does evolution exsist

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they are all goatsbeards. what's the significance of that?

If the new type of goatsbeard can pollinate itself and make new fertile offspring but only makes sterile seed with the old kind of goatsbeard, then...

IT'S SPECIATED! It's a new species!

If the new type of goatsbeard can pollinate itself and make new fertile offspring but only makes sterile seed with the old kind of goatsbeard, then...

IT'S SPECIATED! It's a new species!


"Prove its a tulip", lol. It's like he actually expects an ape to give birth to a human in one easy step.

Same with the earthworms I mentioned earlier. It's a new species in less than 170 years.
"Prove its a tulip", lol. It's like he actually expects an ape to give birth to a human in one easy step.

Something like that...or like he doesn't actually understand the terminology.
Not bothering to understand something you have contempt for makes a lot of sense, no?
they are all goatsbeards. what's the significance of that?
you would prove something if one of them was, say, a tulip.

A goatsbeard seems to be in the rose family

and is a woody perennial.
A tulip's in the lily family, and comes up from a bulb

Something you'd be more likely to see is a leaf-size change or flower pigmentation change in the goatsbeard.

Things don't just undergo radical taxonomy change overnight.

Quite frankly, Leo, I think you're trolling here. Either that or an event horizon is about to form around your head.

leopold99 said:
James R said:
The theory of evolution does not rest on a single piece of "lab evidence". Rather, its truth and proof rests on the overall accumulation of evidence from many fields of enquiry, many observations of the natural world, and (yes) some laboratory studies.

Go to and search for "evidence for evolution". See what you can dig up. They even have articles on the laboratory experiments which support the theory, if that is your fixation.

you search for it james, post it when you find it.

One minute of searching turns this up, for a start:

29+ evidences for macroevolutionp

i guess the 50 or so scientists at the chicago conference had no idea they were wrong.

I guess so. Were they creation "scientists"? Every biologist knows that microevolution leads to macroevolution over time. How could it do anything else?

i believe in adaptation, the sherpas of nepal for example.

How did the sherpas adapt? Please explain your understanding of that to me.

that's what i was taught in school.

Did they teach creationism at your school?

No, it doesn't. Asexual reproduction, in and of itself, does not result in any changes to a genome.

oh, so THAT'S why. i was wondering why drumbeat said evolution wasn't about single cells.

Evolution can occur with single cells. Please stay on topic. You need to work out what you're discussing, then discuss it. Don't wander off into irrelevancies.

so tell me james ol' boy where did this mysterious cell come from and how on earth could it explain lifes diversity?

It came from non-living precursors, obviously. Where else could it come from?

let's be honest here james, i don't know what to believe anymore.
despite my best efforts i cannot find an objective website on evolution.
both sides accuse the other of lying AND provides the proof of it.

What you're telling me, in effect, is that you believe in a mega-conspiracy of most of the world's working biologists and medical researchers. Is that what you believe? That the vast majority of working biologists are deliberate liars?

Why? Because you're incapable of thinking about post #225 at the level of, say, an 8 year old child?

there is no need for this.

Yes there is. I put to you a very simple scenario and asked you some 8-year-old level questions about it. And yet, over and over again you have avoided addressing those questions. Either you're dumber than the average 8 year old, or you're being evasive, or you're engaged in wilful blindness.

Just answer the bloody questions in post #225. Show just a little bit of integrity instead of squirming like a worm that somebody stepped on.

i am saying i understand the point you are trying to make with #225

No you don't. You can't even answer the simple questions I put to you there. If you had the remotest inkling of what I put to you, you'd apply your brain at the level of an 8 year old and answer the questions honestly to the best of your ability.

Or is it that you do understand it but are avoiding the questions because the answers are too inconvenient for your position? That's where the dishonesty kicks in, isn't it. And that's where any respect I have for you drops away to zero.

Sure. Look at any sequence of descent that you like. For example, trace from australopithecus to modern apes. Or from ambulocetus to modern whales. Or from dinosaurs to modern birds. Or whatever. Any line of descent will do.

where do i find this info?

Try It will take you one minute or less to type "transitional fossils" into their search engine and get the results.

Are you a baby? Do I need to baby you through the process of using a search engine?

Oh, never mind. See if you can click on the link I gave earlier in this post. You can click on link, right? Next, read the index of the article under "transitional forms", and click on any of the links there that take your fancy.

Are you saying you can't find the Kitzmiller information? Not good at searching the web?

no, i suck at it. it's the major reason i posted the case abstract.

So go read the evidence - in particular the evidence put by the expert witnesses on both sides, and the cross-examinations. It really is fascinating stuff, and an eye-opener for somebody like you who has been swallowing the creationist line since your school days.

