Do you guys believe in the chosen people?

superluminal said:
Thus, proof of the nonexistence of god. For how could his creations be more loving and moral than him? As we are. I read the bible, and find that I am a superior moral creature to god.
Dear Sup:

I do hope someday you`ll belong here:

Psalms 1:5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

Psa 82:1 [[A Psalm of Asaph.]] God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

Psalms 89:5 And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.

And not here:

Proverbs 21:16 The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.


Dear ent:

I do hope someday you`ll belong here:

Therefore the ignorant shall not stand in the darkness, nor idiots in the congregation of the intelligent.

God disappeareth in the congregation of the enlightened; he fadeth from the intellect.

And the humans shall erase thy blunders, O LORD: thy uselessness also in the congregation of the universe.

And not here:

The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the blind and ignorant.



Thus, proof of the nonexistence of god. For how could his creations be more loving and moral than him? As we are. I read the bible, and find that I am a superior moral creature to god.

Nice quote. Feuerbach would be proud.
superluminal said:
The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the blind and ignorant.
I advice you switch to this:

"The man that wondereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the blind and ignorant." Is this much better for your stand as having believed none-existence.
superluminal said:
Thus, proof of the nonexistence of god. For how could his creations be more loving and moral than him? As we are. I read the bible, and find that I am a superior moral creature to god.

Then let's see you create a universe.

Yea, peace, love, and eternal joy with Him,

Or pain, suffering, and hell fire without Him... that's a tough one.
I don’t think you understand the problem yet.

How can a god love someone and at the same time subject them to eternal torture?

God is heinous in the old testament especially. And I think you already know I don't believe in god anyway, so what I'm saying is that the persona of the god of the bible, is a nasty, viscious one. Even Jesus says that he whosoever doth not believeth in me shall be tossedeth into thy pit of eternal despair. Or tossed off the cliffs of insanity. Or something like that.
one_raven said:
If God loved unconditionally, he wouldn't have set up a system in that if you chose not to love him back you would suffer eternally.

If your child rejects you, would you wish them to suffer in agonizing pain for the rest of time?
If so, you do not love your child, unless that love is requited.
Your love has a condition of acceptance and returned love.
Therefore, your love is NOT unconditional.
It doesn't get much simpler than that.
Saying that it is a choice YOU make is simply a cop-out. God created this system in which if you don't chose him, you suffer endlessly.
What the Hell kind of CHOICE is that?
"Either you love me or you will suffer in imaginable pain and anguis for the rest of eternity." THAT'S unconditional? Bu11shit!

This is God's creation. It will be eternal, and will be according to His law. If you don't want to be a part of it, then die. That is your or death. There is a God who created you and gives you life, and He's the only one you have to answer to.

And in the meantime, children who are separated from their parents do suffer because of it...even if they're separated for a good reason. That's just the way it is...the way God made it to be. God made us to commune with Him and each love each other. What, isn't it obvious? lol. God has been a perfect parent to me. If you knew Him, you would love Him too.

And you know, people suffer unimaginable pain and anguish in life too. The way some people wallow in it, you would think they actually enjoyed it. And then, people will endure all kinds of pain and hardships, to avoid looking at the truth about themselves. God gave me an analogy for hell the Jerry Springer show exponentially. I was asking because I didn't understand why anyone would choose to be there. And the analogy helped explain quite a bit...for me anyway.
Cris said:

I don’t think you understand the problem yet.

How can a god love someone and at the same time subject them to eternal torture?

Because He loves us enough to give us free will, and some of us idiots apparently choose eternal torture. I don't know why some do. But He gives us what we want...what more could you ask for?

I don't think that you understand that you are influenced by and enjoy the effect of the Holy Spirit now, here on earth. It's all the "good stuff".
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It's a catch-22.
If I say to you, "Either you praise me, or I will torture you for an eternity", how much of a choice am I really giving you?
How can you possibly see that as me expressing love for you?
If a person said to me that I have to love them or they will kill me, I couldn't possibly love them.
God is the source of love. Without Him there is none. God is the source of life. Without Him there is none.

Spot off. (I don't know what that means really.)
You sound like an abused girlfriend justifying staying with your man because "He loves me".
superluminal said:
Lori, why can't you understand our absolute distaste for this sort of doctrine?

I do understand it. I didn't always understand what I do now. I'm not saying that I have the answers about everything either. I'm saying that I didn't always know God like I do now. I love you guys! I want you to understand! God is love, and I want you to know Him too. Wouldn't I be an asshole if I didn't? :)

"Spot on" means "Right on". "You hit the nail on the head".

I have no god but am full of love. And I have no god but am full of life.
So Lori,

When we say we could never love a god that demands love on pain of eternal torture, how would you ever expect us to even remotely want to know him? Even assuming he was real?