Do you give charity?


I am saying that trying to save the tigers, and only the tigers, will amount to nothing at all in the end. To help save the tigers should involve saving their environment, and therefore their natural food sources. Because if we do not do this, they will look elsewhere for food. This will mean they either hunt humans or they become dependent on humans, both of which would mean tragedy for the tigers.

but i said that we should save all animals not just the tigers. i agree with you, but i also think that we need to start with the most endangered animals first and the tigers are up there ranking pretty high on the dodo list..

I am saying that trying to save the tigers, and only the tigers, will amount to nothing at all in the end. To help save the tigers should involve saving their environment, and therefore their natural food sources.

Yep, and that's already gone or Chi wouldn't be worried about the tigers! Their natural habitat and food sources are virtually gone ...and I'm sorry, but there just ain't no turnin' back to the "good ol' days". Humans have encroached on the tigers' territory and you can't stop the human tide's impossible.

Baron Max
but i said that we should save all animals not just the tigers. i agree with you, but i also think that we need to start with the most endangered animals first and the tigers are up there ranking pretty high on the dodo list..

You just can't turn back the clocks, Chi, ....can't be done! The damage to the natural world and the natural habitats are simply too extensive. And worse, humans are continuing to eat up those areas faster than anyone, or everyone, can save them.

Bow your head in sorrow for the tigers, then go on about your life. That will do as much good as anything else you can do. And I'm sorry, too.

Baron Max
but i said that we should save all animals not just the tigers. i agree with you, but i also think that we need to start with the most endangered animals first and the tigers are up there ranking pretty high on the dodo list..

Fair enough. Are you going to tell the farmers and the locals to replant, breed stock and then release them into the wild and then leave so the tigers can regain their natural habitat and food sources?

To save the animals, we as humans need to stop encroaching into their natural habitat. But we do not and will not.

No one is rejoicing at the loss of endangered species. But we need to recognise that our greed has led us to this point and our greed is not going to be abated, and neither is our population growth. I am not saying it is right. I am merely telling it like it is. And so is Baron. Baron and I don't agree on a lot of things, but in this he is correct. We cannot turn back the clock and make it like it all was. We have cleared so much habitat that we have and are killing off hundreds of animal species. Either we stop development on such land and stop multiplying resulting in the need for more resources, thereby saving animals from further extinction, or we go on and lament their loss, give to charity to save them, while continuing to destroy their habitat to suit our needs. It is an 'us or them' fight now. What do you value more? Exotic timber in your home, that big yard with cleared land, fuel to burn to power your home and car (the search for oil for example, is seeing us now contemplating destroying the habitat of thousands of animals) or saving animals from extinction?
You just can't turn back the clocks, Chi, ....can't be done! The damage to the natural world and the natural habitats are simply too extensive. And worse, humans are continuing to eat up those areas faster than anyone, or everyone, can save them.

Bow your head in sorrow for the tigers, then go on about your life. That will do as much good as anything else you can do. And I'm sorry, too.

Baron Max

i understand what your saying, but if everybody gave up then there is no hope and we have sealed the fate of the tigers.

aslong as i am alive i will try to help, we cant all just say "fuck it" or this world would be even worse than it is now.

Fair enough. Are you going to tell the farmers and the locals to replant, breed stock and then release them into the wild and then leave so the tigers can regain their natural habitat and food sources?

To save the animals, we as humans need to stop encroaching into their natural habitat. But we do not and will not.

No one is rejoicing at the loss of endangered species. But we need to recognise that our greed has led us to this point and our greed is not going to be abated, and neither is our population growth. I am not saying it is right. I am merely telling it like it is. And so is Baron. Baron and I don't agree on a lot of things, but in this he is correct. We cannot turn back the clock and make it like it all was. We have cleared so much habitat that we have and are killing off hundreds of animal species. Either we stop development on such land and stop multiplying resulting in the need for more resources, thereby saving animals from further extinction, or we go on and lament their loss, give to charity to save them, while continuing to destroy their habitat to suit our needs. It is an 'us or them' fight now. What do you value more? Exotic timber in your home, that big yard with cleared land, fuel to burn to power your home and car (the search for oil for example, is seeing us now contemplating destroying the habitat of thousands of animals) or saving animals from extinction?

