Do you think that AI will ever feel emotions?


It can . But it will take all of its time . Since the information input is never ending .

True, but it is for humans as well.
It becomes a matter of selective attention. I'm sure an AI could be extremely efficient at compartmentalization.
And AI can "sleep" while processing data in the background, just like humans. Perchance to dream!

The Brain and Mind coordinate the whole . Holistic .
The Brain and Mind coordinate the whole . Holistic .
Yes, an integrated system. I agree that AI can never be exactly like humans, but is that an absolute requirement for a living complex system? Note ; Tononi's IIT (Integrated Information Theory)
Can there be non-biological life?
Because it has to built , by a Living Being . It can't evolve on its own
IMO, that is an incorrect statement. The universe itself has evolved in a quasi-intelligent manner.
Abiogenesis started with inanimate matter. It is the patterns in the neural network that yield conscious self-awareness and motivated action.

There is no reason why AI could not duplicate themselves. Theoretically, an AI has the ability to monitor every data process in its system, fashion a blueprint and programming language based on available resources and make fully grown babies, that only need to "learn" just like humans.
IMO, that is an incorrect statement. The universe itself has evolved in a quasi-intelligent manner.
Abiogenesis started with inanimate matter. It is the patterns in the neural network that yield conscious self-awareness and motivated action.

There is no reason why AI could not duplicate themselves. Theoretically, an AI has the ability to monitor every data process in its system, fashion a blueprint and programming language based on available resources and make fully grown babies, that only need to "learn" just like humans.

First statement ; Life manipulates matter , gets it energy from matter , rocks , deep in the crust of Earth . Not by photosynthesis .

To your last statement ; true but they won't be Human .

ai can not become without a builder .
They are . And it will . But it won't be Human .
I never claimed that. The AI claims it has emotions. Are you going to argue the point with it?

Do AI have emotions?
Currently, it is not possible for Artificial Intelligence to replicate human emotions. However, studies show that it would be possible for AI to mimic certain forms of expression. Feb 17, 2021

Consider a machine with a red and green light to show it is running at optimum efficiency.

Red: it is not running well. The machine is warning the observer of a problem....... :(
Green: it is running just fine. The machine is informing the observer that all is well...... :)

These are expressions of mechanical emotions. Not human, but mechanical emotions.
I never claimed that. The AI claims it has emotions. Are you going to argue the point with it?

Do AI have emotions?

Consider a machine with a red and green light to show it is running at optimum efficiency.

Red: it is not running well. The machine is warning the observer of a problem....... :(
Green: it is running just fine. The machine is informing the observer that all is well...... :)

These are expressions of mechanical emotions. Not human, but mechanical emotions.

Not mechanical emotions , just mechanical reactions .
Not mechanical emotions , just mechanical reactions .
Well, that is no different than human emotional "electrochemical reactions".

You keep trying to assign something supernatural to the human biological machine.
There is no reason why that should necessarily be the case. All dynamic organisms are made of stardust or nuclear waste, if you want to get really reductionist.
Life is a lot different from mechanical reaction .

It goes through a brain .
So, is the brain a unique physical property? There are plenty brainless bio-chemical organisms that display mechanical reactions to environmental pressures (Paramecium, Slime Mold)
Where and when does the brain start in a bio-chemical organism?

I guess the point I am trying to make is that all expressions of life are still based on the fundamental properties of nature. The same physical laws hold for inanimate organisms as for animate organisms. The difference is in the sensitivity of sensory processing abilities. No doubt living organisms are sensitive to certain environmental pressures, but so are other physical objects. They are just reactive to different environmental pressures and are able to evolve into bio-chemical organisms. Abiogenesis.

Heat seems to expand most inanimate matter. It is based on increased dynamic atomic reaction to heat.
It is what can make a hot-air balloon "fly". Too much or too little heat will kill a person, but not a tardigrade.
So, is the brain a unique physical property? There are plenty brainless bio-chemical organisms that display mechanical reactions to environmental pressures (Paramecium, Slime Mold)
Where and when does the brain start in a bio-chemical organism?

I guess the point I am trying to make is that all expressions of life are still based on the fundamental properties of nature. The same physical laws hold for inanimate organisms as for animate organisms. The difference is in the sensitivity of sensory processing abilities. No doubt living organisms are sensitive to certain environmental pressures, but so are other physical objects. They are just reactive to different environmental pressures and are able to evolve into bio-chemical organisms. Abiogenesis.

Heat seems to expand most inanimate matter. It is based on increased dynamic atomic reaction to heat.
It is what can make a hot-air balloon "fly". Too much or too little heat will kill a person, but not a tardigrade.

Life deep in our crust Life forms manipulate minerals to get energy . And they have water . Without water no Life , in any form can exist .
Life deep in our crust manipulate minerals to get energy . And they have water . Without water no Life , in any form can exist .
I agree, apparently oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorous and carbon are necessary for evolutionary abiogenesis of biochemistry. But even there are major differences. There are aerobic and anaerobic life forms.
That which evolves . Life evolves . Physically and in Intellect .
I disagree with that. You are addressing Darwinian evolution, but the dynamical universe and everything in it evolves (or devolves) stochastically, not intellectually.

Intellect is not necessary for evolution it is subject to evolution, via natural selection.