Do you guys believe in the chosen people?

Lori_7: MW,

You can stomp your feet and hold your breath and scream, " not true!" all you want and that's not going to make it untrue...just so you know. It's also not going to stop people from talking about Jesus and the Bible.
M*W: I'm entitled to my opinion. My opinion is based on the lack of evidence to prove Jesus and/or god exist. You can stomp your feet and hold your breath and scream, "true," but at the end of the day you've only fooled yourself.

I know the Christian idiots on this forum will never find the truth, but I still believe in hope. After all SouthStar is a fine example of someone finding the truth. I would welcome any evidence of Jesus/god if the believers would just provide it. After four years on this forum, it's apparent that none of you people have anything intelligent to say.

If you don't want to read atheistic opinions, then you're in the wrong forum.
Hostile: Honestly speaking, you need to stop taking whatever it is your taking. :rolleyes: Medicine Women :rolleyes: You act as if what you believe has been proven. Not one person can prove that God doesn’t exist. Not one. In your opinion, God does not exist and we all know what opinions are like. They taught fact or opinion in school. Maybe you need a few more prescriptions to see this. You really need to see about obtaining your medications from a doctor.
M*W: It is up to the believer to provide the proof, and you haven't done that. I tell it like it is. Whether you and your xian groupies believe it or not, that's your problem. If I needed medication, I could prescribe it for myself. Just put me on ignore, you ignorant twirp.
Chatha: Don't you have to believe in God to believe in chosen people? It goes with the package if you ask me. For instance in the bible why did God choose people like Abraham, Mary, Joseph? Questioning this acts is questioning God himself. I think any reasonable christian ought to believe in the chosen ones as it is God's will.
M*W: Allegorically speaking, the monotheistic god did not choose anyone. It was the Jews who chose the monotheistic god.
M*W: Allegoriclly speaking, the monotheistic god did not choose anyone. It was the Jews who chose the monotheistic god.

Medicide Woman, how right you are.
Medicine Woman said:
Lori_7: MW,

You can stomp your feet and hold your breath and scream, " not true!" all you want and that's not going to make it untrue...just so you know. It's also not going to stop people from talking about Jesus and the Bible.
M*W: I'm entitled to my opinion. My opinion is based on the lack of evidence to prove Jesus and/or god exist. You can stomp your feet and hold your breath and scream, "true," but at the end of the day you've only fooled yourself.

I know the Christian idiots on this forum will never find the truth, but I still believe in hope. After all SouthStar is a fine example of someone finding the truth. I would welcome any evidence of Jesus/god if the believers would just provide it. After four years on this forum, it's apparent that none of you people have anything intelligent to say.

If you don't want to read atheistic opinions, then you're in the wrong forum.

It's the Holy Spirit that gave you a bad taste in your mouth regarding organized religion in the first place. And you choose to take this revelation and throw the baby Jesus out with the bath water. Now that is idiotic. We're actually on the same just don't know it yet. :)

Corruption within organized religion only serves to substantiate the Bible and what Jesus taught.
The idea that the Jews are the chosen people comes from the OT, which not surprisingly was written by the Jews - like any proud, nationalistic, and patritoc group they would hardly choose anyone else.

Of course like everything else no gods were ever involved.

He loves you unconditionally, and that means regardless of your choices.
Except if you disobey him then he will torture you for eternity. Clearly such love is not unconditional. The condition for his love is obedience, much like a master and slave relationship.
My two cents...
Jews are the chosen people because they were chosen by YHVH to follow him, extol his goodness and wisdom and all that.
In exchange, he was to serve as their God and protect and lead them.
The Jews are the chosen people of the Bible because YHVH is the God of the Jews.

YHVH was ONE of the Gods in the OT -the God of the Jews.

I don't think that Jesus was referring to YHVH when he referred to God.
I know I should back up that statement, but I'm tired right now, and I haven't yet written down a formal argument about it.
I do believe it is supported by the Old and New Testaments, however.
Cris said:

Except if you disobey him then he will torture you for eternity. Clearly such love is not unconditional. The condition for his love is obedience, much like a master and slave relationship.

You do not go to hell for disobeying God. You go to hell because you choose to not have anything to do with Him. And so you go to hell for wanting to disobey Him for forever.
Medicine Woman said:
Hostile: Honestly speaking, you need to stop taking whatever it is your taking. :rolleyes: Medicine Women :rolleyes: You act as if what you believe has been proven. Not one person can prove that God doesn’t exist. Not one. In your opinion, God does not exist and we all know what opinions are like. They taught fact or opinion in school. Maybe you need a few more prescriptions to see this. You really need to see about obtaining your medications from a doctor.
M*W: It is up to the believer to provide the proof, and you haven't done that. I tell it like it is. Whether you and your xian groupies believe it or not, that's your problem. If I needed medication, I could prescribe it for myself. Just put me on ignore, you ignorant twirp.

Yes, you do need to prove your point. If there are two sides, both must prove their side. I cant, and you cant.

You dont know how to "tell it like it is" :rolleyes:

Your not a doctor, but you did stay at a Holiday Inn Express. People that can prescribe medications, normally cant prescribe to themselves.

You are just too entertaining to ignore.

Fat women normally use the word "twirp". Now I see why you are so bitter.

