Do you give charity?

For example, in the Darfur region the population has increased 700% since the 1970s.

What's with all of these dubious numbers?

I realize that 78.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot, but I thought this was a science forum.
Well over 90%? Please feel free to substantiate that claim.
It’s just as subjective as your “million people who genuinely and desperately need help”.

While you're at it, go ahead and share with us your basis for believing that government can somehow help these people more than charity groups can.
There’s no good reason why it should not be able to.

Secondly, obesity is actually quite common in impoverished American families. The reason is that they eat cheap processed food with high carbohydrate content and little nutritional value –*like box macaroni and cheese and hamburger helper (without the hamburger).
Thanks for helping making my point. Even if I liked mac & cheese or Hamburger Helper, I wouldn’t buy them often because they are low value—you don’t get much for your money, and they are unhealthy to boot. Lots of food options are cheaper and healthier. Being poor is not an excuse for being obese.

Finally, you have no idea how these people came to be where they are. Believe it or not, many needy people had lives, homes and belongings before they fell on hard times. In fact, more than we'd care to admit are in the predicament they're in because of medical expenses.
There are definitely true hard luck cases, but nowhere near a million. For most of the people I’ve read about or have met, there were clearly many bad decisions that they made and continue to make, despite an overwhelming amount of information warning against those choices. For example, many people do not have health insurance who can afford it. In my local paper I see stories about how some family that doesn’t have health insurance because they say they can’t afford the $1000 a month. But they need only pay $300 a month if they choose a high deductible and save the money for the deductible in the event they need to pay it. And if they can’t afford $300 a month then why did they have three kids? At the bottom of almost every hard luck case is someone who wasted their free public education and has a welfare mentality.

But because you see a television in the background of a newspaper photo, you have them all figured out?
No, I'm talking about a designer couch or a big roll of of fatty sausage meat. Why shouldn’t they sell the couch on craigslist before they ask for a handout? Why should I help them eat fatty meat or meat at all?

They got what they had coming to them, right?
Most, yes.

Don't try to make a case for why they are undeserving of your spare change; and certainly don't add to the burdens of their lives by falsely accusing them of being liars and thieves.
If I felt I was falsely accusing them, I wouldn’t do it.
Then, like I said, just sit back and not help them. Do it quietly.

Just let the rest of us waste our time in peace.
I pay taxes to support those in my own society.

Whenever I receive a solicitation for some donation to a foreign cause I put a condom in the return envelope and a note generously promising to send another dozen each month upon further request.

I'll support local Scouting local hockey teams and other sporting events... the SPCA...outdoor activities such as local Nature clubs, etc. All activities I can see the benefits of first hand. Anyone 'outside' of my community gets my taxes or a condom.
Tylonius said:
What's with all of these dubious numbers?
I read that recently. I won’t bother to look it up, but you can.

Then, like I said, just sit back and not help them. Do it quietly.
No, it is good to call a spade a spade. The sooner the “hard luck” cases realize that they are their own worst enemy, and more importantly that yet another rescue is not forthcoming, the sooner they’ll change their ways and be better off for it. Just look at all the Katrina people who are rebuilding on the same spot. Do you think it’s nice to keep quiet about their stupidity, just to let them get wiped out again?
That's not charity. Charity is an unlimited loving-kindness towards all others, made evident by benevolent giving.

Humans can love only that which is familiar to them.

All others? You mean I must spread all my earnings among all those who are willing to take a dollar from me and go desperate myself?

Please take my thread seriously.

No one wants to be scammed, and sadly, many people are. But to stop giving because of it only lets those that prey on your virtues set the rules for you.

I would like to direct this thread toward discussing those poor who are asking in earnest. I had no doubt that the chubby little woman was honest with me. But the fact is that I'm the one who starves, and she's merely popping babies. She doesn't see it, but it's a fact.

Are you making the world a better place by making your life and the lives of those around you more pleasant? I'm sorry, no.

Yes, I am. Moreover, I wouldn't be making the world a better place by promoting poverty through ill-directed charity; I'd only be making the world worse.

Lord & Taylors? Give Mama a real gift and buy her a Gift Ark from Heifer (the site won't let me post a link, yet). She probably doesn't need anything anyway, and you can solve your crisis of conscience all at the same time.

My mother raised me, I owe her big time. On her birthday, my mother wants to see that I pay attention to her, not to someone in Tanzania. I went to an expensive store to pick perfume not because it's expensive but because my mother likes perfume.

It is monstrous to send charity to other countries while there are homeless people in your own city. That's all I'm going to say about aid to third world countries.

I do!!
I always think "As a child did they ever think 'Gee, when I grow up I wanna be a homeless begger!!" I always think that something terribly wrong must have happened in their lives for them to end up there.
They are a human being before they are a begger.
Just because they do something wrong with the money doesn't make my action wrong.
LOL, I guess I'm an atheist that follows the WWJD priciple.

No, they simply thought, "Hey, I'm going to live off of someone else!"

Your action is wrong if you're giving charity to someone who makes no good use of it; because you could've given that money to someone who would've appreciated it far better.

