Do you guys believe in the chosen people?


Valued Senior Member
I'm just curious on your beliefs toward the idea that jews are the chosen people ( you know like to lead the world into the future or something ) ?

(((personally I don't believe they are....))) used to but don't anymore.
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I fail to see why there would be a "chosen" people. were all the same in god's eyes. I dont think that God plays favorites.

you wrote:
"were all the same in god's eyes. I dont think that God plays favorites."

LOL, now thats funny!!!

Have a read through this forum and tell me the christains think that we are all equal in God's eyes.

Its a ridiculous statement...if we were all seen as equal why would the christains need to "convert" the entire world to their line of thinking??? why would islam war with christianity???

Perhaps because the theology of these religions states quite clearly that unless you are one of them god see's you a fair few notches lower then believers. Infact the bible has examples of how god feels about those who reject him...i.e. the book of Job I believe....kill 'em all, women children, animals!!!! etc etc...did god see the world as full of equals when it decided to flood the world and kill 'em all only saving noah and his crew???

further as Elbaz has pointed out, the Jewish people believe God has chosen them....that isn't just Elbaz that is a firm jewish belief....
no, your mis-interpriting those, God is all loveing, he sees us all on the same level. regardless of if you believe in him or not, thats your chose. You chose not to accept him so you must take responsibility for that. But his Love is eternal. The reson christian try to convert is because, we dont want to see our fellow people go to hell, and live in an eternal life with out God.

I don't think I'm the one who's mis-interpreted the statement. I'm not going to rehash the old arguments..but i strongly suggest you read through a few more topics on this forum.

One of my pet hates of your religion is these kind of "propaganda" blanket statements that condradict your own is impossible for your God to be all loving and the bible to still hold true. Take your blinkers off and read that book with your eyes open....I don't like to see my fellow people devote their lives to a cruel and outdated political tool.
what type of propoganda am i spreading?

and how dose the bible contridict christianity? i would like some quotes so i could better addresse your opinion with my own.

Your statement contradicts christianity not the bible contradicting christianity....sheesh man!!!!

Your statement is a typical pro-god non-sensical bit of fluff that isn't based in christain theology. If you wanted to make your statement in-line with christain belief you should have written:
(the christain) God sees all CHRISTAINS as equal....

You realise there are religions based in witchcraft right....isn't there something about god making a statement like:

you shall not suffer a witch to live...or some such "bloodlusty" rubbish.
jewdaisem does not say that jews are the ones god loves.
being chosen simply means that jews are under a bigger magnification glass under god's eyes meanng they are being inspected more closly.
if ever being the chosen ones is not a good thing.
jews simply got a larger interrupt table.

both xtians and muslems belive jews are the chosen ones
but they also belive that they(every other one of those 2 religions are the new chosen ones)
besides some variants of xtianity in which they belive that jews are still the chosen ones .

and elbaz jews are 0.0X or the world's population and 21% nobel prizes were rewarded 2 jews .
and btw stop the 2006 bullshit nothing is gonna happen
what sort of a jew are you? no jew,jew wannabe variants or whatever claim such stuff.
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of the topic.

I just asked for personal opinions so that I could see the bigger picture myself. I never said that god hates non jews nor does he love them more. I read websites on the qu'aran and xtian stuff etc. to broaden my views and reassess my own beliefs. That is the belief in my religion that we are chosen and I just wanted to know what other people thought about that belief so maybe I could broaden and reassess my own beliefs. There are alot of things in my religion which I think are BS as well as things in other religions that sound like BS to me eg athiests go to hell. Isn't it true that you have to be a bad person to go to hell. Does hell even exist?

Do you guys see where I'm coming from? some unusual stats make me think that maybe it could be true. I never ment to offend anyone in the process. but that is a response I should have expected. Few people have EXACTLY the same beliefs.

So basically, I expected this response cause no one ever wants to say that someone is superior to them--INCLUDING myself. I just wanted to see this idea from a different perspective.