We are both Gods creatures so you are forgiven.

You do not go to hell for disobeying God. You go to hell because you choose to not have anything to do with Him. And so you go to hell for wanting to disobey Him for forever.
Ok, which proves my point - his love is conditional.
Cris said:

Ok, which proves my point - his love is conditional.

It is not conditional! He loves you whether or not you choose to live with Him forever or not. He loves you enough to give you the choice in the first place. See, there is no "in between"...either you want to spend an eternity with Him or die...those are the only two choices. You may like to think that it's mean that we only get to choose from two options, but it's actually just law, and quite logical. You can't live forever and sin at the same time. So, you're either with Him, or dead pretty much. Tis your choice, and He loves you regardless of the choice you make. This really isn't as difficult of a concept to grasp as some try to make it out to be.
enton said:
I don`t know what you`re talking. I am a christian by choice. I don`t force anyone here to cleave to what I believe is godly.

Well you have to be by choice because hell religion stuff in not logical..Secondly Xians do force people, coerce them in to following their religion - 80% f the xians would not be xians if their ancesstors were not forced by crusaders, spanish invasions and are just a fallout of their policies ( 80% is for underlining the fact and not accurate - this explanation is for people who can't see the bigger picture)

enton said:
What do you mean by inflated ego? And why are you concerned of conversion? Biblically speaking, christians preach the Gospel of God which is Christ Jesus.
Why should I be not concerned about conversion you are in other words saying my belief is wrong and your belief deserve to be followed. If my underwear is comfortable ..then why do you want to convince me that your undies are better fit ..keep it to your self ..spread the good word in your bathroom

enton said:
Why ask a baseless assumption? Christians don`t persuade people to change their religion. They merely spread the good news.

Yes in the bathroom not to poor people who can be swayed to carry gun or hold bible by just feeding them ..What to you consider these missionary's agenda is ..just to spread the good word ..then hey ..Internet gives everyone access and you can donate money to put signs ..about your religion why go and convert the poor innocent people.

enton said:
I don`t have to know whose God are you trusting. One thing is for sure, godly/holy people are God`s people biblically speaking. I don`t know how do you know "Jesus" because our Jesus is that Christ nailed on the cross, the Jesus whom Mary (wife of Joseph) bore by the doings of the Holy Spirit.

I don't "know" Jesus ...but I know the marketing tool called Jesus ..which was used by Church to rule the minds of the people ..and people like you succumb to such fairy tale stories ..if Jesus was God then David copperfield can whoop your God's ass any day in tricks ... And if you don't want to know whose God I am trusting then nobody else wants to know your God also ..if you want others to believe in your God be open to believing in their God also ..give and take my brother ..
the idea of jews being the chosen people of god means this:

they are held to a greater responsibility in this world, spiritually. it is the duty of the jews to educate the world in the ways of god.
it is their duty to raise this world out of the mire of sin.

so far they have failed.
btw, i am jewish.

It is not conditional! He loves you whether or not you choose to live with Him forever or not.
And if you choose not to live with him he has you tortured forever – that is an interesting interpretation of love you have.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: It is up to the believer to provide the proof, and you haven't done that. I tell it like it is. Whether you and your xian groupies believe it or not, that's your problem. If I needed medication, I could prescribe it for myself. Just put me on ignore, you ignorant twirp.
I don`t need to provide a proof for the existence of YHWH because objectively speaking, the evidence is with us (christians).
Cris said:

And if you choose not to live with him he has you tortured forever – that is an interesting interpretation of love you have.

Yea, peace, love, and eternal joy with Him,

Or pain, suffering, and hell fire without Him... that's a tough one.

God and Hell are pretty much mutually exclusive. If I'm not mistaken, hell is a place which is void of Him or His Spirit. Here you benefit greatly from the power of the Holy Spirit on this earth, whether you believe in God or want to have a relationship with Him or not. Here, we have good and evil. Apparently in the afterlife, you get one or the other words, you can't get the milk without buying the cow, like you can here on choose. What's the problem?
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Lori_7 said:
What's the problem?
Lori_7 said:
God and Hell are pretty much mutually exclusive.

If God loved unconditionally, he wouldn't have set up a system in that if you chose not to love him back you would suffer eternally.

If your child rejects you, would you wish them to suffer in agonizing pain for the rest of time?
If so, you do not love your child, unless that love is requited.
Your love has a condition of acceptance and returned love.
Therefore, your love is NOT unconditional.
It doesn't get much simpler than that.
Saying that it is a choice YOU make is simply a cop-out. God created this system in which if you don't chose him, you suffer endlessly.
What the Hell kind of CHOICE is that?
"Either you love me or you will suffer in imaginable pain and anguis for the rest of eternity." THAT'S unconditional? Bu11shit!
Thus, proof of the nonexistence of god. For how could his creations be more loving and moral than him? As we are. I read the bible, and find that I am a superior moral creature to god.
superluminal said:
Thus, proof of the nonexistence of god. For how could his creations be more loving and moral than him? As we are. I read the bible, and find that I am a superior moral creature to god.
I do hope someday you`ll belong here:

Psalms 1:5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

Psa 82:1 [[A Psalm of Asaph.]] God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

Psalms 89:5 And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.

And not here:

Proverbs 21:16 The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead.