest approach to the questions put to you there?

uh, where did i say the argument was flawed?

Ok. Let me get this straight. There are no problems that you can see in post #225. Is that what you're saying?

And yet at the same time you have no answers to the questions put to your there?

How can you identify that there are no problems in that post when you admit you haven't got an inkling about what the answers to the simple questions I put to you are?

i don't have faith in any type of nonsense.

Sure you do. You're continually cutting and pasting out-of-context quotes from creationist websites. I'm sure you believe they are true. And since you obviously can't answer the simplest questions regarding evolution, you must be taking answersingenesis's word on the slightly-more-complex issues you're cutting and pasting. In other words, it's all faith for you. Your brain hasn't engaged at any point.

okay, i have a question:
can you show me a natural counterpart to your experiment?

Sure. Look at any sequence of descent that you like. For example, trace from australopithecus to modern apes. Or from ambulocetus to modern whales. Or from dinosaurs to modern birds. Or whatever. Any line of descent will do.

although the internet promised "the world at your fingertips" it has fallen far short.

Non sequitur.

Are you saying you can't find the Kitzmiller information? Not good at searching the web?

evolutionists never lie do they james.

I'm sure they do on occasion. This is another non sequitur. Evolutionist lies don't alter the facts of the Kitzmiller trial. In particular, they don't alter the outright fraud that the judge found there on the part of the creationist defendants. I'm sure you agree. Two wrongs don't make a right.

i'm not the one that proposed the theory, go to the library and educate yourself.

Already done.

Let me ask you again: who told you that birds descended from reptiles? Or, where, specifically did you learn that? Or, to be more exact, which creationist website told you that scientists beleive that birds descended from reptiles?

Or did you just make that idea up yourself?

the rarity of transitional fossils don't agree with you james.

What don't they agree with me about?

You agree that at least some transitional fossils exist, then?

Yeah. I'm sure it is. Somewhere. At least, that's how you remember it. Mystery un-named science museum that doesn't believe in science. I believe you.

not my fault you didn't read it.

It would be easy to name the museum if it is existed. Chances are you didn't read it. Did you make this up, too?

1. fossil fraud is a huge problem
2 there are no fossil authentication services.
how convenient.

Fossil fraud is a huge problem for whom?
You missed the point.

it's obvious the point eludes you.

So explain it to me.

The theory of evolution does not rest on a single piece of "lab evidence". Rather, its truth and proof rests on the overall accumulation of evidence from many fields of enquiry, many observations of the natural world, and (yes) some laboratory studies.