BTW if anyone responds to this thread I wont be back till monday to discuss this issue.
Xerxes said:
I'm just curious on your beliefs toward the idea that jews are the chosen people ( you know like to lead the world into the future or something ) ?

(((personally I believe they are....making up only a quarter of a percent of the population of the world, and somehow winning like half of the nobel prizes. and all the greats seem to be jewish---eg Einsten, Freud etc.))))

Chosen people are the evaluated people being first called by the God of truth in his congregation ( Psalms 82:1 ; 1 Corinthians 1:9,2 ). But I think if there would be called Jews of nowadays I hope for that to happen.
Ok this is what I fail to understand about Xians... why do you act in a disrespectful way towards people who believe in a non-xian God ...why do you have this inflated ego to convert people ...why can't you let them be and why prey on these poor people by giving them bread and holding a bible in the other hand ..if you wanna feed them then just feed them why change their religion ...I believe in God ...but it is not your Xian God am I a sinner ..I think Jesus was a marketing tool by old power brokers to rule the ever uncertain human psyche ..does that make me ignorant and xians believers well informed ...

And to reply to the main thread ..I feel that Jews are intelligent people but it is very myopic to use nobel prize as a yard stick ..there are many intelligent and charismatic leaders in the world who are not jews .. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Clinton ....and so on ...are/were all leaders ..but are non-jews
God loves everyone enough to give everyone life and free will. What you do with these gifts are your choice. He loves you unconditionally, and that means regardless of your choices.

The Orthodox Jews are the only ones who still strive to keep the laws of the OT right? And have for all of these years. I think that is why they are "chosen", and that they are chosen to repopulate the earth after armeggedon. Because when all of the Revelations shit goes down, the Jews will then know exactly who Jesus really was.
I always thought a possible way to interpret the whole thing was that jews were the people chosen to kill jesus.

I mean, jesus had to die, and god needed someone to do the killing, and it sure wasn't going to be the followers of jesus who would cap him.

But that then brings into question why some christians hate jews. Cause jesus had to die, why be annoyed that he died? And he had to suffer while he died, so why lose sleep over it?

I all think it's a load of pokey anyway. But being god's 'chosen people' could mean ANYTHING.
Guru said:
Ok this is what I fail to understand about Xians... why do you act in a disrespectful way towards people who believe in a non-xian God ...why do you have this inflated ego to convert people ...why can't you let them be and why prey on these poor people by giving them bread and holding a bible in the other hand ..if you wanna feed them then just feed them why change their religion ...I believe in God ...but it is not your Xian God am I a sinner ..I think Jesus was a marketing tool by old power brokers to rule the ever uncertain human psyche ..does that make me ignorant and xians believers well informed ...

And to reply to the main thread ..I feel that Jews are intelligent people but it is very myopic to use nobel prize as a yard stick ..there are many intelligent and charismatic leaders in the world who are not jews .. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Hitler, Stalin, Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Clinton ....and so on ...are/were all leaders ..but are non-jews

Guru said:
why do you act in a disrespectful way towards people who believe in a non-xian God ...
I don`t know what you`re talking. I am a christian by choice. I don`t force anyone here to cleave to what I believe is godly.

Guru said:
why do you have this inflated ego to convert people ...
What do you mean by inflated ego? And why are you concerned of conversion? Biblically speaking, christians preach the Gospel of God which is Christ Jesus.

Guru said:
why can't you let them be and why prey on these poor people by giving them bread and holding a bible in the other hand ..if you wanna feed them then just feed them why change their religion ...
Why ask a baseless assumption? Christians don`t persuade people to change their religion. They merely spread the good news.