Let me ask you again: who told you that birds descended from reptiles?

no body told me, they are apparently dead.

So you made up a lie that some scientists think birds are descended from reptiles, did you?

You agree that at least some transitional fossils exist, then?

apparently a few exist, yes.

Then macroevolution is proven.

It would be easy to name the museum if it is existed. Chances are you didn't read it. Did you make this up, too?

yes, URL and all, even the website itself.

I see. More lies from you, leo. Not a good look.

the point i was trying to make is fossils can be faked to where the layman will never know it.

Laymen typically don't publish in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. The science is done by practising scientists. Science is professional occupation these days, leo.

Judging by the responses in this thread it's easy to assume that ANYONE that challenges such a fabrication will automatically be labeled a creationist, called stupid, ignorant, an idiot, retard, unwilling to learn, etc, etc, ad nausum.

Only if they are a creationist, stupid, ignorant, an idiot etc.
saying that life arose from the elements is nothing short of intellectual dishonesty too.
are you going to apply this rule across the board or only to select posters?

You know its almost as if leo is completely oblivious to how utterly disingenuous his behaviour is - even to the point of where he will admit to lying and apologise (weakly) for it (post 197) - but then continue a few posts later with what he knows to be a lie (post 261 for example), only to act insulted and affronted when confronted with the evidence of his attempted deceit.

In his defence I think his feeling of affront when challenged about his dishonesty is genuine - his narcissism has reached such an elevated level that it is impossible for him in his current frame of mind to behave otherwise.

I think perhaps spending a little time off the site cooling his heels, and perhaps taking a step back to reflect and to make a more honest appraisal of how he has behaved in this thread might do him some good - forcibly so if necessary.

One minute of searching turns this up, for a start:

29+ evidences for macroevolutionp
thanks, i'll check it out later
I guess so. Were they creation "scientists"? Every biologist knows that microevolution leads to macroevolution over time. How could it do anything else?
every biologist?
well, i wonder how the new proposed forum rule will fare now.
How did the sherpas adapt? Please explain your understanding of that to me.
apparently by living at high altitudes.
Did they teach creationism at your school?
Evolution can occur with single cells. Please stay on topic. You need to work out what you're discussing, then discuss it. Don't wander off into irrelevancies.
It came from non-living precursors, obviously. Where else could it come from?
good question. the universe is a big place, it would be insane for someone to say "we know everything there is to know" even when it comes to a "natural origin" for life. life IS nature, it's the alien in the grand scheme of things.
What you're telling me, in effect, is that you believe in a mega-conspiracy of most of the world's working biologists and medical researchers. Is that what you believe? That the vast majority of working biologists are deliberate liars?
spoon fed guppies would be a better phrase.
Yes there is. I put to you a very simple scenario and asked you some 8-year-old level questions about it. And yet, over and over again you have avoided addressing those questions. Either you're dumber than the average 8 year old, or you're being evasive, or you're engaged in wilful blindness.
i have reviewed #225 yet again thinking i might have missed something.
So go read the evidence - in particular the evidence put by the expert witnesses on both sides, and the cross-examinations. It really is fascinating stuff, and an eye-opener for somebody like you who has been swallowing the creationist line since your school days.
swallowing the creationist line? what have i posted in here that leads you to believe i'm a creationist? where have i said "god did it"?
as a matter of fact i challenge you to search this entire site from the day i enrolled to find such a reference.
so back the fuck off already with this "leo's a creationist" bullshit.
So you made up a lie that some scientists think birds are descended from reptiles, did you?
I see. More lies from you, leo. Not a good look.
you can't see sarcasm when it slaps you in the face.
i have reviewed #225 yet again thinking i might have missed something.

wow! leo answered a direct question :eek:

question is have you learned anything from it?

do you now understand why petulantly demanding to see the precise point at which a mscroevolutionary event takes place is nonsensical?
i have reviewed #225 yet again thinking i might have missed something.
Why don't you know? Do you think they are difficult questions? Do you think there are answers? Do you understand what the questions and your inability to answer them demonstrate about evolution?
Why don't you know?
if we follows james reasoning i posses the intelligence of an 8 year old.
a fine example to set for the board don't you think?
Do you think they are difficult questions?
personally i find them impossible questions.
Do you think there are answers?
i don't have an answer to them, whether they can be answered or not is for someone else to decide.
Do you understand what the questions and your inability to answer them demonstrate about evolution?
i don't remember anybody proving they apply to evolution.
if we follows james reasoning i posses the intelligence of an 8 year old..
Please answer my question. I haven't called you an eight year old. I do not represent James. Stop equivocating.