I used to work in downtown Orlando, which has a tremendous homeless problem. I had to come up with a policy for myself wherein I would give a dollar to the first person that asked for it, and that was it for the day. I estimated that I would spend $250/year that way, which in addition to the other organizations I give to, was what I could afford.

...And you never thought that your little dollar isn't helping even to wipe someone's ass?

I also talked to a lot of these homeless people. Some were refugees from Somalia and Rwanda, some had succumbed to drugs and alcohol, some were mentally ill and couldn't function in society, and others had simply had their financial situations spin out of their control – often due to unforeseen medical expenses.

In U.S., we pay taxes which go towards sponsoring Welfare programs, Medicaid (which is a huge program providing money not only for those in need but also for children in families that do well), Medicare, Social Security for all elderly, Food Stamps, counseling, help with job placement, and god-knows-what else. That's 30% of my hard-earned wages. People without limbs get disability benefits. Refugees also get assistance. Don't give me shit here about vast amounts of people being unable to receive financial assistance in this country.

Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to catch fish, and he can live on his own. (Somebody said that it a gazillion years ago!)

What that amounts to is're not really helping someone by giving him a few dollars or giving him one meal're just prolonging his agony. If you really want to help the person, take him into your home, feed him, clothe him, teach him, train him, get him a job so he can earn his own way. Anthing short of that is ....false compassion and prolonging his agony.

Baron Max

My feeling is with you. Still, if you were in my place, and if you'd see a woman hold a child by the hand and cry in front of you with honesty, would you say no? And I don't mean she squeezed out a tear drop, this woman Cried in desperation.

I pay taxes to support those in my own society.

Whenever I receive a solicitation for some donation to a foreign cause I put a condom in the return envelope and a note generously promising to send another dozen each month upon further request.

I'll support local Scouting local hockey teams and other sporting events... the SPCA...outdoor activities such as local Nature clubs, etc. All activities I can see the benefits of first hand. Anyone 'outside' of my community gets my taxes or a condom.

I'll say this to you and also to Avatar:

Sometimes, it's really money that they need: to pay tremendous debts, to buy food. Sometimes, it's not the morality or the pretty tree on the street on which they beg this morning. Sometimes, it's really about food.

No, it is good to call a spade a spade. The sooner the “hard luck” cases realize that they are their own worst enemy, and more importantly that yet another rescue is not forthcoming, the sooner they’ll change their ways and be better off for it. Just look at all the Katrina people who are rebuilding on the same spot. Do you think it’s nice to keep quiet about their stupidity, just to let them get wiped out again?



Someone mentioned that beggars make more on the street than I do (for example). And someone else objected. I tell you, it's a rumor that's been going around ever since Victor Hugo.
i am trying to help save the bengal tiger at the moment. im trying to get funds together and travel over to invest some time into helping the tigers. giving money is good and it does help. but giving your time with the money helps more,

i cant go anywhere at the moment because my wife is pregnant and the baby is due soon. but i want to go to india and help save the tigers, people really need to do alot more to stop animals going completely extinct. im not going to sit back and be one of those people who say "we should have done something to save them" while sitting on my ass doing nothing to help personaly.

i dont understand how so many people say they care but do nothing to help.

i am trying to help save the bengal tiger at the moment.

If you want to save the tigers, then you're gonna' have to get rid of the humans that threaten their existence. Are you up for that, Empty? 'Cause if not, you might as well save your money and effort.

i dont understand how so many people say they care but do nothing to help.

It's called "lying" ...and it's something that humans do so very well.

But regardless, it's not much different to you saving the tigers'll go to great effort and expense, for nothing. Because you, like most everyone else, aren't willing to face the real problem of the tigers - humans!

Baron Max

If you want to save the tigers, then you're gonna' have to get rid of the humans that threaten their existence. Are you up for that, Empty? 'Cause if not, you might as well save your money and effort.

we can pay for the tigers to have armed gaurds who follow the tigers in the wild. i have been getting involved with a few conservation experts who deal with this type of thing recently.

It's called "lying" ...and it's something that humans do so very well.
why bother lying and say "i want to help the animals" when you dont want to help. whats the point in that its fruitless,

But regardless, it's not much different to you saving the tigers'll go to great effort and expense, for nothing. Because you, like most everyone else, aren't willing to face the real problem of the tigers - humans!

i would feel no way about shooting the humans who hunt the tigers for sport and money, i have no emotional ties towards such people, i would feel no remorse for acting violent to save the tigers, i want to help save them and if it means stopping a few humans with bullets then so be it, we can either stand around doing nothing about it untill theya re all gone, or we can stand up for them and change things,

humans are the ones killing off the animals, humans are the enemy to them, but also us humans are the only ones who have the power to save them from dying out, if we dont do anything soon the bengal tiger will be wiped out within 10 years in the wild. then its too late. i dont know about everybody else, but in my own lifetime im gonna do what i can to help.

Baron Max
we can pay for the tigers to have armed gaurds who follow the tigers in the wild. i have been getting involved with a few conservation experts who deal with this type of thing recently.

Then the tigers wouldn't be living in the "wild", would they? You want the tigers to live in the wild, but you want a bunch of humans with guns to be handcuffed to 'em? So why not just capture them all and put them into zoos?

why bother lying and say "i want to help the animals" when you dont want to help. whats the point in that its fruitless,...