Guru said:
I believe in God ...but it is not your Xian God am I a sinner ..I think Jesus was a marketing tool by old power brokers to rule the ever uncertain human psyche ..does that make me ignorant and xians believers well informed ...
I don`t have to know whose God are you trusting. One thing is for sure, godly/holy people are God`s people biblically speaking. I don`t know how do you know "Jesus" because our Jesus is that Christ nailed on the cross, the Jesus whom Mary (wife of Joseph) bore by the doings of the Holy Spirit.
enton: I don`t know what you`re talking. I am a christian by choice. I don`t force anyone here to cleave to what I believe is godly.
M*W: But you keep bringing it up! Most of us on this forum do not believe Jesus existed much less that he was god. We've heard the speech, and we still don't believe it. Obviously, you don't have anything important to say since you're resurrecting old posts.
enton: What do you mean by inflated ego? And why are you concerned of conversion? Biblically speaking, christians preach the Gospel of God which is Christ Jesus.
M*W: But preaching is NOT ALLOWED on this forum! We've heard it, we've read it, and it's still NOT TRUE!
enton: Why ask a baseless assumption? Christians don`t persuade people to change their religion. They merely spread the good news.
M*W: So stop spreading it here.
enton: I don`t have to know whose God are you trusting. One thing is for sure, godly/holy people are God`s people biblically speaking. I don`t know how do you know "Jesus" because our Jesus is that Christ nailed on the cross, the Jesus whom Mary (wife of Joseph) bore by the doings of the Holy Spirit.
M*W: Biblically speaking, we believe in NO gods. Biblically speaking, take your KJV, fold it into a five-points, and stick it up your ass. Biblically speaking, Jesus didn't exist. Therefore, biblically speaking, there was no crucifixion of Jesus. Biblically speaking, if Jesus had existed, his mother Mary would have conceived him in the normal fucking manner. Biblically speaking, if Jesus had existed, his biological father would have been Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera, a hot-blooded Roman soldier, biblically speaking, of course.

Biblically speaking, you're a doofus.

You can stomp your feet and hold your breath and scream, " not true!" all you want and that's not going to make it untrue...just so you know. It's also not going to stop people from talking about Jesus and the Bible.
Medicine Woman said:
enton: I don`t know what you`re talking. I am a christian by choice. I don`t force anyone here to cleave to what I believe is godly.
M*W: But you keep bringing it up! Most of us on this forum do not believe Jesus existed much less that he was god. We've heard the speech, and we still don't believe it. Obviously, you don't have anything important to say since you're resurrecting old posts.
enton: What do you mean by inflated ego? And why are you concerned of conversion? Biblically speaking, christians preach the Gospel of God which is Christ Jesus.
M*W: But preaching is NOT ALLOWED on this forum! We've heard it, we've read it, and it's still NOT TRUE!
enton: Why ask a baseless assumption? Christians don`t persuade people to change their religion. They merely spread the good news.
M*W: So stop spreading it here.
enton: I don`t have to know whose God are you trusting. One thing is for sure, godly/holy people are God`s people biblically speaking. I don`t know how do you know "Jesus" because our Jesus is that Christ nailed on the cross, the Jesus whom Mary (wife of Joseph) bore by the doings of the Holy Spirit.
M*W: Biblically speaking, we believe in NO gods. Biblically speaking, take your KJV, fold it into a five-points, and stick it up your ass. Biblically speaking, Jesus didn't exist. Therefore, biblically speaking, there was no crucifixion of Jesus. Biblically speaking, if Jesus had existed, his mother Mary would have conceived him in the normal fucking manner. Biblically speaking, if Jesus had existed, his biological father would have been Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera, a hot-blooded Roman soldier, biblically speaking, of course.

Biblically speaking, you're a doofus.

Honestly speaking, you need to stop taking whatever it is your taking. :rolleyes: Medicine Women :rolleyes: You act as if what you believe has been proven. Not one person can prove that God doesn’t exist. Not one. In your opinion, God does not exist and we all know what opinions are like. They taught fact or opinion in school. Maybe you need a few more prescriptions to see this. You really need to see about obtaining your medications from a doctor.
Don't you have to believe in God to believe in chosen people? It goes with the package if you ask me. For instance in the bible why did God choose people like Abraham, Mary, Joseph? Questioning this acts is questioning God himself. I think any reasonable christian ought to believe in the chosen ones as it is God's will.