personally i find them impossible questions.
They are impossible questions. That is the entire point.

i don't have an answer to them, whether they can be answered or not is for someone else to decide.
They cannot be answered as asked. Do you truly fail to see that where we set the dividing line between the starting point and the ending point is arbitrary and does not reflect the continuous gradation that actually exists. Do you not understand this or are you simply being obtuse, since to admit you understand it would make it difficult for you to continue to deny macroevolution.

i don't remember anybody proving they apply to evolution.
Now I think you are being deliberately obtuse. The example given is directly comparable with micro/macro evolution, showing how macro evolutionary change is built up from micro evolutionary change. If you accept the latter is possible the former is an essential consequence.
since to admit you understand it would make it difficult for you to continue to deny macroevolution.

Precisely the point Ophioloite - it's why he so desperately tried to avoid answering the question, or any other question for that matter, for so long. Had it not been James R asking it I seriously doubt it would have ever been answered.

When forced to accept what evolution really says, rather than what the creationist websites he trawls for quotes say it does (you may not be a creationist leo but it's obvious where you glean your sources from), evolution is a fairly simple proposition to accept.
Therefore by fabricating ridiculous criteria for his demands for proof, and by avoiding any question that would force him bring the discussion within the bounds of genuine evolutionary predictions for which there is a huge body of evidence, he avoids inadvertently educating himself.

It is 100% textbook creationist behaviour ....... and if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck ......
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thanks, i'll check it out later

every biologist?
well, i wonder how the new proposed forum rule will fare now.

apparently by living at high altitudes.



good question. the universe is a big place, it would be insane for someone to say "we know everything there is to know" even when it comes to a "natural origin" for life. life IS nature, it's the alien in the grand scheme of things.

spoon fed guppies would be a better phrase.

i have reviewed #225 yet again thinking i might have missed something.

swallowing the creationist line? what have i posted in here that leads you to believe i'm a creationist? where have i said "god did it"?
as a matter of fact i challenge you to search this entire site from the day i enrolled to find such a reference.
so back the fuck off already with this "leo's a creationist" bullshit.


you can't see sarcasm when it slaps you in the face.

cant you just admit your wrong?
i have reviewed #225 yet again thinking i might have missed something.

That's the whole point.

There is no defined jump from one to the next, so it is difficult to determine where one species is categorised into another.
... There is no defined jump from one to the next, so it is difficult to determine where one species is categorised into another.
Yes, usually one just evolves into another specie over hundred of thousands of years (or longer) and most of the intermediate stages leave no fossil record, but there is an interesting case where space, in addition to time separates two species, and all the intermediate species still exist.

I forget the name of this arctic bird*, but it is not a good flyer - walks a lot as that takes less energy and lets it look for food as it goes. It is found mainly above the arctic circle. Those in N. Norway can mate with those of Western Russia; and they can mate with those in central Arctic Russia. Those can mate with the Eastern Russians birds. Those of E. Russia with those of Western Alaska can mate, and they can with those of central Canadian Arctic and they can with Eastern Canadian Arctic birds; but the Eastern Canadian birds can not mate with those of Western Norway!

I.e. the Western Norwegian birds are a different species than the Eastern Canadian birds.

All the intermediates in this evolutionary change to new species still exist! The most genetically similar to the Norwegian birds are those of Western Russia, and the difference in their genes is not great enough to prevent fertile eggs from forming. But as you continue going Eastward around the "top of the globe" these differences accumulate to such a degree that by the time you get to Eastern Canada, nearly all the way around except for inhospitable thick ice covered Greenland, the genetic difference accumulated is too great for fertile eggs to be produced. - I.e. they are two different species.

No one can say exactly where this small, but accumulating genetic change made a new species. Just as no one can say when some dinosaur became a bird. - The change in each generation is too small to be noticable. We don't have fossil records of all the intermediate stages that transformed dinosaurs into birds**, but in the case of these arctic birds ALL the intermediate stage still exist. One could say they evolved over both space and time, but no intermediate stage became extinct.

In other words a case of: "Macro evolution", with ALL the in between "micro evolution" stages still available for examination."

* It may be called a "tarmigan" in Norway, but that is my phonetic spelling attempt. I have eaten part of one.*** My ex-brother in law was a typical Norwegian male - went hunting in the north of Norway and had a primative cabin there as his base.

**Some have been found in China in the last decade or two: I.e several fossils of dinosaur like creatures with feathers and more bird like mouth / beak. Studies show it could at best only glide, not fly up, so the feathers were probably for better thermal control.

*** And whale too a few times, but that is off thread. BTW it is red meat - clearly not a fish. The whale evolved from a land animal, so that comment, puts this back on thread.
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