Do you believe in any god, yes or no ?

Do you believe in any god ?

  • Yes, I am a theist.

    Votes: 22 36.7%
  • No, I am an atheist.

    Votes: 33 55.0%
  • I don't know.

    Votes: 5 8.3%

  • Total voters
Folks, having been in situations where death could come anytime, like in the jungles or rivers of Viet Nam you prayed to your higher being. Now that I am in a safe environment I still think there is a higher being. For those of you who are gamblers let me say this. When death is near, old age or whatever, it is better to believe in a higher being when you die than not. If its true and you believe, you win. If there is no God and you believe, you win. You can be a man of science and believe in a higher being. After what I see around a lot of dying people I have to tell you there is something going on. Maybe man is not the last step before spiritual death...maybe there is something more. Maybe not.
Folks, having been in situations where death could come anytime, like in the jungles or rivers of Viet Nam you prayed to your higher being.

If you are a theist, sure. If you aren't then not at all.

Now that I am in a safe environment I still think there is a higher being.

Too bad. I hope you get over it.

For those of you who are gamblers let me say this.

I smell the stink of Pascal's wager...

When death is near, old age or whatever, it is better to believe in a higher being when you die than not.

No, it is better to have the courage of your convictions. If you don't believe and you stick to it, and there is a god, she will pat you on the back and say "So you got that one wrong. I'm proud of you for sticking by what you knew inspite of the pressure to conform."

But if there is a god and you believe just cause you want to play it safe god will say "You base coward. Get out of my sight until you grow a pair."
Folks, having been in situations where death could come anytime, like in the jungles or rivers of Viet Nam you prayed to your higher being.

While others* have shouted 'where is God?'

In this world bad things happen and good things happen.
Good things are God's providence, while bad things are apparently caused by mortal fault. Put quite simply, the idea is ridiculous and wholly transparent.
If there is some higher force governing the universe, I do not believe that it is the Biblical God. Of course there is no way I can be truly certain of anything, but true certainty is extremely rare in any aspect of our lives.

*specifically a woman during the WW2 Holocaust - a Polish Jew - before she was shot.
hmm that begs the question is there other inteligent life out there, are UFOs real? i believe in that more than a god i chose i dont know
M*W: Not only do I not believe in god, I don't believe in people who believe in god.