i personally cant tell all of the locals this because i cant communicate with them all, (language barrier). but others are teaching them this and there are a few good organisations in india wich promote this type of thing.

and personaly i dont buy imported timber products, i always buy things that are either from sustainable sources, or crafted localy. i do my part to protect and help the enviroment. i dont use a car to travel within london i use a bike or public transport. anybody who lives in inner london knows using your car to get around the city is stupid. i recycle everything i eat local in season fruit and veg. i try my best to help the envoriment and i do alot more than most people. it costs me money and is expensive but atleast i care,

and to answer the question blunt i value the natural world more than modern wants of society. i go out into the wild for months at a time every single year. i do not need modern tech and superficial lifestyle to survive. yes i enjoy some luxury things but i think of the enviroment and am very eco conscious. im not a person who just says "fuck it".

i personally cant tell all of the locals this because i cant communicate with them all, (language barrier). but others are teaching them this and there are a few good organisations in india wich promote this type of thing.

and personaly i dont buy imported timber products, i always buy things that are either from sustainable sources, or crafted localy. i do my part to protect and help the enviroment. i dont use a car to travel within london i use a bike or public transport. anybody who lives in inner london knows using your car to get around the city is stupid. i recycle everything i eat local in season fruit and veg. i try my best to help the envoriment and i do alot more than most people. it costs me money and is expensive but atleast i care,

and to answer the question blunt i value the natural world more than modern wants of society. i go out into the wild for months at a time every single year. i do not need modern tech and superficial lifestyle to survive. yes i enjoy some luxury things but i think of the enviroment and am very eco conscious. im not a person who just says "fuck it".


Then wouldn't the charity be better spent to educate the coming generation to use renewable resources and to not destroy what little natural habitat we have left? It is all well and good to try to save the endangered animals, but without an environment for them to live in, it is a moot point.

You, as an individual, are doing the right thing. But what of the billions of others who are not? What of the billions of others who deem it acceptable to merely give away money to charity, without spending the time and effort to change their own lives to make a difference?

That is the thing with charity. It is easy to sign a check to make a difference. As a society we think it absolves us from responsibility and guilt. What we should be doing is donating time and effort into making a difference, whether it be with the environment or helping others. Giving money is easy. Giving time means we have to think of others, instead of just ourselves.
Then wouldn't the charity be better spent to educate the coming generation to use renewable resources and to not destroy what little natural habitat we have left? It is all well and good to try to save the endangered animals, but without an environment for them to live in, it is a moot point.

You, as an individual, are doing the right thing. But what of the billions of others who are not? What of the billions of others who deem it acceptable to merely give away money to charity, without spending the time and effort to change their own lives to make a difference?

That is the thing with charity. It is easy to sign a check to make a difference. As a society we think it absolves us from responsibility and guilt. What we should be doing is donating time and effort into making a difference, whether it be with the environment or helping others. Giving money is easy. Giving time means we have to think of others, instead of just ourselves.

people in developed nations like ours know what they should do to help the world, but they cant be bothered because they are selfish.

and as i said before yes we need to do everything you said your 100% right i agree totaly. but we cant beat around the bush when it comes to saving certain species because they could be gone in less than 10 years, before a tree can even grow they will be gone unless we act now to save them,

the individual alone can do hardly anything, but as a nation of individuals we can, the main players who can do things are the governments, celebs, rich tycoons and people like bill gates. those type of people can make huge changes. and if we all work together we can actualy fix the problems,

we need to advance further as a world, we need to turn things around before its too late. ages ago i did some calculations but they were on my old computer. and i worked out howmuch we could raise if all world governments, super rich people and everyday joes spared what they could. i took into consideration as many variables as i could. but the amount was staggering billions and billions, and we could have fixed nearly everything with it,

but ofcourse its not reality. but it could be if we werent assholes.