It's called "political correctness". Look at what people say to me when I make some statements that aren't "politically correct". Who'd want that kind of publicity? So they lie.

Well, in my own view, the wild tigers have been lost to the world. There's only a very few left and they don't stand much of a chance. But we have some nice zoos in the world, so ....well, they won't become extinct any time soon.

Save your money and effort, it won't amount to one drop of water in the oceans of the world.

Baron Max
Then the tigers wouldn't be living in the "wild", would they? You want the tigers to live in the wild, but you want a bunch of humans with guns to be handcuffed to 'em? So why not just capture them all and put them into zoos?
they do live in the wild still, they just have trackers on elephants checking on them every day, they stay at a distance but make sure they are not hunted,

It's called "political correctness". Look at what people say to me when I make some statements that aren't "politically correct". Who'd want that kind of publicity? So they lie.
i guess people care about what others think of them too much these days,

Well, in my own view, the wild tigers have been lost to the world. There's only a very few left and they don't stand much of a chance. But we have some nice zoos in the world, so ....well, they won't become extinct any time soon.
there are very very few left in the wild, but you can still find bengal tigers in the wild, there are enough left to continue the blood line if we help save them, if everybody had that attitude then many species will just die out. we cant keep an entire specie of animal in a zoo lol, yeah its good to keep some in zoos, but not the entire population, it is possible to save them if enough people dedicate time and money, and most important effort,

Save your money and effort, it won't amount to one drop of water in the oceans of the world.
ehh i cant do that, yeah i joke alot and i seem cold hearted at times, but im not when the humour is pushed aside, i feel very strongly about animals and how humans effect the earth, and its not something i take lightly, ever since i have earned money i have donated to save animals, i like animals more than humans. i cant just sit back and let fellow humans destroy everything. if we all try to help then we can achieve.

they do live in the wild still, they just have trackers on elephants checking on them every day, they stay at a distance but make sure they are not hunted,

If cops did that for us, to keep us safe from rapists and murderers and robbers, you'd raise hell and complain the loudest of all. Yet you're perfectly willing to subject the tigers to such

Tigers? How many people in the world are ever going to see or enjoy tigers in the wild? Only a very, very, very few people of the world, and you know it. Films are abundant of tigers, what do we need the damned tigers for? If they were all gone, and no news media told us about it, how many people would actually know they were gone? And more to the point, how many people would be affected by their extinction?

i cant just sit back and let fellow humans destroy everything. if we all try to help then we can achieve.

With that comment, I can't help thinking that you're doing this for yourself, not the tigers. If it was for the tigers, I think you're intelligent enough to know that you, one individual, can do virtually nothing to help them.

Baron Max
My position on the tigers is somewhere between. If they became extinct, the people who like knowing they exist in the wild would be affected, even if they had no plans to ever see them in the wild. I applaud EmptyForce’s efforts to save their wild status. But I agree with the Baron, the wild tigers are doomed. One person does make a difference, but the odds of enough people caring about the tigers' fate in time to save them is nil. Millions of people really want to kill them, like for “aphrodasiacs”, and the pressures put on them by human population growth will probably mean the end of them in any case.

The best way to keep them wild may be to support their captivity and breeding in zoos until civilization as we know it collapses and we achieve a more enlightened age that will allow them to be returned to the wild. That collapse could easily happen this century. World population is predicted to hit something like 10 billion by 2050, and the Earth probably cannot sustain even the current 7 billion long term.
If cops did that for us, to keep us safe from rapists and murderers and robbers, you'd raise hell and complain the loudest of all. Yet you're perfectly willing to subject the tigers to such

Tigers? How many people in the world are ever going to see or enjoy tigers in the wild? Only a very, very, very few people of the world, and you know it. Films are abundant of tigers, what do we need the damned tigers for? If they were all gone, and no news media told us about it, how many people would actually know they were gone? And more to the point, how many people would be affected by their extinction?

With that comment, I can't help thinking that you're doing this for yourself, not the tigers. If it was for the tigers, I think you're intelligent enough to know that you, one individual, can do virtually nothing to help them.

Baron Max

i think that people will be effected by it, but what does it matter about how i am effected by the tigers? i dont care about how it effects me or if some people want to see the tigers, its most likely a good idea that regular people dont come across the tigers in the wild, because its not safe.

i dont just care about the tigers, i care about all animals that are dying out, but i can only help 1 at a time thats a rule i have. i help 1 animal at a time because if i spread my funds to thin then they dont do much, but if i send all donations to 1 animal then the money will help more, the same applies for my personal time i give for the animals, 1 at a time is better, focus on many things and you wont get far,

im not doing this for myself, im doing it for the world, my species are killing things and its up to me to stop them, because if i dont then who will? not you thats for sure lol. and there are far to many people like you in th world baron thats why i have to do something. because if i leave the world in the hands of you then everything is doomed,

i know there are lots of people like me who want to help the animals and the world. and aslong as people like us exist then we can try our best, if we fail then we fail. but atleast we tried to do something while we still could,
