does evolution exsist

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The discontinuous nature of the data collection would force us to conclude that the data says the model needs to be discontinuous.
What could possibly lead you to such a bizarre conclusion? If the data density is sufficient to allow meaningful interpolation and if the validity of that interpolation is confirmed by subsequent, more granular, data then a continuous model is wholly possible. Which just happens to be the situation we find ourselves in.

Let me give an example. I make a continuous line of popcorn around my house. The birds come and randomly eat the popcorn. Now the line is discontinuous. Even though I made a continuous line, I would be called a liar, since the data clearly shows the line is not continuous.
You would only be called a liar by the ignorant, the unskilled, the thoughtless and the foolish. (Granted, that's a prettybig group.)
The data clearly show that the line is now discontinuous. If sufficient popcorn is left the data also show that the line was likely originally continuous.

If we had all the samples possible (all the popcorn), could our conclusion be different from the conclusion draw which use only partial and discontinuous data?
Of course it could be different in detail, it is unlikely it would be different in general.
You can talk until your face turns blue but the reality if you find an animal whatever in where and is a fossil you have to find other fossils of the same animal around and in different stages of life. I never saw a family of fossils found yet, but you may find that in actual living animal. The same intermediate forms you have to find several of them in any given place, not a tooth or a piece of femur you have to find animals in different stages of life in any given place, for a biological population to become stable and dominant in a place you need several hundred of them not a bird here and another in England, or half of a skeleton in Germany and so on. People want to believe this big lie and just a tooth is enough for them Several of these fossils/theory were dismissed like the Java man go to this site please
Please keep in mind all these scientific people needs money and they will invent and do whatever to get a name and to get a Grant and all the glamor and money this bring them back, none of these scientific Scholar tell you anything from free and people thinking "oh they have a degree they should know" fallow like lambs to the butcher, without questioning a thing.
Please keep in mind all these scientific people needs money and they will invent and do whatever to get a name and to get a Grant and all the glamor and money this bring them back, none of these scientific Scholar tell you anything from free and people thinking "oh they have a degree they should know" fallow like lambs to the butcher, without questioning a thing.

you argument falls flat on its face when you consider that any scientist who is able to falsify the theory of evolution would be the richest and most famous scientist that ever walked the earth and have all the pussy he could eat for the remainder of his days. Furthermore it is quite likely that overall grant money would increase as a result - so again, and as usual you FAIL.

and considering all you have done is parrot fundamentalist muslim propaganda without a single independent thought of your own, it is somewhat hypocritical of you to suggest that scientists respect authority above truth - but if you can point to any arguments from authority that have posted from the opposite side to your muslim brothers in this thread I won't have to insist that you retract the statement.
Did you ever saw or took place in a Paleontology excavation? and how they finds these bones and how they put them together? and make the story behind? I saw them and I took part of some of those excavation ( we did not find anything) I am also Certify Lab tech. and I worked for a prestigious University in the South, and let me tell you I was part of two Important Medical Research and they destroyed a lot of Data not supporting our thesis . If you believe these PHS and MDS are not rich or they don't make money with all these Evolution stories well go and take a trip with Johanson

I bet you he will charge you pretty Pennie and there is nothing wrong with that but I telling you the majority of those people are looking for a name and MONEY plain cold cash..
The fact that some scientists make good money is not a valid criticism of the results of science.
I'm sure some of them do, but science makes that very, very difficult because you have to publish your data in peer reviewed journals and show how you came to your conclusions. Science, unlike religion, does not depend on any appeal to authority. They never say, "well Richard Dawkins said it so it must be correct". Whether you are Dawkins or a high school science student, you have to prove your work with evidence.

I could also counter that creationists have a financial interest in their claims. They build museums, they run churches, many of them live in huge gaudy mansions and drive Mercedes.
These reviewers are in professional competition. They have every interest in proving each other wrong.
Did you ever saw or took place in a Paleontology excavation? and how they finds these bones and how they put them together? and make the story behind? I saw them and I took part of some of those excavation ( we did not find anything) I am also Certify Lab tech. and I worked for a prestigious University in the South, and let me tell you I was part of two Important Medical Research and they destroyed a lot of Data not supporting our thesis . If you believe these PHS and MDS are not rich or they don't make money with all these Evolution stories well go and take a trip with Johanson

I bet you he will charge you pretty Pennie and there is nothing wrong with that but I telling you the majority of those people are looking for a name and MONEY plain cold cash..

your arguments just get weaker and weaker - is that all you have got?

and anyone who claims to work as a lab tech but at the same time claims to know that scientists do it as a path to riches .......... is lying about ever having worked in a lab
It's a little hypocritical to be driving a $60K plus car while pretending to follow Jesus, yes.
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I don't think so actually.
People can do "good deeds" be altruistic and think about other less fortunate peoples' well being, even if they're rich and don't necessarily give away everything they got to charity.
i agree but yet there are still quite alot of people who say its [evolution] nothing but a theory.. i wonder what evidence that have that gives them this mindset

They have Christian Talk Radio!

Adam and Eve must have been serious incest lovers to have produced all the worlds DNA from one single inbred family! :D Right!?!??!
This FRAKKING thread is moving again?

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