Go to and search for "evidence for evolution". See what you can dig up. They even have articles on the laboratory experiments which support the theory, if that is your fixation.
you search for it james, post it when you find it.
There's no difference between macroevolution and microevolution.
and you chastise me for not knowing what i am talking about?????????
i guess the 50 or so scientists at the chicago conference had no idea they were wrong.
Do you believe in microevolution, leo?
i believe in adaptation, the sherpas of nepal for example.
Correct. Is this really the first time you've heard this? You really aren't reading widely, are you?
that's what i was taught in school.
No, it doesn't. Asexual reproduction, in and of itself, does not result in any changes to a genome.
oh, so THAT'S why. i was wondering why drumbeat said evolution wasn't about single cells. according to a link i posted evolution is indeed about single celled life. another fact that needs to be spelled out to our students. but of course it won't be because then our students will start asking hard questions like the following:
so tell me james ol' boy where did this mysterious cell come from and how on earth could it explain lifes diversity?
The fossil record supports evolution.
let's be honest here james, i don't know what to believe anymore.
despite my best efforts i cannot find an objective website on evolution.
both sides accuse the other of lying AND provides the proof of it.
Why? Because you're incapable of thinking about post #225 at the level of, say, an 8 year old child?
there is no need for this.
Or because it's inconvenient for you to take an honest approach to the questions put to you there?
i don't know what else to say.
do you want me to lie to you?
Ok. Let me get this straight. There are no problems that you can see in post #225. Is that what you're saying?
i am saying i understand the point you are trying to make with #225
And yet at the same time you have no answers to the questions put to your there?
i gave you an answer james, i said "I DON'T KNOW". i will not rehash this with you in the future.
Sure you do. You're continually cutting and pasting out-of-context quotes from creationist websites. I'm sure you believe they are true. And since you obviously can't answer the simplest questions regarding evolution, you must be taking answersingenesis's word on the slightly-more-complex issues you're cutting and pasting. In other words, it's all faith for you. Your brain hasn't engaged at any point.
i have no idea how to respond to this.
Sure. Look at any sequence of descent that you like. For example, trace from australopithecus to modern apes. Or from ambulocetus to modern whales. Or from dinosaurs to modern birds. Or whatever. Any line of descent will do.
where do i find this info?
Are you saying you can't find the Kitzmiller information? Not good at searching the web?
no, i suck at it. it's the major reason i posted the case abstract. :rolleyes:
I'm sure they do on occasion. This is another non sequitur.
i will remember.
I'm sure you agree. Two wrongs don't make a right.
no but 3 lefts do.
Let me ask you again: who told you that birds descended from reptiles?
no body told me, they are apparently dead.
Or, where, specifically did you learn that? Or, to be more exact, which creationist website told you that scientists beleive that birds descended from reptiles?
i refuse to answer this because it is not what i said.
i never deleted it, go find it and read it.
You agree that at least some transitional fossils exist, then?
apparently a few exist, yes.
It would be easy to name the museum if it is existed. Chances are you didn't read it. Did you make this up, too?
yes, URL and all, even the website itself.
Fossil fraud is a huge problem for whom?
You missed the point.
the point i was trying to make is fossils can be faked to where the layman will never know it.
judging by the responses in this thread it's easy to assume that ANYONE that challenges such a fabrication will automatically be labeled a creationist, called stupid, ignorant, an idiot, retard, unwilling to learn, etc, etc, ad nausum.
There's no difference between macroevolution and microevolution. Macroevolution is simple microevolution over a long time period.

and you chastise me for not knowing what i am talking about?????????
i guess the 50 or so scientists at the chicago conference had no idea they were wrong.

Yet again you demonstrate that you don’t understand that article. I’ll re-post a pertinent quotation from that article (for, I think, the third or fourth time).

The central question of the Chicago conference was whether the mechanisms underlying microevolution can be extrapolated to explain the phenomena of macroevolution. At the risk of doing violence to the positions of some of the people at the meeting, the answer can be given as a clear, No. What is not so clear, however, is whether microevolution is totally uncoupled from macroevolution: the two can more probably be seen as a continuum with a notable overlap.-- Science, vol. 210 no. 4472 pp: 883-887

(my emphasis added)

The 'Modern Synthesis' says exactly what James R said: macroevolution is microevolution over a long time period. The Modern Synthesis is the accepted paradigm for evolutionary biology for the majority of evolutionary scientists. In some cases, some scientists think that is only partially true. Those instances were the subject of the Chicago meeting that you are so fond of misrepresenting. However, it is the significant majority accepted view amongst evolutionary scientists that micro- and macroevolution are coupled to at least some degree. This is clearly evidenced by the emphasis I placed in the above quotation.

Your continual misrepresentation of this source as evidence for your position is blatant intellectual dishonesty. Most of the moderators are in favour of making such intellectual dishonesty an instant banning offense.
you search for it james, post it when you find it.

I believe I posted, quite a few pages ago, in this absolute bloody trainwreck of a thread, an observed instance of a new weed emerging.

I posted it, you ignored it, Leo.

"Three species of wildflowers called goatsbeards were introduced to the United States from Europe shortly after the turn of the century. Within a few decades their populations expanded and began to encounter one another in the American West. Whenever mixed populations occurred, the specied interbred (hybridizing) producing sterile hybrid offspring. Suddenly, in the late forties two new species of goatsbeard appeared near Pullman, Washington. Although the new species were similar in appearance to the hybrids, they produced fertile offspring. The evolutionary process had created a separate species that could reproduce (with others of the new type) but not mate with the goatsbeard plants from which it had evolved."

I believe this thread needs a SCRAM.
Your continual misrepresentation of this source as evidence for your position is blatant intellectual dishonesty. Most of the moderators are in favour of making such intellectual dishonesty an instant banning offense.
saying that life arose from the elements is nothing short of intellectual dishonesty too.
are you going to apply this rule across the board or only to select posters?
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